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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

12-17-2020 , 12:02 PM
Maybe now Trump has tapped into an endless cash grift he will be able to save some of his other associated businesses.

Atlantic City offers chance to blow up shuttered Trump Plaza casino

And if you want to help out a charity while destroying a Trump (property)

Implode Trump Plaza for Charity!
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 01:00 PM
Recently started listening to Michael Cohen's book. Hearing all the crazy stories, it's simultaneously hilarious, sad, scary and depressing.

Last edited by thethethe; 12-17-2020 at 01:14 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 04:49 PM

loooooooool imagine being a Rand Paul fanboy
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 05:33 PM
Man, these people are the biggest ****ing crybabies:

4 years of "**** your feelings" and calling people snowflakes and they melt into tears when someone uses a swear, lol
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 05:46 PM
How Offshore Oddsmakers Made a Killing off Gullible Trump Supporters: The emotions and strategies behind record-setting bets on a MAGA victory that never came

Here, the computers and the betting odds kept a wide gap. Oddsmakers don’t set odds based on what they think will happen. They aim to limit their risk and to create the best chance of “the house”—the bookmaker—making a profit. Too much money bet on one side is a liability. And in this case, there was so much money on one side: Trump’s.

“We needed Biden big,” Mason of BetOnline says. “We needed him huge.”

Throughout the year at Bovada, Morrow says, the money coming in was around 2-to-1 for Trump.
For most of the year, Trump’s short odds to win (requiring bettors to risk more money for smaller winnings) were not a reflection of inside political knowledge, or of the oddsmakers being MAGA guys. Bookmakers were taking on so many Trump bets that they consistently tried to discourage people from betting on him.

“The Trump guys were just out in full force,” Mason says. “According to the true odds, they probably could’ve got a better price, but us and probably every other book kept it lower than it should, just because we were all so exposed on it.”

Time and again, the effort to get Trump bettors to chill out failed.

A few factors might explain the yearlong surge in pro-Trump bets. First, think about the median person who regularly engages in online betting. The stereotype that popped into your brain is probably correct.

“Trump supporters are loud,” Morrow says. “They love Trump in a way that most candidates are not beloved, but they also represent the demographic of a lot of sports bettors. These are people that are 18 to 45, generally white male.”
“If you watched OANN [around or after the election], you’re watching something that you and I would never recognize,” Sherwin says. “It’s just a whole completely different world out there. And there is enough money amongst old, rich, white people that live in that bubble that take advantage of this betting opportunity for two reasons. One, what they feel and what they believe, but two, it’s also a way to kind of stick it to the ‘lamestream media.’ You know what I mean? I think they can be like, Oh, you guys don’t know what you’re talking about, and I think I can profit off of this because you don’t understand the Real America.

Sherwin’s theory of older, moneyed bettors contradicts Morrow’s view of bettors as mostly young guys. But the two agree that MAGA rhetoric influenced betting market behavior.
On Election Day, FiveThirtyEight’s model gave Biden an 89 percent chance to win. Betting markets, on the other hand, generally placed Biden between 60 and 70 percent.

Usually, portraying one side more as likely to win than they should be (and thus lowering the payout if they win) sends bettors in the other direction. But for Trump fans, it seems possible that the betting odds acted as “proof” that the polls were wrong, the smart people knew it, and their man would win.
Through it all, Morrow said a huge majority of the money bet at his site remained on Trump—including “3- or 4-to-1” on Trump after the election.
When they did eventually settle state and national bets, waiting until contested states certified results, the public faces of the big offshore sportsbooks got a different response from Trump bettors.

“ ‘You’re gonna regret this,’ ” Morrow recalls hearing from angry Trump bettors. “ ‘You’re gonna rue the day. This is gonna be the end of you. You’re gonna be working at McDonald’s.’ ”
lol, so good. It's like this whole article is about bundy and his "silent majority" getting kicked in the teeth
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 05:55 PM
AOC has just been added to my list of people that I would willingly die for.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 07:06 PM
That is a really interesting read. I do not bet on sports pretty much ever, but I bet a ton on Biden at various times, just because the betting odds seemed wrong vs reality (even if the polls were off some), though I had no idea how much of the Trumpderp effect was at the time. I was genuinely surprised this was the biggest betting event ever. Most of the sites I bet have settled at this point for what it is worth. Good luck to the Trumpderps threatening to sue! A part of the article I liked:

Some bettors backed Biden when his odds became long enough, and they made significant profits. But Morrow said the Biden money, which was subject to live betting limits, barely made a dent in Bovada’s financial picture. The money still favored Trump.

“Anyone that got Biden live, I mean, great bet,” Morrow says, “but it didn’t hurt us at all. It was not even a flesh wound. We still cleaned up.”

I enjoyed that quote. A nice version of thanks Trumpderps!

Last edited by Monteroy; 12-17-2020 at 07:12 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 07:35 PM
Lol, they kept the books open after the votes came in. People were betting on Trump to win after he already lost. Crazy.

It’s like with the lawsuits - how can you simultaneously have complete conviction in a massive election theft conspiracy and also complete confidence that this one institution (a court, a goddam bookie) will somehow get it “right”. Just makes no sense to me.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 07:37 PM
Trumpderps are happy setting their money on fire. Kind of nice to see those other than Trump get some of it. Even today they continue (where they can) to bet on Trump, and they do not get a charity receipt for that.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Man, these people are the biggest ****ing crybabies:

4 years of "**** your feelings" and calling people snowflakes and they melt into tears when someone uses a swear, lol
It's all just bad faith performative nonsense - as always.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
Lol, they kept the books open after the votes came in. People were betting on Trump to win after he already lost. Crazy.

It’s like with the lawsuits - how can you simultaneously have complete conviction in a massive election theft conspiracy and also complete confidence that this one institution (a court, a goddam bookie) will somehow get it “right”. Just makes no sense to me.
Are there any lines open now?

I am positive you could all sorts of Trumpderps to take the bet Trump will prevail in Congress and be POTUS for another term. They might even give you odds.

Literally free money.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Man, these people are the biggest ****ing crybabies:

4 years of "**** your feelings" and calling people snowflakes and they melt into tears when someone uses a swear, lol
You can’t use logic with them .
They are the American talibans ...
Ps: maybe I am to harsh on the taliban for comparing to them ....I’m sorry .
ex-President Trump Quote
12-17-2020 , 11:11 PM

lol Arizona is now a blue state with two Democratic Senators thanks solely to the idiocy and ego of Donald J. Trump
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 12:34 AM
If Trump runs out the clock, it would give the House and Senate just a handful of days in late December to deliver the historic rebuke of his veto. If they fall short, lawmakers could quickly pass the bill in the next Congress, but it would be a humiliating failure after the law has been enacted each year for nearly six decades.
That's a quote from a Politico article about the defense bill that passed and Trump is threatening to veto. The thing I don't get is why is it described as "humiliating" and why anyone cares whether Trump signs or vetos it or whatever. Who is being "humiliated" if it doesn't pass until January when Biden will surely sign it into law? Who is emotionally invested in a defense bill that passes every year like clockwork? What is the big rush if it gets passed in December or January?
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 01:39 AM
Yeah, humiliating defeat for who? It's obviously humiliating for Trump (as so much of his presidency has been) to do this kicking and screaming like a little toddler, but I imagine dumbass writers for Politico who nerd out over this **** are like "wow yeah super humiliating for the House and Senate to fail to get this bill done in the face of the dumbest president in modern history, dunno how they can go back and face their constituents over this"
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 02:15 AM
Yeah I assume it was some copywriter who wanted to create drama out of nothing.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
lol Arizona is now a blue state with two Democratic Senators thanks solely to the idiocy and ego of Donald J. Trump
Wow, is he really back to the McCain-bashing again? It's hard to imagine that a politician could be so consistently this much more classless than...pretty much any politician, ever IMO.

Originally Posted by synth_floyd
That's a quote from a Politico article about the defense bill that passed and Trump is threatening to veto. The thing I don't get is why is it described as "humiliating" and why anyone cares whether Trump signs or vetos it or whatever. Who is being "humiliated" if it doesn't pass until January when Biden will surely sign it into law? Who is emotionally invested in a defense bill that passes every year like clockwork? What is the big rush if it gets passed in December or January?
I'm hoping someone can cure my ignorance on this - I thought this had/was going to pass by enough of a margin to be "veto-proof". Am I misunderstanding how that works?
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 04:12 AM
It did, but the article quoted suggests that if Trump waits the longest possible amount of time he can to veto, that Congress might not reconvene in time to override him, or something. There's also a chance that, even though the vote to pass the bill was veto-proof, cowardly Republicans (is there any other kind?) would change their vote (when it came time to override the veto - there has to be another vote to do that, if Trump does veto) to avoid crossing Dear Leader - for example, House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy has already said he would do that.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 09:43 AM
Are people tired of 'So much Winning' yet?

Yes the dismantled the Pandemic Response unit at the start of their term. Good discretionary management as that was just a money sink with no value.

Oh and Cybersecurity Unit, again, wasted money. As if that could be useful to have someone keeping an eye on.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 10:08 AM
Russia's just helping us downsize the govt guys

I don't have too much trouble seeing the Rs pull this out at some point
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Oh and Cybersecurity Unit, again, wasted money. As if that could be useful to have someone keeping an eye on.
But the money was transferred for Trump's wall, which kept out the marauding hordes of rapey MS13 caravans from S.America!
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
Recently started listening to Michael Cohen's book. Hearing all the crazy stories, it's simultaneously hilarious, sad, scary and depressing.
Would you be willing to share a few of these?
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
How Offshore Oddsmakers Made a Killing off Gullible Trump Supporters: The emotions and strategies behind record-setting bets on a MAGA victory that never came

lol, so good. It's like this whole article is about bundy and his "silent majority" getting kicked in the teeth
I think this is pretty results oriented thinking. Biden barely won. I remember reading that his margin was less than 2016.

flip or turnout a couple 10s of thousands of votes across 3 states and its a different story. I think the people that bet on Trump at long odds got their money in good.

the point is, no presidential election should ever be more than like 60-40.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
But the money was transferred for Trump's wall, which kept out the marauding hordes of rapey MS13 caravans from S.America!
Every Trump election he tried to make entirely about a 'Brown Menace'.


2018 Midterms - CARAVANS!


It just highlights the dangers of a Populist who will ignore and take resources away from legit but more boring issues, and instead focus on inflammatory ones that really have far less consequence.
ex-President Trump Quote
