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Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory

04-19-2021 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
you'll turn around and post some more reactionary bs tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I see when I said tomorrow I was being to restrained. I guess I just expected too much.
04-19-2021 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

From twitter.
Are we calling this hate speech Hue?
Or just "reactionary bs".
What is it that bothers you about this? Let's talk it out.
04-19-2021 , 01:16 PM
Shocking that people who want to push race on everything don't like it when a mirror is held up to their ideology. Probably better to just not open this thread for some of you.
04-19-2021 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Are we calling this hate speech Hue?
Or just "reactionary bs".
What is it that bothers you about this? Let's talk it out.
Aren’t you way too young for Boomer memes?
04-19-2021 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Aren’t you way too young for Boomer memes?
We can try to talk it out too if you want.
04-19-2021 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
It's from the same creator of the image you shared. If it helps the twitter posts are full of reactionary nonsense. The kind of reactionary non sense that you love to share because you think it's funny but can't or won't defend so you run from as soon as you get a little push back. I mean I thought about talking about how the image you posted has the bog standard "MLK talked about judging by the content of your character not the color of your skin, but now people talk about being black" reactionary tripe, but I know you'll just apologize and be like "well yea ok that makes sense" and you'll turn around and post some more reactionary bs tomorrow.
I mean I share all sorts of stuff. I post articles and things from all variety of places-- articles increasingly off of substack, academic papers, youtubes, more mainline press articles, tweets, and yes sometimes memes that I see on twitter.
But the idea that I would ever apologize for offending the race mongers is laughable, and I have no idea what the bolded is getting it. The meme had very little to do with blackness. So what are you saying also makes zero sense.
04-19-2021 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Shocking that people who want to push race on everything don't like it when a mirror is held up to their ideology. Probably better to just not open this thread for some of you.
have you ever shown a mirror? you just post ludicrous far-right wing comics made up by conservatives. how is that a mirror on anyone's beliefs?
04-19-2021 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
have you ever shown a mirror? you just post ludicrous far-right wing comics made up by conservatives. how is that a mirror on anyone's beliefs?
Yes. In this thread of 2400 posts, the only thing I'm doing is posting memes.
Why is anyone expected to take you seriously when you lie like this?
04-19-2021 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Yes. In this thread of 2400 posts, the only thing I'm doing is posting memes.
Why is anyone expected to take you seriously when you lie like this?
you're the one claiming you are showing mirrors and engaging with people's beliefs, it would seem that onus is on you to show that.

the last page you've been trying to talk about your right wing boomer facebook meme. that isn't countering anyone's beliefs, at best you could say its an attempt at ad absurdum, but the memes don't even make sense so it's hard to even think that.
04-19-2021 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Yes. In this thread of 2400 posts, the only thing I'm doing is posting memes.
Why is anyone expected to take you seriously when you lie like this?
“Why should I take you seriously” asks the guy who posts grandpa Facebook memes.
04-19-2021 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“Why should I take you seriously” asks the guy who posts grandpa Facebook memes.
I mean yeah...none of the usual race baiters like it. That doesn't surprise me. You love race baiting because you're a race monger, and are lashing out. I get that.
04-19-2021 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
you're the one claiming you are showing mirrors and engaging with people's beliefs, it would seem that onus is on you to show that.

the last page you've been trying to talk about your right wing boomer facebook meme. that isn't countering anyone's beliefs, at best you could say its an attempt at ad absurdum, but the memes don't even make sense so it's hard to even think that.
Why do you think people are reacting negatively to that meme? Can you explain what it is about how CRT is presented there that you have objection with, besides just calling it a "boomer facebook meme?" (and don't take your cues from Trolly btw it doesn't help you).
04-19-2021 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Why do you think people are reacting negatively to that meme? Can you explain what it is about how CRT is presented there that you have objection with, besides just calling it a "boomer facebook meme?" (and don't take your cues from Trolly btw it doesn't help you).
you mean how it's not real? and its attempting to take the white fragility book to ad absurdum levels of argument to get a chuckle from self proclaimed "colorblind" white boomers?

it doesn't really make people react negatively because of the caricature of what ever you want to define CRT as, it's mostly making people react negatively because boomer facebook memes are dumb and trying way to hard.
04-19-2021 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
you mean how it's not real? and its attempting to take the white fragility book to ad absurdum levels of argument to get a chuckle from self proclaimed "colorblind" white boomers?

it doesn't really make people react negatively because of the caricature of what ever you want to define CRT as, it's mostly making people react negatively because boomer facebook memes are dumb and trying way to hard.
Is this where we have the whole discussion about how cartoons work again?
04-19-2021 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Is this where we have the whole discussion about how cartoons work again?
does knowing "how cartoons work" mean we can't laugh at you for posting stupid ones? if so, i'm sorry i disparaged your cartoon posting.
04-19-2021 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
does knowing "how cartoons work" mean we can't laugh at you for posting stupid ones? if so, i'm sorry i disparaged your cartoon posting.
That's not really what you did though. Instead you came into the thread proclaiming that the only thing I do is post far-right cartoons from conservatives lol, - as if "far-right" cartoons wouldn't be from conservatives.
But regardless-- I'm not sure where you expect the discussion to go from there, when you come in just lying your ass off like that. You are of course free to think it's dumb all you want and disparage it all you want. I get that it is making fun of your ideology and you would not like it. I get that people might want to attack me for it. And that's ok.
04-19-2021 , 02:21 PM
I do have to warn people though, that CRT is very easily parodied because it contains enormous contradictions, so there will definitely be more memes in the future.
I also want to make it clear that I absolutely despise the race baiting and hyper focus on race of CRT and wokedom at large. And for the people here who are proponents of this newfound racialization, what you all think I give exactly zero ****s about.
04-19-2021 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I do have to warn people though, that CRT is very easily parodied because it contains enormous contradictions, so there will definitely be more memes in the future.
I also want to make it clear that I absolutely despise the race baiting and hyper focus on race of CRT and wokedom at large. And for the people here who are proponents of this newfound racialization, what you all think I give exactly zero ****s about.
the right wont even agree to a definition of what CRT is, which of course makes it easy to strawman into "contradictions." this is to be expected. it's lazy. and easy to dunk on.
04-19-2021 , 02:43 PM
lb, do you think the correct approach is the white supremacy advancing "color blindness" ideology or something else entirely that hasn't been discussed yet?
04-19-2021 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
lb, do you think the correct approach is the white supremacy advancing "color blindness" ideology or something else entirely that hasn't been discussed yet?
Be more specific. Correct approach to what exactly? To education? To how we treat people in general? Law and medicine? Sports?
You would have to explain how a color blind approach advances white supremacy too. Do you think MLK with his ideology of judging people by the content of their character should be considered a person who has advanced white supremacist ideas?
04-19-2021 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
That doesn't seem controversial. What Cuepee (and me) are saying that by reducing the income gap solely to education (and by not looking at the factors that lead to education disparities) in the first place, then you end up brushing a lot of other issues under the rug. Red herring isn't exactly the best term to use.
I'm not reducing the income gap solely to education.
04-19-2021 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Be more specific. Correct approach to what exactly? To education? To how we treat people in general? Law and medicine? Sports?
You would have to explain how a color blind approach advances white supremacy too. Do you think MLK with his ideology of judging people by the content of their character should be considered a person who has advanced white supremacist ideas?
MLK's philosophy did not boil down to one sentence in one speech and there's a reason why that's the only sentence in the only speech of King that you and reactionaries know or want to know.
04-19-2021 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
MLK's philosophy did not boil down to one sentence in one speech and there's a reason why that's the only sentence in the only speech that you and reactionaries know.
Lol. Keep calling me a reactionary, race monger.
MLK was about actual resistance to oppression, hence the poor people's campaign with the idea of creating a genuine movement that united people of all races-- not the race mongering bullshit you would like to see peddled.
04-19-2021 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Be more specific. Correct approach to what exactly? To education? To how we treat people in general? Law and medicine? Sports?
You would have to explain how a color blind approach advances white supremacy too. Do you think MLK with his ideology of judging people by the content of their character should be considered a person who has advanced white supremacist ideas?
in anything, the journey towards equality.. if that's possible.

MLK's ideas were treating people based on the character. not ignoring any and all differences between people and their history.

that isn't the same as todays "colorblindness" ideology, at least not how it's colloquially used. it's attempting to treat everyone the same regardless of differences, past struggles, atrocities as if racism is over now and we're going to start fresh as if white people in this country didn't oppress others for the better part of the last three centuries..

if you cant see how that advances white supremacy status quo than i don't know if this is even a discussion worth having.
04-19-2021 , 03:34 PM
Do you think white people are superior to black people?
