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Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration)

02-21-2021 , 06:22 AM
Many people think or thought the bumble bee was defying the fact science says it cannot fly. A bit of a joke on my part.

I'm not convinced you're right about communism but I'm more of a socialist myself. A democratic one so I better hope that combining two systems that dont work, works.

Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm more of a socialist myself.
Knew it. OP was right, reds under every bed!
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Many people think or thought the bumble bee was defying the fact science says it cannot fly. A bit of a joke on my part.

I'm not convinced you're right about communism but I'm more of a socialist myself. A democratic one so I better hope that combining two systems that dont work, works.
You think its legitimate to force people to live the way you want them to under the supposed legitimacy of democracy? You know what ochlocracy is? People should live in a free country where they get to keep what they earn. If you want to live in a commune you can do so. Just don't force me to join.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
To be fair, it's not too different to when I try to explain to people why socialism doesn't work. Spoiler: the explanation is also "human nature".
a phrase isn't an explanation

make an argument
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Gcm1998
You think its legitimate to force people to live the way you want them to under the supposed legitimacy of democracy? You know what ochlocracy is? People should live in a free country where they get to keep what they earn. If you want to live in a commune you can do so. Just don't force me to join.
people keep more of what they earn under socialism than capitalism
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
a phrase isn't an explanation

make an argument
You could have, you know, read half a dozen more posts and seen that I did.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
To be fair, it's not too different to when I try to explain to people why socialism doesn't work. Spoiler: the explanation is also "human nature".
Imagine a Brit with health care saying socialism doesn't work.

Every single socialist endeavor in this country has worked as well.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
Imagine a Brit with health care saying socialism doesn't work.

Every single socialist endeavor in this country has worked as well.
Yeah dude, I'm talking about "real socialism" (TM). Like what we had in the Soviet Union, supposedly. I'm not talking about helalthcare.

Edit: equating socialism with healthcare is a bit like equating capitalism with gassing jews and starting wars of aggression.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Gcm1998
You think its legitimate to force people to live the way you want them to under the supposed legitimacy of democracy? You know what ochlocracy is? People should live in a free country where they get to keep what they earn. If you want to live in a commune you can do so. Just don't force me to join.
I think it's the least worst of several illegitimate options. I'm very much in favour of minimal interference with people who prefer to live in communes but sorry they still have to obey some basic rules and they still get stuff like free health care, education, benefits, recourse to the law etc etc being available to them whether they damn well like it or not.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
people keep more of what they earn under socialism than capitalism
This is marxist bs. No1 forces them to work.
The last 150 years were the most prosperous of mankind. Was that due to capitalism or government intervention?
Do you not have a problem with forcing your believes on others? I don't care if you want to be a socialist as long as you don't force me on your program.
Thats what libertarianism is all about. If you want to be in a commune you can do so. Just don't force it upon me.
Is that so difficult to understand?
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Yeah dude, I'm talking about "real socialism" (TM). Like what we had in the Soviet Union, supposedly. I'm not talking about helalthcare.

Edit: equating socialism with healthcare is a bit like equating capitalism with gassing jews and starting wars of aggression.
No. public health care provided by the govt and paid by taxes is absolutely socialist. Dont see how that is possibly arguable. I could list a dozen other examples.

But Soviet style communism worked too. Ask the starving peasant in 1910 or 1850 if things were better in 1950? Ask the Cuban virtual slaves in Batista era.

Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Gcm1998
Thats what libertarianism is all about.
Libertarianism is a fantasy for little children who don't understand that humans exist in a society.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:31 AM
Some will go as far as to say that libertarianism doesn't work
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
No. public health care provided by the govt and paid by taxes is absolutely socialist. Dont see how that is possibly arguable. I could list a dozen other examples.

But Soviet style communism worked too. Ask the starving peasant in 1910 or 1850 if things were better in 1950? Ask the Cuban virtual slaves in Batista era.
I'm not going to argue with you about whether communism does or doesn't work (hint: it doesn't), but I will say that equating "socialism" used as a term for socialised public services such as healthcare and "Socialism" as in what the third letter in "USSR" stands for is, in the most charitable interpretation, misguided.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:36 AM
Countries that have democratic, socialist, etc etc in their names or headline are usually the worst examples.

Land of the free
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Countries that have democratic, socialist, etc etc in their names or headline are usually the worst examples.

Land of the free
I see exactly what you did there

Then again, "Disjointed Queendom" sounds a little stilted, don't you think?
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'm not going to argue with you about whether communism does or doesn't work (hint: it doesn't), but I will say that equating "socialism" used as a term for socialised public services such as healthcare and "Socialism" as in what the third letter in "USSR" stands for is, in the most charitable interpretation, misguided.
when our libertarian friend above, or really any American, uses the term socialism they mean it in both senses. and when you use the term socialism, they think you mean it in both senses.

but dont you think its kinda funny that you yourself think that socialist programs like govt provided health care are good and proper but socialism itself "cant work" or "doesnt work".

and if socialism as the primary underpinning of society in terms of gov and economy "works" actually leaves out a lot of the argument. bc the alternative as capitalism we know absolutely for sure and without any doubt DOES NOT WORK. look at Covid. look at Texas. look at USA health care. look at climate change.

Billionaires gained 1.1T, workers lost 3.7T
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I see exactly what you did there

Then again, "Disjointed Queendom" sounds a little stilted, don't you think?
but we really do have the mother of all parliaments
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
when our libertarian friend above, or really any American, uses the term socialism they mean it in both senses. and when you use the term socialism, they think you mean it in both senses.

but dont you think its kinda funny that you yourself think that socialist programs like govt provided health care are good and proper but socialism itself "cant work" or "doesnt work".

and if socialism as the primary underpinning of society in terms of gov and economy "works" actually leaves out a lot of the argument. bc the alternative as capitalism we know absolutely for sure and without any doubt DOES NOT WORK. look at Covid. look at Texas. look at USA health care. look at climate change.

Billionaires gained 1.1T, workers lost 3.7T
Capitalism is a corrupt system for sure, but it's a hell of a lot less corrupt than what we had in the USSR. At least under capitalism, everyone has a notional shot. Under what we had in the USSR, if you were richer than the next man, they either shot you or put you in prison and took all your money, unless you were part of the ruling class. That is what I'm talking about when I use the terms "communism" and "socialism".

There is a reason why the "queuing for potatoes" stereotype exists. That **** happened bro, I was there.

Fix your youtube link in post #112 if you see this in time, btw.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
when our libertarian friend above, or really any American, uses the term socialism they mean it in both senses. and when you use the term socialism, they think you mean it in both senses.
Yes, and that's the problem. Those are different things. I certainly don't mean it in both senses. Socialism, as practiced in the USSR, is a very extreme form of what most people mean when they say "socialism" meaning healthcare. There is the small matter of the centrally planned economy, for one. The difference is so extreme as to be, for all practical purposes, one of kind, not of degree.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:15 AM
dunno why it didnt work

edit, guess it doesnt work in the tags. Big corporate oligarchs censoring the TRUTH about SOCIALISM bc they DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW.

click the link to see WHAT THEY ARE HIDING

Last edited by Victor; 02-21-2021 at 11:44 AM.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Capitalism is a corrupt system for sure, but it's a hell of a lot less corrupt than what we had in the USSR. At least under capitalism, everyone has a notional shot. Under what we had in the USSR, if you were richer than the next man, they either shot you or put you in prison and took all your money, unless you were part of the ruling class. That is what I'm talking about when I use the terms "communism" and "socialism".

There is a reason why the "queuing for potatoes" stereotype exists. That **** happened bro, I was there.

Fix your youtube link in post #112 if you see this in time, btw.
that **** happens in USA. it is happening right now. one of our biggest states has people freezing to death, starving, without electricity, and about to get 10k dollar bills.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:21 AM
You're doing it wrong. You just need the code inside the youtube tags, not the full URL. The base 64 parameter. Aren't you, like, a web dev or something?
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
that **** happens in USA. it is happening right now. one of our biggest states has people freezing to death, starving, without electricity, and about to get 10k dollar bills.
Are the FBI turning up on their doorstep and dragging them off to prison for telling anti-government jokes too? Coz I must have missed that press release.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:24 AM
A bugbear of mine (among many it seems) because it comes up a lot: A few example of communism not working can not and does not demonstrate that communism cannot work.

It the common error of extrapolation from almost no data to claims of proof.
Communism and capitalism (formerly Re: Gulags vs Mass Incarceration) Quote
