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How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day?

10-22-2022 , 02:07 PM
I know there is a thread about Coronavirus but I'm more interested in getting a wider picture about the sentiment people have regarding the virus these days. I see many experts criticizing the ''let it rip'' strategy most countries have adopted, with practically no mitigation policies in place and putting all trust on the immunity we've built these last years. The consensus in the scientific community seems to be that the biggest threat to society -I strongly emphasize society- comes from long covid rather than hospitalizations/deaths.
How do you feel about covid? Do you give it some thought now and then or have you completely forgotten about it?
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 02:20 PM
I tried to create a poll but it doesn't seem to work; the options were:
A thing of the past; we're completely done with it and it doesn't worry me the least.
I pay almost no attention to it.
I think the situation is under control yet we should be cautious.
I'm mildly worried about it and I think governments should do more to mitigate the spread.
I'm really worried about it.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 02:43 PM
If you're interested in getting a wide view of covid sentiment, you probably won't find it here due to sampling bias-- but for me personally, I never cared about covid.

I still do silently judge the very few people I see out wearing masks.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If you're interested in getting a wide view of covid sentiment, you probably won't find it here due to sampling bias-- but for me personally, I never cared about covid.

I still do silently judge the very few people I see out wearing masks.
Why judge them ?
Maybe they , or someone living with them , or their work places , have people with chronic or important respiratory problems where having covid would be dangerous , who knows …..

And even if they don’t , nothing wrong for them to protect themselves if they wish .
Doesn’t hurt anyone and they don’t impose anything on you …
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 04:07 PM
zero threat
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Why judge them ?
Maybe they , or someone living with them , or their work places , have people with chronic or important respiratory problems where having covid would be dangerous , who knows …..

And even if they don’t , nothing wrong for them to protect themselves if they wish .
Doesn’t hurt anyone and they don’t impose anything on you …
I'm not sure why I judge but it probably has something to do with being human.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Why judge them ?
Maybe they , or someone living with them , or their work places , have people with chronic or important respiratory problems where having covid would be dangerous , who knows …..

And even if they don’t , nothing wrong for them to protect themselves if they wish .
Doesn’t hurt anyone and they don’t impose anything on you …
have you been in an airport lately? the mask wearers are comical. it's never just one person. they travel in packs right down to their toddlers in masks. i feel bad for the kids.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
have you been in an airport lately? the mask wearers are comical. it's never just one person. they travel in packs right down to their toddlers in masks. i feel bad for the kids.
Do you feel bad for toddlers/kids when parents wear helmet cycling beside them at 3-4km/h ?

Dangers are about equivalent shrug .
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
zero threat
Lol someone who has scratches form trying to eat with a fork in the room.

1 million deaths in USA = 0 threat, because fox news etc etc.

Also before you go derp narrative 101 and spew some shyte about fake numbers etc, do you even excess deaths bro?
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Do you feel bad for toddlers/kids when parents wear helmet cycling beside them at 3-4km/h ?

Dangers are about equivalent shrug .
um, no?
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
Lol someone who has scratches form trying to eat with a fork in the room.

1 million deaths in USA = 0 threat, because fox news etc etc.

Also before you go derp narrative 101 and spew some shyte about fake numbers etc, do you even excess deaths bro?
are you old and incredibly obese like half of our country?

if the answer is no then please stop pretending you care about covid
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
um, no?
Why no ?
U think I have more chance to die from a bicycle accident instead of covid ?
Especially cycling at 5km/h ?
Lol …..??
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Why no ?
U think I have more chance to die from a bicycle accident instead of covid ?
Especially cycling at 5km/h ?
Lol …..??
are you 500 lbs?
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Why no ?
U think I have more chance to die from a bicycle accident instead of covid ?
Especially cycling at 5km/h ?
Lol …..??
It can be hard to keep your balance going that slow. And if you fell and hit your head then you could die pretty easily. You'd be safer going a bit faster.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by ShoeMakerLevy9
I know there is a thread about Coronavirus but I'm more interested in getting a wider picture about the sentiment people have regarding the virus these days.
OK. So why did we need a new thread, let alone two more?

Edit to add: I see you requested the other thread to be deleted (best way to do this would be a post report; I'll delete it now), but I'm still not sure why this needs a new thread.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
have you been in an airport lately? the mask wearers are comical. it's never just one person. they travel in packs right down to their toddlers in masks. i feel bad for the kids.
This is another situation in which people who live in mainly red areas like to pretend that behavior is very different in blue areas than it really is.

I live in NYC. At this point, I don't know a single person who is refraining from any activity because of concern about Covid.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 08:15 PM
I'm just glad we get to rehash the same convos and ridiculous comparisons 2 years later
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 09:39 PM
Yes I'm basically over it now. Time to get on with life.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
are you 500 lbs?
Maybe u should reread my comments earlier , if u think going very slow on a bike (cycling with kids) is more dangerous then covid and because of that u need an helmet .
No idea what 500 pounds got anything to do with that .

Clearly a lot more problems happened with covid then bike accidents .
I never heard healthcare care system being near collapsing for an influx of bicycle accidents , certainly not in the 70s either where their was 0 helmet (or near 0) for cycling , but hey , U can believe w.e u want for covid being less dangerous …..
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
OK. So why did we need a new thread, let alone two more?

Edit to add: I see you requested the other thread to be deleted (best way to do this would be a post report; I'll delete it now), but I'm still not sure why this needs a new thread.
I tried to add a poll but a bug got in the middle. I thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread only focused on the perception people have of covid rather than something more scientific like vaccines, variants and so on. This is fundamentally a thread about society and its sentiment/behavior about covid. Anyway you might be right to say no aditional thread was needed.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-22-2022 , 10:10 PM
it's amusing because 2500-3000 people are still dying every week in the US due to covid according to the 21 day average. and the exact same people that will consume dozens of hours of tucker carlson talking about an increase of 1-2 murders meaning crime rates are INSANE HIGH, think covid is not real.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-23-2022 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by ShoeMakerLevy9
I tried to add a poll but a bug got in the middle. I thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread only focused on the perception people have of covid rather than something more scientific like vaccines, variants and so on. This is fundamentally a thread about society and its sentiment/behavior about covid. Anyway you might be right to say no aditional thread was needed.
Fair enough. I don't think the thread would look a lot different than the existing one, but maybe that's just me.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-23-2022 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
are you old and incredibly obese like half of our country?

if the answer is no then please stop pretending you care about covid
Given the demographic of this forum, it would seem most then need to worry about Covid (as per your conditions), including likely yourself. That is unless you are a Gen Z that created your posting account here when you were a toddler.

All the best.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-24-2022 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If you're interested in getting a wide view of covid sentiment, you probably won't find it here due to sampling bias-- but for me personally, I never cared about covid.

I still do silently judge the very few people I see out wearing masks.
I echo this sentiment. That said, this will never be anything more than silent judgement - I respect their chose, just like they should respect mine to not wear a mask.

Most of the people who died of Covid early in the pandemic likely did so due to severe mishandling by hospitals (use of respirators etc.).

Most of the people who dies of Covid these days are not dying from Covid, but merely tested positive on admission.

Overall it represents almost no threat to anyone, and the world has a million other problems that should get more focus/attention than Covid.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
10-24-2022 , 07:24 AM
If someone refuses to wear a mask when they are mandated, its a fact not opinion that they are a deeply deeply selfish individual.

Wearing a mask has no downside, it requires no effort or sacrifice from the individual concerned.

Thus it only has have a tiny upside for any individual with even the tiniest quantum of social concern and regard to others to consider it obligatory.
How much of a threat does Coronavirus represent in the present day? Quote
