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Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings

10-11-2024 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
We were talking about rioting and violence. She is talking about protestors. You understand the difference, right?

She also did not help bail anyone out of jail. Utter failure of a post.

You should probably also be aware that opinion pieces are not sources. Just for the future, champ.
So are you saying they arrested the peaceful protesters? Why would someone get arrested for protesting peacefully?

Nothing to see here. Just "mostly peaceful" protests.

There are social media posts of hers in the links I provide to prove she helped bail out arrestees (for rioting, not for protesting peacefully. People don't go to jail for that).
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
So are you saying they arrested the peaceful protesters?
Why are you asking me what I said. You can just re-read my post to see what I said. If you don't find the text you are asking about, then no, I didn't say it.

And no, there are no social media posts in your links that prove that. Stop lying.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Why are you asking me what I said. You can just re-read my post to see what I said. If you don't find the text you are asking about, then no, I didn't say it.

And no, there are no social media posts in your links that prove that. Stop lying.
Stop spreading false information. Here's her social media post
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Stop spreading false information. Here's her social media post
Which does not show her helping bail out any rioters. In fact, it EXPLICITLY says protestors. It doesn't even say she contributed to the fund. Can you stop lying for 2 seconds (or is your grasp of the language and/or issues really this poor)?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
You seem to forget what all the Dems said regarding BLM riots - you seem to forget the lives that were lost, the thousands injured, the small businesses destroyed/looted - it was pure carnage. But the focus for you is on the Jan 6 "attack" which pales in comparison. Either way arguing especially in this forum is just a big waste of time - we're just going in a circle with no result so not wasting more time replying to nonsense.
What you seem to forget is that in the mist of the event when Trump could have addressed the nation and his word could have ended the violence, he instead acted in his own personal best interest, did nothing. Nada. Zip. No other president has exhibited such a lack of leadership abilities and harmed our nation. He is a truly worthless human being.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Which does not show her helping bail out any rioters. In fact, it EXPLICITLY says protestors. It doesn't even say she contributed to the fund. Can you stop lying for 2 seconds (or is your grasp of the language and/or issues really this poor)?
She doesn't have to contribute to the fund financially to support it publicly, which she did.

That's a horrible thing for a Presidential candidate or a current VP to do. That's a stab in the back to everyone in law enforcement as well as the citizens they're trying to keep safe, not to mention the building owners who's property was destroyed.

And again, people don't get arrested for peaceful protesting. They get arrested for committing crimes, of which Camela seems to believe they should be immediately freed. She's far from presidential material.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
She doesn't have to contribute to the fund financially to support it publicly, which she did.
You said she helped bail them out. She did not.

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
That's a horrible thing for a Presidential candidate or a current VP to do.

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
That's a stab in the back to everyone in law enforcement
Hey genius, the protests were literally against law enforcement killing black people. Sorry if it ruffled their feathers a bit.

Meanwhile, j6 rioters were LITERALLY stabbing law enforcement officers.

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
And again, people don't get arrested for peaceful protesting.
I didn't say they were attested for protesting peacefully, did I?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
She said, regarding all of the horrible riots which included the burning down of buildings and churches, "They're not gonna stop. Theyre never gonna stop."

She then said she's never gonna stop supporting them and even helped bail them out of jail.

Imagine if Trump bailed out someone who casually walked into the Capitol building but she bails people out left and right who were doing actual rioting.
Well trump bailed out all his « friend » with a pardon on their criminal convictions .

So I don’t know what u want to prove here .
Biden didn’t even pardon his own son ….

Seem some actually do care about Justice and it ain’t republicans that do .
Especially voting for a convicted president ….

I don’t think you can win much arguments if you want to use justice has a taking point .
I suggest you try others.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Seem some actually do care about Justice and it ain’t republicans that do .
Especially voting for a convicted president ….
That wasn't a real crime. It was manufactured, and no one has ever been convicted for the things he was accused of.

Has anyone ever been convicted of lying on a loan application for estimating the value of their property after the loans were paid and on time? That's why banks, if they REALLY wanted to know what his properties were worth, would of hired an appraiser (at Trump's expense, too) which is how business works in the real world.

Has anyone ever been convicted for listing a payment that they made to a lawyer, which was to pay someone who signed a NDA, as a "legal expense"? What was he supposed to list it under, building supplies?

I rest my case.

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
We were talking about rioting and violence. She is talking about protestors. You understand the difference, right?
Yeah right. The fiery but mostly peaceful protests. Lol

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Yeah right. The fiery but mostly peaceful protests. Lol

The Ali Velshi one never gets old.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:27 PM
And the person who wanted to release all those criminals from jail is now running for president, but even worse, she's already the VP.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
And the person who wanted to release all those criminals from jail is now running for president, but even worse, she's already the VP.
Trump is the one that wants to release rioters from jail, genius. Show us where Harris wants to release rioters from jail. Liar.

Every accusation really is a confession. It's actually incredible.

You probably should look up what bail is, too, since you seem to think that it means clear someone of charges. It doesn't. Any rioters would still face charges and potential jail time if they were "bailed out." Trump literally wants to PARDON rioters.


Last edited by Gorgonian; 10-11-2024 at 03:36 PM.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
That wasn't a real crime. It was manufactured, and no one has ever been convicted for the things he was accused of.

Has anyone ever been convicted of lying on a loan application for estimating the value of their property after the loans were paid and on time? That's why banks, if they REALLY wanted to know what his properties were worth, would of hired an appraiser (at Trump's expense, too) which is how business works in the real world.

Has anyone ever been convicted for listing a payment that they made to a lawyer, which was to pay someone who signed a NDA, as a "legal expense"? What was he supposed to list it under, building supplies?

I rest my case.


lol you literally admit 5 hours ago you never saw trump lied ever and now this admission that trump shouldnt been convicted for lying...

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
No, not at all.

You're probably unaware, which is ok (which explains why you're routing for and sticking up for the democrats), Trump's been talking about the "fake media" even before he became president. He's very well aware they're owned and controlled by the deep state (a global entity backed by Communist China that's trying to control the globe through their corrupt agencies like the WEF, UN, WHO and many more. It's all the "woke" agencies if you need help determining who they are).

I can't recall him ever lying, and I'm being honest. Maybe I missed something?

Can you tell me what he's been lying about (and don't say it was about the $750, first of all he was saying that's a slap in the face to people that lost everything they owned including the roof over their head while we've sent hundreds of billions to help other countries and just recently 158MM to Lebanon for the same reasons the flood victims need money. He never said that it was all the people were getting, that's just the fake media spinning it to make him look bad. And second, people that did lose everything aren't even getting $750 up front, they're only getting $300 (even the daughter of a mayor in NC, google it if you need the "proof" I also know someone there, and he got 300 also).

Is this a joke? She never speaks! All that comes out of her mouth are word salads. All she can do is read a teleprompter and when it goes out she's lost.

In 100 years from now President Trump is gonna be looked back at in history in a much bigger way than even George Washington for standing up to and freeing us from a corrupt, satanic global DS cabal who though their corrupt agendas like the green new deal and agenda 2030 (did you ever look into those "deals" to see what they're planning, such as re-building all our buildings to make them more energy efficient, 100% electric vehicles which will kill the trucking industry and enslave us even more, 15 minute cities (no one travels more than 15mins. from where they live) and even making eating meat illegal because cow farts are bad for the environment). I'm sorry that you can't realize these things are horrible and will only cripple and enslave us even more than we already are right now.

I hope you'll be able to come to a realization and reconsider which agenda you're supporting when you go vote next month (if you're a US citizen, or an illegal migrant of course since they'll all be voting too). I'm sure you're smart enough to see all this and do the right thing if not for you, do it for your kinds and grand kid's futures.

This isn't at all about Trump vs Camels, or even red vs blue, it's literally about good vs evil. President Trump is working very hard for not only America but for the world (iykyk).

you are a real piece of work buddy....
honesty isnt your forte.
i guess lying knowingly gets you in some illogical admission sometimes...

ps: fabricated or not, he got convicted by a court of law, sorry buddy.
you have no case.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:35 PM
Trumps family that he employed in the White House would not even support his conduct on Jan 6. Imagine how dumb and delusional a non-employee or non-family mender sounds when ignoring the actual facts and defending his conduct.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
lol you literally admit 5 hours ago you never saw trump lied ever and now this admission that trump shouldnt been convicted for lying...
I'm sorry about that but thank you for pointing that out. It was def. my mistake so please let me clarify it.

When he listed the value of his property, it was an accurate figure. The "courts" (not even a professional appraiser) claimed the value was much less. It's actually higher than what Trump put on the form. So no, he didn't lie about it's value.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I'm sorry about that but thank you for pointing that out. It was def. my mistake so please let me clarify it.

When he listed the value of his property, it was an accurate figure. The "courts" (not even a professional appraiser) claimed the value was much less. It's actually higher than what Trump put on the form. So no, he didn't lie about it's value.
ok like mant mag people , math is a hard subject.

square feet for real estate was much higher then what it really was, u egt that square feet isnt some kind of a value number but a real number that is being measure and cant be tempered with right ?
u know that a real measure, in this world reality, means its not a number that can be changing by itself right ?

The attachment was a 1994 document, signed by Trump, that pegged his Trump Tower triplex at 10,996 square feet — not the 30,000 square feet later claimed for years on financial statements that were given to banks, insurers and others to make deals and secure loans.
you actually get that the value of real estate ( houses if u prefer so u understand this concept) goes up as the property gets larger in size, in square feet right ?
You understanbd smaller couldnt possibly means it was the right value and even go even higher like u claim right ?
please tell me at least u agree 2+2 = 4 and u agree with that math measurement concept ....?

ps: and if u got it wrong there about trump never lied, imagine the amount of lies u missed...
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Trumps family that he employed in the White House would not even support his conduct on Jan 6. Imagine how dumb and delusional a non-employee or non-family mender sounds when ignoring the actual facts and defending his conduct.
That is something that surprises me that the Dems do not point out more . You have Ivanka and Jared no were to be seen and Melania came out as pro choice though they did point that out but I may have used that in ads
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Yup , fight like hell (just to name one at the end of his speech ) means it’s a very benign thing .
I know you struggle with the English language but do you realise that it is possible to fight like hell peacefully? And considering that President Trump had told them to be peaceful earlier in his speech it would be entirely logical to assume that's what he meant here.

Obviously logic doesn't appear to be one of your strong points either.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 04:17 PM
Here, this might help.

Definition of 'fight'


Word forms: fights, fighting, fought

2. verb B2
If you fight for something, you try in a determined way to get it or achieve it.
Our members are willing to fight for a decent pay rise. [VERB + for]
Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition. [VERB for noun]
I told him how we had fought to hold on to the company. [VERB to-infinitive]
The team has fought its way to the cup final. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: strive, battle, push, struggle More Synonyms of fight
Fight is also a noun.
I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice. [+ for]
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
I know you struggle with the English language but do you realise that it is possible to fight like hell peacefully? And considering that President Trump had told them to be peaceful earlier in his speech it would be entirely logical to assume that's what he meant here.

Obviously logic doesn't appear to be one of your strong points either.
Fight like hell peacefully ?
Lol ….

Please tell me how to manifest peaceful harder by manifest peacefully like hell harder lol .

They walk harder slowly ?
They fight like like hell by walking slower ?

How much they pay you really ?
I mean I hope they pay you at least , not like PB doing it freely …
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Fight like hell peacefully ?
Lol ….

Please tell me how to manifest peaceful harder by manifest peacefully like hell harder lol .

They walk harder slowly ?
They fight like like hell by walking slower ?

How much they pay you really ?
I mean I hope they pay you at least , not like PB doing it freely …
Yes, it is quite possible to fight peacefully or non-violently. Which you would know if you understood the English language and all it's nuances. Clearly you don't.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Yes, it is quite possible to fight peacefully or non-violently. Which you would know if you understood the English language and all it's nuances. Clearly you don't.
ok lets me repeat then again..
how u fight harder peacefully.

and if u want to take that route, maybe when he said protest peacefully he mean protest violently but gently too lol....

you are at a point where you say the guy said thing he didnt just to protect him lol.

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I'm sorry about that but thank you for pointing that out. It was def. my mistake so please let me clarify it.

When he listed the value of his property, it was an accurate figure. The "courts" (not even a professional appraiser) claimed the value was much less. It's actually higher than what Trump put on the form. So no, he didn't lie about it's value.
please PB comeback later on,...
explain to us how to sell a house that is 3x smaller then what you say it, is isnt fraud ..
or when you go at a bank and say you are worth 1 million instead of 300k and you borrow money on 1 million value you declare , it isnt fraud to do so...

and afterwards explain to us what fraud it is for you.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
10-11-2024 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
ok lets me repeat then again..
how u fight harder peacefully.
Quite easily. As I have already explained to you.

Again I don't want to keep repeating myself and it's not my job to educate you on the English language, so I would suggest you get some English comprehension lessons instead of just continuing to show your ignorance in that department.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
