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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

02-21-2024 , 02:59 AM
There’s also a basic failure of logic to conclude, simply because the article mentions Kevin Stitts name, that I am saying he should be legally held liable for murder. As governor he signed a harmful bathroom bill that is going to have continued negative consequences and cost lives. However, he was not the one who wrote and crafted the legislation. The oklahoma congress and the oklahoma senate voted for this bill. Nor is it the most harmful bill of its kind that has passed through state legislatures. People vote on bills that save or ruin lives all the time. One of dozens of horrible bills in regards to trans issues that passed last year that will ruin lives. Kevin Stitt is one of 100’s of politicians and lawyers involved in this legislation. So no, he’s not going to be arrested. That doesn’t mean these bills aren’t morally reprehensible.

It’s also just really weird reaction in general. You should be more concerned about the epidemic of murders and hate and less concerned with non existent legal issues of a politician.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
That seems like quite the leap you're making.
I assume you are talking about this?

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
the cruelty of making people use the wrong bathroom directly resulted in this( and many others) death.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Just 3 days after the church shooting the KC parade shooting took place and bumped the church shooting out of the news cycle. It really is tragic that in the US if someone mentions a mass shooting you have to ask "which one?" to know what they are referring to.
I don't think it can be called a mass shooting in the case we discuss here, maybe an attempted one? The woman was killed before she killed anyone iirc
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Don't know, haven't checked but if it has it could be because MSM aren't simply aren't keen on such reports potentially demonising the transgender community and no other reason, really.
Wait , wasn't the person a biological woman? But a very leftist antisemite one, so the story disappeared?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
I assume you are talking about this?
Elrazor, why do you think that’s a stretch in this case?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Non-binary kid beaten to death after being targeted online in Oklahoma. Anyway, carry on with the usual bullying and hectoring of trans kids, no reason any of you should feel conflicted about that sort of thing.

I suggest you check the story a little better as it's very unclear that it can be framed as "being targeted online and bullied because non binary", that part is simply, for now, totally unsubstantiated

Incidentally that Caraballo person is the stereotypical, possible best example of everything I fight against in trans activism, a truly evil person, shouldn't ever take anything he says as true unless corroborated by third non activist parties
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:49 AM
Anyway, here’s the article

Nex died one day after a fight in a bathroom. A bathroom nex morally never should’ve been asked to enter.

There is also a completely unrelated murder of a trans person being tried as a federal hate crime today that resulted from someone being forced to use the wrong bathroom by insane new laws.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Elrazor, why do you think that’s a stretch in this case?
Because it only meets one of he three main criteria used in science to establish cause and effect; namely the cause happened before the effect.

However, it fails to meet the other two criteria; namely whenever the cause occurs, the effect occurs and there must not be alternative explanations for the effect.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
That seems like quite the leap you're making. Do you think there could be room for anything in between "Has he been arrested" and "is it possible the bullying is completely unrelated to the bathroom bill"? Can we be even a little concerned that such a bill could play a role in incidents like that? That maybe, just maybe, we could trust educators to decide what rules they need to put in place for their bathrooms rather than politicians who likely don't know the first ****ing thing about what's needed?
No, voters through their elected representatives should decide what happens in the public schools they fund, with the regard to everything from curricula to school rules of behavior and so on.

Educators working in a public school have to execute the will of their employers, IE the taxpayers.

We truly don't need to delegate to unelected "experts" any choice which has a political connotation or is based upon political preferences in any matter (ye that clearly includes healthcare as well and many other topics other than trans ness).

And in particular no we shouldn't trust any group which is extremely left leaning in it's composition, like teachers are
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
No, voters through their elected representatives should decide what happens in the public schools they fund, with the regard to everything from curricula to school rules of behavior and so on.

Educators working in a public school have to execute the will of their employers, IE the taxpayers.

We truly don't need to delegate to unelected "experts" any choice which has a political connotation or is based upon political preferences in any matter (ye that clearly includes healthcare as well and many other topics other than trans ness).

And in particular no we shouldn't trust any group which is extremely left leaning in it's composition, like teachers are
Most taxpayers don’t support discrimination against trans people.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Anyway, here’s the article

Nex died one day after a fight in a bathroom. A bathroom nex morally never should’ve been asked to enter.
Given we have no mention of the purported killers after what, 12 days? And police is waiting for autoptic results (isn't 12 days really a lot for that? Not sure), and it happened in a girl bathroom, I think we can infer something about who the people who beaten Nex were and why we still don't have any info on them, don't you?

Why are you so sure it was about trans ness?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I don't think it can be called a mass shooting in the case we discuss here, maybe an attempted one? The woman was killed before she killed anyone iirc
You're right about the church shooting not being a mass shooting. I think the usual cutoff is 4 people shot, not counting the shooter, and in this case it was one person hit by the shooter and then the off duty cops killed her and hit her son in the process. But my comment was more a general statement about the frequency of mass shootings in the US overall. Incredibly, using the 4 people shot standard we have had over 40 in 2024 so far. It's nuts.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Most taxpayers don’t support discrimination against trans people.
Most people on the right don't consider that bill discriminating against trans people, nor Oklahoma taxpayers are a random sample of american taxpayers, they tend to be a lot more rightwing than the general population afaik.

And to be clear there is 0 connection between that bill and the death of this person as of now.

It's almost like the trans activists community is very very eager to draw completely unsubstantiated causal links to claim, as you did here as well, absurd things like a genocide is in the making
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
You're right about the church shooting not being a mass shooting. I think the usual cutoff is 4 people shot, not counting the shooter, and in this case it was one person hit by the shooter and then the off duty cops killed her and hit her son in the process. But my comment was more a general statement about the frequency of mass shootings in the US overall. Incredibly, using the 4 people shot standard we have had over 40 in 2024 so far. It's nuts.
Ye but gang warfare isn't usually counted as mass shooting in other countries either, in Europe at least we use that expression only if it's unrelated civilians being targeted in mass (and here that ofc is very rare, while in the USA it isn't).
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Most people on the right don't consider that bill discriminating against trans people, nor Oklahoma taxpayers are a random sample of american taxpayers, they tend to be a lot more rightwing than the general population afaik.

And to be clear there is 0 connection between that bill and the death of this person as of now.

It's almost like the trans activists community is very very eager to draw completely unsubstantiated causal links to claim, as you did here as well, absurd things like a genocide is in the making
setting the preconditions for a genocide and a genocide actually taking place are two different things.
There are many conservative tax payers including people donating millions to the republican party and conservative candidates who also don’t want discriminatory bills to be passed that harm trans people.

The actual cause of this death I cannot confirm, but I can say that nex was involved in a fight in a school bathroom, had been repeatedly bullied , and died the day after that altercation.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
setting the preconditions for a genocide and a genocide actually taking place are two different things.
There are many conservative tax payers including people donating millions to the republican party and conservative candidates who also don’t want discriminatory bills to be passed that harm trans people.

The actual cause of this death I cannot confirm, but I can say that nex was involved in a fight in a school bathroom, had been repeatedly bullied , and died the day after that altercation.
Walk me through how and why being allowed to go in the boys bathroom would have decreased the chances of bullying and of having altercations.

Aren't boys usually far more violent than girls, and usually far more prone to violent bullying than girls?

Moreover given Nex identified as non binary (instead of the opposite sex), which bathroom would have applied in the world you would like to see?

Aren't you a little curious why we don't know anything about the people who have beaten Nex 12 days after the death? Doesn't it seem a little strange to you that Nex was in the hospital on the 7th, sent home, then died the day later (this smells of some egregious mistakes by the hospital)?

Why are you sure this is part of the anti trans genocide and not a death caused by medical malpractice (among various possibilities)?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
or on planet earth.
You've been to all of them?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Walk me through how and why being allowed to go in the boys bathroom would have decreased the chances of bullying and of having altercations.

Aren't boys usually far more violent than girls, and usually far more prone to violent bullying than girls?

Moreover given Nex identified as non binary (instead of the opposite sex), which bathroom would have applied in the world you would like to see?

Aren't you a little curious why we don't know anything about the people who have beaten Nex 12 days after the death? Doesn't it seem a little strange to you that Nex was in the hospital on the 7th, sent home, then died the day later (this smells of some egregious mistakes by the hospital)?

Why are you sure this is part of the anti trans genocide and not a death caused by medical malpractice (among various possibilities)?
Just too many weird and incorrect speculation here to address it all.
1.) People are often bullied for going into a bathroom that doesn’t match their gender. Most trans individuals have been peacefully going in bathrooms that match their gender identity for decades but these laws have made these children targets.

2.) I don’t think this death is necessarily part of a genocide. I never said there was a genocide. I think the setting of the preconditions for genocide is pretty self apparent at this point. I don’t think there will be a genocide in the end.

3.) of course I’m curious why we don’t know more. I have some pretty horrifying information about why I think that may be the case but I haven’t shared it because I can’t confirm it.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
You've been to all of them?
Show me one school where people are treating trans kids so well cisgender children are “converting to trans” or whatever. I’ll wait.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:43 AM
I think it's ridiculous that there are still same sex group restrooms with little privacy in schools. I have been to a few places that have all gender restrooms with individual stalls (with full doors, not large enough for more than one person to fit), and then an external area with sinks for anyone to use. The sink area could be public, or constantly monitored. Individual small restrooms, each with a small sink, would be fine as well. I understand this would be a bit more expensive, but would give everyone more privacy and make group beatdowns nearly impossible to happen. I don't like taking a dump while people walk right by a half door and peek under to see if anyone is really in there, no matter what the gender of the other person.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Show me one school where people are treating trans kids so well cisgender children are “converting to trans” or whatever. I’ll wait.
Feel free to wait as long as you like, or you can meet me in California and we'll investigate them together.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Just too many weird and incorrect speculation here to address it all.
1.) People are often bullied for going into a bathroom that doesn’t match their gender. Most trans individuals have been peacefully going in bathrooms that match their gender identity for decades but these laws have made these children targets.

2.) I don’t think this death is necessarily part of a genocide. I never said there was a genocide. I think the setting of the preconditions for genocide is pretty self apparent at this point. I don’t think there will be a genocide in the end.

3.) of course I’m curious why we don’t know more. I have some pretty horrifying information about why I think that may be the case but I haven’t shared it because I can’t confirm it.
1) there were no trans minors up until very recently, and certainly there weren't boys using girl bathrooms in high schools because they felt they were girls decades ago, I really don't understand what you mean.

2) the idea that if you are to use a bathroom used by people with your same genitals, that's a precondition to genocide, is so insane I don't know what else to say.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 05:01 AM
Bryce can you answer which bathroom non binary people supposedly should be allowed to use, if the world was as you would like it?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Bryce can you answer which bathroom non binary people supposedly should be allowed to use, if the world was as you would like it?
Obviously the bathroom of their choice rather than the bathroom based on banal laws attached to agab .
The costs of trans visibility Quote
02-21-2024 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
1) there were no trans minors up until very recently, and certainly there weren't boys using girl bathrooms in high schools because they felt they were girls decades ago, I really don't understand what you mean.

2) the idea that if you are to use a bathroom used by people with your same genitals, that's a precondition to genocide, is so insane I don't know what else to say.
Obviously the case for the preconditions of genocide being set involve a mountain of laws, rhetoric , discrimination, physical and emotional abuse, murders and actions and are not based on one thing.

Also, It’s pretty insane to act like there didn’t use to be transgender people when obviously that’s not the case.
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