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Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...)

03-15-2020 , 09:50 PM
Biden really sharp tonight - is "cognitive decline" pure Drumpfian projection (echoed by certain left-authoritarian types)?
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure

he literally htrew the punches

AND BIDEN NEEDED THIS. BIDEN AND THE DEMOCRATS NEED THIS. IMagine if biden walks through the primary getting sotfball after softball, imagine how brutal trump would have demolished biden in the first debate between the two.

bidens camp should be happy he was tested.
Originally Posted by the pleasure
BTW if we dont do the 08 bailout

legit me might have bene bought out by china, im not exaggerating, nto nly was it needed but it was pretty necessary.

that bailout, while didnt want to do it, we needed to. it affected EVERYONE not just the crooks. it was needed. biden is right we would've been in great depression territory.

maybe worse and the equality gap would be 2x wat it is now.

the best and factual takes you ll prolly see ITT for the week
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Biden really sharp tonight - is "cognitive decline" pure Drumpfian projection (echoed by certain left-authoritarian types)?
on the surface he looks like it, until you know about his record or know anythign about politcs and what he and obama admin have done. then you see why people are worried about biden v trump.

very very happy biden got tested, trump will be even more agresssive. glad he got a taste
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:58 PM
Biden wins tonight, probably the final nail in Bernie's coffin
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
BTW if we dont do the 08 bailout

legit me might have bene bought out by china, im not exaggerating, nto nly was it needed but it was pretty necessary.

that bailout, while didnt want to do it, we needed to. it affected EVERYONE not just the crooks. it was needed. biden is right we would've been in great depression territory.

maybe worse and the equality gap would be 2x wat it is now.

They could have let the banks fail and just insured the clients

But I agree bailing out the auto industry was necessary
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:01 PM
glad it's over (the bern)
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:03 PM
Committing to a female VP mid-debate was clever from Biden. No way he blows this lead.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right
The resistance Dems who fact check and call out Trump for all of his lies are fine with Biden lying straight to their face on national TV. They are so blinded by party loyalty that don't care about being lied to so long as its a Democrat telling the lie. If the truth was actually important to them they would support Bernie.
ya that was just slimy. I mean, I am used to it but that was insane.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:14 PM
Goddamn Bernie's been blueballing us by not going after Biden for so long I feel like I just busted a fat nut of stress after a 3 month stretch of no fap.

Debate went as expected. Trump wins in November. GG.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Biden really sharp tonight - is "cognitive decline" pure Drumpfian projection (echoed by certain left-authoritarian types)?
huh? this is a joke right?
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
glad it's over (the bern)
imagine celebrating that people will continue to die, go bankrupt, lose their homes, get exploited, and go to war. literally no different than the Republicans. totally disgusting.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:19 PM
lol, keep trying
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
lol, keep trying
imagine celebrating that people will continue to die, go bankrupt, lose their homes, get exploited, and go to war. literally no different than the Republicans. totally disgusting.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:26 PM
imagine celebrating that life will go on
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:34 PM
When AOC said we only had 12 years left I didn’t realize it would be under quarantine.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by qwertyu121
Seems like the accusation was that Biden supported cutting SS etc. Seems like the video shows him arguing to freeze programs (1st part of the vid) and that everything in the federal budget was on the table (2nd part).
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by suckerpunch
Seems like the accusation was that Biden supported cutting SS etc. Seems like the video shows him arguing to freeze programs (1st part of the vid) and that everything in the federal budget was on the table (2nd part).
useless semantics. Biden quite clearly wants much less money to go to SS (and Medicare and other important programs). whether its a cut or a freeze or an adjustment the result is that less money goes to the people who need it.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by harkin
When AOC said we only had 12 years left I didn’t realize it would be under quarantine.
that's a long time without toilet paper...
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:01 PM
First of all Bernie has a good message. Victor is right that Joe is the quintessential status quo candidate. Bernie is obviously a whole lot more intelligent than Biden. Not so sure that Biden is a better candidate facing TRUMP. Bernie is a smart guy imo.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You want me to elaborate on how Obama allowed the GOP to steal his SCOTUS pick using Joe Biden's words ?

Are you disputing the historical facts ?
Or are you implying that the POTUS doesn't have the right and duty to have his nomination voted on by the senate ?

Do you just want me to link to some news stories so you can get yourself up to date on the topic ?
I'm perfectly up to date. And of course the president should have his nomination voted on by the Senate. But the president can't force it to happen by fiat.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by harkin
When AOC said we only had 12 years left I didn’t realize it would be under quarantine.
lol This is my beef with the progs. You can be concerned about the environment without claiming the world will end every 5 yrs or so.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
useless semantics. Biden quite clearly wants much less money to go to SS (and Medicare and other important programs). whether its a cut or a freeze or an adjustment the result is that less money goes to the people who need it.
Fair enough. I'm no Biden fan but as someone who deals with budgets there's a difference between freezing spending and cutting spending.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Nah, I'd argue that Joe Biden won because of voter choice, not because of the establishment. Yes, the establishment certainly preferred him to Bernie Sanders, but I don't think he was a particular favorite until it became a two-person race.

As for them not caring about winning the general election, that seems obviously false to me. If you truly believe that Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and other powerful members of the Democratic Party Establishment don't care about beating Trump then I don't really understand your model of politics.

This seems to contradict your earlier claim. If Trump winning is good for the progressive movement, but the Democratic establishment is primarily worried about Bernie, not Republicans, then they should be strongly motivated to beat Trump in November.

I don't think you get it. I am talking about loyalty to the institution of the Democratic Party itself, not to a person or an ideology. I support other Democrats because we are on the same team. I view political parties as a necessary feature of modern democratic societies and one of the most effective ways to facilitate political change, and the Democratic party seems to me the clearly the better of the two American political parties. Thus, I prima facie support Democratic policies, politicians, organizations, etc regardless of my personal views.

As for turnout by young and independent voters - I'm sure that some Bernie voters won't vote for Biden in November. But my expectation is that it will be similar amount as in 2016.
Oh when Obama had to step in to call Buttigieg and Klobuchar to step out and endorse Biden, after Obama told Joe not to run because he feared it would ruin his own legacy? That part of the race?

They are not interested in the democratic process and would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie. It would be devastating to the establishment to have a social democrat win the nomination and defeat Trump. This is not a contradiction to my following statement about Biden losing being good for the progressive movement. Do I have to spell it out for you? Ok. Bernie winning the nomination and defeating Trump is bad for the establishment, it is better that they go with Biden, even if he loses. They would knowingly and willingly put in a candidate that would lose to the other party, as long as it's their own. Of course they would prefer to win the general, but that is not whats most important here, what's important is the outsider not have the chance to win. In the event that Bernie loses the nomination, it is better for the progressive movement if Biden loses. Again, not something we want, but Biden will have to earn our vote if he wants it.

Bruh you’re like all over the place with this whole "loyal voter" thing. Stick to one definition.

Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
Just because you are "more progressive" doesn't make you progressive and won't procure you the progressive vote. Don't be asinine.
Originally Posted by Original Position
That's not how I view party voting. I support other Democrats even if I don't personally care that much about their priorities because they will in turn support my priorities, even if they also don't really care about them. The primaries is the time to change the party, the general is when you focus on winning.
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
Your view of party voting is voting party? Cool story, and why politicians get away with what they get away with. Well, my view of voting is, when your preferred candidate has had the nomination stripped from them twice, and the de facto nominee is fighting for oligarchs over people, you need to fight for the policies you believe in and demand they earn your vote.
Originally Posted by Original Position
Yes, I believe that party loyalty is a good thing. I also think your idea that progressives should pressure the Democratic Party by not voting in November would have the opposite of your intended effect. Politicians care most about their most loyal voters, not low-turnout occasional voters. Not turning out in November would shrink the influence of the most progressive and younger voters.
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
Politicians don’t care about loyal voters. Another asinine comment, stop that.
Originally Posted by Original Position
Have you ever worked on a campaign? Because every campaign I've worked on cuts voter files by how often someone votes, and the more often they vote the more resources that campaigns directs towards attracting that voter.
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
Per your argument earlier about "loyal voters", if by that you somehow mean people who go out to vote "loyally(?)" and not people who are loyal to a particular politician, than I would say, progressives will definitely be voting in November, what they do at the top remains to be seen. Biden will not get the youth, Latino, or independent vote like Bernie would.
I don't think you get it. I am talking about loyalty to the institution of the Democratic Party itself, not to a person or an ideology. I support other Democrats because we are on the same team. I view political parties as a necessary feature of modern democratic societies and one of the most effective ways to facilitate political change, and the Democratic party seems to me the clearly the better of the two American political parties. Thus, I prima facie support Democratic policies, politicians, organizations, etc regardless of my personal views.
And nah right back at you, we're definitely not voting Biden unless some policies are accepted. If he doesn't want to do it, than fine, it's on him. They just can't fight fair, why should we give them our votes? It's simply not happening and the general will be nothing like 2016. Biden will lose by a landslide.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by D-Beat
youth don't vote
It's possible you may not have an accurate view of the significance of what is meant by the youth vote, in Sander's case maybe the "younger vote" is a better descriptor. Here is a vote breakdown for the primaries (I think in total).

Bonus meme if anyone can point out how the representation of data in here is misleading as well.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:53 PM
I honestly think the whole AOC distancing from Sanders thing was blown out of proportion, the source is conservative. There may be some truth to it, but since then she's been on CNN, the View and at rallies supporting Sanders, as well on social media. I think she will be vital in helping to unify the party along with Nina Turner, Ro Khanna and others over the next for years.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
