Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
You literally asked for examples got a very famous one then threw a hissy fit. If your immutable view is that free speech on campus us going through a continuous process of decline, I can see why the actual historical record is a massively inconvenient truth. But the answer is not to ignore it but to grow up and put what you call cancel culture in the proper historical context. Obviously nobody here expects you to have the facilities to do it, but that’s the answer regardless of your mental limitations.
A strawman is when you substitute an example of something that does not apply to the context or specifics as if it does.
You do not get to ignore the key element and context and act as if 'gov't down subversion/control' and 'citizen up subversion/control' are the same thing.
Citizens in anything resembling democratic countries have fought consistently to lessen and remove controls (gov't and elite) from their choices both in viewing and speech. The freer a society becomes the less they want OTHERS to dictate via their preferences or sense or moral right and wrong outside laws addressing harm or other criminality.
That is a truism no matter how much O.A.F.K will feel the need to deny it or how you will scurry off now to try and cite a singular example that is tangential but does not directly speak to the issue so you can pretend you made a point.
At this point in time, the far left, supported by much of the centre like you and O.A.F.K is undertaking measures to re-institute the types of speech, viewing and thought policing that prior was mainly the purview of gov't and elite. A reversal of the historical trend. Both the far left and far right have realized the power of social media coupled with lies and slurs ('groomer', 'transphobe', 'racist') and that not an iota of truth or fact need be present to damage a persons reputation and the chill effect that then has on the masses who avoid the discussion or debate or taking a stand against their worst actions, lest they become the next victim of that tactic.
This tactic will never cease unless the remaining more centrist GOP fight it on the right, and the centre left, centre, fight on left. It can only be tackled from within the same side.
Sadly both 'sides' are intent in denying it exists at all on their side and that it ONLY exists on the other.
I am pretty sure both you and O.A.F.K have spoken about the rights use of 'groomer' in the same regard. Eyes wide open on that one. But somehow you both remain absolutely blinded and in denial of any of it on the left. You maintain it is all a fiction. The left must be perfect and protected in this area.