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Gun control Gun control

02-20-2023 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
China is far away, too, but you don't seem to have a problem getting an iPhone at any US store or fentanyl from any US drug dealer. I don't know if that Vice propaganda piece proves that cartels are getting all their weapons through straw purchases in the US, but no doubt a percentage is coming from that. I'd imagine with their bankroll, getting crates of weapon (yes, new ones) shipments is relatively easier than straw purchasing in the US.
Guns smuggled into Mexico are sometimes obtained at gunshops in the United States and carried across the US-Mexico border. In other cases the guns are obtained through Guatemalan borders or stolen from the police or military. Consequently, black market firearms are widely available." › wiki
Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia

and they smuggle these weapons over the border in the many professional tunnels underneath the border and in subways in the ocean and in speedboats and and.
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02-20-2023 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Latvianassasin
Just think. If all guns magically disappeared, there would be no mass shootings, suicides would go down, armed robbery would be much less prevalent, and the fear of a home invasion could be mitigated by an aluminum bat. But goddam, those feral pigs.
planet of the feral pigs. goddam them all to heck
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02-20-2023 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
You kinda left the door wide open for the accusation.

(fwiw I am not accusing you of being racist.)
He did, and I'm not either, because I think real racists are more subtle about things. Troll seems most likely IMO.

Originally Posted by washoe
what do you mean? I still didnt get it.
You spelled it wrong, thus the irony. But FWIW, if you spelled it correctly, I believe it would be filtered, so you might want to make a different word choice in the future.

Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
I haven't been following the thread but do the pro-gun people here think there's no correlation between the high per capita gun ownership rates and the high per capita gun deaths rates in the US? The US has about 4 to 5 times more gun ownership than the next highest similarish countries like Canada, Finland, and Switzerland. It also has 4 to 5 times the amount of gun related deaths.

Do you think the high death rate is a problem? If so, how would you go about fixing it?
I made the same argument yesterday, and also included the massive US incarceration rate to counter any "more law and order" responses. All I got back was a "find the groups committing all the murders and target them", one of which was soon revealed to be, surprise surprise, black people.

The argument Ins0 made today, while I don't agree with it, had much more thought behind it.

Originally Posted by Inso0
I think you're being very careless with your generalizations here.

The United States doesn't really have a homicide problem. Some portions of the United States have a homicide problem, and those problem areas probably don't mirror the image you have in your head of whatever European country you're trying to compare us against.
FWIW, it's not just any particular European country, it's all of them, except Russia and one or two neighbours. And Canada, Australia...basically all of the "western world".

I think you're right to point out that this isn't a homogenous problem across the entire US, but I don't know if that really changes the discussion all that much.

Originally Posted by Inso0
I think the rampant misbehavior in some of America's urban centers is a problem. I don't think that problem has anything to do with how many AR15s Jimbo from Tennessee has in his compound.
You're never going to be able to draw a straight line from Jimbo and his ilk (I'm assuming Jimbo is a responsible law-abiding gun owner) to the homicide issue, because there isn't one. But that doesn't mean that gun availability isn't part of the problem. It also isn't the entire problem, of course. It might not even be the biggest problem. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed, especially since it will take generations to fix it.

Originally Posted by Inso0
What to do about it boils down to two camps: more people in prison, and keep them there; and bribe people with government handouts in exchange for good behavior.
Well, the US already excels at the former, and it doesn't seem to be helping. If the latter is more social programs for those who need help, that sounds like a great place to start.

Originally Posted by Inso0
At no point in the discussion would I feel the need to comment on how many guns are in the hands of private US citizens, however.
I can understand thinking this isn't the only problem, but ignoring it seems a little insane.
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02-20-2023 , 04:45 PM
2020 stats: 79% of murders are by gun and 53% of suicides are by guns. That's 43,500 deaths by gun.
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02-20-2023 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
This is going to turn into a total vs per capita nightmare, and I don't think I have the energy for it today.

I tried to do some checking to give you a good faith answer, but in looking for the figures I kept finding racial justice sites claiming that cities get a bad rap and pointing out how high the murder rate is in rural America, only to discover that the counties cited are very sparsely populated. One guy killing his neighbor over a livestock dispute is enough to land the county in the upper double digits of murders per 100k charts.

I mean there's no doubt cities are an issue. But there are also a hell of a lot shootings outside them--seeing every one mapped to the location is pretty interesting to me anyway. I would imagine domestic issues etc account for way more than livestock disputes

You can get to the map in 2 clicks and a little scrolling fwiw.
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02-20-2023 , 05:01 PM
thanks bobo.
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02-20-2023 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Guns smuggled into Mexico are sometimes obtained at gunshops in the United States and carried across the US-Mexico border. In other cases the guns are obtained through Guatemalan borders or stolen from the police or military. Consequently, black market firearms are widely available." › wiki
Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia

and they smuggle these weapons over the border in the many professional tunnels underneath the border and in subways in the ocean and in speedboats and and.
So Wiki indicates "sometimes" they are straw purchases which is a far cry from all of them are straw purchases.

One thing is sure: making a case for how easy it is to get firearms into Mexico, which has some of the strictest gun laws, isn't helping the "more gun laws will keep the guns out of criminals' hands" argument here.
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02-20-2023 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I think you're being very careless with your generalizations here.

The United States doesn't really have a homicide problem. Some portions of the United States have a homicide problem, and those problem areas probably don't mirror the image you have in your head of whatever European country you're trying to compare us against.

I think the rampant misbehavior in some of America's urban centers is a problem. I don't think that problem has anything to do with how many AR15s Jimbo from Tennessee has in his compound.

What to do about it boils down to two camps: more people in prison, and keep them there; and bribe people with government handouts in exchange for good behavior.

At no point in the discussion would I feel the need to comment on how many guns are in the hands of private US citizens, however.
I don't think comparing the US to Canada, European or Asian countries that have similar means to deal with such a problem is lazy. Certainly no more than comparing the US to a narcostate.

Crime isn't evenly distributed in countries with lower gun murder rates so I don't think that the local aspect in the US is disqualifying for comparisons. Local gun problems aren't going to be improved without gun control on a national level as seen in those countries. Doesn't do much good if your city bans guns but the state next door has little to no oversight.

I know your penchant for punishment so we don't need to discuss that but I am curious what your good behavior program looks like.

Last edited by Bubble_Balls; 02-20-2023 at 05:33 PM.
Gun control Quote
02-20-2023 , 05:42 PM
Every time this discussion about guns and/or gun control comes up, people seem content to ignore the fact that most gun crime is committed by, well, criminals.

Criminals don't give a **** about your gun control laws.

Sorry for the driveby URL, but here's a somewhat recent report from the DOJ:

Department of Justice - Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates

So the actual fix for this is not more gun control laws, but in fact the wholesale confiscation and destruction of all the guns in the USA to make it so the 93% of criminals who used illegally-obtained guns in the commission of a crime can't get them in the first place.

So it's pointless to have this discussion when I'm over here like, "You can't just take away all the guns" and you're all, "That's not what we're suggesting!"

The only logical conclusion that we'll be able to come to is that you don't truly care about eliminating gun deaths then, because you're not willing to do what it takes to make it happen, which is the wholesale confiscation and destruction of all the firearms in the United States.

There are no half-measures to be taken here, because they're only going to apply to the people you aren't and shouldn't be worried about in the first place.
Gun control Quote
02-20-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Every time this discussion about guns and/or gun control comes up, people seem content to ignore the fact that most gun crime is committed by, well, criminals.

Criminals don't give a **** about your gun control laws.

Sorry for the driveby URL, but here's a somewhat recent report from the DOJ:

Department of Justice - Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates

So the actual fix for this is not more gun control laws, but in fact the wholesale confiscation and destruction of all the guns in the USA to make it so the 93% of criminals who used illegally-obtained guns in the commission of a crime can't get them in the first place.

So it's pointless to have this discussion when I'm over here like, "You can't just take away all the guns" and you're all, "That's not what we're suggesting!"

The only logical conclusion that we'll be able to come to is that you don't truly care about eliminating gun deaths then, because you're not willing to do what it takes to make it happen, which is the wholesale confiscation and destruction of all the firearms in the United States.

There are no half-measures to be taken here, because they're only going to apply to the people you aren't and shouldn't be worried about in the first place.
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02-20-2023 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I made the same argument yesterday, and also included the massive US incarceration rate to counter any "more law and order" responses. All I got back was a "find the groups committing all the murders and target them", one of which was soon revealed to be, surprise surprise, black people.
Ah yes, white man's burden strikes again.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The argument Ins0 made today, while I don't agree with it, had much more thought behind it.
I'm pleasantly surprised that he's gone from all stick to stick plus carrot.
Gun control Quote
02-20-2023 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Every time this discussion about guns and/or gun control comes up, people seem content to ignore the fact that most gun crime is committed by, well, criminals.

Criminals don't give a **** about your gun control laws.

Sorry for the driveby URL, but here's a somewhat recent report from the DOJ:

Department of Justice - Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates

So the actual fix for this is not more gun control laws, but in fact the wholesale confiscation and destruction of all the guns in the USA to make it so the 93% of criminals who used illegally-obtained guns in the commission of a crime can't get them in the first place.

So it's pointless to have this discussion when I'm over here like, "You can't just take away all the guns" and you're all, "That's not what we're suggesting!"

The only logical conclusion that we'll be able to come to is that you don't truly care about eliminating gun deaths then, because you're not willing to do what it takes to make it happen, which is the wholesale confiscation and destruction of all the firearms in the United States.

There are no half-measures to be taken here, because they're only going to apply to the people you aren't and shouldn't be worried about in the first place.
I just don't agree with this.

I believe you start by requiring strong background checks. The second part is mandatory registration of every firearm. We register cars and it seems work. You don't confiscate all guns, just ones that aren't registered. And, you don't just go door to door searching folks for unregistered guns. It's a slow process.

It took us over 200 years to get here, it will take a while to get where we need to be. I just don't believe you throw up your hands and say nothing can be done because it is difficult.
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02-20-2023 , 05:52 PM
I think it's a great idea, Inso. Once all of them have been destroyed, then we can start again with very, very strict laws on who can own and for what reasons.
Gun control Quote
02-20-2023 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I think you're being very careless with your generalizations here.

The United States doesn't really have a homicide problem. Some portions of the United States have a homicide problem, and those problem areas probably don't mirror the image you have in your head of whatever European country you're trying to compare us against.

I think the rampant misbehavior in some of America's urban centers is a problem. I don't think that problem has anything to do with how many AR15s Jimbo from Tennessee has in his compound.

What to do about it boils down to two camps: more people in prison, and keep them there; and bribe people with government handouts in exchange for good behavior.

At no point in the discussion would I feel the need to comment on how many guns are in the hands of private US citizens, however.
The problem is going to be when you try to take jimbo’s ar15s. Whether Jimbo believes in the Bible and Armageddon or if he thinks the day is coming the communist are going to disarm him, Jimbo and his boys been training in the woods for a long time and aren’t going down without a fight. And Jimbo done not a thing wrong to this point besides maybe fly an oversized confederate flag and poor hygiene and dress.
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02-20-2023 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Latvianassasin
I think it's a great idea, Inso. Once all of them have been destroyed, then we can start again with very, very strict laws on who can own and for what reasons.
Are you American or Latvian or both? Where do you live now?
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02-20-2023 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I believe you start by requiring strong background checks. The second part is mandatory registration of every firearm. We register cars and it seems work.
We already have the background checks and registrations, if not entirely universal. It doesn't matter, however, since people who go through this process generally aren't the ones out there committing crimes. If you inconvenience the 7% of criminals who are committing gun crimes with a legally-obtained firearm, what's the more likely outcome in your opinion: they decide not to commit the crime because it's mildly more annoying to obtain the gun, or they do what the other 93% do and just get one by some illegal means?

Also, you don't need to register your vehicle unless you intend to use it. Not that vehicle registration is in any way applicable to this situation. The government registers cars because that's a source of ongoing revenue and only under the guise of some implicit agreement on the part of those vehicle owners to help pay for the roads they'll be driving on. You can't make that same argument with regard to firearms.

When is the last time you saw a vehicle owner charged with anything because someone committed a crime using their stolen vehicle?
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02-20-2023 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Is this really your response? I swear it seems most the anti gun people in this thread are more about wanting to boss people around like spoiled children rather than talk about anything that has to do with rights or logic.
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02-20-2023 , 06:12 PM
There is definitely a leak in our current system of background checks and registration. Like a big leak. Do whatever it takes to plug that leak.
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02-20-2023 , 06:28 PM
The leak is hundreds of millions of guns available. It's absolutely insane.
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02-20-2023 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Latvianassasin
The leak is hundreds of millions of guns available. It's absolutely insane.
Would love to hear who the “Latvian assassin “ thinks should be allowed to own a gun.

Y’all’s fascism shining way brighter glow than any of my racism
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02-20-2023 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Is this really your response? I swear it seems most the anti gun people in this thread are more about wanting to boss people around like spoiled children rather than talk about anything that has to do with rights or logic.
Yes, that's really my response.

Dude comes in and says, "It's not practical to talk about moderate gun control measures... the only practical gun control measure worth talking about is confiscating all firearms in America."

Like as if that could ever happen or would even make a difference. I could print a Glock handgun and have it functioning within a day or two.
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02-20-2023 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
I could print a Glock handgun and have it functioning within a day or two.
Let’s see you do that
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02-20-2023 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Let’s see you do that
Confiscate my guns first.
Gun control Quote
02-20-2023 , 06:39 PM
I hate multiquotes since tangents beget tangents, but you're all over the map here so forced, no choice.

Originally Posted by Slighted
yeah but none of this is accurate. i obviously do understand and especially considering i was an early american history major in undergraduate. traditionalism particularly when it comes to things of a legal nature like gun control is inherently stupid. and is rightfully considered nonsense in most other fields.
I've held off accusing you of being dumb, but we're getting to the point where there's no other conclusion to be drawn.
The legal basis for the right to keep and bear arms isn't 'traditionalism', nor has it ever been. Its totally fair to say "I don't accept the argument that tradition is a valid basis for the continuance of the current gun law regime", but that's not what you said.

I would much rather have whatever current librarian that is in peroria illinois with access to all of the information available to modern people make day to day decisions involving my life right now than any roman or greek philosopher in the library of alexandria.
Right, just like I'd much rather have access to what a modern physician has, compared to what Hippocrates had to figure out, but that doesn't negate his philosophical observations that still apply today, nor does it mean that 'the guys in charge of medicine' 100, 200, 300 and 400 years later were equally important.

i do not give a **** about historical significance in this or really any real world discussion outside of maybe a discussion focused solely on "historical significance"
Fair, but then you shouldn't be so fast and loose writing off historically significant parties that you don't understand (to any depth) why they're historically significant.

You said this:
the idea that the guys that were in charge in the late 1700's were somehow significantly smarter than the guys in charge at any other point in history is pretty silly.
... and that's how I know you're either super ill-informed on that precise topic, or informed but just dumb and don't understand any of it.
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02-20-2023 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Yes, that's really my response.

Dude comes in and says, "It's not practical to talk about moderate gun control measures... the only practical gun control measure worth talking about is confiscating all firearms in America."

Like as if that could ever happen or would even make a difference. I could print a Glock handgun and have it functioning within a day or two.
Why’re you lying to people. You can’t print the slide or barrel can you
Gun control Quote
