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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

11-12-2020 , 11:02 AM
The supporters get a wrestlemania ending and donnie gets more of their cash for putting on the show
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 12:24 PM
Ya, I was going to say I think this is far more about filing the coffers with cash.

The good thing is that hopefully every dollar Trump grifts reduces the dollars the GOP is trying to raise to fight the Georgia run off elections.

lets not forget the mass amounts of money the Trump Campaign raised all year long for this election and yet, inexplicably they were running short of funds down the stretch and being outspent significantly by the Dems. And sure the Dems raised boatloads too but many felt the Trump campaign should have had the cash to compete.

Hmmm I wonder if an audit would show that much of that Trump money was diverted away and thus not available for the campaign???
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:12 PM
Lewandowski now positive for COVID. That's a shame.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:27 PM
Only the best!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:38 PM
Over time, my view of Trump has "evolved".
Starting with his descent on the golden escalator to now I thought Trump was a:

1) buffoon who is just trying to get media attention.
2) blabbering moron
3) dangerous blabbering psychopathic moron
4) man in terrible debt and under Putin's control intent on destroying America
5) man in terrible debt who is being used as a "UI" (useful idiot) by Putin
6) evil person devoid of empathy
7) terrified insecure person who is simply "lashing out"

But.... now I'm not sure what to think.
It could be that he's not inherently "evil" and actually has no nefarious "agenda". Now I'm thinking the answer is simple. He is a narcissistic psychopath and cannot distinguish between right and wrong..... the legal definition of insane.

The nation is lucky to have survived him (if we actually make it to Jan 20th)
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
Nohands, did you actually read that list? Many of those things are debatably terrible. Some aren’t even accomplishments. “Started building the wall” lmao.

If your accomplishment list includes that you started a task, then it’s obvious you haven’t accomplished much at all.
Also like 90% of the list is some form of "people are working more" even though I bet this list is stuff that happened prior to the pandemic
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:45 PM
This is accurate "...He is a narcissistic psychopath and cannot distinguish between right and wrong..." accept I would say 'who believes right and wrong are simply functions of what serves him best'.

I actually think he believes any lie, any action taken, if it serves him and furthers his goals, becomes 'right' by definition. He would see anyone who out of principle or morals, took or allowed an action that went against them to happen, as suckers.

I think there is not an ounce of hyperbole in defining him as narcissistic psychopath. It is the correct diagnosis.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Also like 90% of the list is some form of "people are working more" even though I bet this list is stuff that happened prior to the pandemic
So true. Statements like this are just laughable:

"More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history."

I would always expect there to be more total Americans employed over time... there are probably X million more people of working age now vs 2015.

Let's take a look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics: - number of people 16 or older with a job - number of people 16 years or older (yep, it increases over time)

So yeah over time there are more total people with jobs as the US population increases. Imagine being dumb enough to list this as one of your signature accomplishments of your presidency.

Massive accomplishment everyone, more people exist today than ever before in history!!!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:07 PM
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:10 PM
lol just realized nohands link to says at the top "As of Sept 2018". I guess they haven't accomplished anything since then.

"Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year."

Lol amazing nohands, what a sick 6 percent SURGE in year over year growth!!! Anyone in sales would tell you 6% year over year is pathetic.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
lol just realized nohands link to says at the top "As of Sept 2018". I guess they haven't accomplished anything since then.

"Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year."

Lol amazing nohands, what a sick 6 percent SURGE in year over year growth!!! Anyone in sales would tell you 6% year over year is pathetic.
Yep. So almost 0 of the job posts (which make up 90% of the list) are still relevant today.

Kudos all around!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:23 PM
COVID is getting really really bad again, particularly in the Midwest, but you wouldn't know it with Trump basically having ceased doing his job for the past month

ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Section 11 and sanctions are a real thing. It's a little tougher to find a real lawyer who will assert baseless claims of fraud than many assume.
To my point. It's worth noting that several of the judges pissing all over Trump's legal claims were Republicans.

And it is much less comfortable for a lawyer to lie and dissemble in court than one might image.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
lol just realized nohands link to says at the top "As of Sept 2018". I guess they haven't accomplished anything since then.

"Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year."

Lol amazing nohands, what a sick 6 percent SURGE in year over year growth!!! Anyone in sales would tell you 6% year over year is pathetic.
They reused their platform from last time too. Led to quite a few amusing statements saying how bad the last 4 years had been.

Just checked and they've stuck a page of amendments at the front now.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Yep. So almost 0 of the job posts (which make up 90% of the list) are still relevant today.

Kudos all around!
With near a trillion deficit budget PRE covid a supposedly “greatest economy period ever.”.
Hum ? how strange what people can believe huh ?

During Obama great economic recovery the republicans were complaining about deficit .
Now the deficit seem none important lol .
And trump can BARELY do better economically than Obama while having “ the right and privilege “ ( sound familiar from a republican stance) of doing a trillion deficit , with taxes benefiting the corporations in a prosperous time (since deficit is irrelevant from a republicans president )lol ....
Having those tools trump had , Obama would of fair much better .
You can’t do worst with more tools .

Yeah yeah trump amazing in economy
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 07:43 PM
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 08:17 PM
If Trump was a left-winger it's actually possible that some bullshit we post on this forum might make it into his Twitter feed. But he's not, so instead we get this:

ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 08:33 PM
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 09:56 PM
There is a timeline in which TRUMP takes lil' Marco Rubio's Senate seat in 2022. Either in the primary or as an independent in the general.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 10:28 PM
Conservatism in a nutshell

ex-President Trump Quote
11-12-2020 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenocromo
There is a timeline in which TRUMP takes lil' Marco Rubio's Senate seat in 2022. Either in the primary or as an independent in the general.
There's a better chance Hillary takes the seat
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 01:08 AM
What is the allure of this guy? I was just astounded that a lifetime D friend had crossed over into his camp ... was somehow mesmerized into supporting The Donald, along with the conspiracy theories and whatever else you have to to support him.

Without being overtly partisan, I'd like to hear idea about why this happens to people with normally good brains, high IQ's even. How do they fall for this? What is it? I heard that good one by the Philly election official yesterday, "People are hungry to believe lies." Put that with the PT Barnum quote, some other stuff.

Manhattan Mountebank Unreality King's primary followers: religious, racist, rich, rabble rouser suckers, authoritarian types looking to be led. There must be some common denominators, although it is a combination of things I'm sure A deeper look at the "Make America Great Again" might help. Of course some are just substituting "white" for "great" - and that's tens of millions. Fundamentalist type religious is another tens of millions. Ten million rich just voting the economics. Basic tribalism and identity politics tens of millions.

But what on earth causes smart people to not be able to see thru it? Similar to a preacher who everyone knows is full of it, but they sit there and follow and nod and neglect to see that it is a mountebank. That guys quote, a hunger for lies, an aversion to truth, we all have some of that in us, but Trump seems to tap into it and turn them into zombie apocalypsers. Anybody know what the hell is going on?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 01:17 AM

As President Trump’s claims of election cheating fall apart in court filings, he is taking his followers down a path of increasingly unhinged conspiracies about millions of votes being altered by mysterious forces manipulating computer systems and voting machines.

“That really is, really, I think, the Island of the Misfit Toys at that point. You have crossed the Rubicon, you jumped on the crazy train and you’re headed into the cliffs that guard the flat earth at that time, brother,” said Rep. Denver Riggleman, a Republican congressman from Virginia, in an interview.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 01:25 AM
The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, tracks cases of election fraud around the country. 1,298 proven instances of voter fraud SINCE 1980. There’s more fraud happening but come on. The amount of fraud would have suddenly skyrocketed this election if Trump’s claims are true. Take a look.....

ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:05 AM
@'nohands': that list needs updating; it lacks: making covid-19 'disappear';

@'fellagaga': the cult has no conscience; lie, cheat, steal, to get what you want; 72.6-mil votes to support dishonesty; the thing is, trumpster knows he is lying, cheating, stealing, and is saying it out loud; maybe a form of psychological projection; e.g. his accusation of having the election stolen from him, while he is trying figure out a way to steal it for himself;

**anyone remember jim jones and drinking the kool-aid; now that was a 'cult';
ex-President Trump Quote
