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Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings

02-07-2022 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
As much as I do agree with you on what Trump is doing reality is in 2024 those states like Georgia & Arizona will revert back to the GOP anyways. I still say its 2028 when we have an issue
What you are saying here is a sort of variant on what Monty also says and believes.

Monty's view is along the lines of 'i don't care what Trump is doing as he will neither be the nominee nor win'. He is comfortable in the odds and thus thinks any discussion on measures to counter what he is doing is a waste.

Your view is similar. Dems are losing regardless so no big deal.

I don't proceed on such assumptions. You take the steps if they are valid and needed or not, not based on if you think they will be needed or not.

The things Trump is doing are a threat even if he does not run in 2024 and even if the Dems are doomed to lose anyway.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-07-2022 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I have no idea why you think you know how AZ and GA will vote in 2024. Would be the same as saying in 2018 that WI and PA will be blue in 2020. Possible? Sure. But some random dude on the internet saying it doesn’t make it so.
Of course that is my opinion based upon the failure of the Dems to provide what they promised

In Georgia in my opinion they failed to deliver for the African American voter and Arizona Sinema never delivered on any of her promises which falls on the Dems

Of course its a long way out and any predictions 3 years out are at best speculation.

What you are saying here is a sort of variant on what Monty also says and believes.

Monty's view is along the lines of 'i don't care what Trump is doing as he will neither be the nominee nor win'. He is comfortable in the odds and thus thinks any discussion on measures to counter what he is doing is a waste.

Your view is similar. Dems are losing regardless so no big deal.

I don't proceed on such assumptions. You take the steps if they are valid and needed or not, not based on if you think they will be needed or not.

The things Trump is doing are a threat even if he does not run in 2024 and even if the Dems are doomed to lose anyway.
No I think Trump will be the nominee and win.

No question they are a threat to democracy if they do what you suspect they will do. I just do not think they will need to cheat in 2024
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-07-2022 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by lozen

No I think Trump will be the nominee and win.

No question they are a threat to democracy if they do what you suspect they will do. I just do not think they will need to cheat in 2024
Very confusing to quote multiple posts that way I suspect the last thing e_d would want is my words attributed to him.

Again I suggest that you simply add =Cuepee to the word [Quote] so it shows the distinction [Quote=Cuepee] or address it in two separate posts.

And sure, I am fine with someone believing Trump or any 'R' will win. My points actually are not about who wins or not, just the failures in the system that leave it vulnerable to exploitation.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-07-2022 , 05:24 PM
Good chance GA and AZ are decided by less than 3 points again, so you assigning “reasons” almost 3 years out why either side will lose is pretty lol. I guess it’s illustrative of why regular people are such sloppy thinkers in general
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-07-2022 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Good chance GA and AZ are decided by less than 3 points again, so you assigning “reasons” almost 3 years out why either side will lose is pretty lol. I guess it’s illustrative of why regular people are such sloppy thinkers in general

Weird I coulda sworn i saw this comment in another thread? Hmmm
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-07-2022 , 08:04 PM
Yeah, sorry multiple tabs on a phone.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-09-2022 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Monty, when you suggest you see me going down Shuffle like rabbit holes on this Trump Riggie stuff are you referring to me reading and citing articles like this, which are almost exclusively the types of articles I am reading and citing, when not also referencing podcast or legal round tables?


Wisconsin Is Ground Zero for the MAGA Effort to Steal the Next Election
Republicans, convinced Trump won, are pushing to decertify his 2020 loss — and lay the groundwork to overturn the next election if it doesn’t go their way

At 5:01 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 2, Tim Ramthun was sitting in his living room with the TV on when his cellphone rang. He turned to his wife of four decades, Carolann. “Oh, the president’s calling,” he told her. She scoffed. “Hello, Mr. President,” Ramthun said to the caller. “This is Representative Ramthun. May I help you?” Carolann still didn’t believe him, until she heard the voice on the other end and almost fell out of her chair. She started recording a video of her husband, a junior member of the Wisconsin state Assembly, receiving praise from the 45th president of the United States.

Ramthun wasn’t surprised by Donald Trump’s call. A few weeks earlier, Trump had left a message on his work phone at the state Capitol at 6:30 in the morning. Trump had wanted to thank Ramthun for his continued efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, something Trump proceeded to do later that day in a written statement praising Ramthun for “putting forward a very powerful and very popular, because it’s true, resolution to decertify the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin based on the recently found absolute proof of large scale voter fraud that took place.”

Now, with his wife recording the conversation, Ramthun listened as Trump asked what he could do to be helpful. He offered to endorse Ramthun, and Ramthun knew how powerful that endorsement could be running for reelection to the Assembly or seeking a higher office. ...

...More than a year later, the Republican Party remains obsessed with Trump’s defeat in 2020 and finding ways to sow doubt on that result, if not reverse it...

...Nowhere is this crusade to subvert the 2020 election result more on display than in Wisconsin. Even though Republicans there do not control all the levers of power — the governor, Tony Evers, is a Democrat — they have launched a multifront effort to cast doubt on the 2020 election, intimidate local officials, and, in Ramthun’s case, throw out the state’s presidential-election result...

...GOP candidates and elected officials have gone so far as to demand the elimination of the state’s bipartisan election commission — a body that Republicans created seven years ago — and potentially give the GOP-led Legislature the power to control elections...

...This effort did not start in earnest until after the 2020 election, when Trump’s defeat became official...

...With an eye toward the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential election, Wisconsin Republicans now want to overhaul their democracy for the supposed sins of 2020...

...In Wisconsin, as in other states, the energy in the conservative movement burns hottest among those voters who believe the Republican-controlled Legislature should empower people like Ramthun and throw out Biden’s 2020 victory. Moderate Republicans have responded by ostracizing Ramthun or blasting their party’s descent into a post-fact cult of conspiracy theorists. “A lot of them are stuck between having to follow what is now the party line in Trump’s party and trying to tamp down the most extreme calls for overturning a democratic result,”...

...It’s also created a bizarre, up-is-down environment in which a fringe lawmaker like Ramthun finds himself lauded by Trump, the party’s leader, and at the same time shunned by fellow Republicans in Wisconsin for his crusade to throw out the last presidential vote.

For the first 150 years or so of its existence, Wisconsin earned a reputation as a laboratory of sorts, a testing ground for policies cooked up by liberals and conservatives. ...

... Tim Ramthun ... three artifacts matted in red, white, and blue, and framed in Trumpian gold: The press release announcing his resolution to decertify Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election, the resolution itself, and Trump’s statement praising Ramthun. Below the documents is a gold plaque that reads: “Ramthun Office/Saving America....”

...Wisconsin Republicans say they’ve heard from voters who are disgusted by the 2020 election, and plan to hold Democrats accountable. “There will be retribution down the road,” state Rep. Brandtjen tells me in her office. There’s an icy certainty in the way she says this, and her use of the word “retribution” catches me off guard. What does she mean by that, I ask.

Brandtjen stares straight at me. “There’ll be retribution for people because they don’t think there’s fair elections.” She goes on, “You see what happens to countries when they don’t think they have fair elections. Look at Venezuela. It falters the republic.”

The threat to democracy in Wisconsin isn’t coming from a lawless election commission, hacked voting machines, or illegal ballots coming out of nursing homes. It comes from a political party that united around suspicions and lies, and sought to bend reality to its will. Wisconsin is more than a laboratory for new policies and bold ideas; it’s a trial for whether democracy can survive at all.

I think, as i understand your view (correct me if I am wrong) that you think efforts to shine a spotlight on the above, to discuss the above and especially to counter the above are a waste of time and effort and brain power, because you understand the betting odds and in your Trump is not likely running and certainly not winning if he does.

So based on you holding that position (which I don't necessarily disagree with as I think it is unlikely (health) that Trump runs) then you think discussing all this is a Shuffle like exercise.

Is that accurate? Do you think it is a waste of time for Dem's, myself or anyone to be trying to consider what Trump is currently doing to try and set up a win for 2024 as you believe he cannot win regardless?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-09-2022 , 11:22 AM
A quality you are starting to share with some of those other posters is that it appears this area is consuming you. That does not mean everything you say is problematic so much as you obsessively say things about everything all the time in what feels like a more frantic way. Not saying this to troll you, as I usually like your content when I read it, but I did say the same thing about Shuffle and a couple others and not long after pretty much all those people took essentially a mental health break from this area, with that specific person apparently asking that his whole existence here be erased.

I appreciate you are giving me a list of a ton of items to consider, but I did not read the contents. Not saying that to dismiss you, I just do not have the time nor interest to devote as much time as you to this, and I am passing along my observations of your posting behavior that you are welcome to consider or disregard in any combination you feel is appropriate.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-09-2022 , 04:40 PM
Fair enough to all points. Can't argue with any of that.

Still think, at a minimum you should read the post just above though. Obsessive or not, it is a good summation of what Trump is up to and how dangerous it is.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-09-2022 , 04:46 PM
Eh, it is a Rolling Stone article, and it has an agenda, and it has to be a bit shocking to help get readers, all of which is fine and standard in the publishing industry. I do not doubt that dirty stuff happened and was attempted. That has always been in politics and Trump definitely went to new levels. Will that be contained or made worse moving forward? Well, guess we will see, but for now I am not going to get that worked up over a Rolling Stone article, and Trump is a really old fattie, so guess we will see if he even makes it to 2024.

Also, mildly disappointed you may have missed the Last Jedi reference I put in an earlier post today toward you! I would suggest you consider taking a week off politics at some point soon. The derps will still be derping when you get back.

Edit to add: take the break after you collect your $1,000 from the invasion martingale guy!

Last edited by Monteroy; 02-09-2022 at 04:54 PM.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-10-2022 , 10:29 AM
What sources today don't have some form of agenda that you would trust? I ask as I think all the MSM sources mostly do.

And ya we definitely have a different take on what is going on. I believe mostly ignoring what Trump is doing just increases his chance of pulling it off. I think he is very mush counting on that as most of these very local races that decided 'Who Counts the Vote' get less than 20% of the eligible population out to vote and any organised push to get even a fraction of your base out can win all of them while the other side sleeps.

And yeah my intention for 2020 was to take off to the north of Italy and then the S of France and then off to Asia for spell, after we sold our company close of 2019. Covid had other things to say about that though which means you guys got lucky and got all my time instead.

And you know what the Bible says about that 'idle hands.... something, something, ... are social medias playground...something, something.'.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-10-2022 , 03:06 PM
The jan 6th Commission has its hands full and is rightly focused on that day and efforts around over turning the election.

What is emerging now, is a universe of what I would call secondary, illegal activity which I think the Jan 6th Committee may foot note but it is so vast, and not the core focus that I think the process would be better suited to a Mueller like Prosecutor with then the Jan 6th committee taking from a final report and appending to their investigation where necessary.

What I am talking about is all the evidence that Rudy Giuliani, Kraken lady and so many others were on the phone and holding meetings with people all across the Republican base and pushing them to do illegal things, like seize voting machines and reports coming back that many actions were taken.

There are a bunch of these little side issues, that are important to the Jan6th commission but I don't think they can or should chase down every rabbit hole as some expediency is necessary.

In the time it would take them to wind up the core part of their investigation a Special Counsel like Mueller, could be and would be charging all sorts of people for both implementing many of these illegal plans and those who were instructing them for conspiracy.

The one thing we know is that Mueller became a GOP truthteller serum for all but the most compromised few, who he put in jail for obstruction or lying when they did. People in the GOP were legit terrified to get his subpoena to appear and few did not cooperate fully, lest he know what they were hiding and lying about.

It is imo, very important that everyone at all levels, especially the local level State apparatus managers, know that illegal activity will get caught and people will end up in jail. Right now the signal is that 2020 was just a rehearsal with very little real world consequences for trying to steal, and the lesson taken was 'here is what we need to do better next time', when instead the lesson should be 'try it and you will be jailed'.

I believe the DOJ is fearful of looking too political and thus chasing down to many GOP branches and operatives and thus why a Special Counsel, especially one lead by a GOP lawman, since most FBI and other top cops, current or retired are GOP, would relieve them of that burden.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
02-15-2022 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
In terms of politics (with a politician in the photo) -
I would agree that is an interesting picture that will have a definite impact on his political future
He's proud of it.

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
03-08-2022 , 12:23 PM

Tarrio the Proud Boys leader indicted today on conspiracy..

So he will flip again and bring down more people I guess..
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
03-08-2022 , 01:36 PM
Well that is why Trump through out the idea of pardons to these people should he be re-elected.

Often times the only options for these people facing serious charges and time are 'Cooperation with a reduced but still substantial sentence', or 'fight in court in a sure loser and get the harshest sentence'.

So the choices are between 'bad' and 'worse' and many choose 'bad' to have some hope of freedom, one day.

Trump wants them to know in such dire spots there is a 3rd option. Stick with him, and don't talk, and instead bet that he gets re-elected and then hope he selects you for full pardon. When your options are 'bad' and 'worse' gambling on that might not be the worst option.

Of course Trump could win and still not pardon any of them, as his concerns typically are looking forward and if he sees no value in these jailed people, he will not be bothered to pardon them.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
03-08-2022 , 04:14 PM
The speed of this verdict should give some pause to those heading into court next, that juries are not accepting these BS defense positions.

Son is going to need some therapy and for a long, long time.

Jury finds first US Capitol riot defendant to go on trial guilty on all counts

A jury in Washington, DC, on Tuesday found January 6 rioter Guy Reffitt guilty of all five charges he faced related to the US Capitol attack, in the pivotal outcome of the first federal trial related to the riot.

Reffitt, a Texas Three Percenter and supporter of then-President Donald Trump when he went to the Capitol on January 6, was charged with five counts --

*wanting to obstruct the congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election

*transporting guns into DC,

*carrying a Smith & Wesson handgun onto the restricted grounds of the Capitol

*interfering with Capitol Police protecting the Upper West Terrace

*obstructing justice by threatening his son and daughter when he returned to Texas.

The jury of six men and six women in DC's federal court deliberated for just under four hours Tuesday.
Reffitt sat very still, then sipped water as the verdict was read. His wife, Nicole, who had watched each day of the trial with some of her children, did not make it into the courtroom in time to watch it being read.
The maximum sentence for the most severe of Reffitt's charges -- obstruction of Congress and obstruction of justice -- is 20 years in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on June 8.

...and a family drama where a son testified against his father.
It was the first case related to January 6 to go to trial and tested the Justice Department's ability to tie one person's actions in the crowd to the broader attack on Capitol Hill.
Reffitt, 49, has been held in jail since his arrest in late January 2021. His case rose to national attention after his son, Jackson Reffitt, did major national TV interviews about turning his father in to the FBI after disagreeing with him about his Trump support and involvement in the Three Percenters.

The conviction could have a dramatic effect on the more than 500 Capitol riot defendants whose cases are still making their way through the justice system. It could encourage some defendants to accept plea deals instead of facing a jury, and also may prompt appeals of the criminal law being used in many of the January 6 prosecutions.
Case against Reffitt
Reffitt's defense lawyer called no witnesses and instead argued that he was an exaggerator, who took credit for bringing a gun to the Capitol and resisting police when he was a bit player in the scrum...

Jackson Reffitt also told the jury about his father's comments after the riot, that should Jackson or his younger sister turn their father in, they would be traitors, and "traitors get shot."
Rocky Hardie, a former member of the Texas Three Percenters group who was given immunity by prosecutors in exchange for his testimony, told the jury about meeting Reffitt prior to the 2020 election....

Hardie testified that he and Reffitt both packed automatic rifles in their car and brought concealed handguns to the Capitol on January 6 for "self-defense." He said they both were aware bringing weapons to the Capitol was illegal, and Jackson Reffitt produced audio to the FBI that captured him discussing with his father laws against carrying a weapon on federal property.
The pair of Three Percenters also brought two-way radios and flex cuffs, "in case we need to detain anybody," Hardie said, while Reffitt wore an armored vest, a helmet and a blue jacket -- items that made him identifiable to police remembering the attack and in multiple video angles of the crowd pushing forward.
Three Capitol Police officers testified about battling Reffitt outside the Capitol. They all noted that Reffitt led the mob forward, taunting police officers that they "couldn't stop all of us."...

Text messages and recordings, taken by his son, from after January 6 showed Reffitt recounting how police sprayed him with chemicals and how members of Congress "scurried like rats and hid" while the mob breached the building.
"I had every constitutional right to carry a weapon and take over Congress as we tried to do," Reffitt said to his family in one recording.
Reffitt later said, "I'm not done yet."...

Last edited by King Spew; 03-08-2022 at 04:44 PM. Reason: separated the 5 charges to make more readable
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
03-08-2022 , 06:23 PM
The even better part is his wife after the trial telling other J6 defendants to not plea, and go to trial.

jfc how is she so braindead

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
03-23-2022 , 01:01 AM
A California man suspected of taking part in the US Capitol riots last year has been granted asylum in Belarus.

Evan Neumann fled the US after being charged in connection with the riots.

The 48-year-old first settled in Ukraine, before reaching Belarus where he asked for asylum - claiming he faced "political persecution" in the US.

A Belarusian official said he had been allowed to remain "indefinitely" after being "tailed" by authorities in Ukraine.

Mr Neumann told Belarusian state-owned news agency Belta he had "mixed feelings".

"I am glad Belarus took care of me. I am upset to find myself in a situation where I have problems in my own country."

In July last year, Mr Neumann was charged on six different counts, including violent entry and assaulting police officers. He was accused of punching two police officers and using a metal barrier as a "battering ram" against police during the riots at the US Capitol building on 6 January 2021.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
03-23-2022 , 09:10 AM
cry baby.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
04-13-2022 , 11:03 PM
'Groomed:' Attorney argues Trump to blame for his client storming the Capitol

It’s not hard to understand how vulnerable, unsophisticated people who’ve
been fed this diet of B.S. would behave in accordance with their president’s wishes.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
04-15-2022 , 02:59 PM
January 6 rioter who argued Trump was at fault found guilty on all counts
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
04-26-2022 , 03:40 AM
Details on why Pence refused to get in Secret Service car on Jan. 6

"I know you guys too well.
You'll fly him to Alaska if you have a chance."
Fact that it was that close, in this country, is horrifying.

Trump was a dangerous president willing to overthrow his own Vice-President to stay in power.

Last edited by steamraise; 04-26-2022 at 03:46 AM.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
04-26-2022 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Fact that it was that close, in this country, is horrifying.

Trump was a dangerous president willing to overthrow his own Vice-President to stay in power.

This was rumoured from the beginning and I had commented on it.

That one of Pence's Secret Service had whispered to Pence, if you get in that car, they will not let you out, and the POTUS will order them to take you far away and keep you far away 'for your safety'.

Now we see the text exchanges and that Trump's top SS guy was well aware of the incoming Insurrectionists.

It seems certain he knew his boss, POTUS, was going to turn Pence into a target for assasination, and they would use that to get Pence out.

Does anyone think this is enough for Garland to follow and Prosecute?

Does anyone think a Mueller type Special Prosecutor, if one was put in charge to gather the facts of Jan 6th and Prosecute crimes, would not?

I am hopeful Garland will eventually act, but I am certain a Mueller type already would have. If Garland does not act, it is not because the evidence is there and is because his roll is to cover it up in the usual gov't way. The 'oh ya we investigated... but there is not enough' which is the way to make sure the person is protected from any future prosecution threat.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
04-27-2022 , 05:28 PM
new leaked audio from House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy

I am so sick of grown people teaching our children it’s okay to get out of trouble by lying!!!
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
04-27-2022 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
new leaked audio from House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Interesting are usually scumbags behind closed doors but put on a persona of being trustworthy.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
