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Challenges surrounding obesity Challenges surrounding obesity

12-14-2021 , 11:52 AM
Why does every convo in this forum trend toward eugenics?
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
I don't disagree with this at all. My point was originally that it didn't make sense to have the obesity discussion in the Covid thread because obese people being more likely to suffer serious illness/death from Covid was a function of obesity being generally unhealthy, not anything specific to Covid.
But whether you intend it or not, many use that type of argument to try and silence any discussion of the issues of obesity and its correlation to negative outcomes.

Far less important is what you focus on which is a question of is obesity causal or merely correlated with comorbidities. Honestly it is irrelevant to what lozen is saying and YES obesity should be part of the discussion. Saying 'but it is the comorbidities, not specifically the obesity' misses the point. We KNOW the obese correlate intensely with the comorbidities so as they would say, focus on the source.

I have sickle cell trait. If you want to look for sickle cell trait, if you want to study sickle cell trait, if you have reason to try and target sickle cell trait, you go to certain populaces (African descent and to a lesser degree broader Mediterranean descent [likely due a history of race mixing]) and search there. Someone saying 'but sickle cell trait is not caused by being of African or Mediterranean descent while true, it also misses the point.

The correlation is unequivocally clear.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It sates their bodies natural desire to horde calories (fat) in the event of the coming famine, which never comes in the US.
It comes when you're ill
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 12:03 PM
I’d love to see the published science behind this bold new claim about the genetic fattiness of black peoples.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 12:12 PM
Another anecdote since it is relevant to this new thread.

Growing up my dad's second job (he was a speciality welder by day) was his vending machine business. He was the largest independent vendor in our region and made more money in that job, than in his high paying welding job.

As a result we had a garage that doubled as his warehouse. Racks and racks of every type of chocolate bar, soda, Potato chip and other popular snacks.

And yet my brother and I never touched them. Neither of us developed a taste for them ever. They were not our first, second or even third choice when grabbing a snack and my parents had no prohibition whatsoever against it.

Now my mom was a pediatric speciality care nurse so i suspect that had a lot to do with it. A very liberal one as my parents did not really care at all if we drank, dabbled in marijuana, etc as long as we did not over indulge and were responsible. They took more the European view of not denying (and thus making it taboo) which lead us not to pursue it.

But i realized in later life my parents were very careful with their language. They never, and I mean never, used the word 'treat' when it came to those type of snacks. They were always called Junk or Garbage. My mom always referred to 'that garbage' whenever it was brought up.

It clued if for me in my marriage when my then partner referred to 'giving the nephews a treat whenever they came over' and I engaged her on that, without even thinking about asking why she called it 'treat' and why she selected 'those items'?

The biggest treat my mom would bring down to all the kids and she was known for was her PB&J finger sandwiches and apple slices. Even as adults today the kids who remember my mom talk about that and how excited they were for them (true whether you want to believe it or not). My, then partner agreed and entirely stopped calling junk treats and being the one to offer them. Just because you do not prohibit your kid getting junk does not mean you have to offer it.

In our house every Sunday was treat day. Sunday we had our big family dinner and we rotated who got to pick the choices. Mine was always a Roast beef (sometimes chicken) with Caribbean style rice and peas (beans), and roast potato's and vegetables. Brother was lasagna (Italian). Dad was a BBQ guy. And my mom called it Treat Day, maybe deliberately so.

Even today, i both notice and grimace when I hear the word 'treat' associated with food that is pure garbage and it is so common. Pay attention and I think you will be shocked at family or friend functions. You can have the most decadent of healthy dinners and yet the 'treat' is the empty calorie dessert, intonating the prior was simply the chore to get thru to arrive at the 'treat'.

Some may think that trivial but I think it is core. The very first foundational block to a more successful path.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
never, used the word 'treat' when it came to those type of snacks. They were always called Junk or Garbage.
They need a "junk food isle" at the market.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
A significant percent of the obesity in the South is dominated by the African American (largely left) within the southern States.
Fine, then just look at the white people:
(If someone can make the image post here, that'd be nice.)

The Southern states still generally have the higher obesity rates. Is this still somehow the fault of liberals?
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
They need a "junk food isle" at the market.
In all honesty the section should be called 'The Garbage'.

Every time a parent enters to buy their kids junk they should enter 'The Garbage', reinforcing each and every time you are buying something bad for your kids and self.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Fine, then just look at the white people:
(If someone can make the image post here, that'd be nice.)

The Southern states still generally have the higher obesity rates. Is this still somehow the fault of liberals?
Yes as i also said poverty and probably ideas mentioned by Metod of southern Male ideas around machoism ('not listening to those fancy doctors.' 'Who cares about health') are important aspects too.

(If someone can make the image post here, that'd be nice.) ...

Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
What is the cause of obesity in the US?
QP: liberals

But obesity rates are higher in southern states which tend to be less liberal.
QP: but that's mostly driven by black people who are more liberal

But if we just look at white people, the southern states still have higher obesity rates.
QP: still the liberals' fault

Is there any evidence that can be presented that would make you reconsider your position?
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
In the uk that's easy. The food in the 70s was ****ing awful and the beer was rank.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
What is the cause of obesity in the US?
QP: liberals

But obesity rates are higher in southern states which tend to be less liberal.
QP: but that's mostly driven by black people who are more liberal

But if we just look at white people, the southern states still have higher obesity rates.
QP: still the liberals' fault

Is there any evidence that can be presented that would make you reconsider your position?
That summary does not represent what i said so I'll take that as you looking at it, realizing you had nothing and thus then proceeding to make a position you could pretend to counter.

I think that far left liberalism (Self Esteem movement) is toxic and underlies much of this but is not all of it. A major and arguably the most significant portion. But i have and will talk about the other issues. But this one is the most corrosive as it has the biggest push behind it. The fat acceptance movement gains steam each and every year and members.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
haha. Uk is much better now. World class actually.

It was all bland, flavorless potato type fair prior with only Indian food as the option for any flavour and spice but that changed, I would say really around the mid 2000 time frame.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 04:28 PM
You ever been to Whole Foods? It’s very pricey there. Go down the street to Walmart it’s very cheap. Whole Foods looks like a fitness club and Walmart like a beached whale convention. Both these places have every race shopping in them. It’s funny people can’t put two and two together.

Btw there is a pet obesity issue now as well. Again, it’s obvious where this comes from.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why does every convo in this forum trend toward eugenics?

Because overfed, over educated, petty bourgeoisie posters want as little competition as possible ?

Also, I'm hungry.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think that far left liberalism (Self Esteem movement) is toxic and underlies much of this but is not all of it. A major and arguably the most significant portion.
This "Self Esteem Movement" must be a big thing in the deep South then, because that seems to be the fattest part of America.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why does every convo in this forum trend toward eugenics?
It's kind of like how most movies end or climax in a gun fight.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 07:53 PM
Why are Samoan's so fat?
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 07:58 PM
Some people are captured with junk foods. Some with opioids. You can keep your illusions about your own personal resilience if you want to, but capitalism will eventually find the addictive vice for your kind of brain. If we ban certain drugs then there is no contradiction in banning Little Diabetes snack cakes,
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Why are Samoan's so fat?
That's not always fat. Often it's smoother type muscles. See NDomukong Suh who doesn't have high body fat but still doesn't look cut. Samoans can beat ass because they are strong which is why they are massively over represented in the NFL.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Why are Samoan's so fat?
Turkey Butts

Big business found they could deep fry this grossly fat and oily throw away part of the Turkey that no one would eat in America and flood it into meat protein starved areas such as Somoa.

The Somoan gov't eventually decided to ban this product for the citizens own good. Big Corporations leaned on their American gov't officials and told them we are your masters. The US gov't officials then pressured the UN to threaten to deny Somoa with UN entry and other benefits if they would not serve as a dumping ground for our Turkey butts.

The somoans caved and this food is one of the worst contributors to their obesity.

...By 2007 the average Samoan was consuming more than 44 pounds of turkey tails every year – a food that had been unknown there less than a century earlier. That’s nearly triple Americans’ annual per capita turkey consumption...

... health epidemic gripping these islands. American Samoa has an obesity rate of 75 percent. Samoan officials grew so concerned that they banned turkey tail imports in 2007.

..., under World Trade Organization rules, countries and territories generally cannot unilaterally ban the import of commodities unless there are proven public health reasons for doing so. Samoa was forced to lift its ban in 2013 as a condition of joining the WTO, notwithstanding its health worries....
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I’d love to see the published science behind this bold new claim about the genetic fattiness of black peoples.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Used2Play
You ever been to Whole Foods? It’s very pricey there. Go down the street to Walmart it’s very cheap. Whole Foods looks like a fitness club and Walmart like a beached whale convention. Both these places have every race shopping in them. It’s funny people can’t put two and two together.

Btw there is a pet obesity issue now as well. Again, it’s obvious where this comes from.
The bolded might be the funniest sentence I've ever read in this Forum that was not posted by Trolly.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why does every convo in this forum trend toward eugenics?
To be fair, the Oregon's New Graduation Law thread didn't have a single eugenics reference.
Challenges surrounding obesity Quote
12-14-2021 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
haha. Uk is much better now. World class actually.

It was all bland, flavorless potato type fair prior with only Indian food as the option for any flavour and spice but that changed, I would say really around the mid 2000 time frame.
In london at least it was the 80s. Chinese, indian, thai (omg the tuk tuk. I do so miss you) etc restaurants and ingredients became much more common. Plus we were heading to the no 1 city for restaurants.

The campaign for real ale was making a real impact and beer was much improved.
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