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The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend)

02-08-2021 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The acknowledgement that every human life is created in God's image (i.e. Body, Soul and Spirit) and is loved by God is foundational to all Ethics and Human Rights.

If humans are not made in the image of God, then there is nothing particularly wrong with poison water, endless war, or kids in cages, I.E. :

Humans are doing these things now. In our country. No one really seems to care, least of all Evangelical types.

I agree with you that these things are wrong but I'm not convinced that people who claim that they have moral certitude due to their belief in Christianity are doing much to address them.

Also, human rights are one of those things that are only loosely associated with religion. They are, after all, based on the concept that humans have innate dignity. Christianity is based on the concept that humans are evil at birth and deserve eternal damnation. Not much reason to bother with earthy comforts if that's your starting point. Get the sinners baptized and hope they die quick before they mess it up would be the GTO strategy in play.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Turns out that women are people with rights too. Who knew!
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Turns out that women are people with rights too. Who knew!
Not in any poker game I've ever played in.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I'm not shutting up. But I am trying to be a more humane person.
Try harder? Stop seeing your fellow humans as cockroaches? Stop posting deliberatively provocative ****?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Humans are doing these things now. In our country. No one really seems to care, least of all Evangelical types.

I agree with you that these things are wrong but I'm not convinced that people who claim that they have moral certitude due to their belief in Christianity are doing much to address them.
I am absolutely convinced that most Evangelicals are not doing much to address those evils.

Also, human rights are one of those things that are only loosely associated with religion. They are, after all, based on the concept that humans have innate dignity. Christianity is based on the concept that humans are evil at birth and deserve eternal damnation. Not much reason to bother with earthy comforts if that's your starting point. Get the sinners baptized and hope they die quick before they mess it up would be the GTO strategy in play.
Humans have innate dignity because they are made in the image of God. In a Naturalistic worldview, there is literally no such thing as "innate dignity."
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Try harder? Stop seeing your fellow humans as cockroaches? Stop posting deliberatively provocative ****?
Why are you lying yet again? I made it very clear that I don't see my fellow humans as cockroaches. I would encourage you to pay better attention.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The acknowledgement that every human life is created in God's image (i.e. Body, Soul and Spirit) and is loved by God is foundational to all Ethics and Human Rights. If humans are not made in the image of God, then humans are of no more (or less) value than cockroaches.
Reposting this so all can see that Trolly is lying again.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight

Humans have innate dignity because they are made in the image of God. In a Naturalistic worldview, there is literally no such thing as "innate dignity."
That's one of those things they wrote without thinking about it. It really puts poor God in a bad light.

I don't know if he laughs or cries.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Why are you lying yet again? I made it very clear that I don't see my fellow humans as cockroaches.
You’ve made it clear that bronze-age mythology is the only thing keeping you from viewing people as no better than insects. That there’s no intrinsic value to your fellow humans. It’s a terrifying perspective really.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You’ve made it clear that bronze-age mythology is the only thing keeping you from viewing people as no better than insects. That there’s no intrinsic value to your fellow humans. It’s a terrifying perspective really.
After you retract your lie, I will respond to you.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
That's one of those things they wrote without thinking about it. It really puts poor God in a bad light.

I don't know if he laughs or cries.
Have a good day!
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I'd probably have to know somebody personally for a while before I would presume to know what that persons motivations are.
I would hope you would use that same standard before advocating for them as POTUS.


I've never met Mrs. Owens, and I suspect that you haven't either. If she is advocating for something literally evil, then I will denounce her.
She is a morally vacuous and hollow person.

She has not demonstrated that she holds any values or positions other than what is the most likely to get her paid.

What is your absolute, universal and knowable standard for determining who is "horrible" and who isn't?
What is yours when it comes to you proclaiming certain things are 'evil' and you even create a list?

I think that this is a valid criticism. I haven't done a "deep dive" into her history. Having said that, why don't you tell me what makes her "terrible"? I read her Wikipedia page and, guess what, she's made mistakes like everybody else. If she is actually a serious contender for the GOP nomination if 2024 I'll vet her more substantially before advocating voting for her.
Google is your friend. Lots to read on here as a person who tried to become a voice on the left, failed due to the stronger competition and found a nice niche on the extreme right always wiling to embrace a POC who will denigrate and tear down their own people, providing a veil for the insults and racism and other isms she deals in.

Here is just one example.
Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money

So again, she is just a horrible human being and one you instantly gravitated too as a good candidate for POTUS and maybe you should reflect on that.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:29 PM
If you can know this...

Originally Posted by lagtight
My "judgement" is based on my conviction that the Bible provides a knowable, universal and absolute standard. This is an ongoing discussion in RGT. Please join us!
...if thru your discernment you feel qualified to judge based on the above...

Why did you then ask me this...

What is your absolute, universal and knowable standard for determining who is "horrible" and who isn't? if i was wrong or do not have the proper standards or info to judge?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I don't recognize that quote of mine. Please provide the post number where I said the above quote. I don't remember saying that. Thanks.
Those are not quotation marks so why would i cite a post number.

I was obviously doing a mocking paraphrase of your post 1926 where you 'use your judgment to CITE evils' against another post where you claim we do not have the power to make such judgements.

Something you do consistently in pure bold faced hypocrisy.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Okay. Please share.

God has given humans a conscience, in addition to specific laws (e.g. The Ten Commandments).

Please show us the "travesties" that God has "done and called for." And please also provide an absolute, universal and knowable standard by which we can access why the deed is a "travesty." Thanks.
You don't need examples. You know of the near countless disgraceful things God does in the bible but you just wave them away as 'who are we to judge'.

That is just before or after you list your things you are judging.

But for the lulz why don't you give us your explanation for 4 Kings 2:23-24.

That is where God sent two bears to murder 42 children.

Why? What was their crime?

Well they made fun a bald man for being bald who then requested God get vengeance for him, and God being always the willing gamer sent the bears who then slaughtered each and everyone of them.

lagtight : do you think i can point to any standard that would make that act "evil" such as what you did above when you listed those things you said were clear evils?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Have a good day!

But this is why these conversations always go nowhere fast.

You make a bold claim, that it's necessary for humans to be made in the image of God for them to have inherent dignity, and that abortion is the ultimate evil because of this necessary trait.

Then things get a bit interesting and you quit.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 12:58 PM
Can I play? Seems like a nice thread we have here
Originally Posted by lagtight
The acknowledgement that every human life is created in God's image
Originally Posted by lagtight
they are made in the image of God.
Cite or ban

Originally Posted by lagtight
Have a good day!
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
After you retract your lie, I will respond to you.
Did you ever have any pets as a kid?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 01:18 PM
If only there were a dedicated thread where we could all chat about this sort of thing instead of having it constantly pop up in different threads. What do you think, Trolly?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 01:26 PM
Evangelicals alone are not the problem. Religion itself is evil. Although White Evangelicals in America have taken it to another level . Just think about the fact, 'white evangelicals '. WTF.
Religion has been for thousands of years a political tool. A minority of good people still believe in the virtues of religious beliefs, but for the majority of people, it's used as an excuse, by demonizing as sinners and dehumanizing people of other faiths and religious denominations, to oppress and abuse and exert dominance over them.
Religion isn't religion, it's identity; tribalism.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
If only there were a dedicated thread where we could all chat about this sort of thing instead of having it constantly pop up in different threads. What do you think, Trolly?
You know what, youre right. I allowed myself to get trolled by an abrasive dickhead; mods should really move this thread to RGT.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Evangelicals alone are not the problem. Religion itself is evil. Although White Evangelicals in America have taken it to another level . Just think about the fact, 'white evangelicals '. WTF.
Religion has been for thousands of years a political tool. A minority of good people still believe in the virtues of religious beliefs, but for the majority of people, it's used as an excuse, by demonizing as sinners and dehumanizing people of other faiths and religious denominations, to oppress and abuse and exert dominance over them.
Religion isn't religion, it's identity; tribalism.
Sure. Which is why religion needs to have some place in the context of a political forum.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You know what, youre right. I allowed myself to get trolled by an abrasive dickhead; mods should really move this thread to RGT.
Lololol....pot/kettle Trolly.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Evangelicals alone are not the problem. Religion itself is evil. Although White Evangelicals in America have taken it to another level . Just think about the fact, 'white evangelicals '. WTF.
Religion has been for thousands of years a political tool. A minority of good people still believe in the virtues of religious beliefs, but for the majority of people, it's used as an excuse, by demonizing as sinners and dehumanizing people of other faiths and religious denominations, to oppress and abuse and exert dominance over them.
Religion isn't religion, it's identity; tribalism.
So is religion evil or is it just identity and tribalism that are evil?
Is it possible for the concept of evil to exist even without religion?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
02-08-2021 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'd just like it noted for the record that we used to have a thread for this sort of thing until some haters got it locked.
Originally Posted by d2_e4
If only there were a dedicated thread where we could all chat about this sort of thing instead of having it constantly pop up in different threads. What do you think, Trolly?
I mean, we have a forum for this sort of thing, but for some reason lagtight is still allowed to go on these manic rants about religion ITF. It's hard to argue there should be a thread where lagtight broadcasting what a shitty person he is to the world in a rapid-fire manner should belong, let alone be allowed.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
