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Antifa Antifa

09-06-2019 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Neocons/neolibs we'd call them.
Neocons and neolibs are two entirely different groups, and you couldn't define either! Neither of those describe the people Wookie was describing, for example.

(also neither you or Kelhus have ever ONCE attacked income inequality as a wrong, you've only cited it as a thing that BLM or immigrant rights groups are a smokescreen for, you use it as a cudgel to try to shut down debate on the consequences of you both having pretty mainstream Fox News watcher views on every single ****ing issues)
09-06-2019 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I mean there's a reason why there's one and only area of political correctness regarding genetic inferiority that well named has ABSOLUTELY NO WIGGLE ROOM about here at this forum, and you and Kelhus should probably think about that a little bit.
I'm thinking but failing to see where you're going. Where are you going?
09-06-2019 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Neocons and neolibs are two entirely different groups, and you couldn't define either!
Fly you're so smart. You're the greatest politics poster on 2p2. Tell me what makes them so different I'd enjoy hearing this.
09-06-2019 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
(also neither you or Kelhus have ever ONCE attacked income inequality as a wrong, you've only cited it as a thing that BLM or immigrant rights groups are a smokescreen for, you use it as a cudgel to try to shut down debate on the consequences of you both having pretty mainstream Fox News watcher views on every single ****ing issues)
What is one of my mainstream Fox views?
(Besdies anything to do with Maduro)
That liberals like you are a bunch of jokers? Got me there.
09-06-2019 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Fly you're so smart. You're the greatest politics poster on 2p2. Tell me what makes them so different I'd enjoy hearing this.
Man you can't try this bit out literally one day after I did it to you and expect it to land.

Also, no, you're the one who used the terms completely wrong because you were so giddy about contradicting the dang libs. The group Wookie was asking the name of was the GROUP YOU'RE IN! Are you a neolib/neocon?
09-06-2019 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Man you can't try this bit out literally one day after I did it to you and expect it to land.

Also, no, you're the one who used the terms completely wrong because you were so giddy about contradicting the dang libs.

You can find Wikipedia yourself.
Neocons and neoliberals are two sides of the same coin. They are the corporate republicans and the corporate democrats who run this country. I don't need to look at wikipedia to know that Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi play for the same team.
Why do you think upholding the two-party system is the way to bring about progress?
09-06-2019 , 05:24 PM
I edited to get you back on the point that Wookie was asking about YOU, but also,

what substantive policy differences are there between you and Paul Ryan?
09-06-2019 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I edited to get you back on the point that Wookie was asking about YOU, but also,

what substantive policy differences are there between you and Paul Ryan?
Wtf? Policy differences between me and Paul Ryan? Really?
I would end the drug war, expose crimes in high places, stop bombing the middle east, have truth and reconciliation commissions, change our educational system, and probably some other things involving monetary policy designed to help people not Wall St.
I'm sure there are a lot more things but you've really put me on the spot with asking for my platform.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-06-2019 at 05:38 PM.
09-06-2019 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. I am guessing you aren't going to go ahead and give the current Republican Party credit for that.
Of course. He was also a progressive. No one's ever denied that Republicans were progressive and democrats were the party of slavers in 1850.

Why would you think this is even some kind of point? Like I give a **** that Democrats were the party of racist scumbags until the 70s or so when they all switched sides, reformed, or retired?

Whatever progressives once were and whatever they once accomplished, in the current iteration they seem to just be tools of the elites to push the neoliberal agenda.

It will be interesting if/when the Trump nightmare ends and Democrats take control, whether progressives will actually make honest attempts to support labor or take on lobbying abuse; or whether we are just going to get bogged down arguing over trans bathrooms and reparations. I hope the former, but I pessimistically think the latter is more likely.
All those things I mentioned were controversial at one time. There were endless diatribes about how they would destroy the economy, or destroy the country - just like you're doing now.

Trans bathrooms and reparations are good causes. Sticking up for historically marginalized groups is a cornerstone of progressivism.

It's not progressives fault that right-wingers flip out about trans bathrooms - something that helps establish an extremely marginalized group as a first class human being - while costing nothing, doing literally zero damage and posing zero risk. I'm not a big fan of shying away from worthy causes because the other side is psychotically irrational about them.
09-06-2019 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I edited to get you back on the point that Wookie was asking about YOU, but also,

what substantive policy differences are there between you and Paul Ryan?
But honestly the fact that you think I'm a standard neocon Republican probably means I should just ignore everything you say to me, since clearly you've never read a word I've written to you as is.
09-06-2019 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Wtf? Policy differences between me and Paul Ryan? Really?
I would end the drug war,
The most outspoken critics of the drug war are liberals and leftists you think are doing identity politics! I don't believe you.

expose crimes in high places,
No one claims to be "pro-crime", but I would note that you defend the Trump's administrative lawbreaking in pretty much every thread. So I think what you mean here is "investigate the ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Hillary Clinton", which Ryan is probably OK with.

stop bombing the middle east,
Uh huh.

have truth and reconciliation commissions,
WHAT? Mother****er, reconciliation for what?

change our educational system, and probably some other things involving monetary policy designed to help people not Wall St.
Uh huh OK like one ****ing post ago you claimed "elites" were boosting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so you have to understand nobody believes you about this ****.

I'm sure there are a lot more things but you've really put me on the stop with asking for my platform.
OK, so three things:

1) It's bizarre you have to come up with this **** "on the spot". You don't already know what you think?
2) The vagueness here sort of confirmed my suspicions that you couldn't really identify any of Paul Ryan's policy positions at all. He's in favor of changing the education system too, and probably in the same way you are.

You have adopted absolutely mainstream Republican positions almost across the board but these Youtubes have somehow sold you on "liberals are jokers" as being some bold act of rebellious thought.


3) WOOKIE WAS ASKING WHAT WE SHOULD CALL YOU. CALL YOUR GROUP. That you named two contradictory groups is only part of how wrong you were about that, because you don't think of yourself as either!
09-06-2019 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, considering my main critique of progressivism today is that it has become a tool of the elites and focuses on dividing people on cultural issues at the expense of economic/class issues, the following graph seems relevant:

There is a reason the elites on the right and left love to prop up divisive people like AOC and Ta-Nehisi Coates, because they serve the real agenda.
What elites are propping up AOC?
09-06-2019 , 05:43 PM
Uh huh OK like one ****ing post ago you claimed "elites" were boosting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so you have to understand nobody believes you about this ****.
Yeah you don't know who you're talking to and have my confused with the conservative boogeyman in your head again. Perhaps its Kelhus.
09-06-2019 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The most outspoken critics of the drug war are liberals and leftists you think are doing identity politics! I don't believe you.
So you think I think the drug war is a good thing?

OK, so three things:

1) It's bizarre you have to come up with this **** "on the spot". You don't already know what you think?
I'm not planning on running for office. Most of my ideas would not be feasible but I would dream big. And lol.
2) The vagueness here sort of confirmed my suspicions that you couldn't really identify any of Paul Ryan's policy positions at all. He's in favor of changing the education system too, and probably in the same way you are.
Why do you think that? I don't know what his position is but I doubt I'd be mimicking it.
And your suspicions are correct because Paul Ryan's policy positions I can sort of not give one flying **** about.
You have adopted absolutely mainstream Republican positions almost across the board but these Youtubes have somehow sold you on "liberals are jokers" as being some bold act of rebellious thought.
Ok. And I figured out liberals are jokers before youtube was even a thing. Probably right around the time Obama was elected and they decided they loved the system. (A few years before that really)

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-06-2019 at 06:00 PM.
09-06-2019 , 05:52 PM
Yeah you don't know who you're talking to and have my confused with the conservative boogeyman in your head again. Perhaps its Kelhus.
Oh no it's definitely Kelhus, I'm sorry I confused the two of you. You were cosigning his theory here but that particular post was by him.

Do you disagree with him about that?
09-06-2019 , 05:55 PM
So you think I think the drug war is a good thing?
I think you don't really care about criminal justice reform in any concrete manner. Every meaningful and serious critique of the drug war has to deal with the racial disparity in enforcement, and that's identity politics, right?

Why do you think that? I don't know what his position is but I doubt I'd be mimicking it.
Then why the **** did you list it as an issue where you disagree? Christ.
09-06-2019 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm all for progressives doing things. Just don't think that they're allowed to happen without more powerful interests supporting them.

Like FDIC and highway system are not "progressive". Lets end the drug war. Why can't we?
Bc of racism and for profit policing and for profit prisons primarily
09-06-2019 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I think you don't really care about criminal justice reform in any concrete manner. Every meaningful and serious critique of the drug war has to deal with the racial disparity in enforcement, and that's identity politics, right?
I don't think so. You can be opposed to the drug war for a number of reasons. If whites were punished like blacks it wouldn't then make it just. My own opposition to it goes back far enough that it's hard to even say my motives. No doubt they've evolved over the years from a general opposition on libertarian grounds to wanting to selfishly travel in Northern Mexico and have it be safe. Regardless, you can still also be opposed to it due to sentencing disparity--but it's hard to say if you're actually against the drug war if that were to be the only rationale.
Then why the **** did you list it as an issue where you disagree? Christ.
Given that I haven't thought out at all how I would actually reform the educational system, I think it stands to reason that whatever I think is different from Ryan. But if the fact that we both think it's bad is a gotcha then you got me.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-06-2019 at 07:18 PM.
09-06-2019 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Oh no it's definitely Kelhus, I'm sorry I confused the two of you. You were cosigning his theory here but that particular post was by him.

Do you disagree with him about that?
Do I think Coates and Cortez are neoliberal shills and not fighting for the people?
Coates for sure. Cortez has been propelled from obscurity to stardom but I'm sure it's because she's threatening the system. Pelosi hates her so how can she be bad?
09-07-2019 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, considering my main critique of progressivism today is that it has become a tool of the elites and focuses on dividing people on cultural issues at the expense of economic/class issues, the following graph seems relevant:

There is a reason the elites on the right and left love to prop up divisive people like AOC and Ta-Nehisi Coates, because they serve the real agenda.
Why are you not of the far left?
09-07-2019 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Ironically, pretty much everything about this post is wrong.

Antifa/Black Bloc activism goes well beyond counter-protesting right wing protests and was around long before the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys on the other hand seem to have branded themselves so they have no other purpose than to provoke confrontations with Antifa.
This is you not reading carefully, btw.

A protests W et al. P is a subset of W.
09-07-2019 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Do I think Coates and Cortez are neoliberal shills and not fighting for the people?
Coates for sure. Cortez has been propelled from obscurity to stardom but I'm sure it's because she's threatening the system. Pelosi hates her so how can she be bad?
Well, she doesn't hate gay people or blacks, so you'll figure out how she's bad soon enough. Pelosi hates her, but so do reactionary Youtubers, my man.

Also, man, can you provide a ****ing example of what makes you think Coates is a neoliberal shill?
09-07-2019 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If we had listened to the conservatives we'd all still be living in caves is basically the narrative. Suzzer takes credit for modern civilization and wants to know where we've gone wrong.
Seems like your use of majestic plurals undercuts your argument that you're opposing the elite establishment.
09-07-2019 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Seems like your use of majestic plurals undercuts your argument that you're opposing the elite establishment.
Ok you got me
09-07-2019 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Well, she doesn't hate gay people or blacks, so you'll figure out how she's bad soon enough. Pelosi hates her, but so do reactionary Youtubers, my man.

Also, man, can you provide a ****ing example of what makes you think Coates is a neoliberal shill?
We've already talked about Coates in the identity politics thread. There isn't a point in making the same arguments again since you don't listen.

Actually it was the immigration thread

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-07-2019 at 10:00 AM.
