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The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend)

08-28-2020 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
I just don't get the left's argument on this at all. The police aren't going anywhere. The enforcement of laws and court orders aren't going to be just turned over to some community watch group. The painting of this rampant excessive force (and may I add corruption) would probably account for less than 1% of the entire police force (obv this number fluctuates between cities where this would be higher or lower which would correlate most likely with the level of crime in each city but 1% is an average we can say across the country) so it isn't anywhere near indicative of what the vast majority of the police out there do which is to comply with whatever regulations or codes of conduct that underpin their roles and responsibilities. Any police that are found to breach the regulations or codes should be firstly disciplined if not removed and even prosecuted but what we need is reform to reduce or stamp out any of these instances of excessive force. And we aren't going to get to that point if the public don't see reform as the answer and continue on bickering about whether a police force performs a benefit overall to the public.
This seems to be in the wrong thread but the left want reform. There's been a march today (Friday) which no doubt has been peaceful. Specific demands are to be found in
Many called for the immediate passage of national police reform legislation known as the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, named after the late civil rights icon and congressman.

I'll leave it to someone from the USA to go through the details if there's interest.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 09:34 PM
Don't worry joe, the strongest commentary on the moderation here is your continued presence. That you and kel have the audacity to complain about it is a testament to you utter lack of shame.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Don't worry joe, the strongest commentary on the moderation here is your continued presence. That you and kel have the audacity to complain about it is a testament to you utter lack of shame.
I mean, this.

I don't even understand what these snowflakes keep complaining about. I've been temp-banned and infracted to the point where 10 more points is a perma I think. What is this left wing bias they speak of?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You seem to regard it as a game, you were downright gleeful when it emerged Ahmaud Arberry's killing was by racists, for example. So I'm not interested in your projection.

It was hyperbolic as he didn't actually drive into a crowd of people while managing not to injure one of them. Nor has he been charged yet with murder or charged with attempted murder which he would be for driving his car into a crowd and which he hasn't been, yet. Then there was your assertion that the couple where the woman pulled a gun were racist because they regarded black people as animals to be feared, your words.

So again you appear to use hyperbole to score points of internet debates which is definitely treating what's currently happening over your way as a game. Just like your oscar bait "This is not a game goddammit!!" speech.
Yeah I was gleeful. No, I already knew they were racist. It actually took me posting a link to them calling the guy the n word before murdering him to come around.

This is your primary problem in talking about racial issues, and racism. You literally have a ten year old’s first dictionary definition of racism and nothing else is correct. You have zero ability to see subtlety, nuance and just flat out dog whistles. Who can ever forgot your insane “thug dogwhistle meltdown”. The jury has always been out a little bit as to whether your purported lack of knowing what racism is was more because you are really dumb or more for self preservation. If you limit racism to the basest most simplistic action only, basically saying n word n word n word, then you can try and shield your own thoughts and actions.

As for the other stuff i said he drove into the crowd. I didn’t say he drove over them. Your understanding of the word hyperbole is on par with so many other words you have no idea about. Is there a different language you might find it easier to express yourself? English is not fitting the bill. Your relationship to words is like bahbamickey’s relationship to numbers.

The St. Louis couple are clearly racist but you either don’t know what racism is or pretend you don’t know, in every single case. Regardless of which it is lol u. They stood on their lawn pointing guns at black people because they were walking, legally, on the sidewalk. Again not hyperbole.

I do not know how we overcome this issue where you don’t know how words work.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I would not argue the same. You are objectively much worse than anyone currently posting as far as trolling for the purpose of being inflammatory. I put you on TS level in that regard. Much higher than Joe6pack.

You are free to do your thing of course. I just find it amusing how other people are being modded for relatively mild stuff while you are doing your thing.
Not really surprised kelhus views someone going after police for murdering black people is much worse than someone who blames the black people for the police murdering them.

Disappointed you couldn’t fit the media in somehow. But you keep stanning police murder and victim blaming!
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We know that's not the case, though.
The reality is if we got out the giant cork board and red yarn and read over the incident reports and other data we would like end up with a staggering percentage of police officers being actively complicit in protecting and aiding the bad apples. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was 98% of all officers.

That is why “there are good cops” line is garbage. Cops almost never stand up or do anything against bad cops. We can find a couple of cases across the country over years and all pretty much ended up with the actual good cop being fired.

From an evidence based perspective we have evidence of two good cops in the entire country over five years.

As for the alleged good cops, if they want to be viewed as good cops they have to stop protecting and aiding the bad cops. If you do nothing and say nothing out of fear, you are not a good cop. Personally I would love nothing more than the shift required to policing to come from the inside out and led by the alleged good cops. But since that is a wholly unreasonable expectation i instead support the removal of all of them.

We can then work on larger community based solutions where new police are only a fraction of the implementation AND they are designed to actually protect and serve.

I don’t understand people who think we have to accept 98% of cops being bad just because.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 10:36 PM
and what are your credentials, apart from being swept-up in a fashion trend to abolish police for the last 3 months?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 10:38 PM
policing isn't a problem whatsoever for 95% of the country

there's no going crazy with yarn, connecting the dots of corruption, mongo
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 10:49 PM

1st lefty in this forum to watch this video in its entirety without assuming the fetal position and praying for death, wins my admiration
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 11:08 PM
Pretty easy to endure. Utterly garbage arguments, however.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 11:12 PM
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-28-2020 , 11:35 PM
In the interest of good faith, I will after you make arguments against the video posted earlier today that you called garbage.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 12:04 AM
oh.. the MSNBC one?

fair enough

got to work tomorrow, so do not have time to make a concise criticism of it tonight, but I'll get on it soon

was that video in the Floyd thread? lol I'll find it
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Officer BANG BANG
Whitlock is the man. I cannot wait until Nov 3rd, to come dip my nuts in all these leftist tears.
Hello, officer. I am curious as to the dynamic which takes a poster from joining a poker forum to posting in the politics subforum 2 days later. Would you mind talking me through it?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 11:07 AM
pause 2:11--Wrong imo, It's not true that good athletes should be 'allowed' to slide by on academics. That already basically establishes whatever he's going to say next is probably going to be dumb too.

Yep, it was. And ya, we know poverty and crime are linked. That's a huge part of the reason the way the black community has been treated historically is so shameful ffs.

Dude's just full of double talk/bs--Biden/Harris locked up everybody lol As if the Rs wouldn't love to lock up Tons more(numbers Skyrocketed after Nixon and into/thru Reagan)--and toss em in some nice private prisons--ya trump's a fan. But apparently trump's the freedom fighter What's trump done? Made things worse in just about every way.

As far as LeBron goes, other than a commentary on celebs in general, what ya gonna do? Don't listen. trump's been blasting all his bs into the public sphere for Ages--where was this guy?? In line to vote for him? lol moron
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
I just don't get the left's argument on this at all. The police aren't going anywhere. The enforcement of laws and court orders aren't going to be just turned over to some community watch group. The painting of this rampant excessive force (and may I add corruption) would probably account for less than 1% of the entire police force (obv this number fluctuates between cities where this would be higher or lower which would correlate most likely with the level of crime in each city but 1% is an average we can say across the country) so it isn't anywhere near indicative of what the vast majority of the police out there do which is to comply with whatever regulations or codes of conduct that underpin their roles and responsibilities. Any police that are found to breach the regulations or codes should be firstly disciplined if not removed and even prosecuted but what we need is reform to reduce or stamp out any of these instances of excessive force. And we aren't going to get to that point if the public don't see reform as the answer and continue on bickering about whether a police force performs a benefit overall to the public.
If police abuse does represent 1% and you ignore it, it will grow to 2%, 3% and beyond.

So the 'left's argument is you cannot ignore and must shine a light on it.

The US system is based on the concept that 10 guilty men should walk free, rather than 1 innocent man being convicted.

If you don't take that literally but understand what it intonates, it is saying that the abusive force of the State should never be used on a citizen that has not committed a crime as that is such an offense that it would be better to see 10 guilty people walk free.

The citizens empower the police to go out and work on OUR behalf. So it is very perverse when those same police, in any part, become an abusive force.

It does not matter the percent. When you have a segment of society that literally fears each and every police contact whether it be for a speeding ticket or J-Walking escalating into a life or death conflict and teaching their kids on how to avoid it, that is a problem. It is the police who need to be taught how to avoid it. How to de-escalate.

And that is the 'lefts' argument.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Are you against stats based policing? If police gather stats from number of arrests or being prosecuted are from a certain area that the police shouldn't devote more resources to that area to check for any criminal activity including using any powers they have to stop cars in those areas if they reasonably suspect that they may be carrying illegal substances?
What you say is a huge problem.

What Wookie said here... " Over the GF thread we were talking about a municipality was 7% Black, but Black people accounted for 44% of the traffic stops. Police don't just harm the Black communities with clubs and guns. It's also tickets and the drug war."

...especially the bolded is enormously important.

I watched a PBS (I think) segment some time ago that was examining a study done by a Florida University in a district of Florida of JWalking and other contacts by police and the slippery slope it caused.

This was a typical Florida community with both black and white areas and generally low crime but the black community being considerably poorer on average.

The black area registered about 10 times the JWalking tickets as opposed to the White despite them showing high traffic areas in both with plenty of people Jwalking in both.

So now you have a significant segment of Blacks getting tickets (a form of biased tax) and these people are poorer to begin with. WIthin that group, a certain percent do not pay the tickets and it escalated to bench warrants.

Then at a latter date that person gets stopped again for Jwalking or something minor and the Cop sees they have a bench warrant and arrests them. They find Marijuana or something else minor in a percent of them and it again escalates. Sometimes to resisting arrest or worse.

The cops then look at the Stats and say 'oh we should target that community for more JWalking as obviously they do it a lot. And it helps us find people who have bench warrants and helps us arrest those with drugs'.

That is a viscous self fulfilling cycle that leads to more BS over policing based on a failed premise to begin with.

It is fact that if you simply pointed those same resources at any community and over policed them you would see similar patterns and you would create similarly patterned outcomes with a rise in ticketing, and then subsequent offenses.

Unfortunately i have never been able to find that tv segment on line as it was a real eye opener for me.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
How in God's name is my post implying people got what was coming to them? You are deliberately trying to insert an implication that is not there in order to justify your ridiculous trolling accusation. As for people being stupid for resisting arrest. I wasn't implying it. I was saying it directly, because it happens to be true. However that doesn't mean they deserve to be shot. I didn't say that, nor did I imply that.

Please stop lying about my intentions.
And this post seems to be the game many of you play whether or be for veiled racist or otherwise indicting language.

Yes your post he quoted is you suggesting 'they should have known better and that would be the outcome' aka 'blaming the victim'.

There is a video with a guy in Vegas being shot by a police tactical team when they force him to play a deadly game of Simon Says. "Get down', 'Crawl', 'Keep your hands up', 'Crawl but keep your hands up', all the while letting him know a single mistake will result in his death.

The guy is clearly terrified and trying to follow the myriad of instructions being yelled at him, and at one point, when crawling he reaches back slightly in what appears to be a reflect action to pull up his shorts which seem to bee slipping due to the crawling.

Instantly he is shot dead.

People on this forum argued 'well who would have known that not following police instructions exactly would lead to death'.

It is simply victim blaming.

But guys like you rely on being able to pretend that if any singular OTHER interpretation is even remotely possible for your statement then it should be left clear and you have an out. You do the same for every Trump dog whistle.

You are trying to create a place where you can be accusing, racist or whatever you want in plain sight and every one knows what you mean, but where no one can actually accuse you of it and you can feel crafty and smart in delivering it in a way that maintains deniability.

It is just that it is not crafty and smart and does not work.

Society learned a long time ago that we don't need you to admit it or say a singular word to out your views for what they are.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 12:30 PM
Did you try--PBS jaywalking Florida? It works
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 02:08 PM
It is silly to view Joe’s point as anything other than victim blaming. But he is downtrodden because he is just speaking “truth”.

Newborn deer need less protection than right wingers on this forum.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
policing isn't a problem whatsoever for 95% of the country

there's no going crazy with yarn, connecting the dots of corruption, mongo
Okay ostrich.

I guess Schlitz has decided to go hard in the paint as worst poster of 2020. Don’t worry buddy you are coming on strong and if you keep it up you have a great shot.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Did you try--PBS jaywalking Florida? It works
Haha, wow.

Seriously i recall a few years back searching and searching for anything on this and could not find it.

Some good links with that search but i have not yet found the more extensive video documentary like report I saw back then yet where they had reporters out in the thoe communities and actually showed the police out stopping jaywalkers (and the significant police presence) in those black areas, and went to high traffic white area (near a mall) with lots of jaywalking and not a cop to be seen.

So too bundy5 I would invite you to watch this video and read this link and see if you can see how corrosive this type of systemic racism is in actually creating the offenses to then justify policing them more, and so on and so on.

Black pedestrians are disproportionately issued tickets in Jacksonville


Florida Police Issue Hundreds of Bad Pedestrian Tickets Every Year Because They Don’t Seem to Know the Law
The tickets for failing to cross in a crosswalk don’t just carry fines; they can damage credit rating and lead to the suspensions of driver’s licenses. A Florida Times-Union/ProPublica examination shows lots of them never should have been issued...

...The examination of ticket data in Duval County showed that blacks were over-represented in all categories of pedestrian tickets — from jay walking to walking on the wrong side of the road. The analysis of the crosswalk statute data shows that blacks were similarly over-represented in all four counties examined.

In Hillsborough, blacks make up 18 percent of the population, but received 43 percent of the bad tickets, according to our data analysis. In Orange County, where 23 percent of the population is black, blacks were issued 40 percent of the bad tickets. In Miami-Dade, black residents are 16 percent of the population, but received 29 percent of the flawed tickets. And in Broward, 61 percent of the bad tickets went to blacks, who make up just 30 percent of population...
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 02:45 PM

Am I allowed to respond to the above garbage? I don't want to trigger another infraction or ban.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 02:47 PM
Answer away, I have moved it here.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-29-2020 , 02:49 PM
oh and ...

inb4 CV says denies again systemic racism and tries to suggest this is just a few cops despite this being State wide and the impact disproportionately affecting the entire black community compared against other communities.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
