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Antifa Antifa

07-06-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
At least admit the multiple assaults on Ngo were unacceptable, and then we can start worrying about Ngo.
No, they were acceptable. I accept them. He went to a rally/street fight as a member of one of the two sides.

So let's just put a pin on that conversation and move on. (lol "multiple assaults" Jesus you soyboy snowflakes trigger easily, perhaps trying to build a political movement out of emotionally fragile video game enthusiasts wasn't a great long term plan given how much of the world is outside)

Would you be so morally outraged if the Guardian journalist had played it up a little and raised some $$ on Patreon after being assaulted by the Montana congressman? I wouldn’t have and I doubt you would either.
Uh, yes, I would have been. You shouldn't lie to steal money from people! I honestly did not see a non-ideological defense of him grifting coming here. You know he's stealing from your people, right? Ain't nobody on my side donating to that ****.
07-06-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Lawnmower Man
Has Ngo's attacker been identified yet?
They're looking at a pair of Nigerian brothers who were possibly radicalized while attending Evergreen college.
07-06-2019 , 12:53 PM
It is interesting to see ideological possession in action in real time. I don’t think most of the usual suspects are even psychologically capable of entertaining the notion Antifa did anything wrong, it would be such an assault on their psychological grounding.

Their mind immediately goes into victim blaming mode, so they can be psychologically at peace with their convictions.
07-06-2019 , 01:20 PM
Ngo wasn't the only one attacked at this event by the mob. I've posted video's of antifa group stomping people who appear to have been by themselves. Smashing senior citizens with sticks and pipes who were also not apart of a crowd, and smashing the skull open of the person trying to stop them. This behavior is totally in line with antifas past behavior which i also linked. The level of delusion and apologetics is getting to the point of insanity

earlier in the thread the defense of antifa was some equivalency argument about the proud boys. thats just more idiotic apologizing. "what about the proud boys?" OK, i asked you about the proud boys and showed you the profiles that were done on them by the MSM and videos of them brawling with antifa. What else? have they been mauling senior citizens? Lighting universities on fire? smashing journalists? Show me. You wanted to create some equivalency, then do it. You don't want to talk about it anymore? Perhaps they were brought up as an excuse to apologize for antifa? Antifa created the proud boys and will continue to create right wing mobs. any dolt with half a brain cell should realize that. Antifa has only caused harm. Not only are they violent morons, they are creating violent morons to oppose them. On top of that, they are antagonizing the existing violent morons out of their basement and perhaps in to their dodge chargers... you know cause after a morning of two groups of absolutely reprehensible morons smashing each other with fists, sticks, rocks, and macing each other, someone might go escalate things to a level they otherwise wouldn't have.... right? I mean thats a logical progression right?

all of this SJW mentality is such a disaster. antifa has and will accomplish nothing except injury and property damage. they will also create rival mobs of loons. apologizing for their behavior and deluding yourself in to thinking theyre "fighting fascism" as they blind side a journalist barely larger than a dwarf and then smash senior citizens with sticks and pipes is absurd.

Last edited by well named; 07-06-2019 at 02:05 PM.
07-06-2019 , 01:32 PM
Can we just agree that there are fine people on both sides? A wise philosopher once said that.
07-06-2019 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Can we just agree that there are fine people on both sides? A wise philosopher once said that.
what a clever response.... to describing both sides as reprehensible

I find it interesting you have been carrying water for antifa and their violence itt while in other threads you're disputing the concept of property rights. you have a lot in common with the communists, including a history of hateful rhetoric
07-06-2019 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
what a clever response.... to describing both sides as reprehensible

I find it interesting you have been carrying water for antifa and their violence itt while in other threads you're disputing the concept of property rights. you have a lot in common with the communists, including a history of hateful rhetoric
Plus communism.
07-06-2019 , 01:44 PM
Ngo wasn't the only one attacked at this event by the mob. I've posted video's of antifa group stomping people who appear to have been by themselves. Smashing senior citizens with sticks and pipes who were also not apart of a crowd, and smashing the skull open of the person trying to stop them. This behavior is totally in line with antifas past behavior which i also linked. The level of delusion and apologetics is getting to the point of insanity
Wait what do you think "delusional" "deranged" and "insanity" mean. I think we might have found the whole issue.

earlier in the thread the defense of antifa was some equivalency argument about the proud boys. thats just more idiotic apologizing. "what about the proud boys?" OK, i asked you about the proud boys and showed you the profiles that were done on them by the MSM and videos of them brawling with antifa. What else? have they been mauling senior citizens? Lighting universities on fire? smashing journalists? Show me. You wanted to create some equivalency, then do it. You don't want to talk about it anymore?
Proud boys attacked someone for lighting a flag on fire at a protest like two days ago. They are literally a street fighting gang!

all of this SJW mentality is such a disaster. antifa has and will accomplish nothing except injury and property damage. they will also create rival mobs of loons. apologizing for their behavior and deluding yourself in to thinking theyre "fighting fascism" as they blind side a journalist barely larger than a dwarf and then smash senior citizens with sticks and pipes is absurd.
Hey man you get a chance to find Andy Ngo's actual medical records about his very real brain hemorrhage?

How much of your allowance did he grift you out of?

Last edited by well named; 07-06-2019 at 02:06 PM.
07-06-2019 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
They're looking at a pair of Nigerian brothers who were possibly radicalized while attending Evergreen college.
07-06-2019 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Good theatrics on both sides.
07-06-2019 , 03:26 PM
Fascism is hostile to politics. It’s politicians punching journalists in the face political violence, cheered from the top of their hierarchy.

So the defense of politics against fascism is anti fascism. So when anti fascism is qualified as both sides are the same political violence- that’s mistaken to a point. As one can see, antifascism is defense against fascism, while fascism is political violence, and even more violence.
07-06-2019 , 06:55 PM
Meh whatever the guy's name shouldn't have been punched though
07-06-2019 , 08:23 PM
Leftists tripping all over themselves trying to defend this kind of behavior are really displaying the fact that they are on a certain team no matter what. This is sports to them.
07-06-2019 , 08:57 PM
that's a pretty terrible take. especially considering one side has people being put in concentration camps and tortured to score political points with their base, while the other side fights to free them.
07-06-2019 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
that's a pretty terrible take. especially considering one side has people being put in concentration camps and tortured to score political points with their base, while the other side fights to free them.
I would assume you'd feel that way, given what team you are on. Very predictable.
07-06-2019 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
I would assume you'd feel that way, given what team you are on. Very predictable.
im on team don't be a ****ty human being. team dont put immigrants in cages, team dont accept racist, bigoted, corrupt, liars in government office, and team try to make the world a better place..

if you associate me as the "other", i guess we know what team youre on.
07-06-2019 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
im on team don't be a ****ty human being. team dont put immigrants in cages, team dont accept racist, bigoted, corrupt, liars in government office, and team try to make the world a better place..

if you associate me as the "other", i guess we know what team youre on.
Nice strawman, team masked violence in the streets.
07-06-2019 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Nice strawman, team masked violence in the streets.
lol. no one on the left is team masked violence it the streets.. that is ACTUALLY the strawman that you guys keep tying to bring up.. or kelhuas with his dumb repeated rape victim shaming take. we have JV posting proud boys propaganda throughout this thread and claiming to be anti-violence.

andy Ngo is a ****ty person. he shouldn't have gotten kicked/punched but he's still a ****ty person. i'm not sad that he got punched, nor do i think the person that kicked him should be congratulated.

none of you ever argue/discuss ANYTHING in good faith, it's tiring and old. it is constant whataboutism, false/terrible analogies, and goalpost shifting.
07-06-2019 , 09:40 PM
You have written many paragraphs (this seems to be your thing) defending this behavior while claiming to take the moral high ground. I find that very funny.
07-06-2019 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
You have written many paragraphs (this seems to be your thing) defending this behavior while claiming to take the moral high ground. I find that very funny.
i have the moral high ground, as usual in these discussions. remember i'm team dont torture brown people..

conservatives are once again on the wrong side of history, as they have been for as long as i can remember.

you guys are in here completely pro racist hate group, and upset that their lackey got hassled by the anti-hate group people who took it too far.
07-06-2019 , 10:49 PM
I'm "pro racist hate group" because I think it's amusing you are defending a masked man assaulting a person in the street. You are making quite the logical leap Mr moral high ground.
07-06-2019 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
I'm "pro racist hate group" because I think it's amusing you are defending a masked man assaulting a person in the street. You are making quite the logical leap Mr moral high ground.
sure bud. for the nth time im not defending a masked man battering a person in the street, but here you are stumping for the racist hate group anyway.

"i dont always play devil's advocate, but when i do all my positions are racism is good." is your guys motto.
07-07-2019 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
I would assume you'd feel that way, given what team you are on. Very predictable.
It's incredible that Kelhus and Chiddybang here have discovered that sometimes people disagree about politics in predictable ways, aka "possess ideological views", and think it's some breakthrough.

Wait until they find out about political parties and nation states. Really some wild stuff out there in the world!
07-07-2019 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Lapidator

Yup... Legit Antifa at their very best.

Sucker punch by a masked coward who promptly runs away.

Shaked from behind by a masked coward while walking away.

Crowd cheers.

So, like, you people have a distinct inability to look at things with your real eyeballs and not your crazy eyeballs?
07-07-2019 , 04:18 AM
I love how he posted the video I'd specifically just mentioned specifically watching as if that was gonna somehow allow me to watch it again with his crazy eyeballs and not my real eyeballs.
