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Conservatives: What are your principles? Conservatives: What are your principles?

08-18-2019 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Your right. PhD is way too much work for any elite to do just to learn plebe skills, but MPH's and MBA's are pretty common. Pretty easy, only 1-2 year time commitment, and good opportunities to social network among other elites.

You think the shadowy billionaire elites who control the world... are getting MPH degrees?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Luckbox I let a lot of **** slide with you but you don't get to use words like "dialectic", buddy, you just don't. Also, what are you talking about? The Atlantic is a big time publisher of the anti-identity politics **** YOU like! Literally has a recurring "free speech" feature funded by the Kochs.

It also publishes other voices, because it's a real magazine that tries to be for grownups.

If you read it you'd know that! You can't just make **** up constantly and then expect other people to assume you're right, it is possible to form your opinions AFTER observing the facts.
Hey, Luckbox, please only use words approved by FlyWf. Thanking you in advance, buddy.

Mr. FlyWf, could you please provide a list of the words that we are or are not allowed to use? Thanks, buddy.

Last edited by lagtight; 08-18-2019 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Added stuff
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Hey, Luckbox, please only use words approved by FlyWf. Thanking you in advance, buddy.

Mr. FlyWf, could you please provide a list of the words that we are or are not allowed to use? Thanks, buddy.
This type of dishonesty is why conversations can't be had on this forum. You're being disingenuous here, and you compound the problem because you're aligning with two disingenuous and frequently dishonest posters in Kelhus and Luckbox.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
This type of dishonesty is why conversations can't be had on this forum. You're being disingenuous here, and you compound the problem because you're aligning with two disingenuous and frequently dishonest posters in Kelhus and Luckbox.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Luckbox I let a lot of **** slide with you but you don't get to use words like "dialectic", buddy, you just don't. Also, what are you talking about? The Atlantic is a big time publisher of the anti-identity politics **** YOU like! Literally has a recurring "free speech" feature funded by the Kochs.
It isn't just two sides so dialectic is a little bit of a misnomer but certainly when it comes to this fascist resurgence with Trump you're seeing manipulation from the ruling class. Just like with the response to it.
And yeah--I'm sure there are some examples of The Atlantic pushing class politics over identity politics but that wasn't my argument.
It also publishes other voices, because it's a real magazine that tries to be for grownups.
Why it's the slickest propaganda there is.
If you read it you'd know that! You can't just make **** up constantly and then expect other people to assume you're right, it is possible to form your opinions AFTER observing the facts.
What am I making up?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 05:17 PM
Like what do you really think Fly? That Trump represents a billionaire fascist takeover and that there is some quasi civil war between the rich and the media is just deciding to cash in on it? Because thats qanon narrative basically. (But inverted)
Or do you believe that Trump represents some latent fascist tendency and that his rise is all from grassroot support and that the whole rest of the gop has decieded to go along with it because deep down they were always fascists?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 05:26 PM
And since we're talking about whether things are grassroots or elite driven, let's consider Obama.
Do we think that this first term senator was really about hope and change and that he won the presidency on the strength of his campaigning? Was it all a facade? Or did Obama turn out to be a corporate warmonger by chance and we almost had a great president if only we were just a little luckier?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
This type of dishonesty is why conversations can't be had on this forum. You're being disingenuous here, and you compound the problem because you're aligning with two disingenuous and frequently dishonest posters in Kelhus and Luckbox.
Seems to me that there are a number of interesting conversations being had on this forum. If you need help finding some, let me know and I'll point you in the right direction.

I don't think I've "alligned" myself with anyone in particular. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

Please prove that I'm being "dishonest" or retract your statement. Thanks.

Have a blessed day.

P.s. I hope I didn't use any words not approved by Mr. FlyWf.

Last edited by lagtight; 08-18-2019 at 05:46 PM. Reason: Spelling and added smiley
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Is this a serious question? At least half of your posting history.

Howard Treesong may have put you on ignore recently, but I stopped paying attention to your posts a long time ago along with Kelhus and most recently itshotinvegas

That nonsense about Sandy Hook was disgraceful and most recently you've made the Epstein thread a waste of time to follow. You posted the ****ing Daily Mail for Christ's sake. How can anyone possibly take you seriously?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
It isn't just two sides so dialectic is a little bit of a misnomer but certainly when it comes to this fascist resurgence with Trump you're seeing manipulation from the ruling class. Just like with the response to it.
Trump is part of the ruling class!

And yeah--I'm sure there are some examples of The Atlantic pushing class politics over identity politics but that wasn't my argument.
What. No I mean it pushes exactly your ****, which is absolutely not class reductionist leftism, but is instead bog standard center-right "please stop talking about trans people it makes me uncomfortable" privileged and protected rich kid garbage.

Goldberg has been a victim of the Internet Mob Doing Cancel Culture like three times in the past two years! Stop trying to exclusively learn about the world from anti-semitic cranks and people literally on the CIA payroll!

Why it's the slickest propaganda there is.
Buddy name one other magazine. One other magazine! You run your mouth like you're talking down to people complete with a catchphrase you apparently are quite proud of, but I'm pretty sure you learned that Cooper was a Vanderbilt from ME, because I've posted about it in this forum. And as far as I can tell posts on this forum are the only source of actual facts you encounter in your day to day.

What am I making up?
You made up that The Atlantic pushed SJWism on behalf of their (((neoliberal masters))).

Last edited by FlyWf; 08-18-2019 at 06:11 PM.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Like what do you really think Fly? That Trump represents a billionaire fascist takeover and that there is some quasi civil war between the rich and the media is just deciding to cash in on it? Because thats qanon narrative basically. (But inverted)
Or do you believe that Trump represents some latent fascist tendency and that his rise is all from grassroot support and that the whole rest of the gop has decieded to go along with it because deep down they were always fascists?
Like you can tell this dude has never once read, well, anything, but specifically none of the VOLUMINOUS scholarship/academic work on how Trump represented the end stage of the post-CRA revanchist turn by the GOP.

My man is ****ing GOBSMACKED by the effrontery that someone could think something so awful of Republicans like that they are authoritarian white nationalists. That's ****ing what the whole actual left believes!

Seriously on every issue that you get fired up about(exclusively culture war stuff, never economics! You, as we saw with that le epic Subway joke, actually loathe poor people) you don't seem to get that YOU already agree with the neoliberal elite.

You trying to throw Obama as a a psy-op at us, ok, but why don't you check out what Barack thinks about deplatforming controversial speakers on college campuses.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
This type of dishonesty is why conversations can't be had on this forum. You're being disingenuous here, and you compound the problem because you're aligning with two disingenuous and frequently dishonest posters in Kelhus and Luckbox.
Then why have you posted in SEVEN different threads in this forum in the last five days? Talk about disingenuous!

Errata: It is actually EIGHT different threads.

Last edited by lagtight; 08-18-2019 at 06:21 PM. Reason: Spelling
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Seems to me that there are a number of interesting conversations being had on this forum. If you need help finding some, let me know and I'll point you in the right direction.

I don't think I've "alligned" myself with anyone in particular. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

Please prove that I'm being "dishonest" or retract your statement. Thanks.

Have a blessed day.

P.s. I hope I didn't use any words not approved by Mr. FlyWf.
Do you know what the word dialectic means?

Luckbox using that word is the height of irony to Fly. That's why he said what he said.

Your response is acting like he literally demands Luckbox not use certain words because he said so.

You're either being deliberately obtuse, or you're remarkably stupid. It's pretty much not possible to be anything else in that moment. Unless you were being facetious, for which then I sincerely apologize and do indeed retract my statement, but that is not how I took your post at all.

Also, I'm saying you align yourself with Kelhus and Luckbox in the sense that they use faulty logic intentionally as a mode of continuing the debate. It's why half of these threads get drawn out over some stupid re accounting of who said what and why. It's happening now lol. Fly makes a cogent point and we out here talkin bout fancy words in the lexiconosphere...
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Is this a serious question? At least half of your posting history.

Howard Treesong may have put you on ignore recently, but I stopped paying attention to your posts a long time ago along with Kelhus and most recently itshotinvegas
That nonsense about Sandy Hook was disgraceful and most recently you've made the Epstein thread a waste of time to follow. You posted the ****ing Daily Mail for Christ's sake. How can anyone possibly take you seriously?
You realize they are breaking news in the Epstein story along with the NY Post regularly?
Do you think I don't know those outlets are trash? You're showing a pretty weak understanding of what my posting there has been about.
And whenever I've gotten into discussions about controversial topics here on 2p2, they don't end because I'm wrong fwiw.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Then why have you posted in SEVEN different threads in this forum in the last five days? Talk about disingenuous!

Errata: It is actually EIGHT different threads.
Huh? This post doesn't even make sense.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Seriously on every issue that you get fired up about(exclusively culture war stuff, never economics! You, as we saw with that le epic Subway joke, actually loathe poor people) you don't seem to get that YOU already agree with the neoliberal elite.
Loathe them? Wow. That's a really strong hatred you've deduced. I do hope you change eventually.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
. Fly makes a cogent point and we out here talkin bout fancy words in the lexiconosphere...
What was Fly's point? Can you restate it?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You trying to throw Obama as a a psy-op at us, ok, but why don't you check out what Barack thinks about deplatforming controversial speakers on college campuses.
What does what Obama thinks about college speakers matter to anything?
Part of your issue is you can't actually address me so you need to resort to personal attacks. It's silly. But here you're just spouting some jibberish.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 08-18-2019 at 06:43 PM.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You realize they are breaking news in the Epstein story along with the NY Post regularly?
Do you think I don't know those outlets are trash? You're showing a pretty weak understanding of what my posting there has been about.
And whenever I've gotten into discussions about controversial topics here on 2p2, they don't end because I'm wrong fwiw.
The NY Post is a joke too. That you post articles from both those sources reflects poorly on you, no matter what thread it's in...

And dude. I specifically asked for your own separate thread because you were doing what you were doing. Reading comprehension ftw?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
The NY Post is a joke too. That you post articles from both those sources reflects poorly on you, no matter what thread it's in...

And dude. I specifically asked for your own separate thread because you were doing what you were doing. Reading comprehension ftw?
reading comprehension is right.
It's like I'm there arguing the media is putting out a bunch of bs and posting articles from bs outlets. Go figure. Clearly you aren't lying when you say you ignore my posts. Probably best to not make ignorant comments about them then.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like you can tell this dude has never once read, well, anything, but specifically none of the VOLUMINOUS scholarship/academic work on how Trump represented the end stage of the post-CRA revanchist turn by the GOP.

My man is ****ing GOBSMACKED by the effrontery that someone could think something so awful of Republicans like that they are authoritarian white nationalists. That's ****ing what the whole actual left believes!
So the argument is basically that racism is a winning strategy and that the GOP has picked up on that? Can you confirm that? And you think this idea adequately explains the rise of what we're seeing now? Where do you think it will go from here?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Huh? This post doesn't even make sense.
You said that "conversations can't be had on this forum."

Apparently, at least eight conversations CAN be had, since you are participating in them. If they aren't meaningful conversations, why are you participating in them.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What was Fly's point? Can you restate it?
You used the word dialectic.

He finds that super ironic, and that you have no business using that word, hence his comment.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
You used the word dialectic.

He finds that super ironic, and that you have no business using that word, hence his comment.
In this case (and in a number of cases) it's specifically relevant to the discussion.
But I think we've gotten Fly's takes. Obama was a corporate warmonger (maybe he'd still need to confirm) and Trump is part of a nativist GOP strategy and also a corporate warmonger--right?
It's the commonality there that gets excluded from his treatment.
We go from the first black president to the first openly white supremacist president and they are both warmongers but somehow the people are driving it.
(Hint: it's the war machine that drives it)
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
08-18-2019 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
reading comprehension is right.
It's like I'm there arguing the media is putting out a bunch of bs and posting articles from bs outlets. Go figure. Clearly you aren't lying when you say you ignore my posts. Probably best to not make ignorant comments about them then.

Or you could get a containment thread where you can talk up a storm like you're doing in the Epstein thread, where I'd like to see information from real news, not nonsense tabloids like the Post and Mail?

Again, I specifically asked that there be a second thread with you not going on and on along with others about the same conspiracy theory nonsense that resembles the saddening YouTube sleuthing you were doing to tell someone with a direct connection to a victim in a mass shooting that that mass shooting never happened. Am I really that ignorant to request that? There were other posters who echoed that sentiment too...
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
