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Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread)

12-16-2022 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Twitter is not sentient fwiw
it kind of is, as least in the way you are using it here as a reply to Trolly.

Twitters AI with no human direction can discern and understand what a person will engage with and escalate with.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I can tell you are new to it all as you do not know what you are talking about despite speaking as an authority who can judge others who know far more than you.
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm new to this topic, so I'm here to learn, but you aren't being very persuasive so far.
Hmmm. In my quote it seems pretty clear I am not presenting myself as an authority who can judge others. I asked you to provide some data to back up your claims and so far you haven't provided any.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I point out constantly that it is debate tactic to ask for 'data' in areas where no such data can be provided and then to pretend it makes your point a winning one, when the person cannot provide it. I have called you, ganstaman and e_d out when appropriate for trying to use that game.

"Data" is not some magical thing that just generates on request. Data is most often aggregated by some form of advocate seeking specific answers who will pay for the study and aggregation. If no such person is paying for it, it likely is not available. You, uke, do not have the superior point just because you call for 'data' that has not been generated, especially in areas where it is not likely to be aggregated.

No one has aggregated here how many times you alone use those tactics to smear and silence people, not just saying stuff you do not like but those in the wings who might dare to agree with anyone's points that counter yours, but it is clear that you do it all the time. One person, in one forum whose first go to technique is to use bullying/silence techniques to cow others into not engaging.

You saying 'give me the data on frequency or it did not happen' is not going to happen as i am not going to do a study to count how many times you do and oppose that with the rest of your posting to calculate some 'rate' because even if demonstrable you will then hand wave it away or ignore it.

What i am alluding to which is the 'cancel culture left tactics used to silence' are not some fiction of my making. Google it yourself and you will find pages of material and pundits speaking to it and how damaging it is to discourse and how the internet has empowered the worst amongst us (you) to use it as a hammer.

You googling it and then reply 'give me quantifiable data or it does not exist' is just a silly game.
Ok. If you don't want to provide data, can you just share whatever justification you seem to think is persuasive to justify your claims? I'm trying to learn WHY you believe what you have claimed.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am saying 'if you put up 2 ads, that are supposed to be motivational that are:

- a super fit and beautiful girl
- an morbidly obese person

Engaging in various activity or doing nothing at all, the one of the "fit person" is far more likely to draw not just more hate but actual calls for the advertiser to take it down and for the gov't to ban it, if in public under the call for it 'demonstrating unrealistic beauty standards and images'.

The one with the morbidly obese person is much more likely to be labeled, brave, inspirational and treated as if a good image for society, and the 'realistic image'.
I'm a bit confused. When I look around, I see ads featuring attractive people everywhere. Only occasionally do I see plus size people at all, and morbidly obese people featured in ads seems to be far below their proportion in the population. It doesn't seem to me that cancelling beautiful people in ads is happening in any significant enough of numbers to be considered a "large factor" in the obesity epidemic today. What am I missing?
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Twitter is not sentient fwiw
I think you, of all people, understand how figurative language works.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I point out constantly that it is debate tactic to ask for 'data' in areas where no such data can be provided and then to pretend it makes your point a winning one, when the person cannot provide it. I have called you, ganstaman and e_d out when appropriate for trying to use that game.
Strange, though, that I actually have provided data on this topic. And it doesn't support the claim you're making. But you're just tossing it aside in favor of feelings?

Originally Posted by Cuepee
What i am alluding to which is the 'cancel culture left tactics used to silence' are not some fiction of my making. Google it yourself and you will find pages of material and pundits speaking to it and how damaging it is to discourse and how the internet has empowered the worst amongst us (you) to use it as a hammer.
But we can Google and find pages among pages of information about how our recent elections have been rigged. That doesn't make the claims true, as actual data shows. Why are you so sure that the pundits speaking to the dangers of leftist cantal culture aren't wrong and aren't greatly exaggerating the situation? Why are you so sure that its liberal messaging leading to greater rates of obesity?
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Strange, though, that I actually have provided data on this topic. And it doesn't support the claim you're making. But you're just tossing it aside in favor of feelings?

But we can Google and find pages among pages of information about how our recent elections have been rigged. That doesn't make the claims true, as actual data shows. Why are you so sure that the pundits speaking to the dangers of leftist cantal culture aren't wrong and aren't greatly exaggerating the situation? Why are you so sure that its liberal messaging leading to greater rates of obesity?
And just in case you are serious and did not read any of the prior stuff I posted, I may consider digging some of it back up, but read these and comment and I will decide.


Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality?

In recent years, a progressive ‘cancel culture’ in society, rightwing politicians and commentators claim, has silenced alternative perspectives, ostracized contrarians, and eviscerated robust intellectual debate, with college campuses at the vanguard of this development. These arguments can be dismissed by liberals as rhetoric far removed from reality, myths designed to fire up the MAGA faithful, outrage progressives, and distract from urgent real-world problems. Given heated contention, however, something more fundamental may be at work...

Is Cancel Culture Effective?
Centuries ago, it was tarring and feathering. Today, it’s a hashtag. It’s evolving, but is cancel culture effective?

Mob mentality. A modern social justice practice. An impediment to free speech. A platform for marginalized voices. Call it what you will. Cancel culture is a concept so hotly debated that it remains in limbo, much like many individuals’ attitudes toward it.

The one common theme everyone seems to agree on is that cancel culture involves taking a public stance against an individual or institution for actions considered objectionable or offensive. But is it an effective way to hold those in positions accountable, or is it punishment without a chance for redemption?...

Public Shaming Throughout Human History
A core element of cancel culture, public shaming has been used since societies were first formed. Stocks, or public restraints, were used in medieval Europe up through Colonial America, where Puritans used them to punish criminals. Tarring and feathering was also a form of public corporal punishment used to keep people in line. And during World War II, French women who were deemed traitors had their heads shaved, ...
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Hmmm. In my quote it seems pretty clear I am not presenting myself as an authority who can judge others. I asked you to provide some data to back up your claims and so far you haven't provided any.

Ok. If you don't want to provide data, can you just share whatever justification you seem to think is persuasive to justify your claims? I'm trying to learn WHY you believe what you have claimed.

I'm a bit confused. When I look around, I see ads featuring attractive people everywhere. Only occasionally do I see plus size people at all, and morbidly obese people featured in ads seems to be far below their proportion in the population. It doesn't seem to me that cancelling beautiful people in ads is happening in any significant enough of numbers to be considered a "large factor" in the obesity epidemic today. What am I missing?
No i do not take you seriously uke and see you as a just a troll.

I can say confidently the far left is using its form of cancel culture, calling people groomers, etc in an attempt to silence them and I do not have studies to substantiate that.

The troll tactic is to go into areas like this where we can all see it is happening and happening often, and its a trend and deny calling for 'data or it is does not exist'.

You know no one is tracking something like that nor the left woke shaming. No one is trying to aggregate all internet talk to determine percentages for woke shaming, etc. But you play this game as do others to try and hand wave any thing as existing if one cannot back it up with data,

Would you deny this trend on the far right to call everyone groomers and pedophiles is clear and is also a silencing technique as crazy right wingers shout it out at School board meetings, etc and online? Do you have stats we can view on them doing it?
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
No i do not take you seriously uke and see you as a just a troll.

I can say confidently the far left is using its form of cancel culture, calling people groomers, etc in an attempt to silence them and I do not have studies to substantiate that.
I dont think you are very familiar with the far left if you think this is true. you are talking about mainstream libs.

as for the fat acceptance people, well they are often funded by big business for obv reasons.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 11:49 PM
Would like to see a list of folks who have been cancelled.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 12:28 AM
Do vegans live longer than non vegans and if that's the case would that debunk the idea that there are no good or bad foods?
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I can say confidently the far left is using its form of cancel culture, calling people groomers, etc in an attempt to silence them and I do not have studies to substantiate that.
Hmmm. Don't you have that exactly backwards? Isn't the "groomers" a homophobic attack the far right levies on LGBT allies? Heck you even tell us this:
Originally Posted by Cuepee
IWould you deny this trend on the far right to call everyone groomers and pedophiles is clear and is also a silencing technique as crazy right wingers shout it out at School board meetings, etc and online? Do you have stats we can view on them doing it?
Regardless, the question I asked was what evidence, data, really any justification you have at all, for your claim that a large part of the obesity epidemic is due to liberals trying to cancel things. You haven't substantiated that claim. I can't quite tell, since you don't seem to give much of any justification for your claims, but I think one of the issues going on here is that you are looking at a string of social-media curated example of "bad liberals", a narrative you are already fully bought into, and even if you are completely correct about every single one of these "bad liberals", it doesn't get you close to the hyperbolic claims you've imagined these "bad liberals" cause.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Hmmm. Don't you have that exactly backwards? Isn't the "groomers" a homophobic attack the far right levies on LGBT allies? Heck you even tell us this:

Regardless, the question I asked was what evidence, data, really any justification you have at all, for your claim that a large part of the obesity epidemic is due to liberals trying to cancel things. You haven't substantiated that claim. I can't quite tell, since you don't seem to give much of any justification for your claims, but I think one of the issues going on here is that you are looking at a string of social-media curated example of "bad liberals", a narrative you are already fully bought into, and even if you are completely correct about every single one of these "bad liberals", it doesn't get you close to the hyperbolic claims you've imagined these "bad liberals" cause.
Why do believe that Cuepee, who considers you a liar and troll (among other things), expends so much time and effort engaging your posts?

Seems to me a -EV proposition on his part.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Do vegans live longer than non vegans and if that's the case would that debunk the idea that there are no good or bad foods?
That, of course, would not logically follow.

Even if it were literally proven that vegans lived longer than meat-consumers, it could be that vegans tend to also make other lifestyle choices that increases their life span.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 01:59 AM
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 01:59 AM
There would also be the likely problem that veganism is a privilege enjoyed by much wealthier than average people. To compare you would have to control for wealth.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:04 AM
salads at walmart, premade, cost less than fast food. i just had 1!

also, know what's interesting? that Chicago Beach Boys video seems to enjoy universal pertinence
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:05 AM
are they vegan salads?

I love salad. Yum Nua is awesome. It's not cheap though and probably not very vegan
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:10 AM
either way, this is a silly abstraction
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
Why do believe that Cuepee, who considers you a liar and troll (among other things), expends so much time and effort engaging your posts?

Seems to me a -EV proposition on his part.
I'm glad that after promising not to ever post in the trans thread due to being unable to share your young earth creationist views you immediately found yourself back after a tangent got excised.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
Would like to see a list of folks who have been cancelled.
Do they have to be close to 100% cancelled to count?

I'm not interested in a list but the typical highly dishonest tactic of the old silly P brigade is to use the 100% cancellation trick. when cancel culture is mostly about pressure (for better or worse) or specific instances like the BBC desiciding someone is not aceptable anymore (nearly always correctly imo)

So if you feel the need to make a list, make one of the cases where anyone has ever not said something or appeared because they felt pressured (for better or worse) or were dropped.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
There would also be the likely problem that veganism is a privilege enjoyed by much wealthier than average people. To compare you would have to control for wealth.
That, too!
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm glad that after promising not to ever post in the trans thread due to being unable to share your young earth creationist views you immediately found yourself back after a tangent got excised.
I think you know why I don't post in the Transgender Issues thread, right? My opinions on that subject would get me banned pronto.

My takes on obesity and fat-shaming aren't particularly provocative.

And you and Cuepee going round-and-round the mulberry bush is perfomance art par excellence.

addendum: I think this might be my first tri-lingual post.

Last edited by shortstacker; 12-17-2022 at 02:45 AM.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Do they have to be close to 100% cancelled to count?

I'm not interested in a list but the typical highly dishonest tactic of the old silly P brigade is to use the 100% cancellation trick. when cancel culture is mostly about pressure (for better or worse) or specific instances like the BBC desiciding someone is not aceptable anymore (nearly always correctly imo)
Getting "cancelled" happens all the time. But the phrase "cancel culture" implies a systematic silencing imposed by one group against another. Let's use your BBC example: Nobody has a "right" to have a platform on BBC. I suspect anyone famous enough and/or with enough expertise to be on BBC in the first place will continue to find venues.

So if you feel the need to make a list, make one of the cases where anyone has ever not said something or appeared because they felt pressured (for better or worse) or were dropped.
People always have and always will be "dropped" for any variety of reasons. Has been happening for decades and decades. The implication by those who use the phrase "Cancel Culture" is that something brand-new and nefarious is happening. I don't see it.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
The basic problem comes up again here, instead of agnostic (as ganstaman suggests, and is probably closest to my current naive view) you seem to take a very strong view that one type of messaging is completely obviously superior to another and would need extraordinary evidence to change your mind.
If you are agnostic, why are you arguing against my point, other than arguing for arguments sake? Weird.

I will also note that I have not taken a strong view that any type of message is "obviously superior" to another. What I have clearly NOT said is anything around the current messaging around losing weight. I'm certain a lot of GPs, healthcare professionals, etc could improve their messaging when it comes to the issue of addressing weight loss. People have less control over their weight than I think most people realise, whether that is genetic, environmental, biological or an interaction.

However, what I have in fact pointed out is a catastrophic logical failure of one type of message that is completely at odds with the data, in other words that you can be "healthy at any size". This statement is not true, and a mountain of data support this.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
would that debunk the idea that there are no good or bad foods?
Does it need debunking? By which I mean, does anyone other than maybe the odd extremist, and then a lot of people who want to make someone's extreme views a big deal, actually support this idea?
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
12-17-2022 , 06:38 AM
Donuts are wonderful.
Donuts! (excised from "Transgender issues"-thread) Quote
