Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 47
Hi all!
I used to be a big winner at nl50 rush 6max a few years back. One month ago I tried moving up in stakes very quickly at zoom using only a 6-7 buyin br management. Anyway I got bust arriving at nl50.
I want to make a serious come back. I only want to play 6max fast poker. As a Belgian I have a choice between zoom or fast forward at bwin.
Which one would you recommend based on softness, VIP program, traffic, highest limit,..?
Some other questions I have: is 500nl 6max at zoom beatable? What is the highest limit people play at fast forward?
Ps. I will play something like the equivalent of 1-3 supernova. So zoom should be the best option right as their VIP program rewards "volume" players. But I don't like PS, I don't trust them either and zoom plays so tight postflop and lots of fish that make me tilt.
I will deposit 500 -1000 euros and work my way up from there.