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Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...)

06-20-2020 , 02:03 PM
Trump has repeatedly called Elizabeth Warren by the nickname Pocahontas. Trump even went off script, as usual, during a Native American Veterans of War event and used the Pocahontas slur. Now imagine what happens when Biden picks a black woman running mate. And Biden's VP takes on the traditional role as attack dog during the campaign. There is obviously some non-zero chance that Trump picks a nickname for Biden's VP choice that is going to trigger the next round of racial strife.

This is going to get uglier before it gets better.

Last edited by September.28; 06-20-2020 at 02:09 PM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
06-21-2020 , 08:01 AM
A bit funny, a week after AOC announced her congress run a few years ago the incumbent hack she was up against suddenly turned around and cosponsored a whole slew of progressive policies including medicare for all. I think she describes it perfectly - its the emperors new clothes. These ppl are walking around pure naked and the media is covering for them.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-05-2020 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Kanye 2024 2020
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-05-2020 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by September.28
Trump has repeatedly called Elizabeth Warren by the nickname Pocahontas. Trump even went off script, as usual, during a Native American Veterans of War event and used the Pocahontas slur. Now imagine what happens when Biden picks a black woman running mate. And Biden's VP takes on the traditional role as attack dog during the campaign. There is obviously some non-zero chance that Trump picks a nickname for Biden's VP choice that is going to trigger the next round of racial strife.

This is going to get uglier before it gets better.
You must not be a very fun person to hangout with
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-05-2020 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Iwreckshop
You must not be a very fun person to hangout with
Stay in your chosen lane bro, you are outclassed in this sub-forum.

Last edited by September.28; 07-05-2020 at 11:12 PM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-05-2020 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by AllInNTheDark
If the Talosians helped Biden win the presidency, then Republicans would be up in arms screaming intergalactic interference and treason. But Russia helps Trump and all you hear from Republicans is the sounds of crickets.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-06-2020 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by September.28
Stay in your chosen lane bro, you are outclassed in this sub-forum.
Nobody is outclassed in this forum; it's an assembly of troglodytes spinning on their hampster wheels
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-06-2020 , 02:26 AM
This is the Tholian Thread.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-11-2020 , 06:16 PM
Funny this thread is like Biden hiding in the basement

Biden can stay there and ride it out to victory
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-11-2020 , 08:23 PM
I'm under the impression that Biden is still on track to announce his running mate by August 1st. This election cycle Georgia is possibly in play. One of the long shot running mate contenders is black female Atlanta, Georgia mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. She is a huge long shot pick since she is only a mayor compared to other contenders that are governors, senators and house of representatives. If Keisha Lance Bottoms is still on the list, her chances took a massive tumble when she recently announced she had covid-19. Even with a two to three week quarantine between now and August 1st, it would be risky to put a covid-19 recovery person in the same room as old man Biden.

There is a non-zero chance Biden stays in his bunker after naming a running mate and simply let's the vice presidential running mate do the heavy lifting.

Last edited by September.28; 07-11-2020 at 08:42 PM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-11-2020 , 08:55 PM
Joe left the bunker the other day to his childhood home in Scranton. Giving warm and tingly working class vibes.

Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:29 AM
Saying we need to help small businesses and middle class people and then immediately after that say we need to raise corporate taxes is pretty dumb. However, saying we should raise corporate taxes to invest in growth in the country is on a whole new level. I can't believe any person could think raising corporate taxes is good for growth, but to hear a nominee for president say it is shocking.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 11:42 AM
Tangent Questions Hypothetical:

If Biden had never entered the race who do you think the Establishment Dem's would have rallied around to try and derail Bernie?


Do you think that person (anyone other than Biden) could have accomplished it?


Underlying assumptions to my hypothetical:

- Bernie would still have distinguished himself as the front runner and a real threat to win from the progressive side
- establishment Dems would try to thwart that using all tools including setting individual ambitions aside to collaborate to beat him
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 08:25 PM
I missed where it said in that article that Biden will not speak at the convention. Can you point out that specific part that seems to be your main point/concern? Pretty sure "on behalf" does not mean "instead of," but no doubt you can point it out. Thanks!

All the best.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Joe Biden will not address the Democratic National Convention. Former Republican Ohio governor and presidential candidate John Kasich will speak on his behalf:

I mean I get the strategy of keeping Joe hidden away while Trump scores own goals on himself over and over again, but there's something wrong if the man can't even give a speech in person or pre-recorded to an audience of supportive partisans. Is there some further deterioration in Biden's mental or physical health in recent days? When was the last time he was seen in public? (I'm genuinely asking, haven't been following)

Trump stated today that he will be sending more of his secret police to cities all over America, where I have no doubt they will work in concert with right-wing militia provocateurs to prevent voters in heavily democratic districts from voting on election day. Meanwhile, the Democrats seem oblivious to this mortal threat to our freedom, content to say "Trump will be gone on November 3rd" as if he would just let the election go ahead as planned without cheating. They've also nominated a senile 80 year man who doesn't even know where he is half of the time.

In the board game Risk I believe the defenders always get an extra dice because the rules dictate that it's easier to defend rather than attack, but in the real world I've always found the opposite to be true. Whoever seizes the initiative has all of the advantages, and Trump certainly seems to be going for it, his Hitler book on the nightstand at his bedside and his stormtroopers being deployed all over the country for November 3rd.
I think there is no way Biden does not participate in some way, either thru live stream or recorded message.

Right now though the entire appeal and focus by the Biden camp is on Independents and soft Trump support they can swing his way. They feel very comfortable that the 'threat of Trump' will keep all Dems in line including the Progressives so they are not feeling much pressure to court them or offer them anything.

There is also a ton of data coming out that even amongst those who support Trump still they are getting 'battle fatigue'. They just want the fights on all fronts to stop.

Having Republican Ohio governor and presidential candidate John Kasich speak just re-emphasizes to them that Joe is the 'PeaceMaker'. The guy who can reach across the aisle and get agreements with the other side.

I think it is very smart. It risks really disenfranchising young voters possibly as much as Bernie losing did but to be honest, counting on a 'young vote' is a sure way to lose.

Better one vote from a group that reliably votes than 25 potential votes from young people.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
It's in the second paragraph:

OK I was conflating this article with another speculative thread. I will own up to the mistake and everyone can have a laugh at my expense.
'on Biden's behalf' is somewhat clumsy and ambiguous wording.

Typically it would mean 'in support of' but sometimes when people are late or cannot attend and they are looking for someone to step up they will say 'I will speak on behalf of...' meaning 'as a substitute or replacement for them.

They should say "in support of' if he is just going to give a 'who is Joe Biden' type support speech and say 'in place of' if Joe is not speaking at all and he will deliver his message for him.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Tangent Questions Hypothetical:

If Biden had never entered the race who do you think the Establishment Dem's would have rallied around to try and derail Bernie?


Do you think that person (anyone other than Biden) could have accomplished it?


Underlying assumptions to my hypothetical:

- Bernie would still have distinguished himself as the front runner and a real threat to win from the progressive side
- establishment Dems would try to thwart that using all tools including setting individual ambitions aside to collaborate to beat him
Apparently we both like hypotheticals and counter-factuals

So yea, as played I believe establishment/money would have probably backed Buttigieg, although I don't believe that would have been enough to actually beat Bernie. Bernie is a known name nationally while Buttigieg is a relative random.

However, in the absence of Biden, I believe Hilary would have made another bid. We for sure know that she was/is itching to go again. She's a pretty shameless career politician in that regard.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 09:20 PM
I fear that we haven't heard the last from ol' bag.
If Joe gets the Covid, then's she's back in play...
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
The cognitive joke is on me this time, as I was mixing up two different things. Still, I like Biden's strategy of staying low while Trump shoots himself in the foot, but I'm increasingly worried that the Democrats are relying on the polls and a fair election. Trump is going to cheat and play a different game.
I would bet this election will have levels of Republican cheating and voter fraud and suppression as never seen prior. That is big part of the reason Trump gave in and commuted Roger Stone's sentence now when he was intending to wait until after the election.

There is no one who knows all the dirty tricks better than Stone.

I think Trump was fine with opening up quick despite Corona risks because he knows it kills, something like 7 Dems (POC) for every 3 republicans and that is good math in Trumps mind. I think he also hoped it might scare Dems to stay home and not show up at the polls.

It is only now that it is threatening Republican States and may cost him votes that he now wants to stop it.

I also think he is using his secret police to try and intimate POC (Dems)as much as possible now and you will see those same officers at many of the Polling stations during election time, "protecting the election sanctity" , again hoping to intimidate and keep POC home. It is much like the police using dogs to menace POC during the 60's.

To Trump, only winning matters. he knows no matter what is exposed after, as long as he wins and gains power no one will hold him to account.

He saw how Kemp cheated and how far he went to win and sees there is nothing but reward on the other side. So ya, hold on to your beers as this is going to be a crazy ride.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
Apparently we both like hypotheticals and counter-factuals

So yea, as played I believe establishment/money would have probably backed Buttigieg, although I don't believe that would have been enough to actually beat Bernie. Bernie is a known name nationally while Buttigieg is a relative random.

However, in the absence of Biden, I believe Hilary would have made another bid. We for sure know that she was/is itching to go again. She's a pretty shameless career politician in that regard.
I thought the same thing. About Buttigieg being pushed, I mean.

Never thought of them pushing Hilary back up and quite frankly I struggle to see that despite agreeing with you that she was chomping at the bit and letting everyone know 'she would consider it if called'.

But I doubt many Dem's want Trump/Hilary 2. I know all Trumpers and Trump would be in heaven.

And i agree Buttigieg would not be able to do it, not with the combined Dem establishment behind him. Bernie would have got the black vote. He had it until Clyburn turned it for Joe.

I think ultimately they would looked for a white knight, just as they tried to race Bloomberg in to see if he could be the saviour. But had someone else come in prior I think Bloomberg stays out.

The question would be whom? Michelle Obama and Oprah were named many times and quite frankly I think both would win but neither wanted it.

I have to think they may have pushed John Kerry to get back in and take on Bernie and I think he could have beat him in the same way Joe did, with unified establishment backing behind him. I also think Kerry has all the perceived pluses JOe Biden does but is far more age appropriate so it would take away Trumps biggest attack point on Biden. His age and health. Hilarious that Trump can get away with that being Biden is in 10 times better shape despite being older.

But I think anyone who wants to see Trump lose is now just holding our breath and hoping Biden does not have a health event in the run up to the election. What then? What if Biden has to drop out?
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 09:50 PM
Here is another big hypothetical. Lets say Biden has to drop out for health reason right before the Dem convention this month and his final confirmation. Bernie is still technically in the race and still has his delegates and is the ONLY one as the rest did drop out whereas Bernie just suspended.

Does the Dem party fall in line behind Bernie or start a fight with him almost assuring a Trump win if they derail Bernie again?

Personally I think most establishment Dems would prefer Trump again, despite all his flaws because at least he makes them all richer, than Bernie who would almost certainly pressure and primary any of them as POTUS who did not push and support his very progressive line.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Republicans and Democrats both have their dirty tricksters at the margins. Deploying secret police forces throughout cities to prevent minorities from voting would be a profoundly dangerous escalation. I'm afraid that's what Trump and Barr are aiming towards.

We know Trump has cheated and scammed his entire life. It shouldn't have to be said but anyone talking about him "not leaving" after the election is missing the point entirely.
Ya but only one dirty trickster arguably tipped 2 elections for a candidate that otherwise would have lost. Bush Jr V Gore and Trump V Hilary.

I give Roger his due. He is the King maker when the guy cannot get enough votes to do it the more honest way.

But ya I agree with you.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
The cognitive joke is on me this time, as I was mixing up two different things. Still, I like Biden's strategy of staying low while Trump shoots himself in the foot, but I'm increasingly worried that the Democrats are relying on the polls and a fair election. Trump is going to cheat and play a different game.
I am more concerned that the Dems are being run by Republican party castoffs.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
07-20-2020 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Here is another big hypothetical. Lets say Biden has to drop out for health reason right before the Dem convention this month and his final confirmation. Bernie is still technically in the race and still has his delegates and is the ONLY one as the rest did drop out whereas Bernie just suspended.

Does the Dem party fall in line behind Bernie or start a fight with him almost assuring a Trump win if they derail Bernie again?

Personally I think most establishment Dems would prefer Trump again, despite all his flaws because at least he makes them all richer, than Bernie who would almost certainly pressure and primary any of them as POTUS who did not push and support his very progressive line.
Bernie gets assassinated before he gets to be the nominee and certainly before winning if the Dems botched the nomination process.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
