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Higher "education" Higher "education"

06-01-2019 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
he keeps reposting the texas high school wrestler who was transitioning female->male, and was DENIED entry into the mens event because of anti-lgtbq Texas bull****. as if that would somehow gotcha! somebody or prove some point.

he has no point. it's just anti-lgbtq trolling.
Originally Posted by Victor
The issue that juan has is that he's a liar. That boy wanted to wrestle in the male division but Texas says one must compete with their birth sex.
Originally Posted by TheLurkingPhoenix
Are you for real? You just got caught straight up lying again.
This seems like an interesting place to start. I’m making the point this is relevant and not just hypothetical and people are pushing back on that. In addition to posting the absolute dog **** coming out of the gender studies departments I go on to post examples of how this is leaking in the world in a very real way.

Where exactly is this lie? What is the lie? So weird

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah man, I know. I could read your post. You are expecting some sort of reasonable leftist to push back against the loonies when it's not clear at all that the loonies exist at all, have any real power, or deserve to be pushed back against at all. You're painting caricatures of trans rights activists and arguing against them, while at the same time assuming a bunch of bull**** about both gender identity and its leftist advocates.
Originally Posted by jjjou812
The reason you got jumped on for the textbook is that everyone knows it is pure bull****. Maybe CAL or Oberlin has taught a single course for a single semester on this subject but no textbook exists, you know it. We should call the school from the ytube video? Come on.
Originally Posted by juan valdez
let's be clear, this is kind of a new movement that is growing. The real world consequences matter and it's beyond a hypothetical discussion at this point. The ideology is out there in the real world and unfolding. It's definitely something that is relevant and worth taking notice


I think this gives a good idea of how the ideology has leaked out in to the real world. Is any of this over the line? Shouldn't people be free to discuss these issues without threat of violating human rights code? I haven't even got in to children being diagnosed trans and given hormone blockers with serious and irreversible effects
One example I showed is a story of a girl transitioning to boy participating in highschool wrestling

Originally Posted by coordi
I think the issue JV has is that the boy is probably on T therapy and wrestling girls.
Yeah testosterone is a performance enhancing drug and is banned in regulated sports If you take exogenous T you will be banned. Vitor Belfort was one of the guy in MMA that found a loop hole to get a T.U.E. and was able to take it legally. The difference in looks and performance was significant

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Oh man, massive lols at putting up a pic of a trans boy wrestling a cis girl as something offensive when that trans boy wants to wrestle cis boys and is denied by the state. LOLOLOLOLOLOL, what a massively disingenuous citation.
What on earth is the matter with you? It’s totally relevant to the subject matter and interesting on multiple levels. This is a message board. This is a place for people to discuss ideas. You would think you would have a grasp on that as you approach 100k posts and especially considering your participation in politics. You seem to take this tribal binary approach where you can discuss things with your tribe but then just hurl empty attacks at others with zero ability to formulate an actual pov. I’ve even predicted you would do this itt and you proved me right. You seem to have been able to demonstrate you understand the difference between transgender and intersex. I’m not sure why you felt the need to express that, but good for you.

This story doesn’t just deal with T in sports, it can branch off in a bunch of different directions. Keep in mind, this is a message board after all

Originally Posted by juan valdez
I haven't even got in to children being diagnosed trans and given hormone blockers with serious and irreversible effects
This is a story of a child in their parents custody who wrestles in high school. They are having hormone treatments. Should we be giving children exogenous hormones, blockers, etc? What are the effects? Side effects? I’ve heard it can sterilize them. Should we be sterilizing minors? Another poster just chimed in they didn’t feel comfortable competing against women in that way.

Fallon Fox is a female MMA fighter who transitioned after living a full life in to adulthood as a man. Operation and all. She didn’t tell some of her opponents about all this and you can watch her wreck them.

Another interesting case of boundaries and testosterone in sports

If Semenya wants to keep participating in her specialty, the 800 meters, at major international competitions, she faces some hard choices: take hormone-suppressing drugs and reduce her testosterone levels below five nanomoles per liter for six months before competing, and maintain those lowered levels; compete against men; or enter competitions for intersex athletes, if any are offered. Otherwise, she would not be allowed to run the 800 at prestigious competitions like the Olympics.

All of this is real. All of this can be discussed. It can go off in plenty of directions. It seems to me the most common reaction is emotion based insults though. That reaction is coming from same people who can't seem to change even if you spell it out for them. Try formulating an opinion, position, argument or counterargument. The empty insults and attacks are useless and totally uninteresting

Last edited by well named; 06-01-2019 at 04:40 PM.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 04:22 PM
Man, never would have guessed that juan, after making a claim that a guy talking about how biological sex is nonbinary is spreading pseudoscience, continues with zero reflection or introspection after being proven 100% wrong.

juan valdez:

It seems to me the most common reaction is emotion based insults though.
Also juan valdez, in the same post:

I think the best excuse should be to claim you had too many Bacardi breezers [since removed --wn]

Last edited by well named; 06-01-2019 at 04:41 PM.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Wiki
He stated in Time magazine that "Male to female transsexuals have significantly less muscle strength and bone density, and higher fat mass, than males"[11] and said that, to be licensed, transgender female fighters must undergo complete "surgical anatomical changes ..., including external genitalia and gonadectomy and subsequently a minimum of two years of hormone replacement therapy, administered by a board certified specialist. In general concurrence with peer-reviewed scientific literature,[19] he states this to be "the current understanding of the minimum amount of time necessary to obviate male hormone gender related advantages in sports competition". Vilain reviewed Fox's medical records and said she has "clearly fulfilled all conditions."[2] When asked if Fox could, nonetheless, be stronger than her competitors, Vilain replied that it was possible, but noted that "sports is made up of competitors who, by definition, have advantages for all kinds of genetics reasons".
I definitely find that last sentence to be a bit dubious. Does transitioning address bone density, or bio-mechanical differences in the hips and legs?

Here is an interesting paper on the complex differences in sex-based muscle composition
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 05:36 PM
One example I showed is a story of a girl transitioning to boy participating in highschool wrestling
OK, if you don't think that trans boys should wrestle cis girls, then what is your argument? That trans boys should wrestle with cis boys, or that trans athletes should be banned from all athletic competition entirely? It sure seems like you have little interest in finding a nuanced position where trans people are allowed to compete in athletics, or even that your disgust with trans people is limited to wanting to ban them from any sort of athletic competition, but rather that you think they don't belong in public spaces at all.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 05:56 PM
I think you guys are locking JV into a position of alt-right and trying to argue against his stance as people on the left and not looking at the overarching point of inconsistent gender science being applied across the board, which I think is part of what hes trying to say with this.

I'm hesitant to speak for him, but I do want to help bridge the gap that seems obvious to me.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 06:10 PM
I'm trying to get him to articulate a ****ing point instead of just posting a picture and declaring victory.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
OK, if you don't think that trans boys should wrestle cis girls, then what is your argument? That trans boys should wrestle with cis boys, or that trans athletes should be banned from all athletic competition entirely? It sure seems like you have little interest in finding a nuanced position where trans people are allowed to compete in athletics, or even that your disgust with trans people is limited to wanting to ban them from any sort of athletic competition, but rather that you think they don't belong in public spaces at all.
What would be your position on banning if trans women start to dominate women's Olympic or even collegiate podiums? Mine would be that they have an unfair advantage and shouldn't be allowed to compete above the high school level.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 06:44 PM
JV apparently does not realize that PEDs (hormones, testosterone and anabolic steroid classes) have been issues in sports since the 1960s and while the delivery and detection systems has become more sophisticated, the elementary issue has always been using chemicals produced in males to make athletes of both genders stronger, faster and lower bodyfat composition.

Why the old system cannot regulate the sports and the use of these drugs for transitioning athletes has not been explained by his pictionary victory speeches.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by John21
What would be your position on banning if trans women start to dominate women's Olympic or even collegiate podiums? Mine would be that they have an unfair advantage and shouldn't be allowed to compete above the high school level.
what is your position that genetically gifted/different individuals already dominate sports over non genetically gifted/different individuals?

what is your position on the kenyan female runner that has naturally higher testosterone production that(JV keeps falsley labeling as trans) being discriminated against?
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by John21
What would be your position on banning if trans women start to dominate women's Olympic or even collegiate podiums? Mine would be that they have an unfair advantage and shouldn't be allowed to compete above the high school level.
I am not sure what the line should be, but I am sure that it should not be "this photograph makes me feel uncomfortable, therefore the trans person should be banned." I would be uncomfortable articulating my own line without hearing more from trans athletes of who would wish to compete.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
what is your position that genetically gifted/different individuals already dominate sports over non genetically gifted/different individuals?
I'm fine with that.

what is your position on the kenyan female runner that has naturally higher testosterone production that(JV keeps falsley labeling as trans) being discriminated against?
I don't know enough about the particulars in that case, but in a general sense I'm okay with excluding extreme outliers of any sort from sport.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 07:24 PM
Since it's not directly related to higher education, I'd like to move this discussion about transgender athletes here instead: Transgender athletes and segregating sports by sex. If I was smart enough to move some existing posts there and have them appear after my new OP I would do that, but I'm not sure I am, so just move future replies there or I will :P

Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 12:28 PM

Did you ever answer the question as to why it matters if some colleges teach fat studies courses or some sociology professors hold the opinion that there are many or infinite genders or that gender studies courses/majors exist? I think that is a question that if answered might provide some more useful insight. Frankly, I don’t see why anyone would care?
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn

Did you ever answer the question as to why it matters if some colleges teach fat studies courses or some sociology professors hold the opinion that there are many or infinite genders or that gender studies courses/majors exist? I think that is a question that if answered might provide some more useful insight. Frankly, I don’t see why anyone would care?
Well, one concern is it would appear the concepts taught in such courses are being weaponized to stifle open inquiry and debate, and control speech.

I don’t think it is coincidental that activists that undergo such speech/inquiry stifling activities to great success disproportionately come from these disciplines.

I can’t dredge it up right now, but there is some study floating around the “ether” indicating that a majority of college student today support censorship of “hate speech,” which is a pretty radical shift from not too long ago.

You may or may not agree that Peterson is giving Derrida way too much credit for this, but it appears reasonable to draw a line from activism from disciplines grounded in critical theory and intersectionality to this phenomenon.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 12:54 PM
Yelling at someone that they are an ******* isn't censorship. Hope this helps.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yelling at someone that they are an ******* isn't censorship. Hope this helps.
It sounds to me like you are denying my lived experience. As a cis white male, it is clear to me you are doing this as a means of oppression and continuing the vicious, racist cycle of patriarchal white supremacy

“Hey hey, ho ho. MR Wookie have got to go”
“Hey hey ho ho. These racist cops have got to go”
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I can’t dredge it up right now, but there is some study floating around the “ether” indicating that a majority of college student today support censorship of “hate speech,” which is a pretty radical shift from not too long ago.
I've seen a few surveys related to college students (or millennials more broadly) views on speech.

Knight Foundation with Gallup (2017)

Knight + Gallup 2016

Pew (2015)

So the 2015 Pew study headline is "40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities". Millennials are not substitutable for college students though.

In the 2016 Knight Foundation survey 27% of college students said that colleges should be able to restrict expression of potentially offensive political views, but 63% said that colleges should be able to restrict students from wearing costumes which stereotype racial/ethnic groups.

The 2017 version has this question:

I think the distinction students are drawing between "intentionally offensive" slurs and "offensive political views" is pretty reasonable from the standpoint of balancing the goals of freedom of expression and inclusion, personally.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:29 PM
30% agreeing that upsetting political views should be censored is pretty damn high, and suggests a radical paradigm shift has occurred IMO.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:39 PM
I've not seen a much older survey to compare the number to in order to tell whether it is in fact a radical shift. I wouldn't presume that it is, but maybe.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
30% agreeing that upsetting political views should be censored is pretty damn high, and suggests a radical paradigm shift has occurred IMO.
is it? are there polling numbers from previous time periods?

the pew research i have seen say 25% of boomers think speech against minorities should be censored versus 40% of millennials. i dont know if thats exactly "radical". also America has a whole is 28%-67% where the other nations polled were 65-35 the other direction..

i'd be interested to see the break down on different things that boomers think should be censored. these polls show they are in favor of free speech when i would bet they are most definitely not as accepting when it comes to minorities/other religious groups having the same freedoms.

for example, my super conservative boomer god-mother, would absolutely say free speech is important and is mad that twitter is banning people, but she would also 100% encourage and participate in a Quran burning

Last edited by Slighted; 06-03-2019 at 01:45 PM.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
30% agreeing that upsetting political views should be censored is pretty damn high, and suggests a radical paradigm shift has occurred IMO.
Do you have any evidence that a shift has even occurred? What have these numbers been historically? 30% amongst college-age people doesn’t sound surprising.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:46 PM
It looks like you can find a comparison here, albeit only for students at one university, which seems a bit problematic to me.

I'm not a huge fan of the way they've worded some of their questions either, because it leaves things a bit fuzzier than the wording used by Gallup.

But, I would accept it as some evidence of a likely shift. Hard to say the exact size though though given the different questions, and the limitations of the sample from one university.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, one concern is it would appear the concepts taught in such courses are being weaponized to stifle open inquiry and debate, and control speech.

I don’t think it is coincidental that activists that undergo such speech/inquiry stifling activities to great success disproportionately come from these disciplines.

I can’t dredge it up right now, but there is some study floating around the “ether” indicating that a majority of college student today support censorship of “hate speech,” which is a pretty radical shift from not too long ago.

You may or may not agree that Peterson is giving Derrida way too much credit for this, but it appears reasonable to draw a line from activism from disciplines grounded in critical theory and intersectionality to this phenomenon.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by “great success”?

Also, I would guess that way more people don’t understand what type of speech is protected under the Constitution than think speech should be censored in some way. To me, that’s certainly a bigger issue.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 01:50 PM
Jonathan Haidt has a heterodox academy website where he uses a lot of statistics to make these kind of arguments about trends towards increasing censorship on campus (his hypothesis). But we might have to check with Fly first whether this is a morally acceptable website to go to or not.
Higher "education" Quote
06-03-2019 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
It sounds to me like you are denying my lived experience. As a cis white male, it is clear to me you are doing this as a means of oppression and continuing the vicious, racist cycle of patriarchal white supremacy

“Hey hey, ho ho. MR Wookie have got to go”
“Hey hey ho ho. These racist cops have got to go”
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”

Charitable take.
Higher "education" Quote
