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Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder

05-12-2020 , 05:52 PM
I don't believe that William "Roddie" Bryan actually fired a weapon as I stated before but he may have had his own weapon ready to fire. All three shots were fired presumably by the son. Roddie is now doing interviews trying to frame his actions as though he were simply an innocent bystander. I think the verdict is still out on whether that is true. He also is still refusing to reveal why he was filming in the first place.

At 15 seconds you can hear a clicking sound which sounds exactly like the cocking back of a hand gun.

Last edited by wiiziwiig; 05-12-2020 at 06:10 PM.
05-12-2020 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
This is beating a dead horse a little, so I won't go on too long, but I think you underestimate how much influence the media has in framing the story and putting in your mind a pattern that isn't there. You are right, it is human nature to see patterns that aren't there and believe stories that elicit strong emotional reactions even when facts don't support them; and if nothing else the people shaping the story are very good at manipulating the emotions of their intended audience, for their own ends.
Yeah I get all that but the media didn't craft any narrative for me. Might I remind you my experience is from NORTH PHILADELPHIA. 5 years, 70 hrs a week on average, hands on, trying to figure out how best to satisfy every customer and keep a happy, productive work force. Oh yeah and do all that in NORTH PHILADELPHIA. Try not to get shot or robbed while you're at it. What I'm saying is I spent the whole time working my ass off and constantly thinking about how other people think, questioning my own decisions and trying to adjust after constant evaluation. Obviously poker and the counterintuitive thinking it taught me played a big role in that process. I didn't even have time to watch TV. Only 2+2 wisdom, which helped me a great deal in realizing how people interact and why, and what might be the best approach to #WinFriendsAndInfluencePeople

The media does make me laugh sometimes. My store was on the local news after getting robbed once and even that story was amusing. But it's not all some cryptographic mind****. Cops really do do some ****ed up **** and a lot of it never makes the news. I know. Because I was there. You don't just hear stories. You see them. Then eventually it's you who lives through them. And when you're a part of a community, you feel that pain in real life. I have a great deal of respect for (not all) cops because jfc you try being a good cop in Philly. I'm not even sure that's possible. But I also don't trust them either because I can't. I know what they're capable of and they get away with that **** almost every time. So I can't hate on anyone who feels any type of way about the color blue. I just try to understand what drives the thought. Understand the person before choosing the reaction...Much easier said than done but worth striving for imo

But therein lies the problem and that's my whole point. The color blue and the system it functions within absolutely needs to figure out how to address the color black, persons of color, and white people too. Ideally you want how itshotinvegas is thinking, treat humans beings equally like a monolithic group, but that **** just doesn't work in practice. We should acknowledge, accept, and adapt to the fact that equality does not exist, but is to be strived for. There has to be discretion and there has to be a better set of laws to have it within. Because all we do is scream at cops no matter what they do and that helps no one. At the same time, cops don't police themselves and that has all but eradicated the trust of too many. It just ends up getting people killed in an endless cycle. It's just so sick to think how many people just get thrown in jail like animals when all they needed was someone to give a **** about them in life. Like actually care and look out for them. Or maybe a short stint in rehab. A few stints. Instead it's lock up n throw away the key. Even worse, people adamantly believe this is the right way to go, either through ignorance or insecurity...

It just always brings me back to policy and policymakers. Citizens good and bad, cops good and bad, media good and bad, they all just seem like outcomes. After the equals sign, results from equations printed in the law books
05-12-2020 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
and neither is your rebuttal.

in fact, you didn't even start to make an argument. you need to actually make an argument before you can do whatever mic drop of small act of smugness that you seem to find necessary.
lol @you objecting to Trolly's post while completely ignoring mine. Was my rebuttal/argument not up to your standards as well?

It looks like this is the footage you were talking about.

Absolutely nothing was stolen. I might also add that I found this video on this site with the picture below being the top comment of a blatantly abhorred racist, which is my guess as to why you continued to ignore my request for a source as it would reveal the types of websites you frequent.

You also claimed that the owner of the house shared this information with the McMichael's, but that isn't true according to the owner of the house himself, Larry English.

Graddy [Larry English's attorney] said her client wants to "correct the mistaken impression" that English had shared this video or any other information about what has occurred at the property with the McMichaels prior to their fatal encounter with Arbery or at all. English had only briefly met the younger McMichael once in 2019, when he came to the construction site to introduce himself.

English, a beekeeper, said he was working in Douglas, about 90 miles away from Brunswick, where he lives with his wife and two children, on February 23, unaware of the tragedy that was unfolding.

English got an alert on his phone that a video had been taken at the construction site, Graddy said. "He worked for another 20 minutes and then washed up," she said.

After he observed the video in the alert, he called a neighbor and learned Arbery had been killed that day, Graddy said. English gave the video from his home to Glynn County police soon after the shooting, Graddy said.

In the months prior to February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time the camera captured someone in the house, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entries onto his property, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."

Arbery's family says he was out jogging, while the McMichaels have said they thought he was a burglar, according to the police report from Glynn County. Gregory McMichael armed himself with a .357 Magnum and his son grabbed a shotgun after Gregory McMichael saw Arbery "hauling ass" down the street, the police report said. A third man, later identified as William Bryan, a neighbor, tried to block Arbery during the pursuit, according to the police report.

Gregory McMichael told police that he thought Arbery was a burglar who had recently been targeting the neighborhood. The McMichaels told police that when they caught up with Arbery, he attacked Travis McMichael, who fired his weapon in self-defense.

The Brunswick News, citing documents obtained through a public records request, reported that there had been just one confirmed burglary in the neighborhood from Jan. 1 to Feb. 23: the theft of a handgun from an unlocked truck parked outside Travis McMichael's house on Jan. 1.

Graddy, a native of South Georgia, said she emailed a letter to Thomas Durden, one of the prosecutors who had been assigned the case, on May 6 and asked why the McMichaels had not been arrested. The email went unanswered, she said. Durden could not immediately be reached Tuesday at numbers listed for him.

English would visit the construction site regularly to check on the progress of the home. On one occasion, about two weeks ago, Graddy said Gregory McMichael approached English at the site and inquired about obtaining surveillance videos. She said English did not entertain Gregory McMichael.

"My clients were not part of what the McMichaels told themselves to do," she said.

"If the McMichaels are going to justify what they did, they are going to have to look elsewhere for help," Graddy said.
So it appears my suspicions were correct and the McMichael's are attempting to rewrite history and use the surveillance as probable cause/evidence to support their case when they didn't actually have it at the time. This is much easier to do when you are an ex-cop with strong connections to law enforcement and prosecutors, although it's probably much harder now thanks to the media attention it has garnered. And let's not forget that even if they had seen this footage, they had no right to run into their homes, grab weapons, and attempt a citizens arrest by boxing him in with their cars while brandishing weapons.

So, at worst, the media is creating a narrative that he was an innocent jogger to entice public outrage, which apparently outrages you, and, at best, you're fabricating a false narrative that he was terrorizing and burglarizing a neighborhood to justify his murder.

Last edited by wiiziwiig; 05-12-2020 at 07:15 PM.
05-12-2020 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
To someone spreading lies, yes, that is the treatment you get.
I see. Considering how one-sided and closeminded your posts are, I am not going to sweat it.

Without providing sources to your claims after they are requested, I can only assume you are a bad faith actor. You wrote that the home owner had Arbery on video seven times since Oct 2019 and that he showed these videos to the McMichael's and asked them to keep a lookout. There are reports that directly contradict your claims, some of which I have posted that you have ignored, so I again ask, what are your sources for this information?
Stephan Molyneaux showed four additional video clips where they have Arbery roaming through that unfinished house at different points in time. In his blog he claims that there are seven instances where Arbery was on video. I have been looking for the source where he found those clips in order to post all seven. I haven't been able to find it yet. You can watch Molyneaux's blog to see the additional four that he found.


I've asked for sources three times from three different people in this thread and I get nothing.

There is a difference between an on-duty officer and a retired one. You're quoting his experience and yet an unarmed black man was murdered as a direct result of his actions, so I question his judgement and experience. You claim the fact that he's ex-LEO is evidence that he did everything right and because he did everything right, the DA had no case, which leads me to the conclusion that you believe these men are innocent and the killing justified. You even purport that these men will get off scot-free so how can you assert, as you did in an earlier post, that you are not on the McMichael's side?
That's not what I said. I didn't say that McMichael did everything perfectly right. I said because of his LE experience, he probably is/was very aware of what actions by Arbery would surpass the minimum threshold needed to use lethal force. There is a large distinction between, "minimum threshold" and "everything right"

Please stop moving the goal posts or I will take you less seriously than I already am.

I am not on the McMichael's side. I think they should have left the guns in the truck when they went to cut him off. I also think that the shooter should have yelled, "stop. or I'll shoot!" You could make an arugment that they believed that Arbery was in possession of the stolen handgun out of their truck in January, but personally, I believe they took the guns out of the truck to scare Arbery into stop running until the police showed up.

But when Arbery runs around the truck and attacks younger mcmichael and tries to wrestle the gun out of the hands, that's it, the mcmichaels now have a very strong self-defense argument. Now a strong defense can be made that Arbery's intent is to take the gun and shoot them. If Arbery was so scared that they were going to shoot him, couldn't he have just put his hands over his head and said, "don't shoot. I am not doing anything wrong." Or even, "ya'll need to leave me alone. I don't have a gun and you need to put yours away."

I think Arbery ran around the truck and tried to get the jump on the one with the shotgun because he didn't want to wait around until the police showed up because he probably saw the camera in the unfinished house and he was worried that they could at least arrest him trespassing or something.


Your video of a maga-country ex-cop doesn't exonerate them of racial profiling just because he happens to be black or an ex-cop and the information provided actually contradicts your previous statement as to what occurred prior to the altercation. After hearing a longer version of the 911 recording, they did know that he entered the property under construction, but when asked if he was breaking in, they said he wasn't.
maga-country ex-cop? Who is racist now?

You are playing word games here. No, technically he wasn't breaking in because there was no door or lock or window to break into. But, do you think that he was roaming around the house with the owner's permission? Or do you think that owner put those cameras up because it made him happy to see strangers walk around his unfinished house. "Breaking in" is a specific act that requires some structural barrier to break into. In this case there was none. The fact that McMichael made the specific distinction in his 911 call gives more credit as to his rational state of mind and credentials as a competent LE officer. If McMichael tells the dispatcher that Arbery is in fact breaking in and then when the officers show up and find no break in, that does not give McMichael much credibility.


When asked what Arbery was doing wrong, the caller says that Arbery was caught on camera a bunch of times at night and that it's been an on going thing in the neighborhood, which is the reason they pursued him brandishing weapons. But, as I've stated before, according to Lieutenant of Glynn County Police, there were no such series of break-ins in that neighborhood.
You are playing more word games. There was no police reports of break ins. That doesn't mean that the owner of the house and the mcmichaels hadn't witnessed or seen video of Arbery doing exactly what they said he had been doing. Just because they don't make a police report of him roaming around doesn't mean it didn't happen.


There had only been a 9mm pistol stolen Jan 1 from an unlocked truck outside the McMichael's home. Without video evidence of Arbery stealing, this is still very much racial profiling in my eyes because their actions were predicated on their being video surveillance of Arbery burglarizing property.

Per your request, I've proven you wrong by showing that the media disproportionately cares more about a white person dying in any way shape or form than any other race when it isn't racially motivated. To see your selective outrage, as well as, somigosaden and LDLC's is very telling about what kind of people you are, but at least you're not resting your case on Arbery running in Timberlands like somigosaden is. Itshot and kelhus kind of get a pass here on not being racists pos because they always do this, even though they are wrong a majority of the time.
The only outrage I have is how gullible people are for allowing the corporate media to dictate to them that the whole thing is all about racism. All of the stupid idiotic hyperbole of "hunted him down like an animal" and such. It appeals to the lowest common denominator who seem to be several IQ points short of compiling all the facts and apportioning out responsibility based on such, but instead, relying on catch phrases and idiotic memes to determine culpability.

I mean if you really want to apply an "ism" that the Mcmichaels are guilty of, you could argue that they never would have been so hostile if the person that was roaming around was a female. I seriously doubt that they would have been so aggressive if the person on video was a pretty young girl. There you go. I just gave you an "ism" that I believe the mcmichaels are completely guilty of. Sexism. Run with that one.

But do I think that they would have been just as aggressive and vigilant with a white dude? Absolutely. I don't think that they would have done anything different. And would a shooting like be spammed all over national news broadcasts for multiple days? Hell no. But that dumb look on younger McMichael's face is just too much racebaiting candy for the corporate media to pass up on.

But this claim of racism is made up bullshit. It's just a tool that the corporate media and the billionaire class use to divide us against each other. And it seems that a certain percentage of the population loves to fall for it.
05-12-2020 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
Stephan Molyneaux showed four additional video clips where they have Arbery roaming through that unfinished house at different points in time. In his blog he claims that there are seven instances where Arbery was on video. I have been looking for the source where he found those clips in order to post all seven. I haven't been able to find it yet. You can watch Molyneaux's blog to see the additional four that he found.
Stefan Basil Molyneux is a far-right, white nationalist Canadian podcaster and YouTuber who is known for his promotion of scientific racism and white supremacist views. Molyneux is described as a leading figure of the alt-right movement by Politico and The Washington Post, and as a far-right activist. Tom Clements in The Independent described Molyneux as having "a perverse fixation on race and IQ"
You can't make this **** up.
05-12-2020 , 08:31 PM
But when Arbery runs around the truck and attacks younger mcmichael and tries to wrestle the gun out of the hands, that's it, the mcmichaels now have a very strong self-defense argument. Now a strong defense can be made that Arbery's intent is to take the gun and shoot them. If Arbery was so scared that they were going to shoot him, couldn't he have just put his hands over his head and said, "don't shoot. I am not doing anything wrong." Or even, "ya'll need to leave me alone. I don't have a gun and you need to put yours away."
He ran to the right because the guy with the shotgun was standing in front of the truck to the left. He was trying to avoid him. The reason they ended up fighting is because the guy with the gun moved into his way again.

That's not going to be considered self defense. lol
He armed himself and forced the guy into a confrontation then shot him.
05-12-2020 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
the old mcmichael served in some capacity as law enforcement. Lots of speculation that he was undercover since the DA or his attorney won't specify what his actual title was.

so when McMichael sped around arbery in the truck and then jumped out and stood in the path of arbery's sprint, and then when arbery initiated contact with him, and did not run around him, but instead grabbed for the shotgun, punched him twice, and then tried to wrestle the shotgun away from him again, that is when senior McMichael decided to shoot him. given that he is former LE and he has probably been through at least a dozen workshops of when it is legal to use deadly force, seems highly optimistic to think that the DA has any chance to make a murder rap stick. or even aggravated assault.

it's still going to cost McMichael fifty grand in attorney bills and two years of his life before this is cleared up.
"Minimum threshold".
05-12-2020 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
maga-country ex-cop? Who is racist now?
How is that racist?

You are playing word games here. No, technically he wasn't breaking in because there was no door or lock or window to break into. But, do you think that he was roaming around the house with the owner's permission? Or do you think that owner put those cameras up because it made him happy to see strangers walk around his unfinished house. "Breaking in" is a specific act that requires some structural barrier to break into. In this case there was none. The fact that McMichael made the specific distinction in his 911 call gives more credit as to his rational state of mind and credentials as a competent LE officer. If McMichael tells the dispatcher that Arbery is in fact breaking in and then when the officers show up and find no break in, that does not give McMichael much credibility.
Playing word games? The operator literally asked if he broke in and McMichael responded that he didn't.

You are playing more word games. There was no police reports of break ins. That doesn't mean that the owner of the house and the mcmichaels hadn't witnessed or seen video of Arbery doing exactly what they said he had been doing. Just because they don't make a police report of him roaming around doesn't mean it didn't happen.
How is this word games? Turns out, according to the owner of the home, they didn't have access to this information, so respond to my post about that because it would appear that you are just making **** up. If you don't provide the source to where you got this information, then I'll assume you made it up yourself.

The only outrage I have is how gullible people are for allowing the corporate media to dictate to them that the whole thing is all about racism. All of the stupid idiotic hyperbole of "hunted him down like an animal" and such. It appeals to the lowest common denominator who seem to be several IQ points short of compiling all the facts and apportioning out responsibility based on such, but instead, relying on catch phrases and idiotic memes to determine culpability.

I mean if you really want to apply an "ism" that the Mcmichaels are guilty of, you could argue that they never would have been so hostile if the person that was roaming around was a female. I seriously doubt that they would have been so aggressive if the person on video was a pretty young girl. There you go. I just gave you an "ism" that I believe the mcmichaels are completely guilty of. Sexism. Run with that one.

But do I think that they would have been just as aggressive and vigilant with a white dude? Absolutely. I don't think that they would have done anything different. And would a shooting like be spammed all over national news broadcasts for multiple days? Hell no. But that dumb look on younger McMichael's face is just too much racebaiting candy for the corporate media to pass up on.

But this claim of racism is made up bullshit. It's just a tool that the corporate media and the billionaire class use to divide us against each other. And it seems that a certain percentage of the population loves to fall for it.
You are literally making **** up and listening to racist right-wing podcasters. I mean, I knew you were but didn't think you'd actually admit to it yourself. As I said before, at worst, the media is creating a narrative that he was an innocent jogger to entice public outrage, which apparently outrages you, and, at best, you're fabricating a false narrative that he was terrorizing and burglarizing a neighborhood to justify his murder.
05-12-2020 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
Stephan Molyneaux showed four additional video clips where they have Arbery roaming through that unfinished house at different points in time. In his blog he claims that there are seven instances where Arbery was on video. I have been looking for the source where he found those clips in order to post all seven. I haven't been able to find it yet. You can watch Molyneaux's blog to see the additional four that he found.
I really hope you stumbled across Molyneaux's blog by accident and don't know anything about him. He is a proud white supremacist who has blamed "rap culture" for police shooting an unarmed black teenager, among a vast array of other explicitly racist views. Using Molyneaux as a source to defend a white man shooting an unarmed black man is just about the worst look imaginable.
05-12-2020 , 08:58 PM
Mod note: white nationalist personalities like Stephan Molyneux are not welcome in this forum. I'm going to leave the existing post and responses because it seems reasonable to do so here, but further citations will be deleted and lead to temp bans at minimum. Thanks.
05-12-2020 , 09:17 PM
The YT video I posted from WSAV which I found on a racist ass website, shows the other four surveillance clips going back to October 2019 that you were talking about and not just the one from the day of, so you don't have to look through your blogs for that piece of information as I've already found it. You still have to show where you heard that the McMichael's knew about this prior footage and that they were asked to keep a look out since the owner of the property, Larry English, has explicitly stated that he never shared it with them nor that he even knew the McMichaels. I've already laid it out all in a previous post. My guess is that they discovered it's existence after the fact, as they have close ties with law enforcement and prosecutors and they are attempting to use it in their defense. Regardless, the fact that Arbery entered the property several times prior doesn't change anything. He didn't hurt anyone or take anything, so approaching a citizen's arrest brandishing weapons is in no way justifiable.

An image of the past footage of Arbery on the property. See my previous post for full video.
05-12-2020 , 09:23 PM
I actually agree with Slighted that apparent police malfeasance in covering up the crime is the major part of this story. However, I think it is equally problematic that the media, and by extension us, only care because of the racial narrative they love to play. Most of you believe the crime would never have occurred if Arbery had been white, and you are probably right. However, there is an equally good chance that if a similar crime had happened and the victim was a poor white the police would have covered it up the same, except we would never know about it because CNN wouldn't have given a ****.

As a corollary, a couple years ago in Az a white man named Daniel Shavers was executed by a couple white police officers in cold blood. There really is no other way to describe the incident. They made him crawl on the ground begging for his life and executed him anyways. It is all on video.

The media barely gave the incident any play at all, and have given the subsequent legal proceeding zero play. Both officers got off clean and have since retired and are getting full benefits. The state of Az has been stonewalling the case in court ever since and not a single penny has been payed to Shavers widow and children, and there is a non zero chance any ever will. Guess what. CNN doesn't give a **** and AOC and Lebron aren't tweeting about it either. It doesn't fit the narrative so there is no interest or will for justice to be done.

That is why I find this all so fake and empty. It really does seem to me most of you only care about stuff the media tells you to care about for the reasons they tell you to care. And otherwise you couldn't care less. They have so much control over what we care about and are clearly so manipulative about it, and I find it endlessly fascinating how ok with this we really are.

Last edited by Kelhus100; 05-12-2020 at 09:28 PM.
05-12-2020 , 10:10 PM
I'm pretty sure CNN covered this story. Wait a sec while I check youtube. Yup, they covered the story. It was very tragic and unnecessary, but at least he was warned before he was shot unlike these innocent black men. You're comparing apples to oranges and your stance largely ignores the systemic racism that exists in this country against black people.

05-12-2020 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
I really hope you stumbled across Molyneaux's blog by accident and don't know anything about him.
Sometimes when people show you who they are you have to believe them.
05-12-2020 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
You can't make this **** up.
He proably didn't know. Just innocently followed a link from Stromfront.
05-13-2020 , 01:52 AM
Someone should alert Suzzer that Stephan Molyneux's blog might be another good resource for material for his Antifa thread posting.
05-13-2020 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Sentencing scales for violent crimes include aggravating and mitigating factors all the time, and it makes perfect sense for a sentencing scheme to work this way.

For example, in the case of murder, the UK guidelines list the following factors to be taken into account at sentencing -

I think the US is different in that some of those factors would actually define whether the charge is first or second degree murder, which is a distinction I don't think we have here - we have murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide (e.g. death by dangerous driving) IIRC. But in principle I don't see why racial animus shouldn't be an upwards enhancement for sentencing purposes, all else being equal.
05-13-2020 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by well named
Mod note: white nationalist personalities like Stephan Molyneux are not welcome in this forum. I'm going to leave the existing post and responses because it seems reasonable to do so here, but further citations will be deleted and lead to temp bans at minimum. Thanks.
05-13-2020 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Someone should alert Suzzer that Stephan Molyneux's blog might be another good resource for material for his Antifa thread posting.
The Antifa thread seemed to be dying a natural death until Suzzer revived it.
05-13-2020 , 09:36 AM
I had never heard of this Molyneux guy, but LOL PFunk. How do people like PFunk find things like Molyneux's blog? Is it mainly sites like Stormfront serve as portals for this stuff? Or is it mainly people going down YouTube or podcasting rabbit holes?

In any case, the Wikipedia article says that Molyneux is or was an ACist who used to post on Lew Rockwell's website. I would not be at all surprised if he posted in this forum back when the ACists ruled the roost. I can't imagine that there were many internet forums that leaned more ACist than this forum did in the late 2000s.
05-13-2020 , 10:12 AM
Looks like PFunk might have slithered away after realising that quoting white supremacist literature in support of a position that a white-on-black murder wasn't racially motivated probably wasn't a great look.
05-13-2020 , 12:08 PM
Given that the perps have been charged, it seems like changing the thread title is in order. Something like "Ahmaud Arbery Killing (yes, it's still murder even if the victim is black)"
05-13-2020 , 12:12 PM
It really is amazing that people don't realize the abject shittiness of the sources of their information

Then again, maybe not. I have a fb news feed and we have PFunk tethering his opinion to Stefan ****ing Molyneux and an entire thread tethered to (and shockingly still lending credence to) Andy Ngo

btw anyone reading PFunk's posts should note that there are multiple falsehoods in them. I didn't feel like making a post dissecting them all but just off reading his posts straight through it's pretty easy to see several of them
05-13-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I had never heard of this Molyneux guy, but LOL PFunk. How do people like PFunk find things like Molyneux's blog? Is it mainly sites like Stormfront serve as portals for this stuff? Or is it mainly people going down YouTube or podcasting rabbit holes?

In any case, the Wikipedia article says that Molyneux is or was an ACist who used to post on Lew Rockwell's website. I would not be at all surprised if he posted in this forum back when the ACists ruled the roost. I can't imagine that there were many internet forums that leaned more ACist than this forum did in the late 2000s.
The general progression I think is places like breitbart, youtube etc where you initially get exposed to those guys are kinda the outer rungs of the filtering process. Then some find their way to places like the donald/pol etc. By the time you get to Stormfront you've probably already passed thru those initial layers.
05-13-2020 , 01:40 PM
I don’t know what you all are talking about, they all watch cnn.
