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Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom

01-25-2023 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Is human population a significant environmental problem? Of course.
What? Are you saying the environment was better before human population existed?
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
01-26-2023 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
No it hasn't. Some forms of cancer HAVE been cured. Others have 10 year survival rates of close to 0. Curing cancer (which is really hundreds of diseases with thousands of treatments) is hard enough without you weighing in with nonsense conspiracy theories without knowing the basics beyond buzz words like medical industrial complex.
I would be very careful with the term cured. a good doctor imo would never use that term for cancer. good doctors seem to agree with me.
you don't say cured, you say in remission. Cured gives a very wrong impression as you can never be sure of that.

I never use cured as it would be misleading. Cancer cannot be cured imo it can only be in remission. and then you need to monitor it for the rest of your life. that doesn't sound like cured, does it? I do not want anyone being under false impressions.

here is why:

Last edited by washoe; 01-26-2023 at 11:51 AM.
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01-26-2023 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
Fair enough.

But, "Libertarian" was on your list of things that you thought discredited that Tupy dude:
It’s because u know how libertarianism think about economics right ?
So it’s no surprise he held that view and his in the Cato institution .
Doesn’t Mean libertarian is 100% bad .
But in that aspect it very on tlt his major components of his narrative and bent libertarian do not qualify as being A scientist by default .
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
01-26-2023 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
You don't see a problem when a so called expert keeps making doomsday predictions that never happen?
1 extremist “ expert”do not mean much when u used the scientific method in climate changes like one extremist medical “expert” declares vaccin aren’t useful ……

1 scientific , 1 scientific paper , do not mean much by itself .
If they would Been thousands like him then yeah ok I would have .
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
01-26-2023 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
1 extremist “ expert”do not mean much when u used the scientific method in climate changes like one extremist medical “expert” declares vaccin aren’t useful ……

1 scientific , 1 scientific paper , do not mean much by itself .
If they would Been thousands like him then yeah ok I would have .
You do realize he was just on 60 minutes reaching a vast audience.
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01-26-2023 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
What? Are you saying the environment was better before human population existed?
Human impact on the environment of course was minimal 10,000 years ago. We are talking about the impact of humans in an industrial/technological era.
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01-26-2023 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
You do realize he was just on 60 minutes reaching a vast audience.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
01-26-2023 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
You do realize he was just on 60 minutes reaching a vast audience.
So ?
If 60 minutes wants to become foxnews they can .
Doesn’t mean much scientifically if his alone with his narrative .
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-12-2023 , 12:19 PM
Beginning of the end for Fossil fuels article

Estimating that by 2040 energy production will be entirely green.

Also that 2022 will be the last year that there will be energy production growth by fossil fuels (even though it was slight).
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-15-2023 , 05:16 PM
OMG My coffee!

On the fertile slopes of Mount Kenya, an extinct volcano, smallholder coffee farmer Martin Kinyua has decided against planting new crops. The seedlings, he says, will simply die in the heat.

Arabica, the species Martin grows, accounts for the majority of coffee beans traded globally, some 70%. But it is highly sensitive to changes in both temperature and humidity. For the last two years, production has failed to meet demand.

The industry is now pinning hopes on another coffee species to sustain production - liberica. Native to western and central Africa, commercial cultivation is centred on the Philippines and currently accounts for only 2% of the global coffee bean harvest.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-16-2023 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Beginning of the end for Fossil fuels article

Estimating that by 2040 energy production will be entirely green.

Also that 2022 will be the last year that there will be energy production growth by fossil fuels (even though it was slight).
2040 is only 17 years away. I'm sure it will take longer than that, but it will still get done well before we all die from climate change.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-16-2023 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Beginning of the end for Fossil fuels article

Estimating that by 2040 energy production will be entirely green.

Also that 2022 will be the last year that there will be energy production growth by fossil fuels (even though it was slight).
17 years to replace ~80% of the world energy source while poverty is rapidly declining and 2 billion people still use less energy than your refrigerator. Ya good luck with that.

If you think there won't be growth in energy fossil fuel production in 2023, I have a bridge to sell you.

Last edited by Shifty86; 04-16-2023 at 10:55 PM.
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04-16-2023 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Human impact on the environment of course was minimal 10,000 years ago. We are talking about the impact of humans in an industrial/technological era.
Is human impact bad? I'd think human flourishing is much more important than minimal environmental impact on a giant rock floating through space. Not like life was easy for humans 10000 years ago.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-16-2023 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Is human impact bad? I'd think human flourishing is much more important than minimal environmental impact on a giant rock floating through space. Not like life was easy for humans 10000 years ago.
It’s probably because u don’t appreciate enough how fragile the environment equilibrium for human thriving can be .

Just last weak they ban crab fishing in Alaska right ?
An example of many …

« Snow crab populations declined after a 2019 Bering Sea warming that scrambled the broader marine ecosystem. Last year's snow crab harvest of 5.6 million pounds was the smallest in over 40 years.
The causes of the snow crab population collapse are still being researched but likely include increased predation and stresses from the warmer water. »

The collapsing of many things due to climate changes and overconsumption are everywhere .
I guess only u don’t see it .
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-17-2023 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
It’s probably because u don’t appreciate enough how fragile the environment equilibrium for human thriving can be .

Just last weak they ban crab fishing in Alaska right ?
An example of many …

« Snow crab populations declined after a 2019 Bering Sea warming that scrambled the broader marine ecosystem. Last year's snow crab harvest of 5.6 million pounds was the smallest in over 40 years.
The causes of the snow crab population collapse are still being researched but likely include increased predation and stresses from the warmer water. »

The collapsing of many things due to climate changes and overconsumption are everywhere .
I guess only u don’t see it .
You state in your post that the cause of the collapse is still being researched then go on to draw a conclusion without any evidence. Wouldn't it be wise to see what the research shows?
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-17-2023 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
You state in your post that the cause of the collapse is still being researched then go on to draw a conclusion without any evidence. Wouldn't it be wise to see what the research shows?
"The causes of the snow crab population collapse are still being researched but likely include increased predation and stresses from the warmer water."

"for the dramatic population decline after the 2019 warming, "

yes sure, still more scientific evidences are needed since the perfect statistical evidences on that aspect of crabs has not been reach .
that is how science works of course.
But let just say im very confident on the trend when we take into account every thing else...
the issue of massive decrease in plants, birds, mammals, insect,etc . is pretty well known and keep increasing.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-17-2023 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
"The causes of the snow crab population collapse are still being researched but likely include increased predation and stresses from the warmer water."

"for the dramatic population decline after the 2019 warming, "
Lol at using a decline in Alaskan snow crab population as a great example of how humans are negatively impacting the planet.

This happens a lot in government controlled fisheries and is usually due to mismanagement of government quotoas and them selling to markets outside of local fisherman. But why do you care about a decrease in snow crab population, how do you know they weren't overpopulated and have a negative impact on the sea floor environment.

It's probably because you don't appreciate enough how beneficial fishing snow crab is for humans.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-17-2023 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
"The causes of the snow crab population collapse are still being researched but likely include increased predation and stresses from the warmer water."

"for the dramatic population decline after the 2019 warming, "

yes sure, still more scientific evidences are needed since the perfect statistical evidences on that aspect of crabs has not been reach .
that is how science works of course.
But let just say im very confident on the trend when we take into account every thing else...
the issue of massive decrease in plants, birds, mammals, insect,etc . is pretty well known and keep increasing.
I am not too worried about this. I have always been a Dungeness crab fan. They are just the right size for even a beginner shellfish eater to get all the meat out
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-17-2023 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
17 years to replace ~80% of the world energy source while poverty is rapidly declining and 2 billion people still use less energy than your refrigerator. Ya good luck with that.

If you think there won't be growth in energy fossil fuel production in 2023, I have a bridge to sell you.
Its not me that thinks that. Its the article. I hope the article is right but I have no idea. The thing that impressed me the most is that the cost of solar energy production has gone down by 200x in the past 15 years. And:

"Solar energy was the fastest-growing source of electricity in 2022 for the 18th year in a row, rising by 24% compared to the previous year. Wind generation increased by 17%."

"Nearly 40% of global electricity is now powered by renewables and nuclear energy, marking a new record high, according to the report."

Its now cheaper to build and produce solar energy than it is to buy fuel for coal and natural gas plants in the US in a number of states (not from this article).

"The report predicts a small drop in fossil fuel generation of 0.3%, in 2023, with larger falls in subsequent years as wind and solar energy takes off.

'The stage is set for wind and solar to achieve a meteoric rise to the top,' Wiatros-Motyka said.

'A new era of falling fossil emissions means the coal power phase down will happen, and the end of gas power growth is now within sight. Change is coming fast. However, it all depends on the actions taken now by governments, businesses and citizens to put the world on a pathway to clean power by 2040.' ”

What's the bridge? And how much? I'm hoping its the bridge to the future. And all it costs is a commitment from all human beings to do the right thing (finally)...
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-18-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Its not me that thinks that. Its the article. I hope the article is right but I have no idea. The thing that impressed me the most is that the cost of solar energy production has gone down by 200x in the past 15 years. And:

"Solar energy was the fastest-growing source of electricity in 2022 for the 18th year in a row, rising by 24% compared to the previous year. Wind generation increased by 17%."

"Nearly 40% of global electricity is now powered by renewables and nuclear energy, marking a new record high, according to the report."

Its now cheaper to build and produce solar energy than it is to buy fuel for coal and natural gas plants in the US in a number of states (not from this article).
Because of anti-free market government policies that force utilities to buy unreliable wind and solar cost increasing energy. It's also being propped up by government welfare. Not because it's more efficient or reliable than fossil fuels.

Originally Posted by Mr Rick
"The report predicts a small drop in fossil fuel generation of 0.3%, in 2023, with larger falls in subsequent years as wind and solar energy takes off.
I know it predicted that but it's not happening. Every major oil company on the planet is increasing production this year and has plans to increase capital projects the years to follow.

Originally Posted by Mr Rick
'The stage is set for wind and solar to achieve a meteoric rise to the top,' Wiatros-Motyka said.

'A new era of falling fossil emissions means the coal power phase down will happen, and the end of gas power growth is now within sight. Change is coming fast. However, it all depends on the actions taken now by governments, businesses and citizens to put the world on a pathway to clean power by 2040.' ”

What's the bridge? And how much? I'm hoping its the bridge to the future. And all it costs is a commitment from all human beings to do the right thing (finally)...
When more than 3 billion people use less energy than your refrigerator I think the right thing to do would be embrace all forms of cheap, reliable and efficient energy.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-18-2023 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Because of anti-free market government policies that force utilities to buy unreliable wind and solar cost increasing energy.
Let's just force them to buy from reliable wind and solar sources.

Easy game
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-18-2023 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Lol at using a decline in Alaskan snow crab population as a great example of how humans are negatively impacting the planet.

This happens a lot in government controlled fisheries and is usually due to mismanagement of government quotoas and them selling to markets outside of local fisherman. But why do you care about a decrease in snow crab population, how do you know they weren't overpopulated and have a negative impact on the sea floor environment.

It's probably because you don't appreciate enough how beneficial fishing snow crab is for humans.
Please , can u expand your mind a little ….
The example I wrote is only one example of many !
So it adds up overtime with countless of others .

Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
the issue of massive decrease in plants, birds, mammals, insect,etc . is pretty well known and keep increasing.

Remember where it all comes from on why I replied on what u said ?
U said human flourishing is more important then environment while I’m telling u , with one example with crabs, that human flourishing isn’t as easy when u have billions of humans on the planet because of overconsumption , climate change , etc.

U need more examples that humans are driving into a wall in a near future still today ?
Really ?
Well it just impossible to cure blindness from someone that do not want to see compare to someone who wants to see that for sure .
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-18-2023 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Let's just force them to buy from reliable wind and solar sources.

Easy game
How about you go completely off grid. Put some solar panels on your house and a couple of wind turbines in your backyard. Let us know how it goes.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-18-2023 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
with one example with crabs, that human flourishing isn’t as easy when u have billions of humans on the planet because of overconsumption , climate change , etc.
Why do you care more about a slow Alaskan snow crab season than 3.2 billion humans using less energy than your refrigerator?

Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
U need more examples that humans are driving into a wall in a near future still today ?
I think I do yes. I say let's end it now, for the Alaskan snow crabs.
Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom Quote
04-19-2023 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Why do you care more about a slow Alaskan snow crab season than 3.2 billion humans using less energy than your refrigerator?
is that really what u get from my intervention about crab ?

it isnt about caring more about crab then human ffs, it is about to show u the environment talking to u with multiple evidence.
crab is one red signal of many.
i cant help u if u dont see it obv.

seriously i feel many interaction with u is u try to just interpret in a way u can come back on someone with badf aith arguments instead of trying to see the big picture and really understand what we try to tell u ...
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