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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

03-09-2024 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
It's a pretty horrible habit and cigarettes are probably healthier for you. Same with weed vape vs actual weed. I've never tried for the former but I have to really want some THC in my system for the latter.
lol no for tobacco 100%. No idea about THC that substance is poison for my body so i don't take it
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Yes Elrazor, we get it, the transphobic trope is to to endlessly center the conversation around all the fake mentally ill non-trans people you imagine there are. You don’t need to repeat it for us.
Just so you know, it’s extremely homophobic to pretend that gay people who were misdiagnosed as trans do not exist.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Just so you know, it’s extremely homophobic to pretend that gay people who were misdiagnosed as trans do not exist.
this would have only offended him 3 years ago, now he has a new group to white knight for
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jackontheturn
I don't believe gender identity is a useful term. I don't believe people have a gender as distinct from biological sex. Gender refers to which social roles and customs are typically associated with male/ female sex (knitting vs. fishing/ nurse vs. auto mechanic/ dresses vs. tuxedos, etc.), as well as social and linguistic (in some languages) mannerisms associated with one sex or the other.

I believe trans is a term for people who have a mismatch between their birth sex and the sex they wish to be perceived as in society.

If I use the phrase "actual trans," I am referring to people who experience this mismatch and choose to live socially as the opposite sex. I would use this phrase to contrast people are adopting a trans identity either due to a social contagion, or for impure purposes (like a man trying to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification).
Ok, you’re using it to mean those who strongly identify as trans, not for those who have a single gender which is independent of whether or not they identify with it. Because if we each have a single (independent) gender, then we can expect ~ 50% of the population to be “actual trans”, right? I would add that many who adopt the trans identity due to social contagion also develop a strong gender identity, so I personally would distinguish it by those who strongly identify as trans and those who don’t.

We can and should empathize with the people who strongly identify with the gender opposite their bio sex, while avoiding the propaganda which says their trans identity is not simply an identity but who they are independent of identification (meaning even before they identified as trans, they were trans).
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Just so you know, it’s extremely homophobic to pretend that gay people who were misdiagnosed as trans do not exist.
Misdiagnosis exist a lot in every field.
Denying this would be wrong.

If You speak of misdiagnosis of trans however, youre a homophobe.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Yes Elrazor, we get it, the transphobic trope is to to endlessly center the conversation around all the fake mentally ill non-trans people you imagine there are. You don’t need to repeat it for us.
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Just so you know, it’s extremely homophobic to pretend that gay people who were misdiagnosed as trans do not exist.
This response bears almost no relation to what uke wrote. It’s also rich for you of all people to claim someone like uke master is being homophobic. gross.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 02:01 PM
I think he thinks he is being clever.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
This response bears almost no relation to what uke wrote. It’s also rich for you of all people to claim someone like uke master is being homophobic. gross.
It isn't gross.

If in the victim hood ladder you put trans people above homosexuals, which is what radical activism is doing right now, and you claim trans women are women, you are forcing lesbian associations to accept people with dicks (a very violent enforcement of your preferences) against their will, or lose their tax exempt status, and that's homophobia.

And it happened in the UK. And it is being litigated, it's not an hypothetical
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I think he thinks he is being clever.
I appreciate you as an ally.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
It isn't gross.

If in the victim hood ladder you put trans people above homosexuals, which is what radical activism is doing right now, and you claim trans women are women, you are forcing lesbian associations to accept people with dicks (a very violent enforcement of your preferences) against their will, or lose their tax exempt status, and that's homophobia.

And it happened in the UK. And it is being litigated, it's not an hypothetical
I think we both agree the anti-trans activists are creating a reactionary based ladder. It’s cowardly and abusive ldo. And you’re right about conservative anti trans protestors and their extremist agenda- it is enforcing gender norms and in your words “forcing lesbians to accept people with dicks”. You should stand up to the right wing filth that is doing this more aggressively. I don’t want them near my family or children.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Jackontheturn
If I use the phrase "actual trans," I am referring to people who experience this mismatch and choose to live socially as the opposite sex. I would use this phrase to contrast people are adopting a trans identity either due to a social contagion, or for impure purposes (like a man trying to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification).
The amount of time spent in this thread by a handful of people fretting over things like this is...disappointing, to say the least. "Social contagion...impure purposes" - yes, this is what we need to worry about. Not the constant shitting on trans and the wider LGBTQ+ community that this nonsense encourages. Although I guess creating a hostile environment would cut down on the feared social contagion epidemic.

If there are a few confused kids, they'll sort it out. I also have confidence that the handful of men "trying to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification" will be handled in much the same way as they always have been. So far the gender neutral washrooms in our schools have created no big problems of this nature in the several years they've been rolled out, and I've not heard of any major issues in the community either.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I didn't say they were "liars".

You think the older generation is not telling the truth, for whatever reason. I think they're being honest. There is no way that 5% of the elderly secretly consider themselves to be trans.
this debate has been pretty hilarious. the amount of hoops people will jump through to convince themselves that they are right. i would wager a left testicle that the amount of trans people was not 5% ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years ago and that people today (not all of them) are for sure claiming to be trans for attention.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The amount of time spent in this thread by a handful of people fretting over things like this is...disappointing, to say the least. "Social contagion...impure purposes" - yes, this is what we need to worry about. Not the constant shitting on trans and the wider LGBTQ+ community that this nonsense encourages. Although I guess creating a hostile environment would cut down on the feared social contagion epidemic.

If there are a few confused kids, they'll sort it out. I also have confidence that the handful of men "trying to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification" will be handled in much the same way as they always have been. So far the gender neutral washrooms in our schools have created no big problems of this nature in the several years they've been rolled out, and I've not heard of any major issues in the community either.
You still fail to understand that giving up on this topic means the complete destruction of the whole fibers of society.

If you accept a word like woman, with all it's legal implications, can be subjectively redefined by activists you accept objective reality doesn't exist in any topic of life.

It is an existential threat to cohabitation, a significant portion of society in some countries is trying something unprecedented in human history, to deconstruct the entire corpus of previously accumulated knowledge and toss it away on pure fiat.

This is a threat to everything we care about and does generalize and extend to everything else.

These people (the fanatical activists who claim that biological sex doesn't exist and being a woman is entirely a subjective choice) are to be destroyed in the public arena and treated at the very least the same we treat people who tatoo a swastika on their forehead.

The kids being mutilated while minors in the meanwhile are just the small tip of the iceberg of problems.

If woman is subjective, all of reality is. And if you control academia you control reality. A "study" claiming any bullshit, like that masks can protect you against an RNA airborne virus, becomes the basis for law enforcement.

And it's exactly one by one the same people.

If you understand that the trans activists are exactly the same people pushing for vax mandates and ti remove civil rights of the unvaxxed, to violently abuse minors with masks in school, to be pro Palestine and pro Putin Russia, for being against capitalism and fossil fuels because the poor polar bears have it worse and so on, then maybe you get the point of this fight.

It isn't about trans for us we would never give a **** about the one in a thousand who feels he is of the opposite sex
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
You still fail to understand that giving up on this topic means the complete destruction of the whole fibers of society.

If you accept a word like woman, with all it's legal implications, can be subjectively redefined by activists you accept objective reality doesn't exist in any topic of life.

It is an existential threat to cohabitation, a significant portion of society in some countries is trying something unprecedented in human history, to deconstruct the entire corpus of previously accumulated knowledge and toss it away on pure fiat.

This is a threat to everything we care about and does generalize and extend to everything else.

These people (the fanatical activists who claim that biological sex doesn't exist and being a woman is entirely a subjective choice) are to be destroyed in the public arena and treated at the very least the same we treat people who tatoo a swastika on their forehead.

The kids being mutilated while minors in the meanwhile are just the small tip of the iceberg of problems.

If woman is subjective, all of reality is. And if you control academia you control reality. A "study" claiming any bullshit, like that masks can protect you against an RNA airborne virus, becomes the basis for law enforcement.

And it's exactly one by one the same people.

If you understand that the trans activists are exactly the same people pushing for vax mandates and ti remove civil rights of the unvaxxed, to violently abuse minors with masks in school, to be pro Palestine and pro Putin Russia, for being against capitalism and fossil fuels because the poor polar bears have it worse and so on, then maybe you get the point of this fight.

It isn't about trans for us we would never give a **** about the one in a thousand who feels he is of the opposite sex

You get a lot of flak around here but I want you to know you are appreciated. Of course your post will be labeled as....well, something but you are spot on here. if someone wants to be the opposite sex, cool, do your thing. stop trying to convince us the sun rises in the west, however.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
You still fail to understand that giving up on this topic means the complete destruction of the whole fibers of society.

If you accept a word like woman, with all it's legal implications, can be subjectively redefined by activists you accept objective reality doesn't exist in any topic of life.

It is an existential threat to cohabitation, a significant portion of society in some countries is trying something unprecedented in human history, to deconstruct the entire corpus of previously accumulated knowledge and toss it away on pure fiat.

This is a threat to everything we care about and does generalize and extend to everything else.

These people (the fanatical activists who claim that biological sex doesn't exist and being a woman is entirely a subjective choice) are to be destroyed in the public arena and treated at the very least the same we treat people who tatoo a swastika on their forehead.

The kids being mutilated while minors in the meanwhile are just the small tip of the iceberg of problems.

If woman is subjective, all of reality is. And if you control academia you control reality. A "study" claiming any bullshit, like that masks can protect you against an RNA airborne virus, becomes the basis for law enforcement.

And it's exactly one by one the same people.

If you understand that the trans activists are exactly the same people pushing for vax mandates and ti remove civil rights of the unvaxxed, to violently abuse minors with masks in school, to be pro Palestine and pro Putin Russia, for being against capitalism and fossil fuels because the poor polar bears have it worse and so on, then maybe you get the point of this fight.

It isn't about trans for us we would never give a **** about the one in a thousand who feels he is of the opposite sex
You clearly don’t need a mask.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The amount of time spent in this thread by a handful of people fretting over things like this is...disappointing, to say the least. "Social contagion...impure purposes" - yes, this is what we need to worry about. Not the constant shitting on trans and the wider LGBTQ+ community that this nonsense encourages. Although I guess creating a hostile environment would cut down on the feared social contagion epidemic.

If there are a few confused kids, they'll sort it out. I also have confidence that the handful of men "trying to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification" will be handled in much the same way as they always have been. So far the gender neutral washrooms in our schools have created no big problems of this nature in the several years they've been rolled out, and I've not heard of any major issues in the community either.
have you considered that the "shitting on of the lgbtq+" has to do with the constant barrage of "you must accept us?" that is constantly shoved down our throats? like, we do accept you. leave us alone.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by sublime

You get a lot of flak around here but I want you to know you are appreciated. Of course your post will be labeled as....well, something but you are spot on here. if someone wants to be the opposite sex, cool, do your thing. stop trying to convince us the sun rises in the west, however.
As a libertarian, well before the left cared about homosexuals and trans and any other kind of niche minorities with "weird" behavioral propensities, i always defended in full the right for any adult to do the **** they want with their life no question asked full stop.

But other people having to "affirm" it in any way was never part of the picture
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by sublime
have you considered that the "shitting on of the lgbtq+" has to do with the constant barrage of "you must accept us?" that is constantly shoved down our throats? like, we do accept you. leave us alone.
Almost no one except some very evil or stupid conservatives shits on LGB nowadays.

They won their battles and society is better for it.

The T never had anything to do with the LGB though.

And there are lesbian groups in particular who are horrified by trans activism and feel betrayed by society when the trans activism gets accepted as truth
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
You clearly don’t need a mask.
Nobody does for RNA viruses
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-09-2024 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Almost no one except some very evil or stupid conservatives shits on LGB nowadays.

They won their battles and society is better for it.

The T never had anything to do with the LGB though.

And there are lesbian groups in particular who are horrified by trans activism and feel betrayed by society when the trans activism gets accepted as truth
and those people are beyond helping anyway. in the continued effort to change the minds of people who lack the ability to change their mind, all these activists are ultimately doing is turning off people who are receptive, yet not gung-ho, on the issue.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-10-2024 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Taviatock was ran improperly because of poor funding and has been corrected.
it was ran improperly because of ideological capture, and this was corrected by closing it down.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-10-2024 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Ok, you’re using it to mean those who strongly identify as trans, not for those who have a single gender which is independent of whether or not they identify with it. Because if we each have a single (independent) gender, then we can expect ~ 50% of the population to be “actual trans”, right? I would add that many who adopt the trans identity due to social contagion also develop a strong gender identity, so I personally would distinguish it by those who strongly identify as trans and those who don’t.

We can and should empathize with the people who strongly identify with the gender opposite their bio sex, while avoiding the propaganda which says their trans identity is not simply an identity but who they are independent of identification (meaning even before they identified as trans, they were trans).
I don't believe people have a gender. Gender is a linguistic/ anthropological term. In some languages nouns and verbs have a gender, and in all cultures there are certain social roles, spaces, and activities that are strongly "gendered," i.e., associated strongly with male or female (e.g., in Anglo-saxon culture, knitting with female, fishing with male).

Some people experience a subjective sense of mismatch between their birth sex and how they want to be perceived in the world. Some of these people choose to live as the opposite sex, and those are the people I would label as "actually trans." I have doubts about whether transitioning (and even more so undergoing surgical and pharmacological interventions) is the right choice for all the people in this category, however I do certainly have sympathy for them as I do believe that their gender mismatch (gender dysphoria) is a real source of trauma for them.

But not everyone who chooses to label themselves as "transgender" fits into this category. Some of them are young people in the grips of a social contagion, others are grifters claiming a fashionable identity for clout, others are male perverts trying to gain access to female spaces.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-10-2024 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
it was ran improperly because of ideological capture, and this was corrected by closing it down.

Nonsense. Bell reported a fear among clinical staff of being accused of being transphobic, leading to an unwillingness to adequately assess individual cases.

But carry on tilting at your "ideological capture" windmills.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 03-10-2024 at 12:11 PM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-10-2024 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Jackontheturn
I don't believe people have a gender. Gender is a linguistic/ anthropological term. In some languages nouns and verbs have a gender, and in all cultures there are certain social roles, spaces, and activities that are strongly "gendered," i.e., associated strongly with male or female (e.g., in Anglo-saxon culture, knitting with female, fishing with male).
I'm not sure there is such a thing as "gendered verbs" although there might be some languages where some verbs are exclusively used by one sex.

Part of what confuses uneducated people about gender when it comes to language is that they think masculine and feminine are the only genders due to their experience with Western languages-- but a language like Swahili has 11 genders. Just calling them noun classes would be easier.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-10-2024 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

If there are a few confused kids, they'll sort it out. I also have confidence that the handful of men "trying to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification" will be handled in much the same way as they always have been. So far the gender neutral washrooms in our schools have created no big problems of this nature in the several years they've been rolled out, and I've not heard of any major issues in the community either.
How are the confused kids going to sort it out when they're 30 years old and want to have families of their own, but were sterilized when they were teenagers caught in a social contagion?

How are you going to handle men trying to gain access to female spaces when you open up women's spaces to anyone who claims trans identity? Have a government issued "transgender license"? There is a small segment (maybe 1-2%) of the population that have no moral scruples and will use any loophole, including claiming transgender status, to get what they want. There's no way to police this effectively in a way that doesn't increase the risk to women and girls.

Having gender neutral spaces available is all well and good, but not at the expense of denying women a space of their own if they want it.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
