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Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder

05-19-2020 , 01:44 PM
Are no shoes greater or less than timberlands in the racist grievance book?
05-19-2020 , 02:10 PM
improperly parked bro
05-19-2020 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Are no shoes greater or less than timberlands in the racist grievance book?
It’s amusing because today on my Facebook feed an African American friend posted a comment about how it’s funny to see white people bitching about having to wear a mask to get into somewhere is like black people getting told they can’t get into bars/restaurants because of selectively enforced dress code violations.

It reminded me of how I used to wear timberlands to every single bar and club when I was in/fresh out of college and no one ever said a word to me even though the “dress code” Specifically prohibited timberlands. But if an African American friend wore them they were immediately stopped and told they couldn’t enter.
05-19-2020 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by micro dong
improperly parked bro
I love how cops just spend 20 minutes figuring out how best to handle a dumb ass parking ticket or some corny non emergency

All the cop had to say was your license is suspended and you can't be parked here. Gotta friend you can call? Let me help you out, because otherwise I have to tow your **** and I'm not tryna **** your job up

If you wanna get him on weed bc that's the law then stop ****ing around and search his car and detain him. Otherwise shut the **** up and move on

Cops keep dicking around trying to explain **** like people are trying to hear that ****. He's not dumb (well, he is, but you know what I mean) he's either pissed another cop is interrupting his day or, duh, he's being shady and smoking weed on his day off

It's just so dumb to see three cars and tasers and **** and then you just let him walk off like that and leave his car there? Like how are you a cop and let that happen?

Assuming he wasn't just fronting about having a job or working 6 days a week, why are you busy trying to figure out if you can search his **** or not when you know you can tow his car? Just ****ing tow the car. If not, then why would you let him walk off like that? You can't even offer the idea of a way to get his property home safely?

This country acts like having a job and working hard is everything but because some obnoxious and ignorant black guy is hella different than anyone you've ever known you don't wanna do everything possible to keep him employed. That's straight bullshit. If I see someone miss the Septa bus and I'm driving the same relative direction, I'll help them out. People have hard ****ing lives and maybe some people will always be insufferable, ignorant, and not even appreciate that u help someone out, but maybe you just saved that's person's job. Maybe they remember that **** and go from a attitude of **** everyone to ard imma help my fellow man when I see em down...

It easy to jump straight to the I'm not your babysitter and just avoid someone you already know or think is a lost cause, but you'd be surprised the positive impact you can bring sometimes if you take the callous indifference down a notch or at least not delve in the pretentious bullshit

Arbery should've kept his mouth shut and chilled tf out but cops don't have to play these dumb as detective games. Just do your job, stfu, and keep it pushin. I don't pay taxes so you can have a powwow on some borderline irrelevant ****...
05-19-2020 , 04:54 PM
the look on his face when the cop says "Im not trying to **** up your day" lol. what a piece of **** cop.
05-20-2020 , 03:20 PM
Where are those who were crying it's not racist now?
05-20-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
Where are those who were crying it's not racist now?
Those two idiots deployed a tazer and then let the suspect leave the scene.

I honestly can't fathom the level of inbred stupidity that must infest that swamp.

Don't get my wrong, they were harassing him and he knew it. He may or may not have been guilty of smoking a little weed but how do you try and taze someone then not make an arrest. The whole department must be as bad as the idiot who couldn't pass his certification to stay on the gravy train job.
05-21-2020 , 02:06 AM
This is totally standard poqer tripping low quality local policing in the usa#1. But the cop's fear, that's racism.
05-21-2020 , 03:40 AM
Arbery family lawyer is alleging a pattern of mistreatment against him as police release a video of him being arrested for shoplifting

05-21-2020 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
This is totally standard poqer tripping low quality local policing in the usa#1. But the cop's fear, that's racism.
its always hard for me to believe they actually are scared. I always just thought they were looking for excuses to do something.

anyway, it was pretty funny how the cop talked himself into smelling weed. at first he says he doesnt smell it then hes like oh ya I smell "burnt weed" whatever the **** that is. then he sees seeds and baggies everywhere. when the LT looked in the car he was like wtf there aint **** there dude.

and ya, its pretty obv this dude was harassed his whole life.
05-21-2020 , 12:03 PM
Being a privileged white male, sometimes I forget how in most parts of this country black men are gambling with their life every time they encounter the police. Enough encounters and odds are something bad will happen.

In Arbury’s case it was a defrocked officer who murdered him but it all springs from the same tree. I really can’t even imagine that every time I see a police officer having to fear for my life, but this is the world young black males live in.
05-21-2020 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Arbery family lawyer is alleging a pattern of mistreatment against him as police release a video of him being arrested for shoplifting
Court records show Arbery pleaded guilty to trying to steal a television and was sentenced to five years on probation
The pigs must have beaten a false confession out of him.
05-21-2020 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by micro dong
The pigs must have beaten a false confession out of him.
I know you're being sarcastic, but that DOES happen in some places.
05-21-2020 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by micro dong
The pigs must have beaten a false confession out of him.

Well, they have the 11-17 video where he was actually assaulted while complying with police orders.

Then this interaction.

I'd say the lawyer will paint a picture of how he was targeted for a crime even though there's no actual evidence that he committed one.

Trying to walk out of a store in broad daylight with a 65" tv surrounded by a bunch of teenagers is lol stupid.
He may have had some impairment issues going on.
05-22-2020 , 06:27 AM
He might have been a known **** up, but the cop in that video above hadn't met him before, so was just going on instinct.
05-22-2020 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Being a privileged white male, sometimes I forget how in most parts of this country black men are gambling with their life every time they encounter the police. Enough encounters and odds are something bad will happen.

In Arbury’s case it was a defrocked officer who murdered him but it all springs from the same tree. I really can’t even imagine that every time I see a police officer having to fear for my life, but this is the world young black males live in.
In the USA (and lots of other places) bolded is not white privilege, it's just privilege. In the USA the most dangerous encounters you'll have are with the police. Best to minimize interaction with them (even if that means not stealing tvs).
05-22-2020 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
In the USA (and lots of other places) bolded is not white privilege, it's just privilege. In the USA the most dangerous encounters you'll have are with the police. Best to minimize interaction with them (even if that means not stealing tvs).
How many murders occur annually in the USA? How many people are killed by cops in the USA?

The vast majority of "dangerous encounters" have nothing to do with the police.
05-22-2020 , 07:11 AM
Homicides over 16000 in 2018

By cops, as of March 2020, 228.
2018 920
2019 1004

Wrt race it's conflicting, LA Times claim black men more likely to be killed by police, Atlantic claims out of police shootings 52% were white but that nonetheless non white and young people are most affected
Of the 1,146 and 1,092 victims of police violence in 2015 and 2016, respectively, the authors found 52 percent were white, 26 percent were black, and 17 percent were Hispanic. Together, these individuals lost 57,375 years to police violence in 2015 and 54,754 to police violence in 2016. Young people and people of color were disproportionately affected: 52 percent of all the years of life lost were lost by nonwhite, non-Hispanic ethnic groups. Whites also tended to be killed by police at older ages than African Americans and Hispanics—though this is partly because in the general population, whites are older on average than the other groups.
05-22-2020 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Homicides over 16000 in 2018

By cops, as of March 2020, 228.
2018 920
2019 1004

Wrt race it's conflicting, LA Times claim black men more likely to be killed by police, Atlantic claims out of police shootings 52% were white but that nonetheless non white and young people are most affected
Ok. Thanks.
05-22-2020 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Being a privileged white male, sometimes I forget how in most parts of this country black men are gambling with their life every time they encounter the police. Enough encounters and odds are something bad will happen.

In Arbury’s case it was a defrocked officer who murdered him but it all springs from the same tree. I really can’t even imagine that every time I see a police officer having to fear for my life, but this is the world young black males live in.
uhh, even being white you should be super fearful of police. just bc they **** up minorities more doesnt mean they cant or wont do you dirty.
05-22-2020 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
uhh, even being white you should be super fearful of police. just bc they **** up minorities more doesnt mean they cant or wont do you dirty.
Here in Orange County (California) police pretty much just harass minorities and the homeless. A group of Fullerton police beat up and killed an unarmed homeless man a few years ago. The policemen were successfully prosecuted.
05-22-2020 , 10:19 AM
Interesting piece here which concludes that the McMichaels probably will be prosecuted legally as their actions don't seem to be covered by Georgia law.

I think they should face charges and conviction. However from looking into the case more, I don't believe there was a racial motive on their part and they instead suspected Mr Arbery was a burglar, which in no way justifies their actions, to clarify, but I don't think actual racism was involved and emotive hyperbole such as the term lynching getting thrown about doesn't help matters.

05-22-2020 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Here in Orange County (California) police pretty much just harass minorities and the homeless. A group of Fullerton police beat up and killed an unarmed homeless man a few years ago. The policemen were successfully prosecuted.
My chances of being targeted by the police in the first place is significantly less than if I were the same person with black skin.
05-22-2020 , 10:26 AM
Third guy was charged with felony unlawful imprisonment and felony murder, which means a murder took place while another felony was being committed. The father and son are facing regular murder charges.
05-22-2020 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
My chances of being targeted by the police in the first place is significantly less than if I were the same person with black skin.
That's only in America though. I'm originally from a really crappy neighbourhood and from around my mid teens to early 20s I was often stopped by police who engaged in a kind of age profiling as many of my friends went through the same thing. Usually the cops would think you were scoring drugs. Once they searched you or you told them where you were going, they let you go on your way. This stopped as I got older and it's still going on today with other young men. And I'm white and so are the majority of young men in the same neighbourhood getting pulled over by cops. I've never been stopped since I moved out of my original area though. Neither were guys my age from nice neighbourhoods, ever.

Are there crappy predominantly white neighbourhoods in America? Maybe young white men from such areas get pulled over regularly too? Or would this not happen? I'm not knowledgeable on American neighbourhoods re demographics and police conduct there, so am genuinely curious.
