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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

04-25-2024 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Chillrob, did you figure out what those facts were that allowed you to conclude Lia Thomas transitioned in order to compete against woman in order to have a better swimming win/loss record?
No, I already stated that I was taking a guess, the same as you. You never gave any backing facts for your guess either.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
In the UK, it's a criminal offence to obtain or seek to obtain sex by deception, which includes deceiving the other person as to what sex you actually are. Trans activists (who are not usually trans themselves) keep trying to get this law changed, but, as the change they want would have the effect of legalising rape in certain circumstances, it's probably not going to happen.
Has this ever resulted in successful prosecutions for things like "he said he was going to marry me" or "she said she was on the pill"? Seems like a terrible law that would be impossible to enforce.
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04-25-2024 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
And nice non sequitur about another user saying you support rape.
Originally Posted by rickroll
what you are supporting is rape, it is 100% rape
What, you don't think I have receipts? Rickroll went on an absolutely deranged rant that somehow jumped from me pointing out that bumble has an app setting letting people declare their gender to somehow, magically, being supportive of rape. Yet look at the part of the conversation you choose to chime in on:

Originally Posted by chillrob
Not by any means rare.

Funny how someone who has likely never used a dating app thinks he knows about how rare and easy things are.

It is definitely getting ridiculous how you and your cohort can't just admit you were wrong about something. Not even idealogical, just about the way apps work.
If you say so. Sure seems that being able to show in your profile that you are trans is an easy solution that would solve the majority of the issue of trans people having their time wasted by having to wait until conversation to say you are trans. Seems pretty well designed, actually!
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04-25-2024 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Not as much as you do.

We may disagree about what the simplest solution is.
You falsely said I claimed the simplest solution was for trans people to use a general app. I didn't. I said the simplest solution was to let trans people choose whatever app they wanted. You can disagree with that nearly tautological statement, if you must, but please don't pretend I said something I didn't.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No, I already stated that I was taking a guess, the same as you. You never gave any backing facts for your guess either.
I never said I had no facts or guessed. You simply assumed that because you guessed, I did as well.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I never said I had no facts or guessed. You simply assumed that because you guessed, I did as well.
Well feel free to try convince me with your facts.
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04-25-2024 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
You falsely said I claimed the simplest solution was for trans people to use a general app. I didn't. I said the simplest solution was to let trans people choose whatever app they wanted. You can disagree with that nearly tautological statement, if you must, but please don't pretend I said something I didn't.
Yes I already said I disagree with you.

Why do you spend so much time on this interpretation issue instead of trying to understand how apps work or apologizing for your ignorance and refusal to believe those with infinitely better knowledge?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
What, you don't think I have receipts? Rickroll went on an absolutely deranged rant that somehow jumped from me pointing out that bumble has an app setting letting people declare their gender to somehow, magically, being supportive of rape. Yet look at the part of the conversation you choose to chime in on:

If you say so. Sure seems that being able to show in your profile that you are trans is an easy solution that would solve the majority of the issue of trans people having their time wasted by having to wait until conversation to say you are trans. Seems pretty well designed, actually!
Why should I have anything to do say about rape laws I haven't studied? I don't know anything about them, nor have I claimed to.

Yet you still continue to make ignorant claims about apps you have never used, even when they are directly in conflict with what those who use the apps say.

Just in case you decide to change, no, that does not solve the majority of the issue, despite how you think it seems based on your inferences from just reading a blurb on a promotional website.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
24 of those posts were refuting 24 other posts putting out intentionally wrong information saying that wasn't the case

absolutely incredulous

rick: it's a strange design that on dating apps i can exclude people by everything but whether they have a penis
fd:no you can, i just googled it
rick: yes it does, you're mistaken, here's screenshots to prove it
fd: well i found i page talking about gender identity
rick: yes you did, but that's unrelated to what we were discussing
uke: problem solved, they have a page on gender identity
cordi: isn't rick an incel anyway?
uke/fd/coordi: why is rick throwing a hissy fit about this?
Well I can see how it comes across that way, but it wasn't my intention to call you an incel. I was kind of being a dick though, so, sorry about being a dick.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Well I can see how it comes across that way, but it wasn't my intention to call you an incel. I was kind of being a dick though, so, sorry about being a dick.
thank you, this is why i appreciate you
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Why should I have anything to do say about rape laws I haven't studied? I don't know anything about them, nor have I claimed to.

Yet you still continue to make ignorant claims about apps you have never used, even when they are directly in conflict with what those who use the apps say.

Just in case you decide to change, no, that does not solve the majority of the issue, despite how you think it seems based on your inferences from just reading a blurb on a promotional website.
I'd have thought that if you saw your buddy making insane accusations like "you support rape" that maybe THAT would be the spot where you would jump into the conversation to pick out that one side isn't being perfectly fair and accurate. Instead we get the ridiculous nitpick you are digging in on. But let's go to the original statement.
Originally Posted by rickroll
more than anything, i think the trans dating experience would improve 10 fold if people like me could filter them out so they don't waste time on that and regularly get unmatched by men when they finally disclose it while chatting
Does any part of that imply rick remembered that trans people can put that they are trans in their profile? He calls this the "more than anything" issue - one that can improve 10 fold - is to stop this time wasting. But surely any trans person worried by this can at minimum dramatically reduce this issue of waiting until chatting by putting it in their profile. You've come up with this nitpick response that but but but but but but but but MAYBE some people will not see it in their profile and so it still wastes a bit of time here and there. The system actually seems really well designed to give trans people the choice of whether they want to display it or not. I think the reality is nobody really believes that the chief concern - for trans people - is anything to do with this. It might be a concern for you and rick, that you guys might have to chat with a trans person who doesn't immediately reveal they are trans, but that isn't what was quoted.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 08:06 PM
My only concern was in refuting incorrect claims about the app. That's where I came in to the discussion, and that's all I have commented on.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 08:25 PM
uke, you're being intentionally obtuse, you're not nearly this stupid
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 10:01 PM
Ironically, correcting Rick’s inaccurate claims about the app was indeed my original purpose too. His big issue is almost entirely mooted by an app setting. Unfortunately he decided to conclude from this that I supported rape.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ironically, correcting Rick’s inaccurate claims about the app was indeed my original purpose too. His big issue is almost entirely mooted by an app setting. Unfortunately he decided to conclude from this that I supported rape.
you're just intentionally lying now, can you be any more of a scumbag?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 10:09 PM
Are you saying you did not say I supported rape? Receipts just up thread!

You can’t possibly accuse anyone else of being a scumbag when you say things like that.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
uke, you're being intentionally obtuse, you're not nearly this stupid
This is the sort of exchange that speeds up people like me (lefty libby types) seeing through this stuff.

First poll I found said 3% of straight men and 1% of straight women would date trans. So the filter would be helpful.

It's obviously not the end of the world to chat with a trans person... or a gay guy or a straight guy or a lesbian. But they keep pretending that this is the issue, knowing it isn't.

The issue is not that it's a horror to chat w/ a trans person, it's that having a filter 97-99% of people would use just seems like common sense. If you aren't matched with lesbians or straight men, why would you be matched with trans women?

The fact that most trans people flag themselves as such is probably evidence they want to speed up the filtration too.

Now maybe bumble has their reasons. Like, I can see why they don't have race filters, though some would use them. But this exhausting Abbott and Costello routine where they pretend to not understand simple stuff....

Seen the same format with, "why aren't you attracted to transwomen if you are straight?"

Because I'm into women.

But trans women ARE women.

Yeah sure... ok I don't like penis.

But women can have penises...

Look, I like curvy people who can have babies.

Actually that means your bi...

See also actually having to debate if being seven inches taller and 3x stronger is an advantage in basketball.

At a certain point you realize truth, as it's understood in most contexts, is not the issue. This is true of certain political perspectives both left and right.

Like, you can show a Christian Identitarian evidence that sex Ed reduces abortion till you're blue in the face. It doesn't matter cuz that's not how they think.

If you have some sort of enlightenment/rationalist/science/logic based view of truth, this is kinda disquieting.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Are you saying you did not say I supported rape? Receipts just up thread!

You can’t possibly accuse anyone else of being a scumbag when you say things like that.
again, you mention two things, one of which was an outright lie and the other wasn't

you magically only bring up the one that isn't a lie

this just pure shitbag douchehole posting and why you just suck as a person

rob and I were very patient and politely pointing out your mistake with the app and showing evidence why, you still insist that your imagination of how it works is correct

and again you love playing the victim or ignore that and try to redirect it to an obviously tongue in cheek joke that you support rape - which i don't deny nor ever did deny saying

you know all of this, unlike some posters here who are too stupid to even debate with and thus on ignore, you are not this phenomenally stupid as you're pretending right now

however, i do stand by that failing to disclose that you have a penis to a prospective dating partner is absolutely wrong

i showed you the clip from revenge of the nerds, which everyone agrees is rape, she into it, she enjoyed it, she even initiated it, but was misled into thinking something else was going on, which is the sole reason it happened in the first place

if there is a scenario where a trans person waits until the absolutely last minute to disclose they are trans ie right before the pants come off then it's reasonable to believe that some making out, heavy petting, perhaps even a blowjob may have occurred prior to that - which would all be sexual assault due to there not being consent

we even have documented cases of trans people where trans have gone so far as to use a bit of smoke and mirrors (and probably some alcohol and drugs i would guess) to even engage in sex without revealing they are trans

and this is not good for anyone, while I'm not excusing the extreme response some have taken, there would without a doubt be fewer murders of trans people if this never happened as there are many documented cases of this and also why so many of the murder victims are sex workers

it's not just a stupid feature, it literally normalizes sexual assault and promotes the kind of awful situations which are fundamental reason why trans are murdered at such high rates

Last edited by rickroll; 04-25-2024 at 11:09 PM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ironically, correcting Rick’s inaccurate claims about the app was indeed my original purpose too. His big issue is almost entirely mooted by an app setting. Unfortunately he decided to conclude from this that I supported rape.
Doubly ironic, you somehow still think that you were right.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-25-2024 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Doubly ironic, you somehow still think that you were right.
i think it's an act, there's no way he's that level of stupid, like pile of rocks stupid - i think he's just trolling to bait me to cross a line to catch a ban at this point
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Doubly ironic, you somehow still think that you were right.
Ya know, I've never used this app before. But at the beginning rick said this:
Originally Posted by rick, being wrong
more than anything, i think the trans dating experience would improve 10 fold if people like me could filter them out so they don't waste time on that and regularly get unmatched by men when they finally disclose it while chatting
And it just didn't pass the smell test. Surely "finally disclose it while chatting" can't be the only way trans people let everyone know they are trans, right? Because IF that was true, I would agree that a 10 fold improvement could be made by having trans people be able to disclose this before chatting. But in under a minute I discovered that there IS precisely this feature. You can argue around the margins maybe some people don't notice that their profiles say they are trans, but the idea that THIS is the "more than anything" problem with a potential 10 fold improvement to be made? GTFO.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:25 AM
this is your fundamental problem, you have utterly zero faith that anyone else could be honest that you would rather suppose that you understand something you've never experienced by how you imagine it should work than rather how people who are in the trenches tell you it actually works

i take back everything i said about you being intelligent, that's simply impossible, you're an utter imbecilic ideologue
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
if there is a scenario where a trans person waits until the absolutely last minute to disclose they are trans ie right before the pants come off then it's reasonable to believe that some making out, heavy petting, perhaps even a blowjob may have occurred prior to that - which would all be sexual assault due to there not being consent
Have to say, we haven't seen the "look at these hypothetical bad trans people" vibes this strong since Cuepee left.

there would without a doubt be fewer murders of trans people if this never happened as there are many documented cases of this and also why so many of the murder victims are sex workers
Ick. This victim blaming murders of trans people on said hypothetical bad trans people is particularly gross.

Originally Posted by rickroll
it's not just a stupid feature, it literally normalizes sexual assault and promotes the kind of awful situations which are fundamental reason why trans are murdered at such high rates
Hard to know what to do with this level of insanity. I don't know which is more ridiculous, your pet theory for why trans people are murdered (hint: it is the fault of bad trans people) or the preposterous idea that an app setting normalizes sexual assault. WTF.

Well at least I think we've found the real reason you got so up in arms about the app setting issue!
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
this is your fundamental problem, you have utterly zero faith that anyone else could be honest that you would rather suppose that you understand something you've never experienced by how you imagine it should work than rather how people who are in the trenches tell you it actually works

i take back everything i said about you being intelligent, that's simply impossible, you're an utter imbecilic ideologue
Lol, decided dropping the R word would get you banned and so ninja edited in a new insult?

The simple fact is that trans people do NOT have to finally disclose it when chatting", they can disclose it right on the profile. Pretty simple and well designed really. I have no idea why that upset you so much you had to sink to this level, but you do you.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:44 AM
uke are you now actually denying that a large chunk of trans people who are murdered for being trans happened after they failed to disclose their status to their sexual partners?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
