Originally Posted by pinhigh47
It is genuinely very concerning to me that the world is moving to a place, even so far as to reach an off topic poker forum thread, that a negative statement about dr fauci results in a cascade of people asking for said person to be banned. If things continue going the way of extreme polarism, only allowing for echo chambers, extreme division...man the world is looking to be moving to a place that I don't want to experience. Honestly I am just feeling more and more ashamed to also be a human over the last decade or so.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, that "cascade of people" consists of a moderator who I assume wasn't especially serious or he would have banned him by now, and one poster who probably wouldn't mind if lagtight was banned for pretty much anything. So while I actually have also often lamented the extreme polarism we see in the world these days, I don't think this thread is a great example of it.
Originally Posted by lagtight
A rather elitist comment. Goat farmers are incapable of saying intelligent things?
I don't believe he said they were incapable of saying intelligent things, but was mocking you for 100% believing them. And to be fair, he did specify
uneducated goat farmers. The educated goat farmers are far more credible.