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election post-mortem election post-mortem

11-06-2020 , 02:30 PM
versus a deep red area in a rural county? both are god awful.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Even worse, people can't quite decide whether to be disappointed or not.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
If you were given a map of the greater Chicago area and had to buy a house within your means somewhere on that map, where you'd have to stay for at least the next 10 years, let's just say I doubt you'd pick a deep blue address.
I would prefer the deep blue Chicago area house, which is a more likely to hold or increase in value versus rural or suburban Illinois. I also prefer living in cities to suburbs or rural living (I've done all three). I lived in Chicago for a year fifteen years ago and quite liked it as a city.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
versus a deep red area in a rural county? both are god awful.
There's a big difference between a suburb and literal farmville. But Biden didn't win because of some 60/40 suburbs. He won because of 90% tallies from the perpetual misery machines in the swing states don't know when to change up their game. Hi Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly.

Still, this should largely be a celebratory thread. Trump ultimately did this to himself, and it'll be nice to resume some level of normalcy.

I do wonder how long it will take for the media to remember what life was like before Trump gave them 24/7 content. Much like posters on forums like this one. What are you going to occupy your time with, now that every waking moment can't be invested in actively hating the POTUS and anyone who won't join you in that hatred?
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
If you were given a map of the greater Chicago area and had to buy a house within your means somewhere on that map, where you'd have to stay for at least the next 10 years, let's just say I doubt you'd pick a deep blue address.
Yeah, who'd want to live in Hyde Park?
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Yeah, who'd want to live in Hyde Park?
LOL, you mean the one that voted Trump?

Edit: Sorry, LOL Inso instead. It looks like 41st ward != 41st community subdivide for some reason.

Last edited by Inso0; 11-06-2020 at 03:07 PM.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:07 PM
i hoping to go back to some normalcy and less talk about the president. good--people were excited to vote. not good--a lot of the reasons people were excited. personally i don't like extremists and people that create decisive unions in this country. i get it, it's going to be very difficult to align the interests of the cities versus the rural areas. i'd prefer them to be closer. but with that being said there are probably going to be 20-30% of folks who are going to be ape **** and dying because foxnews is going to tell them Biden is the next socialist/communist.

i'll occupy my time with my new son and wife, poker/games, the gym, the occasional times i see my friends and family, TV, vacations, etc. and not worry about some guy doing stupid stuff 24/7.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
There's a big difference between a suburb and literal farmville. But Biden didn't win because of some 60/40 suburbs. He won because of 90% tallies from the perpetual misery machines in the swing states don't know when to change up their game. Hi Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly.

Still, this should largely be a celebratory thread. Trump ultimately did this to himself, and it'll be nice to resume some level of normalcy.

I do wonder how long it will take for the media to remember what life was like before Trump gave them 24/7 content. Much like posters on forums like this one. What are you going to occupy your time with, now that every waking moment can't be invested in actively hating the POTUS and anyone who won't join you in that hatred?
I'll probably pop back into fb to see some wholesome conservative discourse
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
There's a big difference between a suburb and literal farmville. But Biden didn't win because of some 60/40 suburbs. He won because of 90% tallies from the perpetual misery machines in the swing states don't know when to change up their game. Hi Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly.
At least both sides have concluded that most of the hardcore constituencies for their opponents (urban poor for Dems, rural poor for Repubs) are consistently voting against their own interests.

That's bipartisanship!
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
yeah this times 1000. pretty much everyone would rather live in chicago(republican boogeyplace #2) than anywhere in iowa if given the choice.

the "shittiest" part of the country is obviously the poor rural areas.
You have to be kidding me. There is a reason why people are leaving big cities like Chicago, LA, San Fran and NYC in droves.

I don't think I have ever seen such an untrue statement as yours and I hope after making such a statement that you either live in places like DT Chicago or LA, or at least plan on moving there soon.

Last edited by Threeflight; 11-06-2020 at 03:54 PM.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:50 PM
Not everything can be broken down to dollars and cents.

Republicans are historically just plain happier than democrats are.

Have you ever been out to farm country? I have. Somehow, the poor rural republicans still manage to find enough disposable income for a few spare dirt bikes, trucks, and ATVs. Can you be unhappy while ripping around the countryside on an ATV?
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by nucleardonkey
The election confirms the USA has at least seventy million *******s.

This should surprise no one who has been paying attention.
So tolerant.

So progressive.

And you wonder why 70 M people voted against that type of rhetoric, which is mainly all that the left spews who does not absolutely 100% agree with them and every view that they have.

I have seen it time and time and time again. Try, as a conservative, having a normal, mature online conversation with a liberal. 9 times out of 10 within a few posts the liberal will call you a nazi racist stupid idiot, and then block you from their page or website. Why? Because you don't agree with them and still support conservative policies.

Remind you of anything? N Korea? The USSR? E Germany?
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
There's a big difference between a suburb and literal farmville. But Biden didn't win because of some 60/40 suburbs. He won because of 90% tallies from the perpetual misery machines in the swing states don't know when to change up their game. Hi Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly.

Still, this should largely be a celebratory thread. Trump ultimately did this to himself, and it'll be nice to resume some level of normalcy.

I do wonder how long it will take for the media to remember what life was like before Trump gave them 24/7 content. Much like posters on forums like this one. What are you going to occupy your time with, now that every waking moment can't be invested in actively hating the POTUS and anyone who won't join you in that hatred?
Exactly, this election was basically won for Biden by minorities in a few large cities. Philly. Atlanta. Detroit. LA. San Fran.

Hell in LA alone Biden got over 2 M more votes than Trump. 2 million.

All these small land areas gave Biden huge amounts of votes that nullified the votes of millions of other people spread throughout millions of acres throughout the country.

Look at MI for example. 97% of the counties there voted red. But 3%, near Detroit, Flint, and Grand Rapids? All mainly black and minority dominated cities? Voted blue and tilted things to Biden.

Which is another point. I have seen it in this thread and I have especially seen it over in the election thread, but the blatant racist talk against white rural Americans. How poor and stupid they are. And how a Biden vote is a vote for science and math from educated people. Well, as I just pointed out, what won Biden the election was massive turnout from poor, minority dominated, uneducated parts of large American cities.

Those people could care less about science and math and most of the kids will be lucky to read and write, let alone graduate. They do care about sucking of the democratic govt teet for another 4 years, just like the past 80 years. So Biden had better come through with some major govt freeeeeeeeeeeeeee monies and some big time reparations or those people are not going to be happy! It won't matter though, they will vote Dem again in 4 years anyway.

Last edited by Threeflight; 11-06-2020 at 04:14 PM.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Threeflight
You have to be kidding me. There is a reason why people are leaving big cities like Chicago, LA, San Fran and NYC in droves.

I don't think I have ever seen such an untrue statement as yours and I hope after making such a statement that you either live in places like DT Chicago or LA, or at least plan on moving there soon.
Do you believe in supply and demand? Why do you think housing is so expensive in large cities?
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:08 PM
Everyone knows that true democracy is one acre, one vote.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Still, this should largely be a celebratory thread. Trump ultimately did this to himself, and it'll be nice to resume some level of normalcy.

I do wonder how long it will take for the media to remember what life was like before Trump gave them 24/7 content. Much like posters on forums like this one. What are you going to occupy your time with, now that every waking moment can't be invested in actively hating the POTUS and anyone who won't join you in that hatred?
As to your other 2 points?

To me this is like giving a crying baby more candy. Antifa and BLM and the MSM and the left like Pelosi have whined and whined for years now about Trump and how racist we all are. Well, they got their wish. Trump is out. Do you think they will stop whining and crying now that they just got fed a bucketful of candy? Not a chance.

Look for example last night at BLM attacking a govt officials house and the burning of a Fed building in Portland. Trump losing won't stop the chaos, it will only embolden it.

And as far as the media and so many message board posters who have talked about Trump 24/7 the past 5 years? They may be in for a rude awakening when they have nothing left to blame things on. Trump had this economy running great. Lowest black unemployment in history for example. So what happens if and when things go bad?

Who will they blame? Who is going to take the brunt of the hate for their sad and boring existence? It is like an ex breaks up with a person and that person tries to win back. At first they hate you even more because they love the attention they are getting from you and can rub it in your face. But, if you go on with your life and be happy and show you don't need that person? More times than not they come crawling back.

The grass is not always greener. There are going to be a lot of sad and upset people imo in about 2-3 years.

And as far as the media? They have to secretly be the saddest people on earth right now. Their bell cow in Trump just went bye bye. Tell me how many people are going to watch the news to see Biden try to make a coherent sentence? Nobody.

Last edited by Threeflight; 11-06-2020 at 04:20 PM.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Do you believe in supply and demand? Why do you think housing is so expensive in large cities?
Things have started to reverse with that though.

I can tell you that here in California it used to be because there is a limited area to build, and also because the Chinese were buying up everything property wise.

However that has changed radically the past 2 years. People are moving out of cities like LA and San Fran in historic amounts. Property values are falling there. And yet where I live in Valencia, which is about 20 miles north of LA and mainly white and Asian, property values are skyrocketing because people from LA are getting the hell out of there.

I would also add that Valencia is very Pro Trump, Pro police, and overall very conservative and family oriented, much like the midwest.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Do you believe in supply and demand? Why do you think housing is so expensive in large cities?
Eh, this is not exactly a free market.

Just ask any developer who tries to build some some affordable housing in an uber-rich part of LA or San Francisco.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:22 PM
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
There's a big difference between a suburb and literal farmville. But Biden didn't win because of some 60/40 suburbs. He won because of 90% tallies from the perpetual misery machines in the swing states don't know when to change up their game. Hi Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly.

Still, this should largely be a celebratory thread. Trump ultimately did this to himself, and it'll be nice to resume some level of normalcy.

I do wonder how long it will take for the media to remember what life was like before Trump gave them 24/7 content. Much like posters on forums like this one. What are you going to occupy your time with, now that every waking moment can't be invested in actively hating the POTUS and anyone who won't join you in that hatred?
I, for one, am absolutely thrilled that I no longer have to give a **** about what is going on in hicksville, USA, or conversely to ever have to hear **** like "this is not who we are" when it's patently clear that it is exactly who you are.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:28 PM
Another reason to not care so much about the outcome of the election: at the end of the day, we still live in MURICA, the center of the known universe.

election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
I, for one, am absolutely thrilled that I no longer have to give a **** about what is going on in hicksville, USA, or conversely to ever have to hear **** like "this is not who we are" when it's patently clear that it is exactly who you are.
You just made my point to a capital T. "Hicksville USA".

So tolerant.
So progressive.

I thought you guys were the anti racist people????

Never in my life have I seen such hypocrites. All I hear from you guys is how racist white men are and America is, and yet we get stuff like "Hicksville USA" constantly from the left.

"If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black" amirite?

Seems to me the only things we have heard about for a while now, especially the past 8 months, are the riots and destruction of American cities and businesses from blm and antifa. Organizations that support and are supported by the left.

So what exactly have you been hearing about in "Hicksville USA". Because I can't recall anything.

And you do realize that it is the people in "Hicksville USA" that basically created this country and feed Americans every day right?
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
LOL, you mean the one that voted Trump?

Edit: Sorry, LOL Inso instead. It looks like 41st ward != 41st community subdivide for some reason.
Lol indeed. Hyde Park is known for being liberal and I've never spent more than 1 summer in Chicago.
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Another reason to not care so much about the outcome of the election: at the end of the day, we still live in MURICA, the center of the known universe.


# 1 Country
  • #1 in Covid -19 cases & deaths
  • #1 in prison population
  • #1 in billionaires
  • #1 in student & medical debt
  • #1 in war spending
  • #1 in gun violence
  • #1 in prescription drug prices
  • #1 in people dying because they're uninsured

Though it looks like you just got rid of the 3rd most corrupt leader in North America and chances are Joe Biden is not changing any of the above

Still my 2nd fav country though
election post-mortem Quote
11-06-2020 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
i think the challenge is the country is still very red in many areas and that's reflected in the congress and senate. i believe there were a ton of anti trump votes out there. i know this has been an issue for forever, but how can both parties improve themselves in rural/cities respectively. both have a long ways to go from a less divisive union which we currently have.

no matter how bad trump is/was, a ton of people voted for him and record #s voted for him in many demographics. i know he lost some votes in key demos but long term it should be a concern.

i think covid was the big killer for trump. to me his response and indifference couldn't have been worse. he also pissed off old people due to his indifference and basically leading on that they don't matter. both my step father and my in laws flipped their vote because of this. they're in their 70s and in red states but still i'm assuming there were others.
The Senate Map was always a mirage.

How many Rs won races in blue states? Collins is it. And ME is semi-red.

NC is Red, IA is Red, SC is Red, MS is Red, TX is Red, AL is Red, etc etc etc

Kelly won in AZ and Peters in MI and Hickenlooper in CO. Blue blue blue.
GA still up for grabs both ways
election post-mortem Quote
