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Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread)

10-21-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Blah blah....because I point out that people with kids are being enabled does not mean I think we should pull the support. Your constant need to paint me as evil using disingenius arguments is tiresome, especially when when you ban me for calling you out....I get it though, its the way I call you out. You think I'm saying something bad. Well **** you.
You see no issue with painting wanting kids to have a home and food to eat as "enabling" them?

The word 'enable" imputes a lot of negative aspects onto being poor. It blames the poor for being poor and implies that the poor are engaging in destructive behavior.

Blaming the poor for being poor is just the absolute worst attitude to have, imo, and that is probably the #1 excuse rightys fall back upon when asked why they don't want to help others. The bootstraps myth is just super harmful when you are talking about trying to improve society as a whole.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I forgot the part where they were supposedly fascistic and would lead to the dictatorial overthrow of the Republic.

Thankfully nobody uses that argument today.
Yeah, I think IHIV experiencing some cognitive dissonance, whereby socialism is a terrible blight on society, except of course for the very specific and narrowly crafted forms of socialism that would have helped him when he needed it.

Not too dissimilar to lagtight's argument that moderators should appear to be impartial, apart from when those moderators are judges sitting in a conservative majority Supreme court. I wonder what these two posters might have in common?
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
So not wanting kids to be homeless = government "enabling" those with kids, and singles are allowed to be homeless because "patriarchy"? Seems like a pretty resentful worldview. It almost sounds to me like you are angry that you received no assistance while others did and have decided that the entire system is therefore of no value.
most people would think hey, we should help the single person as well. but not ihiv. his galaxy brain is like, nope we should remove any help for everyone.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Yet your arguments is a near carbon-copy of the rhetoric used to argue against the dawn of US welfare programs in the '30s. "Social philosophy very different from the traditional philosophies of the American people", "destroy the very foundations of American society" and "socialistic" to quote mr. Hoover himself.
What am I arguing against? Which social policy?
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
You see no issue with painting wanting kids to have a home and food to eat as "enabling" them?

The word 'enable" imputes a lot of negative aspects onto being poor. It blames the poor for being poor and implies that the poor are engaging in destructive behavior.

Blaming the poor for being poor is just the absolute worst attitude to have, imo, and that is probably the #1 excuse rightys fall back upon when asked why they don't want to help others. The bootstraps myth is just super harmful when you are talking about trying to improve society as a whole.

JFC read the ****** question that was asked of me....

Like I said progressives don't understand poor people or why a significant amount of them are poor. And yes I am responsible for the decisions I made that led to me to be homeless many many times, so was the overwhelming number of people that were homeless with me.

One of the first things you learn in treatment and that you get educated on is taking responsibility.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
You see no issue with painting wanting kids to have a home and food to eat as "enabling" them?

The word 'enable" imputes a lot of negative aspects onto being poor. It blames the poor for being poor and implies that the poor are engaging in destructive behavior.

Blaming the poor for being poor is just the absolute worst attitude to have, imo, and that is probably the #1 excuse rightys fall back upon when asked why they don't want to help others. The bootstraps myth is just super harmful when you are talking about trying to improve society as a whole.
How can you expect IHIV to remain level-headed when confronted with such radical leftist rhetoric? Invitation to perform auto-fellatio incoming in 3-2-1...
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I've cited it many times before, and I will again when I get to my computer.
There is little chance that your evidence about giving rates in conservative v. liberal areas will support the statement you actually made, which was:

Charity is not a value within wealthy lefist housholds, for the most part.
And if your evidence is some combination of Arthur Brooks and George Will, it's worth reading the following to put that study in context.

Last edited by Rococo; 10-21-2020 at 01:58 PM.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
You see no issue with painting wanting kids to have a home and food to eat as "enabling" them?

The word 'enable" imputes a lot of negative aspects onto being poor. It blames the poor for being poor and implies that the poor are engaging in destructive behavior.

Blaming the poor for being poor is just the absolute worst attitude to have, imo, and that is probably the #1 excuse rightys fall back upon when asked why they don't want to help others. The bootstraps myth is just super harmful when you are talking about trying to improve society as a whole.
You don't have to impute based on the word "enable." He literally and explicitly blames the poor for beeing poor.

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
An overwhelming amount of homeless people are homeless due to bad decisions. These folks are chronic homeless due to this. Its a willful ignorance and lack of desire to really change their circumstances.
And he thinks kicking them while they're down is the cure:

In order to help, you have to be willing to let them suffer. The suffering has to be more painful than the treatment (in their minds). The treatment is education and mental health services...not providing cash, housing to people who are just looking for a place to stay. Thats just enabling.
Never mind that giving people money and/or housing unconditionally has shown to improve mental health, decision making, and overall well being more than making aid conditioned upon seeking treatment first in numerous experiments around the world, itshot wants these people to be shamed and to suffer for being poor.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Yet your arguments is a near carbon-copy of the rhetoric used to argue against the dawn of US welfare programs in the '30s. "Social philosophy very different from the traditional philosophies of the American people", "destroy the very foundations of American society" and "socialistic" to quote mr. Hoover himself.
people dont really get taught that if the conservatives would have stayed in power during the Great Depression then it would have absolutely destroyed our country. The Hoover administration had already made it much worse with their initial policies. They continued to campaign on and promote austerity.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
JFC read the ****** question that was asked of me....

Like I said progressives don't understand poor people or why they're poor.
this is probably true to some extent. but progressives are better than liberals or conservatives. and thats why I am a socialist.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:55 PM
I've mentioned this a couple of times in the past: one thing I've noticed is pretty much a constant amongst all right wingers is that they are completely incapable of understanding ideas without relating them to their own personal experiences. In this example, IHIV genuinely believes that the only causes of being poor or homeless that exist in the world are those which made him poor and homeless.

I could posit that this phenomenon arises because, as a group, they are dumbasses who lack the capacity for abstract thought, or it's because they lack empathy, but I really have no idea - the observation itself has so far proved to be infallible, though. In fact, I've found it to be a completely reliable predictor of someone's political leanings - strike up a conversation about something totally abstract, like quantum mechanics, and see if they keep trying to relate it back to a personal experience they've had.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:57 PM
Okay, you all failed me give me my f****** money.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 10-21-2020 at 01:57 PM. Reason: It would have ended up in a slot machine
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Okay, you all failed me give me my f****** money.
Yes. this is how it should be. we have enough wealth, resources, and technology in current society that everyone should be given a basic level of human rights.

instead, we give all of the excess to the rich. why do you want to give so much to the rich?
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:59 PM
Pop quiz:

What's the difference between a recovering addict and an addict? Other than one not using drugs anymore, what distinguishes the two? They all of sudden got luckier?
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Pop quiz:

What's the difference between a recovering addict and an addict? Other than one not using drugs anymore, what distinguishes the two? They all of sudden got luckier?
While I believe it's true that addiction does disproportionately affect poor people, it is often an effect of being poor rather than a cause of it. As I said in my post above, not everything revolves around your personal experiences, at least try to think a little bit bigger.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
While I believe it's true that addiction does disproportionately affect poor people, it is often an effect of being poor rather than a cause of it. As I said in my post above, not everything revolves around your personal experiences, at least try to think a little bit bigger.
So you really think if you give a crackhead a million dollars they're going to stop being a crackhead?
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:05 PM
The only difference between a recovering addict and addict, other than one not using drugs, is the way they think about things and the decisions they make. Further, instead of treating their mental health issues (if they have them, which many do) with drugs, alcohol, and gambling they go see a counselor. Through education they learn coping skills they didn't have before.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 10-21-2020 at 02:15 PM.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:10 PM
Substance abuse affects an enormous amount of homeless people, and is likely the single largest causative factor for homelessness.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
So you really think if you give a crackhead a million dollars they're going to stop being a crackhead?
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The only difference between a recovering addict and addict, other than one not using drugs, is the way they think about things and the decisions they make.
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Substance abuse affects an enormous amount of homeless people.
Try and take a step back and think about what's being said. Causes and effects, that sort of thing.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I'm leaving.

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Blah blah....because I point out that people with kids are being enabled does not mean I think we should pull the support. Your constant need to paint me as evil using disingenius arguments is tiresome, especially when when you ban me for calling you out....I get it though, its the way I call you out. You think I'm saying something bad. Well **** you.
That went well
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Try and take a step back and think about what's being said. Causes and effects, that sort of thing.
You don't hit the street and become an addict. You become an addict then you hit the street.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

That went well
I was just changing my screen name because I'm not in Vegas anymore. Which is what I intend to do pretty soon here, still.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I'll start:

"A liberal is someone who donates his neighbor's money to charity."
Conservatives are Happily bringing back other people's money to their own states. The redstates don't seem to mind taking from other states so they can subsidize their low-tax fantasy.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You don't hit the street and become an addict. You become an addict then you hit the street.
People who hit the streets due to addiction tend to be from poor communities in the first place, DUCY?
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I was just changing my screen name because I'm not in Vegas anymore. Which is what I intend to do pretty soon here, still.
Lol, because when people are changing their screen name, they just make the pronouncement "I'm leaving" with no further qualification. Makes perfect sense.
Homelessness and Poverty (excised from FCC thread) Quote
