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05-31-2019 , 07:17 PM
I’ll get back to the rest later but I find it interesting a Bernie bro professor who spent 15 years at an extremely liberal, diverse evergreen state is now a conservative.

I think this really shows how misinformation campaigns can work both ways.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez


This seems like a bad idea

According to the dailycaller. Let me know if this is fake news
I know you think that the house bill supported by democrats deals solely with allowing transgender athletes to compete with women.

Here are the findings in support of adding LGBQ protection as a class in the current title VII statute. The entire bill can be found here|:

The purpose is to not allow lgbq discrimination in public accomodations, credit, employment, education and housing. As Title VII was historically used to force schools to create women's sports at the college level, these changes to this statute would obviously also impact college sports.

However, you post and act like the only purpose of the bill is to allow transgender males to complete with ciswomen, which, as expected, is patently false.

Last edited by well named; 05-31-2019 at 11:09 PM. Reason: snipped lengthy quote for readability
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I know you think that the house bill supported by democrats deals solely with allowing transgender athletes to compete with women.

Here are the findings in support of adding LGBQ protection as a class in the current title VII statute. The entire bill can be found here|:

The purpose is to not allow discrimination in public accomodations, credit, employment, education and housing.

As Title VII was historically used to force schools to create women's sports at the college level, these changes to this statute would obviously also impact college sports. However, you act like the only purpose of the bill is to allow transgender males to complete with ciswomen, which, as expected, is patently false.
No you don't. I'm not sure why you would insert that

Can you skip to the part where you actually formulate a justification for what we see in womens sports? I didn't raise housing issues etc

Are we noticing a pattern yet?
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 07:56 PM
I still don't know what we're seeing in women's sports. I know Juan has posted various things involving transgendered people but until I hear an actual theory, hypothesis, or anything resembling a thesis I'm just filling it under the "huh, that's a thing involving transgendered people" category

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 05-31-2019 at 08:12 PM.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
What a weird thing to say. "Literally hunted by armed student activists"? Sounds to me like you are saying that these students were searching through campus with guns trying to kill Weinstein. Is that really what you think happened?
I relistened to the first hour of his Rogan podcast on the way home from work, so I am more familiar with the incident than I was this morning when I was going off of memory.

Well, he said the police chief called him the day after the riots and told him she believed students were hunting him and told him not to go to work (and to the best of my knowledge he was subsequently told to never go to work again by the administration). He said it wasn't clear what the students intentions were if they found him, and it probably wasn't clear to them either.

I think what happened was (going off of 1+ year old memory of what happened) I got that event conflated with another incident a couple week laters where there really was armed student militias patrolling in response to some right wing activism going on at the time, which can be viewed as more reasonable.

Regardless, I think it is EXTREMELY charitable to view this episode as acceptable expression of freedom of speech, which was the original premise, although it appears goalposts have shifted to a premise something along the lines of, "non conservatives get bullied too" (ignoring the reality this person wasn't even a conservative by any reasonable definition to begin with)
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I still don't know what we're seeing in women's sports. I know Juan has posted various things involving transgendered people but until I hear an actual theory, hypothesis, or anything resembling a thesis I'm just filling it under the "huh, that's a thing involving transgendered people" category
People born male who identify as female are entering women's sports and indications are they are generally excelling due to genetic advantages conferred by their birth sex. I guess the question is whether you see this as a problem or not, and is probably tied in part to your notion of whether you believe that women's only sports should even be a thing in the first place.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I still don't know what we're seeing in women's sports. I know Juan has posted various things involving transgendered people but until I hear an actual theory, hypothesis, or anything resembling a thesis I'm just filling it under the "huh, that's a thing involving transgendered people" category
he keeps reposting the texas high school wrestler who was transitioning female->male, and was DENIED entry into the mens event because of anti-lgtbq Texas bull****. as if that would somehow gotcha! somebody or prove some point.

he has no point. it's just anti-lgbtq trolling.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 09:19 PM
Title XI not VII.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
So you care about people getting bullied or losing their jobs but then when someone brings it up, you remind conservatives that it happens to other people also. Biologists aren't "conservatives". Conservatives are a massive minority on campus. The majority of people being silenced are likely sane liberals. Actual liberals, not confused far left regressives

It's weird how this god level compassion and moral virtue works. "People getting bullied or losing their jobs is not something that only happens to conservatives". Well I guess it's just not a problem then... wait... weren't you originally claiming there's no problem? Yeah turns out you were right, in your view conservatives being bullied and silenced probably isn't a problem

Maybe you missed this

If this isn't ideology or pseudo science leaking in to the real world then feel free to explain to me how or why the things happening below are justified or a good idea. Prediction: you won't even attempt to
Well, thanks for quoting yourself doing exactly what I said you were doing, posting things you think are self-evidently arguments without any context or argument and then claiming that they are logical arguments when they are plainly things you've just had emotional responses to.

You don't understand the biology of sex if you think the guy at 10:50 who says that the biology of sex isn't strictly binary is peddling pseudoscience. Sex, referring strictly to chromosomes and body plans (not even getting into gender identity here) is not strictly binary, and that much is obvious to anyone who actually takes investigation into such things seriously. Yes, there are two dominant body plans in humans, but those aren't the only ones. People can be born with mirror image internal organs. Some people are born with ambiguous genitals. Some people are born with gonadal tissue that has part that looks like testes and part that looks like ovaries. Some people are born XX. Some people are born XY. Some people are born XY but end up with a female body plan due to androgen insensitivity. Some people are born XXY. Some people are born with some of their cells XX and some of their cells XY. Some people are born with some of their cells XY and some of their cells XXY. Some people are XX but the TDF from their father's Y chromosome recombined onto the X chromosome in that particular sperm, in which case they can develop testes.

If you think you know enough to classify all of these cases, plus those unmentioned or undiscovered, into two strict bins of male and female, please say so, so that we all can laugh at your hubris.

And again, this isn't even touching on gender expression and how it might be fallacious to call the above the "biological sex" of a person, as if gender identity of a person is totally separate from the cells that make them up.

Last edited by MrWookie; 05-31-2019 at 09:33 PM.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 10:54 PM
I don't know what is actually going on with women's sports and I don't care enough to research it, but I don't think that M => F trans people should be allowed to compete in women's sports.

I also don't think "men's" sports should be a thing. The divisions should be "open" (which will be ~all men) and "female".
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by TheLurkingPhoenix
I don't know what is actually going on with women's sports and I don't care enough to research it, but I don't think that M => F trans people should be allowed to compete in women's sports.

I also don't think "men's" sports should be a thing. The divisions should be "open" (which will be ~all men) and "female".
Well, one could read Wookie's last post to JV and use it as a backdrop to think how even coming up with a definition of female might be problematic.

Last edited by Kelhus999; 05-31-2019 at 11:29 PM.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
he keeps reposting the texas high school wrestler who was transitioning female->male, and was DENIED entry into the mens event because of anti-lgtbq Texas bull****. as if that would somehow gotcha! somebody or prove some point.

he has no point. it's just anti-lgbtq trolling.
Oh man, massive lols at putting up a pic of a trans boy wrestling a cis girl as something offensive when that trans boy wants to wrestle cis boys and is denied by the state. LOLOLOLOLOLOL, what a massively disingenuous citation.
Higher "education" Quote
05-31-2019 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, one could read Wookie's last post to JV and use it as a backdrop to think how even coming up with a definition of female might be problematic.
Biologically female.

I realize there are some intersex cases where difficulties arise but they are very rare.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheLurkingPhoenix
Biologically female.
I'm not opposed to a female division in sports, but this in particular is a nebulous distinction. Most such distinctions are.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I agree about the mismatch with doctors, high level physicists, and the small high skill niche roles that do require more visas in order to fulfill those roles, but in the scope over the overall economy those are too small to make a difference in the larger variance in wage rates compared to other countries.
Okay, let's say you're right. Assuming we're not going to increase employee skill through education, what's your plan to get businesses to pay their employees more?
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by John21
Okay, let's say you're right. Assuming we're not going to increase employee skill through education, what's your plan to get businesses to pay their employees more?
Having a tight labor market, sectoral bargining, increased unionization, employee co-ownership, mandating benefits, etc.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Oh man, massive lols at putting up a pic of a trans boy wrestling a cis girl as something offensive when that trans boy wants to wrestle cis boys and is denied by the state. LOLOLOLOLOLOL, what a massively disingenuous citation.
I'm a little busy to do it justice so maybe someone else could educate you for the time being? that would be fun, have at it people

Do you think this spastic outburst will end up being more or less embarrassing than the time i had to explain men are different than women to you?
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I'm a little busy to do it justice so maybe someone else could educate you for the time being? that would be fun, have at it people

Do you think this spastic outburst will end up being more or less embarrassing than the time i had to explain men are different than women to you?
How about you just spell out how you think the trans boy should compete? And then let us laugh at your hubris.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
If this isn't ideology or pseudo science leaking in to the real world then feel free to explain to me how or why the things happening below are justified or a good idea. Prediction: you won't even attempt to
Also, please comment on this.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Having a tight labor market, sectoral bargining, increased unionization, employee co-ownership, mandating benefits, etc.
Suppose we do all that and wages go up by 30% or whatever, but at the same time we haven’t increased productivity through increased employee education/skill. Since we’re effectively operating at full capacity, where are we going to get 30% more goods those employees will presumably want to buy?

On the other hand if we had increased their skill so that they're now 30% more productive, they'll produce 30% more stuff to consume. That - increasing employee education/skill - is the only non-alchemic way to do this. Put another way, in answer to the question of why wages aren’t going up for some is basically why should their wages be going up if they aren’t producing anymore than in the past, just because others who are producing more are getting paid more.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 02:18 AM
Growing up we just let the girls wrestle in the boys division. I think there was a female state champ in one of the powerhouse states back in the early 2000s. Was a pretty big deal at the time. We laughed at our boy Broc when he got pinned by a girl. Maybe there are enough girls wrestling to have their own division, which I think is awesome, because not many girls wrestled 15 years ago.

I think the issue JV has is that the boy is probably on T therapy and wrestling girls.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Growing up we just let the girls wrestle in the boys division. I think there was a female state champ in one of the powerhouse states back in the early 2000s. Was a pretty big deal at the time. We laughed at our boy Broc when he got pinned by a girl. Maybe there are enough girls wrestling to have their own division, which I think is awesome, because not many girls wrestled 15 years ago.
I wrestled in hs, too, but not with girls. Personally, I can’t imagine being that aggressive with girls, sport or not.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Growing up we just let the girls wrestle in the boys division. I think there was a female state champ in one of the powerhouse states back in the early 2000s. Was a pretty big deal at the time. We laughed at our boy Broc when he got pinned by a girl. Maybe there are enough girls wrestling to have their own division, which I think is awesome, because not many girls wrestled 15 years ago.

I think the issue JV has is that the boy is probably on T therapy and wrestling girls.
The issue that juan has is that he's a liar. That boy wanted to wrestle in the male division but Texas says one must compete with their birth sex.
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I'm a little busy to do it justice so maybe someone else could educate you for the time being? that would be fun, have at it people

Do you think this spastic outburst will end up being more or less embarrassing than the time i had to explain men are different than women to you?
Are you for real? You just got caught straight up lying again.

Originally Posted by coordi
Growing up we just let the girls wrestle in the boys division. I think there was a female state champ in one of the powerhouse states back in the early 2000s. Was a pretty big deal at the time. We laughed at our boy Broc when he got pinned by a girl. Maybe there are enough girls wrestling to have their own division, which I think is awesome, because not many girls wrestled 15 years ago.

I think the issue JV has is that the boy is probably on T therapy and wrestling girls.
Yeah dude, that does seem stupid.

Do you see any issue as using that as an example as the "left gone mad" when it is actually the left who wants him to be able to wrestle the boys and the right who stopped him?
Higher "education" Quote
06-01-2019 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Growing up we just let the girls wrestle in the boys division. I think there was a female state champ in one of the powerhouse states back in the early 2000s. Was a pretty big deal at the time. We laughed at our boy Broc when he got pinned by a girl. Maybe there are enough girls wrestling to have their own division, which I think is awesome, because not many girls wrestled 15 years ago.

I think the issue JV has is that the boy is probably on T therapy and wrestling girls.
this isnt against a single rule in highschool sports per the articles about him that pop up every year or so. there are most likely kids on PED's in highschool as is.

this has been said before since when is sports fair? people with genetic advantages have always been better at sports. michael phelps has significant genetic advantages wins a million gold medals and no one gives a ****. girl runner from kenya is born different and has genetic advantages and everyone freaks the **** out..
Higher "education" Quote
