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***Election Week Sweat Thread***  (renamed) ***Election Week Sweat Thread***  (renamed)
View Poll Results: Presidential Prediction?
Biden wins a landslide
42 50.00%
Biden ekes it out
29 34.52%
Trump ekes it out
8 9.52%
Trump wins a landslide
5 5.95%

11-04-2020 , 08:08 AM

PA most likely will get closer if not swing back to Biden
11-04-2020 , 08:09 AM
Still waiting for his wake up Twitter meltdown. Only thing keeping me up at this point.
11-04-2020 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
couple questions, forgive any ignorance,

1) Why did some states count these non in person votes first, compared to other states which seem to be counting these mail in(whatever) votes after the in person votes? It does seems strange that some of these highly contested pivotal states have this blue wave of non in person votes coming in the wee hours of the night when many American's are off to bed.

2) Why do some of these states fail so hard with counting the votes compared to others? Are the resources not there?

Honestly the mail in whatever votes are a bit suspicious as they can be highly solicited compared to people that show up at the voting booth in person. I'm not going to say Biden is undeserving of any win if he gets it but he definitely lucked out with covid and these mail in votes, etc being a real thing in this election cause he probably doesn't inspire enough effort to go to the voting booth in person for his presidency unless that person also extremely hates Trump.
The diplomatic answer is that running election is up to the states, so routines, regulation and procedures differs. The brutal answer is that the US election process is a mess with many gaping flaws, and a history where politicians look to exploit that mess instead of fixing it.

If it hadn't been for the US' international status, I suspect US status as a modern democracy (or representative republic for the misguided nitpicker) would be questioned.

It's a testament to American culture, however, that despite all of this and despite a raging pandemic it is now approaching a 70% voter turnout in the 2020 election. That's a lot with an election process that is extremely cumbersome. It's very, very tough to stop American people, something both presidential candidates are now experiencing to the fullest.

As a foreign observer I'll dryly note that the American people seem far better at democracy than the people elected to serve them.
11-04-2020 , 08:13 AM
Biden came roaring back in Michigan (still currently behind though)

2020 take aways...

#1 Democrats said to hell with that voting in person crap I'm mailing this joint in.

#2 Republicans were too embarrassed to admit to pollsters that they were voting for Trump.
11-04-2020 , 08:13 AM
Voting should be done on a blockchain
11-04-2020 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
In person at an all time high? Even if so Trump won the in person voting by a wide margin though right?

My point about the mail in voting is that it's much easier to do obviously and less passionate people could be easily persuaded by idk, the NBA, highly biased left wing media etc, to take 15 minutes out of their day to throw a vote towards a candidate that maybe they aren't that passionate about but since the process was easy enough, why not? I'm not saying these votes should be weighted less but they are definitely solicited in a way and unless you are an American overseas, etc I do think the standard election process should be in person voting.(covid I guess is an exception but one the democrats definitely lucked out on.)
But equally it is just as easy for a less passionate conservative voter to vote for Trump by mail in than go out and vote and potentially face ridicule for doing so that appears quite obviously as a potential reaction that one would receive if they were open about their voting intentions.
11-04-2020 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
100% maybe by the end of the week or 99.9%. But there definitely could be some contesting.

I’m betting Kanye got less than a few thousand votes. Most right in votes don’t get ****. Correction, he got 60K votes which ain’t bad.
Woha, 60K is indeed far better than expected.

But if I understand the american system correctly you would need to win a state to get into kongress?
11-04-2020 , 08:15 AM
People were voting anti trump regardless, you don’t think if people voted weeks ahead of time they weren’t going to in person votes if there was no COVID. With that being said, I think we need to make it a national holiday so that everyone has an easy time voting in person. Many people can’t afford to vote due to the time commitment/their job on Election Day.
11-04-2020 , 08:16 AM
I just woke up is Biden gona do it?
11-04-2020 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
But equally it is just as easy for a less passionate conservative voter to vote for Trump by mail in than go out and vote and potentially face ridicule for doing so that appears quite obviously as a potential reaction that one would receive if they were open about their voting intentions.
This fell about 50 yards from making any sense.
11-04-2020 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
I just woke up is Biden gona do it?
Betting markets think so
11-04-2020 , 08:18 AM
Trump lead in Michigan down to 27 K on CNN.

Biden lead in Wisconsin up to 20 K.
11-04-2020 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by TimmayB
Still waiting for his wake up Twitter meltdown. Only thing keeping me up at this point.
Honestly, I'm not sure how he would have found sleep. I'm living on the opposite end of the world but I have been glued to the results coming in for the greater part of the past eight hours and the overall result probably effects me very little. I think Trump lies and exaggerates but I also think Biden is a puppet and a phony. Either way if my job were actually at stake here I don't imagine I'd find sleep especially off an adrenaline rush where I would have thought I had a reasonable chance at victory. That's part of the reason why the whole process has been so unsatisfactory for a viewer. Imagine a sporting event that gets to the final frame, etc and then the media is like, ahhhhh........., it may be a few days now, etc. Complete crazy to watch a close election in real time with the way they conduct it.
11-04-2020 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Joe Biden -260 on Bovada and hasn't downticked even once in hours gg
I'm just going to say this in your favour that it is still early and counting hasn't really re-commenced just yet.
11-04-2020 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Woha, 60K is indeed far better than expected.

But if I understand the american system correctly you would need to win a state to get into kongress?
Are you referring to electoral votes? I would say it depends. Most states the candidate who wins the most wins all the electoral votes but some are different. But yeah, in most elections the Dems or republican candidates get all the electoral votes but occasionally you’ll get someone like Perot that gets a couple but it’s tough. I’d much rather they start giving % vote for % electoral so if you win 51/49, you essentially split the vote versus taking it all in certain states. This current system hurts states that are hard one party and benefits if you can win close elections.
11-04-2020 , 08:19 AM
Is there any evidence backing up the “they were too embarrassed to tell pollsters they were voting for Trump” narrative? I’m open to it if there is but that seems like a convenient story. It basically lets pollsters off the hook.
11-04-2020 , 08:20 AM
I went to bed 9 hours ago and now waking up to see critical counting still ongoing.
11-04-2020 , 08:21 AM
Don’t worry voters, as long as trump isn’t incarcerated, he can keep tweeting and doing all the same **** he does but at least he doesn’t have the strongest job in the world at his disposal.
11-04-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
I went to bed 9 hours ago and now waking up to see critical counting still ongoing.

Honest question? Did you expect anything less? The popular vote was never in doubt in my mind. It was where the votes were spread.
11-04-2020 , 08:22 AM
Interesting night to say the least. Kind of curious if Biden wins which path the Trumpers will take here (of those that continue to post). Will it be the "it is rigged, they should not count votes after midnight for random reasons" approach or the "we are still winning anyway in 2024" - so much winning approach. Seems there are a couple good options, and perhaps some others that will develop (this is a vote for Antifa or something), and I hope the Trumpers fill all the possible lanes as that will be a lot more entertaining. Guessing Hunter stuff is done for now.
11-04-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
#2 Republicans were to embarrassed to admit to pollsters that they were voting for Trump.
I've pressed the point in the days running up to this election that Trump's last bastion was voter enthusiasm and refrained from trusting polls overly much. His digital reach is enormous, makes him far less vulnerable to media coverage and voter enthusiasm is a very powerful metric. Campaigning against Trump is a bit like swatting at an elephant-sized fly, you better aim well.

I also have a suspicion he he hits "political super-spreaders" more, social hubs (small groups, specific people) that carry greater influence over their immediate network. That could explain outreach to more people who aren't as easily to reach or measure via polls. That's pure conjecture though, I'm no polling expert. I know from social science that these networks are very powerful in shaping opinion, however.
11-04-2020 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
I'm not saying these votes should be weighted less but they are definitely solicited in a way and unless you are an American overseas, etc I do think the standard election process should be in person voting.(covid I guess is an exception but one the democrats definitely lucked out on.)
So we should make exercising a constitutional right a more difficult process than wiring $10k because...what? Builds character?

Not only should we be making it easier so that more citizens have a voice in their govt, we should make it mandatory and impose a fine for failure to vote. Same logic that makes it illegal to ignore a call for jury duty.
11-04-2020 , 08:24 AM
Just for fun, what odds would you give the following people to become president in 2024:

- Andrew Yang


- Kanye

- Ben Shapiro

- Donald Trump Sr

- Donald Trump Jr

Bonus round: if there wasn't a rule that you had to be born on U.S. soil, what do you think Elon Musk's chances would be in 2024, if he ran for president?
11-04-2020 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Interesting night to say the least. Kind of curious if Biden wins which path the Trumpers will take here (of those that continue to post). Will it be the "it is rigged, they should not count votes after midnight for random reasons" approach or the "we are still winning anyway in 2024" - so much winning approach. Seems there are a couple good options, and perhaps some others that will develop (this is a vote for Antifa or something), and I hope the Trumpers fill all the possible lanes as that will be a lot more entertaining. Guessing Hunter stuff is done for now.
Yeah interesting night for sure. How are you feeling as you were mighty confident as many were before the election?

I just hope if Trump wins we won't see the kind of rioting we saw earlier in the year and if Biden wins that there is an orderly exit from Trump.
11-04-2020 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
Don’t worry voters, as long as trump isn’t incarcerated, he can keep tweeting and doing all the same **** he does but at least he doesn’t have the strongest job in the world at his disposal.
His tweets probably cost him the majority of his votes. If he learned to shut up more on social media and in real life he probably wouldn't be in the predicament that he is in right now. He actually does inspire confidence in some of his speech but he cannot help but go overboard with alot of it, and ya, sometime outward exaggerate and lie . It's what I said, he isn't a career politician. That **** speech that Biden gave multiple times about missing someone at your Thanksgiving table, etc. Trump doesn't know how to do that sort of stuff because to smarter people in America that's an insult. A politician has to play dumb to the masses.
