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Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here

04-26-2010 , 10:41 AM
They really do not like the mention of PP around here. So I would be careful with that topic. But I have not heard about any such e wallet.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-26-2010 , 04:52 PM
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-28-2010 , 06:21 PM
I sent documents to PS in order to have my country changed. Last time they did not change my full address, but only my country. This time the whole address was changed. I guess I didn't look carefully before I requested a check because the "Dr" that belongs after my street appeared at the beginning of my city.

Will the post office be able to figure this out?

I'm pretty sure the check is already sent. I emailed stars and got a form letter. I think I'll get a better response in a bit. I'm sure they'll let me cancel it, but I was wondering if people think I need to cancel it or if it will be fine. I think it might be okay because of the zip.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 09:20 AM
hey homeboys, what do you think of blocking the 50bb tables on pokerstars?
because since the update the majority of the fishy players are one these tables and that sucks pritty hard. so if you see a free seat take it and klick at sit out. the advantage of that is obv that the fishy players get on those tables where is a free seat in addition you should open 100bb table on your own.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 09:32 AM
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:00 PM
Poker grew to love poker when moneymaker drew all the fish to poker inculding my self 2003 to be excat alot has changed since then in the online poker world alot of shady business with these cheating sites i have been a victim of being cheated by absolute poker for 30k in one session they refuse to give me my hand history to post on here this online poker sites let the players that generate the most rake for them win more than the people who just occasionally play on there sites none of the best players in the world straight shoot maybe now days but in some point of their lives they have done shady dealing from all the big names in the game from phil ivey to doyle brunson to all the big names wether its colluding or teaming up in games to make more profit either way its cheating a bad session could have u feeling like me wanting to just give up poker for good but u have come acustomed to not having a job wondering why u choose this then u realize that when u choose this u loved the game u could sit at a table for 48 hours and not be tired just wanting to learn this was once fun to u now days u just play for the money not the love in the sport i discovered the shady dealing of absolute poker before two plus two i would call up 18778876537 this is absolute security number for people that dont know and constanly tell them to stop cheating me i have played in sessions where steamroller dumped me 2k with 102 and i was holding kings why u ask cause thats when they discovered the cheating cheating all these sites cheat wether its letting u win and making u want to make more money only to give u a bad downswing knowing that u will play nonstop to get that money back poker is not tge chick i once loved she has convienced me not to get a prenup and now im ****ed i hate this girl so much and hate here so true i should of stayed with dreams of hitting the lottery instead of this chick to prove my point i have played on this one account for a long time and now since i send them bad emails i wont be able to win now so what i do to prove a point this is rigged i go by a new computer along with new internet service and whalaaaaaaaaaaa im back winning again wow thats very strange i thought i sucked at poker but infact these sites suck at cheating me out of my money but they are good at the same time why play when ur being cheated u ask because a scar stops nothing on a vikings skin plus u need the money at the same time im just freestyling right now writing what ever comes to mind prob from all the bad beats knowing u been cheated when a guy holds 72dd and u hold j8dd and 2 dd on the flop and u go all in and he goes all in and magically he hits a 7 and nothing of ur cards come and also when u hold aa and guy holds j8 and u bet like 200 preflop and he calls and hit a gut shot like he knew it was coming wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this **** is unreal **** this i quit but wait
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:07 PM
Wow, not a single period.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:16 PM
how long did that take to type?

also, wtf

Last edited by pooder; 04-30-2010 at 02:17 PM. Reason: op is tilting
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:20 PM
Would have been cool if you could have ryhmed it.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:27 PM
Ugh, I can't even think about trying to read that.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by ImportVazquez
Poker grew to love poker when moneymaker drew all the fish to poker inculding my self 2003 to be excat alot has changed since then in the online poker world alot of shady business with these cheating sites i have been a victim of being cheated by absolute poker for 30k in one session they refuse to give me my hand history to post on here this online poker sites let the players that generate the most rake for them win more than the people who just occasionally play on there sites none of the best players in the world straight shoot maybe now days but in some point of their lives they have done shady dealing from all the big names in the game from phil ivey to doyle brunson to all the big names wether its colluding or teaming up in games to make more profit either way its cheating a bad session could have u feeling like me wanting to just give up poker for good but u have come acustomed to not having a job wondering why u choose this then u realize that when u choose this u loved the game u could sit at a table for 48 hours and not be tired just wanting to learn this was once fun to u now days u just play for the money not the love in the sport i discovered the shady dealing of absolute poker before two plus two i would call up 18778876537 this is absolute security number for people that dont know and constanly tell them to stop cheating me i have played in sessions where steamroller dumped me 2k with 102 and i was holding kings why u ask cause thats when they discovered the cheating cheating all these sites cheat wether its letting u win and making u want to make more money only to give u a bad downswing knowing that u will play nonstop to get that money back poker is not tge chick i once loved she has convienced me not to get a prenup and now im ****ed i hate this girl so much and hate here so true i should of stayed with dreams of hitting the lottery instead of this chick to prove my point i have played on this one account for a long time and now since i send them bad emails i wont be able to win now so what i do to prove a point this is rigged i go by a new computer along with new internet service and whalaaaaaaaaaaa im back winning again wow thats very strange i thought i sucked at poker but infact these sites suck at cheating me out of my money but they are good at the same time why play when ur being cheated u ask because a scar stops nothing on a vikings skin plus u need the money at the same time im just freestyling right now writing what ever comes to mind prob from all the bad beats knowing u been cheated when a guy holds 72dd and u hold j8dd and 2 dd on the flop and u go all in and he goes all in and magically he hits a 7 and nothing of ur cards come and also when u hold aa and guy holds j8 and u bet like 200 preflop and he calls and hit a gut shot like he knew it was coming wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this **** is unreal **** this i quit but wait
I highlighted what I could understand...

-Confirmed Viking.

-Speaks Jive, Need translator....
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by ImportVazquez
..... but wait
Anxiously awaiting Part 2!
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:44 PM
Wow, that's an instance of what my uncle calls "brain diarrhea".

But I do admire the guys ability to type all that in and not use a single punctuation mark...
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 09:29 PM
Full Tilt question;

Can I make a withdrawal before completing my first 600$ deposit bonus and not have it voided?
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 09:53 PM
Have not played since Monday due to time constaints.
All my FTP money is missing and my FTP points.
I have notified support. I have a great protection system and no one has my
Any Advice?
Thus the Belly Fop the past few days.................................
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 10:04 PM
I am awaiting FTP>
I have had 20k people read my thread and no one has said they have any of my money.

So out of FTP,AP,Party Poker,Bodog and Pokerstars. No one beat me.
While I am awating FTP if there is a site that would like a player that could get 2ok hits a thread. A player who does not lose I am open for any proposal.

I pray FTP does the right thing...
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 10:06 PM
you have bamboozled me OP
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 10:12 PM
Can anyone think of a proposal?
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 10:29 PM
My money was here Monday,
I have been robbed.....
I await FTP response.
Would I be shocked if AP made me an offer to come play with them.
I hope FTP comes through but Any site is welcome to make me a deal.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 10:36 PM
lol if you want deals post in the rakeback forum and you'll get deal regardless of what happens with FTP.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 11:12 PM
OP, care to explain WTF you are talking about?

Originally Posted by horseracing
I have had 20k people read my thread and no one has said they have any of my money.
Originally Posted by horseracing
So out of FTP,AP,Party Poker,Bodog and Pokerstars. No one beat me.
Originally Posted by horseracing
While I am awating FTP if there is a site that would like a player that could get 2ok hits a thread.
Originally Posted by horseracing
A player who does not lose I am open for any proposal.
Originally Posted by horseracing
Would I be shocked if AP made me an offer to come play with them.
Originally Posted by horseracing
Any site is welcome to make me a deal.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 11:22 PM
check you sharkscope or PTR to see if someone has playedin your account.
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by ifucallumuck
check you sharkscope or PTR to see if someone has playedin your account.
And spent all his points...
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
04-30-2010 , 11:56 PM
Zoo Chat - April - Quick questions and random posts go here Quote
