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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

05-07-2019 , 12:10 PM

ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 12:12 PM

ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky

Are you sure you want to go there? Because if you want to star invoking "units of happiness" (utils) you must reach the conclusion that wealth redistribution is even more desirable than one would think without taking utils into account. Why? Because the vast majority of real life cases are exactly the opposite of your examples. (The well known concept of marginal utility) A $90,000 car will NOT make almost all people, even rich ones, three times as happy as a $30,000 car. It won't come close to making someone with a family as happy as three 30K cars. People usually pay three times as much for things that are not nearly three times better because they can easily afford to and they increase their utils by perhaps 40%, not 200%. (Suppose I asked all Bentley owners if they would drive Fords the rest of their life if failing to do that meant that they somehow could not listen to music while driving their Bentley the rest of their lives. Guessing 90% would switch.)

But that means that if I change your dollars into utils and then take some of it to redistribute it to the poor, that act has by itself added many utils to the world even before it is spent. Depending on how rich you are utils have has at least doubled and perhaps multiplied by ten or more. (If you were worth ten trillion and I redistributed 2 trillion of it, the utils I took from you were multiplied by virtually infinity when it reached the hands of others.)
You are looking at units of happiness as an economics issue and how the economy should award dollars where I was looking at the perspective of one person and how she should spend those dollars. So you are totally changing the topic.

My point has always been that if someone derives more happiness from owing a more expensive car rather than the less expensive one + whatever they are planning to do with the savings then it IS a smart financial decision. I can't believe I am getting push back on this. This should be insanely obvious.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
HFT doesn't really increase market efficiency in a clearly useful way. A more efficient allocation of long-term capital a la private traders is of real value because it will lead to faster economic growth and less waste. But increasing the efficiency of markets by fractions of a second? Meh. Insofar as HFT adds value to the market, it is by making them more liquid rather than more efficient.
Are you and others ITT that brought up and ***** about high frequency trading aware that when these systems buy a stock someone else gets the money in exchange and when they sell a stock someone else gives them money in exchange for the stock?

I tend to think that ppl that are against HFT are the same people that say we should take a billion dollars from the rich and give it to the poor because then we'd have a billion dollars more in the economy (obviously forgetting that moving money from your left pocket to your right pocket doesn't make you richer).
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
its quite the opposite. "arguments" are being made that choices are the reason for poverty and that just because their is 4% unemployment their must not be a reason to be poor. these claims are simply false and untenable.

there are entire industries devoted to keeping poor people poor through predatory practices as someone, maybe you, already mentioned with them having to take ridiculously high interest loans for basic needs. these industries should be reigned in but several like payday loan companies for example have bought seats in the trump admin.

if you want to start a thread about poverty feel free to do so or asked WN, but you guys spouting misinformation about choosing to be poor in the trump thread is silly.
Bad decision are a very large part of why we have so many poor people, but it isn't the only one. I don't think anyone is suggesting poor consumer decision are 100% the reason of poverty.

Do you include either the democratic party or the federal government in general in your list of "entire industries devoted to keeping poor people poor through predatory practices"? I think you understand the government, especially dems, have YUGE incentive to keep poor people poor and there are policies that are effective in keeping some people dependent on them.

lol at suggesting trump should shoulder any more blame than any of our last few presidents for pay day loan types of places existing.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
lol at suggesting trump should shoulder any more blame than any of our last few presidents for pay day loan types of places existing.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Bad decision are a very large part of why we have so many poor people, but it isn't the only one. I don't think anyone is suggesting poor consumer decision are 100% the reason of poverty.

Do you include either the democratic party or the federal government in general in your list of "entire industries devoted to keeping poor people poor through predatory practices"? I think you understand the government, especially dems, have YUGE incentive to keep poor people poor and there are policies that are effective in keeping some people dependent on them.

lol at suggesting trump should shoulder any more blame than any of our last few presidents for pay day loan types of places existing.
feel free to cite or back up any of this. the debunked conservative conspiracy talking point about how democrats are the real reason people stay poor especially.

also to your "lol". the obama administration specifically created a watchdog group to go after payday loans, which the trump admin dismantled, along with the consumer financial protection bureau.. so LOL at babah i guess, per usual..

Last edited by Slighted; 05-07-2019 at 01:14 PM. Reason: ponied.. trying to respond while eating lunch has made my pony fat and slow..
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:21 PM
Seems to me the argument is more should these types of lending outfits exist. Personally do not care either way. But the Obama regulations seemed to be more on the lines of lets regulate them out of business. Which is fine, do not care one way or the other. But in a lot of examples of taking these loans to pay rent, light bill etc. The other side of the coin eviction no electricity ... is not a good outcome either.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:30 PM
You have some sort of support for the claim Obama regulations were to run them out of business or will you take that back like you did "full on socialism" and "lol at suggesting trump should shoulder any more blame..."?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:34 PM
yo, what do guys think about that trump pardon? pretty sick imo
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
yo, what do guys think about that trump pardon? pretty sick imo
step 3(?) towards shooting brown people at the border being not a crime..

step 1: dehumanize
step 2: call it an invasion
step 3: normalize murdering the other side.
step 4: profit
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
yo, what do guys think about that trump pardon? pretty sick imo
A perversion of justice.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
Seems to me the argument is more should these types of lending outfits exist. Personally do not care either way. But the Obama regulations seemed to be more on the lines of lets regulate them out of business. Which is fine, do not care one way or the other. But in a lot of examples of taking these loans to pay rent, light bill etc. The other side of the coin eviction no electricity ... is not a good outcome either.
Seems like we should just give them electricity or directly give them the money to pay their electricity, then. No need for for private lenders to take a cut out of someone's paycheck to make that happen.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:04 PM
Yea that pardon is disgusting.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:17 PM
I assume we're talking about this pardon?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I assume we're talking about this pardon?
yeah. he was ordered to take the prisoner into custody, instead he took him out somewhere stripped him naked, interrogated/tortured him, and executed him..

then claimed self defense, because the prisoner, having been naked and tortured, "lunged at him"..

he already got off light by not being convicted of premeditated murder. it's ridiculous to think he didn't anticipate killing the man, once he defied orders. as soon as he took that man off the original path he was a dead man.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:23 PM
Can't have endless war if soldiers are afraid to go to jail for war crimes. Takes all the fun out of it.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:28 PM
Why he have to an Oklahoman . Yeah, that pardon is gross
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I assume we're talking about this pardon?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I said some policies can take 10+ years to feel their full effects (keep words there are "can" and "full"), but why just assume why people are hiring more people and paying those people more money when it is so evident that it was the GOATrump tax cuts? Look at the number of people who got raises & bonuses the 30 days following the tax cut. No seriously, go read the list of companies that gave those raises and bonuses and come back here tomorrow or whenever you are done reading the list and we can continue this conversation.
It’s laughable that you think the amount of money a company has is a prime driver of hiring. If that was the case Apple would Have more employees than anyone else.

Again, if you are going to make factual statements you should back them up with actual sources not your feels. Particularly when it comes to things involving money or numbers since that isn’t your strong suit.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:34 PM
You posted 3 articles in response to one of my posts. I am not going to spend the time to read those 3 articles unless you give me reason to do so. Make an argument against me, tell me that one article supports my point, tell me that I am wrong because paragraph 5 of article 3, just give me something.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Are you and others ITT that brought up and ***** about high frequency trading aware that when these systems buy a stock someone else gets the money in exchange and when they sell a stock someone else gives them money in exchange for the stock?

I tend to think that ppl that are against HFT are the same people that say we should take a billion dollars from the rich and give it to the poor because then we'd have a billion dollars more in the economy (obviously forgetting that moving money from your left pocket to your right pocket doesn't make you richer).
And you are aware that the people on either side of the HFT are paying more for their purchase and getting less for their sale because of the cut the HFT is getting?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
You posted 3 articles in response to one of my posts. I am not going to spend the time to read those 3 articles unless you give me reason to do so. Make an argument against me, tell me that one article supports my point, tell me that I am wrong because paragraph 5 of article 3, just give me something.
Nah, I'm not doing your homework for you. You made the claim below without any support. You needn't read all three. Those are just examples of the reporting/opining done on the issue.

lol at suggesting trump should shoulder any more blame than any of our last few presidents for pay day loan types of places existing.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:48 PM
I think it would be preferable if people generally did try to explain what it is they are talking about when they post links, or mention things. It took me a bit to figure out what the pardon was about. I am not sure what point was supposed to have been made by the payday article links.

Keeping in mind that the goal is to have a discussion, it's very useful to expand a bit. I'm not saying it's a mod-worthy offense in this case and I don't want to go back and look, but everyone would make me very happy as a reader of the forum if they tried to do that at least a little.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-07-2019 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
I guess they didn't cover how only one guy was ever convicted for My Lai - and spent less time in jail than Behenna.
ex-President Trump Quote
