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Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory

05-19-2021 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I oppose farming subsidies. Stating why the government is doing something is not an endorsement.

As always, you have no real response other than attack me with false assertions. If you want black farmers, put 4H/FFA in school and mandate blacks take it....but I would not support that. If you don't mandate it, you are likely aren't going to get a big uptake. Just as there isn't a big uptake in little league.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with disparities. This is where you run into the NBA analogy. There's nothing wrong with the disparity, irrespective of how it came to be.

Current funding for NBA players or farming doesn't discriminate. I don't deny that disparity in both exists because previous discrimination.

You're the insane person that wants to misalign the car so the tires are even, but that's not what's going to happen. You're going to wreck the car by doing that.
I don't know what I said could be seen as an "attack". I'm just exploring your analogy.

I thought the analogy made perfect sense if misalignment meant systemic racism and worn tires meant the disparately funded black farmers. My assumption was that farming subsidies was the car. But then not wanting farming subsidies would be throwing the car out altogether. In which case I'm not understanding what the analogy was supposed to address.

I'd agree there's nothing inherently wrong with disparity. My issue is that I think there's going to be something wrong with disparities along racial lines when it comes to things like farming. I don't see why that kind of disparity isn't a sign that something is wrong.
05-19-2021 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You’ve spent the whole thread defending them, but okay.
You should be banned for post like this because it's just such an egregious lie... With the only purpose to derail of the thread because you're too incompetent to engage.

This is an egregious lie. I've defend current subsidies/stimulus from accusations of racism. Pointing to why they exist is not defending subsidies/stimulus.
05-19-2021 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't deny the car still a little bit of alignment but it's nowhere near to the extent it used to be and it's likely has a very little impact on tire wear today, but the tire wear it still there.

CRT and progressives mostly think fixing the alignment again or better is going to do something about the tire wear that currently exists, but that tire wear is an entirely different problem.
So why do you think the civil rights act etc led to such a giant political re-alignment? If the right says that legislation 'fixed' everything(and we're just seeing after effects)--then why go on a ~50yr project aimed at rolling it back/stifling any new efforts aimed at addressing where it's not living up to its goals?
05-19-2021 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I don't know what I said could be seen as an "attack". I'm just exploring your analogy.

I thought the analogy made perfect sense if misalignment meant systemic racism and worn tires meant the disparately funded black farmers. My assumption was that farming subsidies was the car. But then not wanting farming subsidies would be throwing the car out altogether. In which case I'm not understanding what the analogy was supposed to address.

I'd agree there's nothing inherently wrong with disparity. My issue is that I think there's going to be something wrong with disparities along racial lines when it comes to things like farming. I don't see why that kind of disparity isn't a sign that something is wrong.
Black NBA players probably receive at least 76% of player salaries, and that's their percentage of the NBA population. Similarly, whites are disproportionately represented in farming.

Currently, in both institutions the funding goes to those who are the most competent, in most cases. The car is pretty well aligned. In the case of the NBA, the uptake in basketball was/is greater in black communities. Just as whites and farming. These are cultural legacies. Should those disparities exist? Probably not, but they do. The disparities in their current form, in these two examples, aren't an issue.

Current farming subsidies by the US government is an attempt to align the car in order to get lower food cost and provide a safe food supply, but it doesn't wear the tires the way they want it to. It doesn't accomplish that. I don't necessarily think there's any negative outcomes other than wasted resources that could be better spent elsewhere. You think because wife gets more there's something inherently unfair about that. If that's the case, you can have a real big issue when it's demonstrated that the US, and all it's races, has a big advantage compared the whole host of other countries, in many different areas as a result of capitalism (economic alignment).
05-19-2021 , 09:30 AM
A Duval County teacher who hung a Black Lives Matter flag in her classroom says she heard she was fired through a YouTube video.

On Monday, Amy Donofrio’s legal team released a statement criticizing a recent guest speaking engagement from Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran at Hillsdale College, a private conservative school in Michigan. Corcoran used Donofrio as an example while speaking about critical race theory and curriculum oversight and announced that he had her fired.
“I’m getting sued right now in Duval County, which is in Jacksonville because there was an entire classroom memorialized to Black Lives Matter,” Corcoran said during his presentation. “We made sure she was terminated and now we’re being sued by every one of the liberal left groups who say it’s freedom of speech issue.”
Left wing cancel culture is out of control!
05-19-2021 , 09:34 AM
The Biden administration’s efforts to provide $4 billion in debt relief to minority farmers is encountering stiff resistance from banks, which are complaining that the government initiative to pay off the loans of borrowers who have faced decades of financial discrimination will cut into their profits and hurt investors.
Don't give us our money back too quickly
05-19-2021 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Black NBA players probably receive at least 76% of player salaries, and that's their percentage of the NBA population. Similarly, whites are disproportionately represented in farming.

Currently, in both institutions the funding goes to those who are the most competent, in most cases. The car is pretty well aligned. In the case of the NBA, the uptake in basketball was/is greater in black communities. Just as whites and farming. These are cultural legacies. Should those disparities exist? Probably not, but they do. The disparities in their current form, in these two examples, aren't an issue.

Current farming subsidies by the US government is an attempt to align the car in order to get lower food cost and provide a safe food supply, but it doesn't wear the tires the way they want it to. It doesn't accomplish that. I don't necessarily think there's any negative outcomes other than wasted resources that could be better spent elsewhere. You think because wife gets more there's something inherently unfair about that. If that's the case, you can have a real big issue when it's demonstrated that the US, and all it's races, has a big advantage compared the whole host of other countries, in many different areas as a result of capitalism (economic alignment).

I wouldn't be so blasé about cultural affinities. You can easily tell a story how African Americans were pushed out of farming (and anything in general) in the south through expropriation from the late 1800s through the 1960s and the corresponding black flight to the cities in the north prepared the way for African Americans in basketball because basketball is a sport more easily done in urban areas than in rural areas.

I'd really say that the percentage of white and black farmers is the result of survivorship bias. The farming population was 25% of the total population in the 1920s and now is something like 7%. Those who left farming were usually those who had less money, had to take on more debt, etc. and that probably affected African American farmers more who in general, lets just say, weren't on even terms with the rest of the farmers in America either through inheritance or the then current law. I definitely wouldn't say it was merely the work of the free market, up through the 70s to 80s.

Does that mean we should help black farmers? I don't know, it's a small and dwindling population of workers and the yeoman farmer of old is pretty much dead so we're not out here helping the family farm in any sense or at least we won't be in a few years.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 05-19-2021 at 09:59 AM.
05-19-2021 , 10:09 AM
In her career in journalism, Nikole Hannah-Jones has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize and a MacArthur Fellowship “Genius Grant.” But despite support from the UNC-Chapel Hill chancellor and faculty, she won’t be getting a tenured teaching position at her alma mater. At least not yet.

As Policy Watch reported last week, UNC-Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media pursued Hannah-Jones for its Knight Chair in Race and Investigative Journalism, a tenured professorship. But following political pressure from conservatives who object to her work on “The 1619 Project” for The New York Times Magazine, the school changed its plan to offer her tenure — which amounts to a career-long appointment. Instead, she will start July 1 for a fixed five-year term as Professor of the Practice, with the option of being reviewed for tenure at the end of that time period.
Last summer, Hannah-Jones went through the rigorous tenure process at UNC, King said. Hannah-Jones submitted a package King said was as well reviewed as any King had ever seen. Hannah-Jones had enthusiastic support from faculty and the tenure committee, with the process going smoothly every step of the way — until it reached the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees.

The board reviews and approves tenure applications. It chose not to take action on approving Hannah-Jones’s tenure.

Left wing cancel culture is out of control!
05-19-2021 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas

Just like at least 80% or more of white farmers don't get any real aid from the government.
That does not make the argument you think it does.

If TODAY the gov't creates an agency and policy to confiscated every home owned by a POC and gave those assets to "White people who already own a home', I am sure you would call that 'CURRENT' action governmental institutionalized racism.

However, if the gov't, under pressure rescinds that policy and finds a way to pivot to what they think will be a more palatable law saying 'to make things fair we will instead give out massive 'Home Owner Grants', because we believe home ownership is beneficial and the massive amount of tax dollars we will give out will be skewed by percent by how much asset value you CURRENTLY have in your home', what YOU are saying is 'this is not a continuation and furtherance of the prior racist policy as poor white people who never owned a home in the first instance got no benefit then and are getting left out now, just like the POC are.

Anyone not you, can see the policy was FIRST designed to strip POC of wealth and assets and then the gov't pivoted to 'rewarding those who have wealth and assets' as a means to protect the advantage they artificially gave them and to make it much HARDER for the POC to make a come back and ever compete again.

But you do not want to even engage with the latter TRUTH and instead hand wave it away as if 'all is fair now because some poorer white people are caught up too'.
05-19-2021 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I don't know if it's just me but IHIV's car analogy made made a lot of sense to me.

I guess my stumbling block is that when it comes to applying that train of thought to things in the real world, like farmers, my impression was that IHIV neither wants to fix neither the alignment nor the tire.
The problem is not that IHIV will not recognize historical abuse and racism. Most today will not go into that deep denialism. Heck even Steven Miller would admit that, I am quite sure.

It is that he does not see that in many instances those abuses are being purposely perpetuated to protect the power structure established as a result of that prior abuse.

There are two reason why people say what he does. The 1st is they have been convinced of the 'logic' of it and 'believe' the spin. The 2nd is, they want to perpetuate the imbalance for whatever reasons.

An example of this type of 'logic' to perpetuate 'advantage' or 'abuse' is how the Republicans, country wide are looking at statistical data as to what voting requirements they can change that will disparately impact and thus reduce POC voter roles.

Their goals and tactics are now OUT. The dark money groups funding these changes have spoken publicly and called for these for years seeing the threat of more POC voting meaning Republicans cannot win.

So they feed people like IHIV some 'logic'. These 'changed requirements DO NOT only impact POC and do impact some poor whites, thus they cannot be racist in nature'.

That is the entirety of what i have seen with regards to IHIV's arguments to hand wave away any racist intent as if a willingness to negatively impact poorer white people means that the powerful whites are not targeting POC and are just ok with the friendly fire causalities amongst poor white.

This is often about 'using force to elevate one group (whites) into all the levers or power and wealth and production. And then finding more 'palatable', 'spin'able' and 'defensible' ways to try and protect that advantage gained and keep the playing field tilted towards them'.

I am typically more skeptical of people who perpetuate these nonsense 'spin' rationalizations as IHIV does as being on the mischievous side of the ledger but it is entirely possible he is on the dupe side. That he buys the rationalizations the mischievous people are spinning hoping they get enough buyers.
05-19-2021 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You should be banned for post like this because it's just such an egregious lie... With the only purpose to derail of the thread because you're too incompetent to engage.

This is an egregious lie. I've defend current subsidies/stimulus from accusations of racism. Pointing to why they exist is not defending subsidies/stimulus.
You have defended them. That is fact.

You can both be over all 'for getting rid of farm subsidies' while also arguing that they 'are being given fairly and without discrimination even if i want them gone'.

You argue intently the latter.
05-19-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

I am typically more skeptical of people who perpetuate these nonsense 'spin' rationalizations as IHIV does as being on the mischievous side of the ledger but it is entirely possible he is on the dupe side. That he buys the rationalizations the mischievous people are spinning hoping they get enough buyers.
I think he thinks he's fighting the 'commies'. While conveniently overlooking that white people have been Massive fans of affirmative action etc for pretty much our entire history here--but only as long as it helps only white people.
05-19-2021 , 11:19 AM
And here we go.

This is the type of 'logic' IHIV has had to accept to rationalize his world view, in full display.

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Black NBA players probably receive at least 76% of player salaries, and that's their percentage of the NBA population. Similarly, whites are disproportionately represented in farming.
Key difference.

Black NBA players had to OVERCOME gov't and league discrimination to get a RIGHT to compete on merit and EARN their 76% representation.

WHite Farmers were GIFTED decades upon decades of gov't discrimination against POC, gifting them size, heft and wealth (production).

Currently, in both institutions the funding goes to those who are the most competent, in most cases.

Yes merit or competence is at play in the NBA and is the foundation of the success of black players.

No. merit or competence is not at play in Farming due to the MASSIVE and UNDENYABLE prior benefits gifted to them to put them out of reach.

(This is very much the Steven Miller type allusion to POC just lack competence...they need to get better...pull up their bootstraps.)


The car is pretty well aligned. In the case of the NBA, the uptake in basketball was/is greater in black communities.
a true free market allowed for that yes.

Just as whites and farming.
Just in case this statement was anyway attached to the prior 'pretty well aligned car', no the f*ck it is not in farming.

The smashed the POC car with gov't force and even when they removed that force, the gov't stepped in and said 'the cars that have driven the most miles over the last decades will get massive gasoline subsidies going forward.
And IHIV, says 'see that is fair as poor whites have not logged a lot of miles either and will ALSO be impacted'.

These are cultural legacies. Should those disparities exist? Probably not,
F*cking LOL.

At lease we got a 'probably' out of him for the direct confiscation of POC land and all the other documented abuse.

IHIV - The govt 'probably' should not have done that. It was 'probably' not the right thing to do.

but they do. The disparities in their current form, in these two examples, aren't an issue.
It takes massive ignorance to say 'Rewarding Production' is fair after stripping all POC of their production and giving it to Whites first.

That is a hell of a rationalization.

BUt i know, I know, some poor whites get caught up too. Thus all is fair.

Current farming subsidies by the US government is an attempt to align the car in order to get lower food cost and provide a safe food supply, but it doesn't wear the tires the way they want it to. It doesn't accomplish that. I don't necessarily think there's any negative outcomes other than wasted resources that could be better spent elsewhere. You think because wife gets more there's something inherently unfair about that. If that's the case, you can have a real big issue when it's demonstrated that the US, and all it's races, has a big advantage compared the whole host of other countries, in many different areas as a result of capitalism (economic alignment).
What it does much worse than the gov't doing nothing is continue to advantage the group who was PRIOR advantages by a clear racist policy with a clear racist intent.

That policy was to destroy POC wealth and production in Farming and transfer it to whites.


To then switch to 'now lets instead reward with free gifts of money those who are most 'PRODUCTIVE'' and to spin that is fair is just ludicrous beyond comprehension.

Willful blindness could hardly explain it.
05-19-2021 , 11:23 AM
The NBA is not a great comparison for farmers.
Farming has a barrier to entry and the NBA is pretty basic competition.

To compare to farming you would need to give both black and white farmers the same amount of land, same soil, same equipment, same weather then see who produces the most yield and reward them the subsidies
White farmers are not the majority because of historically superior performance in that field and could probably argue that white farmers have been **** farmers for most of the last 400 years because for most of the time it was black people doing the actual farming for the lazy white land owners.

There are slave designed irrigation canals that are still providing flood protection in South Carolina rice country today. The white land owners didn't really know jack **** about farming until their African slaves taught them.
05-19-2021 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
The NBA is not a great comparison for farmers.
Farming has a barrier to entry and the NBA is pretty basic competition.
Compare the NBA owners to who has Ag pretty much locked down--and things start to look a lot more similar
05-19-2021 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The problem is not that IHIV will not recognize historical abuse and racism. Most today will not go into that deep denialism. Heck even Steven Miller would admit that, I am quite sure.

It is that he does not see that in many instances those abuses are being purposely perpetuated to protect the power structure established as a result of that prior abuse.

There are two reason why people say what he does. The 1st is they have been convinced of the 'logic' of it and 'believe' the spin. The 2nd is, they want to perpetuate the imbalance for whatever reasons.

An example of this type of 'logic' to perpetuate 'advantage' or 'abuse' is how the Republicans, country wide are looking at statistical data as to what voting requirements they can change that will disparately impact and thus reduce POC voter roles.

Their goals and tactics are now OUT. The dark money groups funding these changes have spoken publicly and called for these for years seeing the threat of more POC voting meaning Republicans cannot win.

So they feed people like IHIV some 'logic'. These 'changed requirements DO NOT only impact POC and do impact some poor whites, thus they cannot be racist in nature'.

That is the entirety of what i have seen with regards to IHIV's arguments to hand wave away any racist intent as if a willingness to negatively impact poorer white people means that the powerful whites are not targeting POC and are just ok with the friendly fire causalities amongst poor white.

This is often about 'using force to elevate one group (whites) into all the levers or power and wealth and production. And then finding more 'palatable', 'spin'able' and 'defensible' ways to try and protect that advantage gained and keep the playing field tilted towards them'.

I am typically more skeptical of people who perpetuate these nonsense 'spin' rationalizations as IHIV does as being on the mischievous side of the ledger but it is entirely possible he is on the dupe side. That he buys the rationalizations the mischievous people are spinning hoping they get enough buyers.
Yeah, I'm with you here. I think what I found weird was that if misalignment = systemic racism, and worn tires = the situation of black farmers in the present, then his analogy makes perfect sense. But attempts to fix that is YOUR position, not his. He doesn't think there's a problem with the alignment and he sure as hell doesn't want to fix the tires, and when pressed says he doesn't think they should even have cars at all.

I don't know if I've ever seen someone come up with an analogy quite so good while also being that out of touch with the conversation. It's fascinating.
05-19-2021 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Compare the NBA owners to who has Ag pretty much locked down--and things start to look a lot more similar
05-19-2021 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Yeah, I'm with you here. I think what I found weird was that if misalignment = systemic racism, and worn tires = the situation of black farmers in the present, then his analogy makes perfect sense. But attempts to fix that is YOUR position, not his. He doesn't think there's a problem with the alignment and he sure as hell doesn't want to fix the tires, and when pressed says he doesn't think they should even have cars at all.

I don't know if I've ever seen someone come up with an analogy quite so good while also being that out of touch with the conversation. It's fascinating.
And i can respect people who are 'against Farming subsidies' entirely. The likely consequence is that America is out of the Farming business though and all produce brought in from Mexico and other, so you have to accept that though.

But if subsidies persist and recognizing that 97% of all the last round of money went to powerful, big production, White Owned Farms it should certainly be seen as some type of abuse if the next round of subsidy cash is purposely targeted at small POC owned farms both to help correct the current imbalance and historical imbalances.

Steven Miller's group immediately suing to block it, when almost certainly it was his group behind the 'classification' of who would get the last round, that went 97% white owned, examining it down the last detail of race,' is reason enough to be skeptical of any of the arguments being repeated and used by those like IHIV.
05-19-2021 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Just seems shitty that institutional racism has created these absolute **** neighborhoods that pose such a bigger challenge to succeed from. If I was a parent I would probably be dying to get my kids out of those neighborhoods but can see that a lot of people may not have the means. Those neighborhoods are just ****ed, would like to see people who want, to get a helping hand to get out.
My hunch is that the people who do "get out" might be the reason why poverty remains in those communities.
Our goal in this paper is to estimate the longer-run effects of anti-poverty policies on key socioeconomic outcomes in disadvantaged areas.... a few key general results emerge
  • First, there is no evidence that higher minimum wages reduce poverty or receipt of public assistance....

  • Second, we do not find strong evidence of longer-term beneficial effects of the EITC, despite some evidence of positive employment effects of the EITC....

  • Third, the longer-run effects of higher welfare benefits are to increase poverty and the share on public assistance....
05-19-2021 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The real dummy insist focusing on the alignment will fix the tire wear, and the insane person will argue to purposely misalign the car to get the tires even.

And an idiot customer who didn't understand tire wear or alignment might accuse the mechanic of trying to scam him by selling him tires when the old ones were perfectly good.

You can't really account for crazy, stupid people can you ?
05-19-2021 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Education. Mental Health in schools. Focus on teaching introduction to trades (i.e. auto mechanics, plumbers, med techs, paralegals) in urban highschools. Housing doesn't really fix generational issues, but some of these trades make good money (more than a a lot of these majors white kids choose, and are in demand). Urban schools need to teach kids stuff that gives them a competitive edge.

In fact, if I had to do it again, I would not have selected intelligence analyst as my MOS in the Army. My ASVABs scores qualified me for any job in the Army. I would have been a mechanic, or some other high demand trade.
I really wouldn't want you fixing my brakes.
05-19-2021 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Not just for IHIV.
Since the George Floyd thread I've wondered how to fix the wear on that tire. The govt needs to give out a bunch of free ****? That doesn't seem like it will fix anything but could be a good start.
Any ideas how to make up for past systemic racism?
Well, we could allow them to participate in the process even if we don't like all their ideas.

Maybe they'll come up with something called ABC and it won't be the best or most comfortable thing but instead of fussing and talking down to them like we would to petulant children, we treat them as equals and allow their ideas to stand or fall on their merit in the real world.

I mean....I'm just kidding. Let's give them compliance training and a donut and call it even.
05-19-2021 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Currently, in both institutions the funding goes to those who are the most competent, in most cases.
Oh, I see. I wasn't aware the US had such a good "competence-based" system of farming (in most cases). How do they manage this? In most cases, that is.

I would have thought that competence has become a much smaller factor than being able to farm on a large scale with all the latest technology, but I don't know a lot abut farming.
05-19-2021 , 08:54 PM

lol full HIV forum's #1 proponent of cancel culture
05-20-2021 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You've really been a roll lately and I'm impressed.
Enjoy it while you can; I can't guarantee how long I can maintain my current standard of excellence.
