Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Just saw an alternate video of the protester getting shot that shows her being the first person at the top of a stairwell who attempts to climb through a broken sidelight window into the main hallway and someone you can't see just blasts her right in the neck/chest, sending her onto her back in major distress. Won't post it here for obv reasons, but what a moran.
Honestly surprised more weren't taken out. Secret Service and military must be embarrassed. The only people outside were like White House mall cops.
There can be reasons for police or those defending the politicians to draw lines that any one crossing, armed or NOT, will get shot.
If for example this hallway was the last thing between the surging mob and a door, behind which, was many of the Politicians and the police/security would be over run if the hall got infiltrated leaving the politicians to the mercy of the mob, then shooting the first person entering the Hall, to let them know this is not a hall that will be taken without a lot of blood being shed, is appropriate.
That may sound callous and I do think this would be an absolute last resort and only in the most extreme circumstances, but what you cannot have is the hall way over run, the security or police simply saying 'we have lost contain, good luck to you politicians behind the door. Brace yourselves as they will be getting in', is not an acceptable allowance.
What I would like to see first, if given time, is the police/security firing warning shots to let the protestors know what is around the corner if they keep coming. But if they do not have time and the mob push is on, then certainly it can be justified.