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Gun Control and Mass Shootings Gun Control and Mass Shootings

09-03-2019 , 06:25 PM

As always in the gun control debate - the exact set of federal laws we still have are [unclear/ineffectual/we don't talk about them]. But any alteration of said laws - to make any type of gun slightly harder to get for any type of person is always [THE ROAD TO TYRANNY].

Existing background checks? Either ineffectual or unclear.

Tightening loopholes to require background checks for private sales and gun shows? You know that's the road to tyranny.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-03-2019 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by snowman
the problem is there has yet to be any reasonable compelling evidence.

just emotional rambling of the stoned;

Yea man let me smoke my weed , break into your house to steal and pay for it,

get behind the wheel and run down your kid

but FU you can't have a gun you might shoot me or my brother whilst we're robbing you.
Lo ****ing l
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-03-2019 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Lo ****ing l
Are you still against a person owning a shotgun for self defense?
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-04-2019 , 06:42 AM
Morning all

I'm off to brainwashing camp

We got a guest speaker today ; nancy Pelosi

she's going to tell us how to get a medical marijuana card

afterwards she's going to show us her conceal carry permit
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-04-2019 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
Are you still against a person owning a shotgun for self defense?
Nope. Never have been
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-04-2019 , 09:26 AM
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-05-2019 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Hume was appropriate to quote. I believe there is fairly good evidence that his description is more accurate portrayal of how we think and “reason” and ultimately what drives our decisions. I think modern neuroscience and CBT support the idea that we and our conscious thoughts are subservient in a sense to processes running subconsciously in our minds.
"Reason is and ought only be the slave of the passions" - Hume

I'll speak to this and hopefully bring to light Hume's difficulty.

A "passion" or "desire" , in his method of presentation appears to conjure up a subconscious realm to which thought is lacking . An example , to me appears clear as to what we are involved with.

"Hunger" is an impulse which we can all relate to, especially as children. It appears to come out of that darkness to which you are relating and so it does. Yet, which one of us are enslaved to the "hunger impulse" or inner "emotion" that we eat only when the impulse arises ? the answer is that we , by and large, manage that impulse and this is accomplished through "reason" or the realm of thoughts.

And so, instead of eating hither and thither we plan our meals and eat, as per example, at 7 AM, 12 noon, 6 PM and perhaps a snack in the evening. By planning our eating times we are no longer subservient to the cacophony of irregular eating times and in this we are strengthened.

We, literally, have "freed"ourselves from that realm which would reign over us irrationally; we have structured our very important nutritional basis for life.

Now, if you look at Hume's statement you might say that he and I are saying the same thing but in isolation I don't think so. It would be good to see his statement in context or at lest the paragraphs before and after the statement, which I'm not prepared to do. I didn't quote the matter and as I said he didn't believe in man's ability to gain knowledge and effectively placed thinking into ignorance.

As an important aside Kant, upon discovering Hume, rushed back to Konigsberg and attempted to defeat Hume but failed as his solution of our moral guide was "duty" ; even the great thinker Kant faltered to this skeptical Scotsman, dour David Hume.

The Greeks, because of their natural perceptive abilities, saw the world of ideas, reason and thought borne realm as "given", a Divine gift, so to speak . this wasn't a "theory" or "belief" to them but a "perception" much as you and I can "perceive" the hills of our nation, the rivulets of water and the color of the setting sun.

Mankind does progress and as a result we have lost this atavistic ability to which the Greek was immersed and in this gain "individuality", or the "free man", extracted from the atavistic consciousness to which the Greek was beginning to deny but a consciousness to which previous ages were born and thrived.

Man "thinks, feels and wills" and love borne thought is his eternal guide in this life and into the next.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-05-2019 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
We're like one week away from "political violence is always wrong, full stop" and they moved on to "if you try to take our guns away there will be another civil war" without blinking.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-05-2019 , 12:04 PM
I like how they think the specter of a shootout between the AR-15 owners of America and the cops is gonna terrify is liberals. I mean, when the feds lit up that Y’all Qaeda rancher we were all like *popcorn.gif*

What kind of a threat is this? I’m all on board with watching these clowns try to fight the cops now that we’ve given neighborhood police all this crazy-ass military hardware.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-05-2019 , 12:31 PM
Shooting white people is always going to be bad press and political kryptonite. Doesn't matter if the gun nuts start it or not. The MSM will play along and portray them sympathetically.

So unfortunately they're kinda right on that one, and they know it.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-05-2019 , 12:37 PM
I mean, it’s never going to actually happen for a variety of reasons, don’t get me wrong. No ones going to kick in the doors of suburban MAGA chuds. They’ll get a fine or something.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-05-2019 , 12:41 PM
Or they'll find ways to push confrontations by occupying govt offices or something. Hoping for a Ruby Ridge.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 04:49 AM
That wal-mart thing is so stupid. The advertisement they got will more than make up for the lost sales in handgun ammo. The "boycot" is stupid too, most people go to wal-mart for milk, bread and meat, and general items, not gun stuff.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

As always in the gun control debate - the exact set of federal laws we still have are [unclear/ineffectual/we don't talk about them]. But any alteration of said laws - to make any type of gun slightly harder to get for any type of person is always [THE ROAD TO TYRANNY].

Existing background checks? Either ineffectual or unclear.

Tightening loopholes to require background checks for private sales and gun shows? You know that's the road to tyranny.
Why would private sellers actually comply? Under penalty of law sure but let’s be real, a “black market” in gun sales already exists and this would drive more sellers to it IMO. Just state you are for repealing the 2nd Amendment and confiscating guns and be done with it.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

"Reason is and ought only be the slave of the passions" - Hume

There's no unemotional basis for taking any particular action.
Indeed. This should be axiomatic along with the importance of logic and rationality. It's not either/or.

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Should you embrace and enable the emotional part of thought when dealing with critical issues, is the issue, not whether or not human emotions are part of reasoning. The single best thing you can say to someone who is upset is, "I understand", not "I agree because x, or I disagree because x, or "we should do x", or "we should not do x".
It's not always clear what's best but it's hard to see it being helpful to put people in an entrenched emotionally defensive position if we want to engage their rationals side. However a little bit of provocation might be very useful if it's used with a view to engagement.

Last edited by chezlaw; 09-06-2019 at 09:31 AM.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Why would private sellers actually comply? Under penalty of law sure but let’s be real, a “black market” in gun sales already exists and this would drive more sellers to it IMO. Just state you are for repealing the 2nd Amendment and confiscating guns and be done with it.
Why wouldn't they? It's just a background check.

I'm not a big fan of the "criminals will just get the guns" argument. Fully automatics are highly regulated and we haven't seen too many people shot with those since the NFA. Regulation seems to be working there.

As always you can't help yourself but throw in a last second of argle-bargle. Does the NFA violate the 2nd Amendment?
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Why wouldn't they? It's just a background check.

I'm not a big fan of the "criminals will just get the guns" argument. Fully automatics are highly regulated and we haven't seen too many people shot with those since the NFA. Regulation seems to be working there.

As always you can't help yourself but throw in a last second of argle-bargle. Does the NFA violate the 2nd Amendment?
of course not because to do so would be to acknowledge the facts
what liberal has ever let facts stand in the way

Mass has a law been on the books going on 20 yrs
anyone. REPEAT ANYONE convicted of a crime or in possession illegally of a firearm does a mandatory sentence.
look it up

as soon as the Politian's and their friends got caught the law's enforcement went out the window.

banning law abiding citizens stops nothing

criminals are criminals because they could care less about the laws.

of course you would have to buy a strong fan to suck out the pot induced smog to see that
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 02:39 PM
How about you provide a link for what the hell you're talking about instead of demanding I "look it up" and do all the work for you?

Forgive me but I've never been a big fan of the argument that we should never have laws because criminals just ignore them anyway.

And of course you completely ignored the fact that no one seems to be committing these mass murders or other crimes with submachine guns - which are highly regulated under the NFA. You really think Adam Lanza's Mom is going to buy illegal guns on the black market - or is she just going to settle for whatever legal guns she can get?

Are you even aware of the NFA? I can't get one gun nut to acknowledge it. It's like Mason with Sheldon Adelson. Maybe you should look it up - National Firearms Act. Apparently the country has decided there is a line where maybe every single 18+ person shouldn't be allowed to have military firepower in the form of fully automatic weapons. And for the most part it seems to be working.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
How about you provide a link for what the hell you're talking about instead of demanding I "look it up" and do all the work for you?

Forgive me but I've never been a big fan of the argument that we should never have laws because criminals just ignore them anyway.

And of course you completely ignored the fact that no one seems to be committing these mass murders or other crimes with submachine guns - which are highly regulated under the NFA. You really think Adam Lanza's Mom is going to buy illegal guns on the black market - or is she just going to settle for whatever legal guns she can get?

Are you even aware of the NFA? I can't get one gun nut to acknowledge it. It's like Mason with Sheldon Adelson. Maybe you should look it up - National Firearms Act. Apparently the country has decided there is a line where maybe every single 18+ person shouldn't be allowed to have military firepower in the form of fully automatic weapons. And for the most part it seems to be working.
was not much work:


In Massachusetts, gun possession is highly regulated and firearm crimes are strictly enforced.

Unless you fit into one of the narrow statutory exemptions, under MGL c. 269 s. 10, you face a mandatory minimum 18 months in jail, up to 5 years in state prison, if you do:
Knowingly possess, or knowingly have in your control in a vehicle
A firearm, loaded or unloaded
WITHOUT either:
being present in your residence or place of business; or
having in effect a license to carry firearms issued under MGL c. 140 s. 131 or MGL c. 140 s. 131F; or
having complied with the provisions of MGL c. 140 s. 129C and MGL c. 140 s. 131G; or
having complied as to possession of an air rifle or BB gun and while
knowingly in possession, or knowingly in control in a vehicle
of a shotgun or rifle
without any of the foregoing exceptions; or
without having in effect a firearms identification card issued under MGL c. 140 s. 129B.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 03:05 PM
This offers nothing to back up the claim that it's not being enforced. Looks like about a million exceptions on there too.

Feel free to ignore everything else about my post though.

How do you feel about the NFA? Working? Not working? Violation of the 2A?

Last edited by suzzer99; 09-06-2019 at 03:21 PM.
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This offers nothing to back up the claim that it's not being enforced. Looks like about a million exceptions on there too.

Feel free to ignore everything else about my post though.

How do you feel about the NFA? Working? Not working? Violation of the 2A?
I was just helping out.

How about you provide a link for what the hell you're talking about instead of demanding I "look it up" and do all the work for you?
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-06-2019 , 03:29 PM
Are you physically able to type the letters NFA?
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-07-2019 , 05:01 PM
2nd amendment authority doesn't know what the NFA is, story checks out
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-08-2019 , 06:58 PM
Gun Control and Mass Shootings Quote
09-08-2019 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Side of logic and reason.
Jokes aside, what if anything does the bible say about private weapons ownership? Is it a "god given right"?

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