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Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign

11-09-2020 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
The investigations going nowhere (which is where they will go) will have no impact on the people that want and need to believe it was rigged. The investigations will just be a part of the rigging, so what will be your sage advice at that time when a lot of time and energy and money was wasted that showed nothing bad happened, yet many will still say that something bad happened. How many times do you cater to their demands?

All the best.
So kind of like the Russia Investigation and Impeachment?
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
Romney has shown he can win the Republican nomination, but he has also shown he can lose the general election. I still think he is the front runner for 2024 if the powers that be are looking for anti-Trump.

Florida's Governor DeSantis is maga's second coming.
I can't see Romney being the front-runner at all. Trump's base hates Romney, and that is a significant portion of the Republican voting base. Romney winning the nomination pre-Trump doesn't really seem at all relevant to me for where the party is now.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
So kind of like the Russia Investigation and Impeachment?
trump thought there was massive fraud in '16. Then 4yrs went by with nothing done about it by him or the Rs
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 02:34 AM
Current Affairs: He'll Be Back (in some form)

Trump is also not someone who takes defeat like a “good sport.” When I was researching his life for my book Anatomy of a Monstrosity (recently republished as American Monstrosity), I concluded that one of the signature motivations underlying Trump’s actions was a desire for vengeance. He once said that his “motto” is “Always get even. When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades.” And he’s done it, too.

<snipped a couple anecdotes>

Trump likes to see himself as someone who comes back with a vengeance after he is counted out, as he did after his infamous financial struggles in the early 1990s. I think it is fair to conclude from the record, then, that Donald Trump is someone who is quite likely to respond to a humiliating electoral defeat by vowing to get revenge in the next election. If he goes away quietly, he’ll be a loser forever. Coming back and kicking the Democrats out of power in four years, showing everyone who laughed at him that he’s not to be trifled with—the possibility will likely hold a strong appeal for Trump. If he doesn’t try it, after all, he’ll just be a loser, and that’s the one thing Donald Trump could never stand to be.
First, the huge popularity of Trump at the polls among Republicans means that if he did run, he would be reasonably likely to secure his party’s nomination again. Second, Joe Biden may not be in a position to run for re-election, since he is four years older than Trump. Third, if the Biden presidency is a failure, Democrats will be vulnerable. Fourth, the Biden presidency is likely to be a failure, partly because Joe Biden will likely fill his Cabinet with establishment goons and do nothing, and partly because a Republican senate can block Biden from doing anything transformative that could make him popular. I would not say that a 2nd Trump term is the likeliest outcome, but I would say that it’s conceivable, and the fact that it’s conceivable and technically possible is terrifying. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if Trump’s way of dealing with his loss is to immediately announce his 2024 candidacy, continue holding rallies, mess with and undermine Biden however he can, and treat himself as a “president in exile” who is waiting to regain his rightful office.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 03:58 AM
How many obese 78 y.o.'s do you see walking around?
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
So kind of like the Russia Investigation and Impeachment?
Well, if you want to use that analogy then go for it. When diehard Trumpers see that the Landscape company style protests go nowhere on the legal side - what will they think after that? Will they say "we tried, but time to unify." I mean, I get if you need to try to twist it so that you blame others for your own behavior, as that is the Trump way, but you still have not answered the question yet (also the Trump way), which of course was anticipated.

Anyway, I want to thank people like you again for all the hard work you did helping Trump run one of the worst, tone deaf campaigns in modern history to steal defeat from the jaws of victory. As you saw me say for months here, you all did your part.

All the best.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 06:11 AM
It's brave to do predictions four years into the future when for the last four years it has been hard to predict the next day.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
maybe i look down on them too much, but when the claws come out in the primary season i dont see the possibility of an indian-american with the birth name Nimrata Randhawa being able to gather the republican base/trumper camp..
98% of bigoted people love the opportunity to prove to the liberals that they aren't bigoted. They'll vote for her in one breath and complain about south Asian immigrants in the next breath.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-09-2020 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
It's brave to do predictions four years into the future when for the last four years it has been hard to predict the next day.
Yup it was just last week the Democrats were going to win the Whitehouse, take the senate and gain seats in the house
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-10-2020 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
How many obese 78 y.o.'s do you see walking around?
Doyle Brunson?

Trump also will have the best health care available
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-10-2020 , 05:43 AM
Why wouldn't he? He'd be in the spotlight again, MAGA rallies, etc. He'd be around the same age as Biden is now, so that's not really an issue. He'll rant about a "stolen election" for the next few years.

He'd be a favorite for the Republican nomination and probably to win the general. Everything about it makes sense.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
11-10-2020 , 06:38 AM
CIA one time.
Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign Quote
