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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

04-17-2024 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Yikes. We know which mandate you were talking about.

Biden controls the executive branch. He literally cannot mandate anything to Congress. It's called separation of powers.

I love that you think the president has the power to mandate literally anything for Congress. Trump should have just ordered Congress not to impeach him! It was so simple. Why didn't he think of that!!?

You realize you are getting schooled about the very basics of civics by a Canadian here, right?

My confused American pal, you know you can just Google things, right?

No, you still don't get it. Not sure if it's deliberate or you are just thick but I'm not wasting any more time trying to explain it to you.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
No, you still don't get it. Not sure if it's deliberate or you are just thick but I'm not wasting any more time trying to explain it to you.
Oh, I get it, Brian. You thought Biden had the authority to mandate vaccines for Congress but chose not to. It's right there in your post.

Did you forget you said that? Here, I'll remind you.

Originally Posted by Brian James
Fun little factoid here from the archives. Congress people were exempt from vaccine mandates as well.
Originally Posted by Brian James
The one that most other Govt employees were subjected to.
Originally Posted by Brian James
I was talking about all Federal employees being mandated while members of congress were not.
So, Brian. That mandate was for executive branch employees, because that's who Biden has authority over. He cannot mandate Congress do a dam thing any more than you or I could.

I hope that helped and you are no longer confused about why Congress was "exempt" from the vaccine mandates.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Oh, I get it, Brian. You thought Biden had the authority to mandate vaccines for Congress but chose not to. It's right there in your post.

Did you forget you said that? Here, I'll remind you.

So, Brian. That mandate was for executive branch employees, because that's who Biden has authority over. He cannot mandate Congress do a dam thing any more than you or I could.

I hope that helped and you are no longer confused about why Congress was "exempt" from the vaccine mandates.
Again. No, that's not what I thought. Sheesh

My point was that Congress members were not mandated and federal employees were. That's it. Whether Biden or anyone had authority to mandate congress is not the point. The point is they were free to choose whether to get vaccinated or not. Others weren't.

And getting back to my original post, several hundred of those congress members (plus many of their staffers and family members) with covid were treated with Ivermectin and none of them were hospitalised.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Again. No, that's not what I thought. Sheesh
You aren't fooling anyone.

Originally Posted by Brian James
My point was that Congress members were not mandated and federal employees were.
Members of congress are federal employees.

Originally Posted by Brian James
That's it. Whether Biden or anyone had authority to mandate congress is not the point. The point is they were free to choose whether to get vaccinated or not. Others weren't.
And why did you find that an important point to make?

Originally Posted by Brian James
And getting back to my original post, several hundred of those congress members (plus many of their staffers and family members) with covid were treated with Ivermectin and none of them were hospitalised.
Cool. I had Chick-fil-a when I had covid and I wasn't hospitalized.

Get it?!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:48 PM
I mean you are either being deliberately obtuse or you really are that mind numbingly stupid. Those are the only two options.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
And no I didn't mean members of the executive branch.

I was talking about all Federal employees being mandated while members of congress were not.
Oh look, here's you claiming you weren't talking about the members of the executive branch.

It turns out you actually were and didn't realize it.

Because you have no idea what you're even talking about. The mandates you are referring to were specifically for the executive branch, not all federal employees.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
I mean you are either being deliberately obtuse or you really are that mind numbingly stupid. Those are the only two options.
No, it's the other option. You are lying and getting called out for it.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 05:59 PM
Ok. You've convinced me. It is the second option I provided, without a shadow of doubt.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Ok. You've convinced me. It is the second option I provided, without a shadow of doubt.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 06:34 PM
That’s thee thing about Blowie, he just doesn’t know when the quit. He looks dumber and dumber each round he goes with Gorgonian.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 06:40 PM

Speaking of dumb and dumber look who's showed up.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
04-17-2024 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James

Speaking of dumb and dumber look who's showed up.
Still claiming it wasn't members of the executive branch that were mandated, Brian, or have you "changed your mind" on that one?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-15-2024 , 11:31 AM

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-01-2024 , 04:47 PM
another theory of mine that came out of similar or related reasons to the security and location of the backend of ai is that the vaccine program's purpose was to commute the origins of covid making it legally impossible to prove etc. For me this also more specifically came for a cryptography formalization and observation about commutative encryption.

this possibility seems to be corroborated by Sachs in the latest tucker interview:

Then there are other scientists that have pieces of this puzzle so the answer is we don't know exactly one theory is that it was concocted in the US and sent over to Wuhan to this Wuhan Institute of Urology for testing in their bat in their bat collection which is the Chinese bats rather than the Egyptian fruit bats that's plausible that's one person's Theory there are other theories that even a related research group German and Dutch may have played a role because they have in Wuhan research but when the virus broke out in that period at the end of 2019 early 2020 there's commotion among the scientists what the hell is this where' this come from oh my God did we do this how'd this Escape or whatever nobody knows of course so they start having secret calls and one of the most important of these calls was on February 1st 2020 that was then memorialized by one of the participants in a long memo all of which became public through a Freedom of Information Act subsequently because our government has lied to us about every single moment of this from the start hasn't told us anything about any of this it's all whistleblowers or Freedom of Information Act that's the only way we know any of what I'm describing to you right now no one has told the truth at all
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-01-2024 , 09:49 PM
I've covered this earlier in the thread, but here's even more proof that I was correct. It turns out the deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were actually labeled as unvaccinated.

“That’s why ‘unvaccinated’ deaths spiked immediately after the vaccine rollout,” explained Dr. Toby Rogers.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-02-2024 , 12:09 PM
Whenever someone has a Substack whose existence he justifies by invoking “censorship” on other social media, it’s about a 99% likelihood that his Substack will be filled with contrarian nonsense
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-02-2024 , 04:05 PM
Not necessarily. Non mainstream views relating to covid were and still are to some extent heavily censored on the biggest social media platforms. Substack for one has been a hugely valuable tool against the ongoing suppression of legitimate non approved views.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-02-2024 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Not necessarily. Non mainstream views relating to covid were and still are to some extent heavily censored on the biggest social media platforms. Substack for one has been a hugely valuable tool against the ongoing suppression of legitimate non approved views.
Problem is content censorship on x went away but it's far harder to monetize on x, so basically what started as a very good way to be able to talk about stuff that was (perhaps illegally, see pending litigation
In SCOTUS) censored now is often just a way to keep making money by going with the wildest possible claims.

It's true that fb and YouTube still censor stuff though.

But I mean you get censored, you open a substack, you start making money on it, you keep going your direction necessarily as it works. It will be a lot "contrarian" and often enough non sense at this point because strong anti mask, anti lockdown etc positions are now if not mainstream, acceptable discourse in a lot of places, so you need to have "really really extreme" positions to still be censored
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-02-2024 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Problem is content censorship on x went away but it's far harder to monetize on x, so basically what started as a very good way to be able to talk about stuff that was (perhaps illegally, see pending litigation
In SCOTUS) censored now is often just a way to keep making money by going with the wildest possible claims.

It's true that fb and YouTube still censor stuff though.

But I mean you get censored, you open a substack, you start making money on it, you keep going your direction necessarily as it works. It will be a lot "contrarian" and often enough non sense at this point because strong anti mask, anti lockdown etc positions are now if not mainstream, acceptable discourse in a lot of places, so you need to have "really really extreme" positions to still be censored
Any content critical of the covid injections is still fairly heavily censored though. And that's not even considered an extreme position at this point.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-02-2024 , 07:12 PM
This video clip is both hilarious and disturbing.

Doctors are baffled.

No-one mentions the giant elephant in the bedroom of course.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-03-2024 , 03:34 PM
Reporter: Why do you think so many younger people are suffering heart attacks?

Doctor: We have an obesity epidemic.

Problem with that is all these healthy and in great shape kids who are collapsing on playing fields and on courts are not fat. I warned people on this site about using their own judgment, even posted videos of some highly respected world renowned medical professionals warning about the experimental shot but I ended up getting banned for a week for being "anti-vax" by a mod, just like all these doctors who spoke out against the shot got banned from twitter (you would think open discussions about these things would be encouraged, not silenced. What does that tell you.)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-03-2024 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Reporter: Why do you think so many younger people are suffering heart attacks?

Doctor: We have an obesity epidemic.

Problem with that is all these healthy and in great shape kids who are collapsing on playing fields and on courts are not fat. I warned people on this site about using their own judgment, even posted videos of some highly respected world renowned medical professionals warning about the experimental shot but I ended up getting banned for a week for being "anti-vax" by a mod, just like all these doctors who spoke out against the shot got banned from twitter (you would think open discussions about these things would be encouraged, not silenced. What does that tell you.)
So u have clear evidences it’s because of the Covid vaccine and that before Covid no young adult ever died of heart attack ?

Those are athletes .
In soccer

Following an increase in deaths,[1] both during matches and training, in 2007 the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) considered mandatory cardiac testing,[2] already in place for years in some countries, such as Italy.[3]
] The report recorded worldwide deaths attributed to sudden cardiac arrest or other unexplained sudden death while playing (or shortly after playing) football during the period from 2014 to 2018. There were 617 cases during the five-year period. In the majority of cases where an autopsy was carried out, the cause of death was coronary heart disease.
In football

In August 2001, Minnesota Vikings Pro Bowl offensive tackle Korey Stringer, 27, died from exertional heatstroke during a stiflingly hot training camp practice.….

His death pushed the NFL to develop protocols for treating heatstroke and led to the creation of the Korey Stringer Institute in 2010 that studies and works with groups to address the issue of preventing sudden athlete deaths.
Chuck Hughes
Lions wide receiver Chuck Hughes remains the only NFL player to die on the field during a game.

In the fourth quarter of a game on October 24, 1971, 28-year-old Hughes collapsed on the field as he headed back to the huddle for another play….

The cause of death was determined to be a blood clot that became lodged in a hardened artery in his heart, which caused a fatal heart attack, according to the Detroit Free Press.
I won’t do all the sports .
In prior years many though steroids was the cause .
Now it’s vaccine by conspiracy theorist shrug .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 06-03-2024 at 04:23 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-03-2024 , 04:24 PM
Give me the incidence per 100k per age bracket in time and let's see if there is a spike then we discuss.

Plural of anecdote isn't data
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-03-2024 , 04:25 PM
This has all been gone over thoroughly in this thread already. There's not been an increase.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-03-2024 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
This has all been gone over thoroughly in this thread already. There's not been an increase.
The level of stupidity in this thread is shocking. I am surprised that Brian James hasn't been permanently banned. Others as well.

The problem with promoting the anti-vax take on social media is that older people who don't take the Covid vaccine have like a 1% to 2% chance of dying each year. Kind of like playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic gun that chambers up to 50 to 100 bullets.

About heart attacks: young people who are at risk of heart attacks should absolutely be taking the Covid vaccine. Their risk of heart attacks skyrockets when they get Covid.

Here is an article from the American Heart Association (AHA)

"The most important thing to remember is that people with heart disease, including heart failure, are at risk of getting much sicker or even dying if they get COVID-19. So, if you have a history of heart disease or have a risk factor for heart disease or stroke, stay informed and stay cautious."

"Stay up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations. People with cardiovascular risk factors or heart disease, along with heart attack and stroke survivors, generally should get vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 because they are at much greater risk from the virus than they are from the vaccine, experts say. The American Heart Association urges people with medical conditions to discuss vaccination with their health care team. "
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
