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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

01-14-2024 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
You are correct. It is.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
All you need to do is look at how many folks are getting the booster to tell you how much we trust the government on Covid
Is the booster created by the government?
Flu shoot isn’t that uncommon , way before covid .
So what’s the problem ?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Jfc …
From your link right at the start ->

In the book, Kennedy offers disinformation about Fauci's role during the HIV epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and HIV/AIDS denialism. The book was described as "controversial" by The Guardian and Publishers Weekly and a "conspiracy theory extravaganza" by Science-Based Medicine.[1]

In the book, Kennedy accuses Fauci of pulling off "a historic coup d’état against Western democracy"[8] and promotes unproven COVID-19 treatments, including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.[9] The author shares his opinion that COVID-19 vaccines are not sufficiently safety tested,[5] and likens vaccine mandates in the United States to living under the rule of Nazi Germany.[10]

The book accuses Fauci of deliberately neglecting to use hydroxychloroquine in order to increase the number of people who would die from COVID-19.[11]
Rfk even go back 30 years about fauci and how he manipulated crisis like the aids one too lol .
Getting to understand why rfk as that coucou nest around him ….

Even had some garbage stuff about vaccine not being tested …
Typical stupid stuff from antivaxxxer again .

Ho well great source my dear man BJ .
You are welcome to learn science from conspiracy theorist …
At least he did good by monetizing the slurppers …
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Is the booster created by the government?
This is a great point that gets overlooked a lot.

What the hell does getting vaccinated have to do with the government?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Is the booster created by the government?
Flu shoot isn’t that uncommon , way before covid .
So what’s the problem ?
No the Booster is created by Pfizer I do believe and pushed by the government

I have no problem if you want to get 10 boosters I was just saying most people are electing to not get past the first two shots
Why do you think that is

I’m double dosed and one booster and done

The flu shot and Covid vaccine are different types of vaccines
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
No the Booster is created by Pfizer I do believe and pushed by the government

I have no problem if you want to get 10 boosters I was just saying most people are electing to not get past the first two shots
Why do you think that is

I’m double dosed and one booster and done

The flu shot and Covid vaccine are different types of vaccines
For the same reason people takes or not the annual flu shot shrug .
Obviously government rather see people takes it then not since many go to the hospital (wrongly) just for a regular cold , exacerbating hospitalization problems and cost.

If you are at high risk u should take both .
Personally I didn’t this year and I actually got sick for 3 days.
All good now .
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
No the Booster is created by Pfizer I do believe and pushed by the government
Is it? I haven't noticed.

Don't forget there is more than one vaccine. Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax in the US, for example,

Originally Posted by lozen
I have no problem if you want to get 10 boosters I was just saying most people are electing to not get past the first two shots
Why do you think that is
Apathy, lethargy, ignorance, and misinformation.

Originally Posted by lozen
I’m double dosed and one booster and done

The flu shot and Covid vaccine are different types of vaccines
Can you describe how, for example, Novavax and "the flu shot" are different types of vaccines and why that is relevant?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Apathy, lethargy, ignorance, and misinformation.
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Is it? I haven't noticed.

Don't forget there is more than one vaccine. Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax in the US, for example,

Apathy, lethargy, ignorance, and misinformation.

Can you describe how, for example, Novavax and "the flu shot" are different types of vaccines and why that is relevant?

Well if you wish to look up the largest lawsuits you will find many are against pharmaceutical companies .

Please explain how this is misinformation? Tell me your reason so few individuals are getting booster shots people are still dying from Covid

One is a MRNA vaccine and one is not
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
No the Booster is created by Pfizer I do believe and pushed by the government

I have no problem if you want to get 10 boosters I was just saying most people are electing to not get past the first two shots
Why do you think that is

I’m double dosed and one booster and done

The flu shot and Covid vaccine are different types of vaccines
The overall intake bivalent boosters in the US is 17%. But those >=65 are at 43.3%. The reason is that currently over 85% of the people dying from Covid are >=65.

But what is definitely weird is that blue states are covalent boosted at a much higher rate than red states. So overall in red states its about 20% to 25% and in blue states its 35% to 50%. With purple states above 30% for the most part (Nevada is lowish though).

Overall in the US people who are fully vaccinated are close to 70%. But people who are >= 65 are at 94.5% (and people >=18 are at 79%)

Looking at the weekly death rate in the US from Covid its currently at about 900 though in prior weeks it was at 1500 or so. So I would guess that about 37,500 to 75,000 people will die this year from Covid. And over 85% will be over 65.

So what this means is that for people >=65 it is probably between 1% to 1.5% dying each year who aren't vaccinated. This is going to include a substantial % of people who can't get vaccinated (like maybe half). Something like 2% to 3% of people can't get vaccinated due to medical conditions.

For people over 65 who have no booster its probably less than 1/10 of 1% (0.001) chance of dying from Covid but still it is likely 3x the death rate of those who have been bivalent boosted.

So my recommendation, if you are over 65, is to get the bivalent booster. I will be getting it soon (its been a little over a year since I was last boosted and I'm pretty sure it was an Omicron related booster). It will also likely reduce the chance of catching Covid the first few months after getting it and will also help reduce the viral load issues (so reduced long covid chances).
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Is the booster created by the government?
Flu shoot isn’t that uncommon , way before covid .
So what’s the problem ?
Ah, another Trumper claiming Covid is just like the flu. That theory was debunked by my boy Fauci:

"You don't get a pandemic that kills a million people and it isn't even over yet with influenza," said Fauci
Not sure if Fauci is just bad at history or if he was trying to pass off another lie there

Last edited by campfirewest; 01-14-2024 at 08:58 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Yes, read the book by the absolute driveling moron anti-vaxer rfk jr. I'm sure it will be absolutely factually spot on.
You are correct. It is.

In the National Review, journalist Matthew Scully wrote "With courtroom standards of proof — everything cited and sourced to government databases and to peer-reviewed publications — Kennedy details egregious wrongdoing and raises entirely legitimate questions about the workings of the federal health bureaucracy during Covid and long before."[21]

Originally Posted by Gorgonian
lol of course we will. He is. And no one is reading that idiotic book.
No one huh?

The book has sold over one million copies[13] and remained a New York Times best seller for seventeen weeks.[7]
Originally Posted by Brian James
Well, it is wikipedia so you have take whatever they say with a huge grain of salt.
LOL, so awesome.

Hey guys, look at the Wiki article, it says that the book will be absolutely factually spot on. I mean, look at that part of the article, not the rest of it. Ignore the rest of it, because well, it is wikipedia so you have take whatever they say with a huge grain of salt. But the parts I quoted, you don't have to take with a huge grain of salt because, well, they confirm what I already believe.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I have no problem if you want to get 10 boosters I was just saying most people are electing to not get past the first two shots
Why do you think that is
It must be because most people are highly educated about health and far more qualified than medical officials. I feel like such a fool for getting a booster a few months ago; I wish I had understood most people aren't getting it and what that means! :smacks head:
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
LOL, so awesome.

Hey guys, look at the Wiki article, it says that the book will be absolutely factually spot on. I mean, look at that part of the article, not the rest of it. Ignore the rest of it, because well, it is wikipedia so you have take whatever they say with a huge grain of salt. But the parts I quoted, you don't have to take with a huge grain of salt because, well, they confirm what I already believe.
Sigh. Well I did suggest that people should read the book rather than take my word or wikipedia's on it. Kind of amazes me how people can rubbish a book without reading it but here we are.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Well if you wish to look up the largest lawsuits you will find many are against pharmaceutical companies .
I have no idea what question you are trying to answer with that.

Originally Posted by lozen
Please explain how this is misinformation?
Please explain how what is misinformation? The thing you just said? Why?

Originally Posted by lozen
Tell me your reason so few individuals are getting booster shots people are still dying from Covid
I already did. You even quoted my answer.

Originally Posted by lozen
One is a MRNA vaccine and one is not
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:28 PM
The Republican Party was spreading anti-vaccine garbage well before anyone knew who Dr. Fauci was, it was a highlight of both the 2012 debates and the 2016 debates. Modern GOP voters have a broken culture of irresponsibility and blind obedience to Trump so they're shamelessly trying to pin the blame on Dr. Fauci instead of holding their own leadership accountable for courting anti-scientific lunacy. If not Fauci, they'd be blaming Obama or immigrants or whatever.

Originally Posted by lozen
I have no problem if you want to get 10 boosters I was just saying most people are electing to not get past the first two shots
Why do you think that is
I think it's because of disinformation pushed online by irresponsible people who reject traditional Western medicine in favor of conspiracy peddling nonsense.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Sigh. Well I did suggest that people should read the book rather than take my word or wikipedia's on it. Kind of amazes me how people can rubbish a book without reading it but here we are.
And it's amazing to me that people think everyone's going to take the time to go get and read every book they recommend by a conspiracy theorist before deciding what to think about it. Since I haven't read the book myself, I'm not going to tell you what to think about it, but I've heard enough from RFK Jr. and read enough about the book to decide I don't need to read anything further. And I should add about RFK Jr., I listened to Lex Fridman's 2.5 hour interview with him several months ago, and it was quite interesting. It's not like the man is a drooling idiot and has nothing insightful to say about any topic, but unfortunately there are a few areas where his ideas are...not as well-founded as others.

So if you want to convince people that his book has lots of valid things to say about Fauci, you're going to have to do better than "you should read his book". But I understand from earlier posts that you don't care that much, which is fine. You'll remain convinced that RFK Jr. is correct that Fauci is "a genuinely bad human being", and others will not be.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Sigh. Well I did suggest that people should read the book rather than take my word or wikipedia's on it. Kind of amazes me how people can rubbish a book without reading it but here we are.
Well if the author is a moron that lies constantly and every review of the book says that this book is just this moron lying again, why would anyone even bother reading it?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Don't forget the mask stuff.

Science is hard for some.
you mean when Fauci said not to wear masks?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
you mean when Fauci said not to wear masks?
There's a lot people completely miss on the mask discussion, with regards to Fauci's comments. Let's go over it here, for the record.

There are two main reasons one might wear a mask:

1) as PPE (personal protective equipment), ie to stop themselves from being infected by others.
2) as source control, ie to stop themselves from infecting others.

Of course, some combination of the two reasons is possible as well.

Now in most cases, 2 is not that important, since if you are sick, the simplest recommendation is to just stay home (thus eliminating any need to wear a mask). So, primarily the consideration for whether or not to wear masks at the start of the pandemic was reason #1.

And here's the thing: it's always been pretty clear that masks aren't great at #1 (outside of N95+ masks). They aren't useless, mind you, but they aren't great.

Fauci's original controversial mask comments were given with only reason #1 in mind. When you read his comments in full and in context, this is clear. It's also evident by the timeline.

When these comments were made, it was not yet known that covid was transmitted very efficiently in the presymptomatic period (ie before one even knows they are sick) and in completely asymptomatic cases. Once it became known that this was true, reason #2 became extremely important. This is the reason that unviersal masking was always the recommendation, not just wear one if you want to protect yourself.

So, before discussing Fauci's comments about masks, make sure you know the context of what he was saying, when he was saying it, and why he was saying it.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:49 PM
Mask up!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:51 PM
I know the context. the guy in charge of infectious disease told people not to wear masks. then he told them to wear masks. understandably, those conflicting statements caused some trust issues.

were I tasked with stopping a pandemic, then I would have told people to mask up until we figure out whats going on. but I dont think competency is a requirement for Fauci's position. esp considering how awful he handled the AIDS pandemic.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
There's a lot people completely miss on the mask discussion, with regards to Fauci's comments. Let's go over it here, for the record.

There are two main reasons one might wear a mask:

1) as PPE (personal protective equipment), ie to stop themselves from being infected by others.
2) as source control, ie to stop themselves from infecting others.

Of course, some combination of the two reasons is possible as well.

Now in most cases, 2 is not that important, since if you are sick, the simplest recommendation is to just stay home (thus eliminating any need to wear a mask). So, primarily the consideration for whether or not to wear masks at the start of the pandemic was reason #1.

And here's the thing: it's always been pretty clear that masks aren't great at #1 (outside of N95+ masks). They aren't useless, mind you, but they aren't great.

Fauci's original controversial mask comments were given with only reason #1 in mind. When you read his comments in full and in context, this is clear. It's also evident by the timeline.

When these comments were made, it was not yet known that covid was transmitted very efficiently in the presymptomatic period (ie before one even knows they are sick) and in completely asymptomatic cases. Once it became known that this was true, reason #2 became extremely important. This is the reason that unviersal masking was always the recommendation, not just wear one if you want to protect yourself.

So, before discussing Fauci's comments about masks, make sure you know the context of what he was saying, when he was saying it, and why he was saying it.
how does context change things here?

I thought he knew it was a wuhan virus?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Ah, another Trumper claiming Covid is just like the flu. That theory was debunked by my boy Fauci:

Not sure if Fauci is just bad at history or if he was trying to pass off another lie there
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-14-2024 , 10:01 PM
One possible mistake that I believe was pretty common in many countries was a lack of transparency around how certain they were about advice, especially early on. Like going back to what Lozen brought up about the 6 foot distancing - it simply made logical sense to me at the time that 6 feet wasn't some magical distance that had gone through some rigorous medical study that determined it was the perfect distance to keep everyone completely safe; it was what they thought was a sensible compromise between safety and practicality. But was that clearly communicated? Or masks in the very early days - I think there was a lot of hesitancy to tell everyone to wear masks immediately as there were concerns around the available supply, and hoarding. Also not clearly communicated. Now that's all very easy to say in hindsight, to look back now and consider that more transparency then may have meant a reduced loss of confidence in authorities. At the time, they were likely concerned that if you waver at all, some will take that as a signal that they can just ignore the advice and do whatever they want. Now, it seems like it may have been a mistake.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
