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WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15)

08-27-2008 , 10:10 PM
JDLade maybe you should hold your breathe until you are blue in the face?

Or work with the contacts you have and make it better? Threats should get you banned ... imo.

To many man-babies
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 10:27 PM
I talked to support today about a withdrawl I made 10 days ago and I asked if they could cancel the withdrawl because I went busto on the site and in 3 hours my cash was back on the site for use. Support seemed good to me but I was keeping cash on their site.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
People like stealth are in this thread and are really confused. They can't believe the rakeback isn't the way WSEX told him it was and has to be told multiple times by people on here that we really are right and that WSEX support really is wrong.

Two things, WSEX didn't tell me anything.....
And the reason I re-asked my question was I couldn't believe the answer. NOT that it wasn't correct. Just couldn't believe it.....

Fyi, I was running a $5 limit stud game in my basement when I was in high school, Years ago.
I raked 10% up to $4 in that game. Which gave me more jingle in my jeans than most kids. Well all the kids other than the drug dealers

So when I HEAR rake, I have a good idea of what is meant.
When I HEAR rakeback, to ME, it meant, just as I asked.

IF their was $2.00 total rake and the rakeback is 75%. I, the winner of the pot would get back $1.50 and the house would keep .50 cents.
NOT sharing it with the table...!!!

So, I'll be honest with you, when GM Fred says, "The rakeback is dealt the dealt method," I have NO clue as to what that is........

I did understand what Mitch wrote below, "Say there are 5 players dealt in and the total rake was $2. It would be $2 divided by 5 players, and you would receive 75% of that, $0.30.
I can't believe it's done that way but I understood what he said!!

He added, "You can verify this with pokertracker."
Well I don't have pokertracker....

And finally, after looking around the WSEX poker pages, there is NOT an explanation as to how the rakeback works!!!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by CnC
JDLade maybe you should hold your breathe until you are blue in the face?

Or work with the contacts you have and make it better? Threats should get you banned ... imo.

To many man-babies
He has a genuine gripe and is in the top three highest players on the site. His opinion ought to mean something, especially if others agree.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 11:16 PM
TeflonDawg, I'm curiuos here.......
Did they also lock you out of the sports side of WSEX?

It was implied since management said they were gonna mail you a check but not mentioned...
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 11:21 PM
wsex, what happen to the promise of not cutting rakeback more?im seriously thinking of moving my play elsewhere.i rather you guys do a scale rakeback then 65%.Fred, you say it hurts your smaller players if you go to scale rake, what about your most loyal players? i believe your site will be dead in a month if immediate changes arent made asap.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 11:22 PM
Wow. Just wow. Now I find out you're offering 100% rakeback and etc. to new players to do something I've been doing voluntarily for nearly the past two years.

Take a look at your plo8 traffic WSEX. Then take a look at the traffic when I'm not at the plo8 tables. Thanks for your support.

If I was truly unhappy with the site I would've simply stopped playing there. I've stated numerous times I do not want to leave the site, but increase volume even further by playing more tables. I sit there everyday like a jackass by myself trying to make it happen at plo8 (please note you get zero traffic at all non-hold'em games), even when it's long periods of HU play.

It's nice that you made the client look different, it's still the same client with the same bugs since I joined in '06. Since I challenged someone to state it, nobody has come out and posted any changes since then, and removal of non HH tables does not count b/c it was merely a remedy to an earlier implementation.

And then you ban me because I said several things that are already on the minds of many 2+2ers here. A simple warning would've sufficed. I'm not going to beg for my account back. I'm not going to wish misfortune or anything negative on WSEX, but only comment that the way all this was handled is seriously, seriously wrong.

And you wonder why you're losing millions. You should be happy I don't believe in retaliation, and go post what you've done to me in all the other poker forums, youtube, and my other poker playing friends who I constantly remind where they could be getting 75% rakeback.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-27-2008 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by StealthPlayer
TeflonDawg, I'm curiuos here.......
Did they also lock you out of the sports side of WSEX?

It was implied since management said they were gonna mail you a check but not mentioned...
Haven't tried and I don't intend to possibly mess up the check they send me for my roll. I'm a winning plo8 player and used to generate 200-400 in rakeback every week. That has dwindled to less than 150 per and now this. Less and less profit, less for me to afford to bet. Even if I could bet I won't give them one cent of my business until they do right by me via reinstatement.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 12:21 AM
And you wonder why you're losing millions.

Teflon - I would be willing to bet my entire bankroll that they are not losing millions. I would even be willing to bet that they are MAKING millions.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 01:02 AM
Teflon, Fred, Jeremy:

Any and every casino or poker-room, B&M or cyber, has the absolute right to refuse any customer/guest service or entry at any time without having to explain or justify that decision. Of course, all of the customers/guests unwagered funds must be returned. WSEX made a decision. WSEX is returning the unwagered funds with rackback. As Micobob pointed out, Teflon learned of the closure immediately. The CS chat trumped and operated in lieu of email. He was informed his funds were being promptly returned

WSEX really doesn't owe Teflon or this forum a detailed explanation of the facts or the decision process. Though not required, Fred has offered Teflon and this forum some explanation for the decision. I compliment Fred for that response. It is consistent with the WSEX history of open discourse and communication with 2+2.

The Teflon/Fred posts are the perfect recipe for endless forum fodder. We will all have opinions. Many willl post them. None will be aware of all the facts.

If playing at WSEX matters enough to Teflon, he'll probably have a chance to "make nice" with Fred or Fred's delegate and have his account reopened. That is, if Teflon hasn't burned to many bridges in the meantime.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 01:19 AM
How does a new player go about getting 100% rakeback? I'm only seeing the 65% number? Please advise.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 01:28 AM
TeflonDawg could of talked to support a little better to get his point across, but he did it the 4 year old way and now he pays the price. Sure we all would like to say things but we do it the MATURE way and not act like a fool because the support does not know the difference between the different ways rake are paid out on different sites. The omaha hi/low games will be fine without him.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 01:33 AM
Offering 100% rackback to new players on a TEMPORARY basis could be good. The promo could be 100% for a few months but should also be capped at a maximum rakeback amount. Then it would revert to the regular rackback %. Once they, the new players, really taste rackback, they will appreciate it even at a lower rate.

Look how the "regulars" got started. Most were attracted by 100% rackback. Most stayed when it went to 75% because they were better aware of the benefit 75% still provided.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 01:38 AM
I disagree that most stayed when it went to 75% but players who had tried the site were leaving for a variety of reasons so it's hard to tell.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 03:14 AM
I am happy to see attempts to improve the site,but going to 65% for everyone is going too far.
My suggestion is keep it 65%,but let high volime players get VIP status and make 75% and 85%.
It can be made like the VIP tourneys.If you reach the VIP status one week you get more rake back the next.
Gold-$200= 75% rakeback next week.
Platinum-$500= 85% rakeback next week.

No offence guys but WSEX has a lot work to do to reach FullTilt and Stars(traffic,customer service,software),so the huge rakeback is the thing that keeps the pros here.
Please also notise that your original rake structure is much higher than FillTilt.And 65% back at WSEX is not much bigger than 27% there.
Acctually someone mentioned that before,and I am sure many serious players understand that.So the rakeback should be higher for the serious and high volume players to keep them on the site.
I already know of a guy who is moving to FullTilt to play 2/4 6max for this reason.If he can achieve VIP status and more rakeback at WSEX I am sure he will be back generating $400-$500 in rake and creating games.

On the positive side- VIP's are getting great.Less but bigger VIPs are what I think is best to draw people to play more.The big overlays in the first couple tourneys should draw more people.

GOOD LUCK WSEX and really hope to consider Gold and Platinum VIP levels.

Last edited by martial; 08-28-2008 at 03:24 AM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 04:24 AM
500 and up=80%

Cut most of those small free rolls, and have a medium free roll for new sign up players.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 04:25 AM
[QUOTE=martial;5836531]Hi WSEX,
I am happy to see attempts to improve the site,but going to 65% for everyone is going too far.
My suggestion is keep it 65%,but let high volime players get VIP status and make 75% and 85%.
It can be made like the VIP tourneys.If you reach the VIP status one week you get more rake back the next.
Gold-$200= 75% rakeback next week.
Platinum-$500= 85% rakeback next week.

I totally agree with Martial. I'm a member since May '06 , I usually start new tables at the limits I play, generate $4-5-600 in rake every week. Basically I work as a prop , without been paid for it . The Gold-Platinum levels suggested by Martial would keep around players like me - players at least as valuable 4 the site's business as the new comers ,IMO. I would suggest a structure : Gold-$300= 75% rake back
Platinum-$500=85% rake back
This way we'll have recriational players motivated to go the extra mile and play some more 4 the Gold level, and semi-regular player to aim the Platinum one. Can't do the math but it looks to me that volume would compensate the site for the extra rake back paid.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
- The unfairness and unhappiness that you are bringing in new players to get 100% while your most loyal players over the past several months/years are stuck at 65%.
Many believe it should be the other way around.
Of course it should be the other way around!
Ive been a loyal customer to your site for years now, and all I get for that is reduced rakeback and now I get to play props with 100% rakeback!
Playing guys with 100% rakeshare is a huge disadvantage at the tables.

Originally Posted by MicroBob
I disagree that most stayed when it went to 75% but players who had tried the site were leaving for a variety of reasons so it's hard to tell.
I dont agree with that either. Wsex dropped about 80-90% of their players when they went from 100% rakeback to 75% and they may drop even more players with the new 65%.

Last edited by Komodo; 08-28-2008 at 08:48 AM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 08:39 AM
I've seen people thrown out of brick and mortar casino's for less abuse.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 08:42 AM
Didn't realise there was somewhere official to complain about the inept, unhelpful and misleading WSEX customer support so posting original thread link here.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 10:02 AM
let's face it, high rakeback has proven to not be very much of an incentive, if any, judging by traffic.

but deposit bonuses have proven to get traffic.

so maybe a very good deposit bonus, but with the twist that you only have 2 weeks or a month to clear it, so that people will play a lot. who knows, maybe it can be unlimited time to clear bonus that is not so good and people will love it.

maybe make it where like if you have no bonus then you get regular rakeback ( personally i think 65% is still too high given the rakeback record), and if you have a bonus then you don't get rakeback or the rakeback+bonus is 80% or whatever.

also the whole thing about alienating the regular players is a joke cause there's only a handful of players so who cares. I mean if it's so worrisome you can literally personally email every one of them and offer them individual incentives. I mean come on.

also if depositing to wsex is pretty easy (as i assume it is), and only withdrawing is hard, then that is still good for deposit bonuses and stuff as long as people can get their money on their pretty easily.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 10:21 AM
The equation to having a high traffic site is really simple: having an easy/quick/electronic way of getting money into the site = high traffic. Look at the traffic across the boards on all the poker sites, the correlation between a site and it's traffic is how easy it has been to get money in to the site. Stars is teh biggest site because it's always been really easy to get money in (echeck), tilt is #2 because it's been second easiest (echeck for most of the time since UIGEA, and also, tilts support sucks even more than yours, so having good support is not really all that important to having a successful site).

If donks can't get their money in through a couple of clicks then they won't consistantly reload and keep playing, and if donks dont play then other won't. Seriously it's really that simple. I don't believe for a second your lines of "we have been working as hard as we can to get money in/out as simple as possible", that is BS.

If stars and tilt can have echeck deposits working for almost all the time since UIGEA, then it's is possible for you guys to. If your current management "working as hard as they can" is unable to do so, then find people that can. All these gimmicks and promotions with Rakeback and giving away money, is cool and all but its just not going to work. Just look at the data, the only correlation between a site and it's traffic, is how easy it has been to get money into that site. It's simple.

You can try to convince me and the world that in-person WU deposits and random prepay cards are easy, but they aren't even close to being as simple and anonymous as echecks. A donk isnt going to consistently embarrass himself by going to a WU place once a week and deposit money. And most are too lazy to seek out these all-mighty prepay cards that have a chance of working on your site.

Last edited by doublebluff; 08-28-2008 at 10:46 AM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by doublebluff
The equation to having a high traffic site is really simple: having an easy/quick/electronic way of getting money into the site = high traffic. Look at the traffic across the boards on all the poker sites, the correlation between a site and it's traffic is how easy it has been to get money in to the site. Stars is teh biggest site because it's always been really easy to get money in (echeck), tilt is #2 because it's been second easiest (echeck for most of the time since UIGEA, and also, tilts support sucks even more than yours, so having good support is not really all that important to having a successful site).

If donks can't get their money in through a couple of clicks then they won't consistantly reload and keep playing, and if donks dont play then other won't. Seriously it's really that simple. I don't believe for a second your lines of "we have been working as hard as we can to get money in/out as simple as possible", that is BS.

If stars and tilt can have echeck deposits working for almost all the time since UIGEA, then it's is possible for you guys to. If your current management "working as hard as they can" is unable to do so, then find people that can. All these gimmicks and promotions with Rakeback and giving away money, is cool and all but its just not going to work. Just look at the data, the only correlation between a site and it's traffic, is how easy it has been to get money into that site. It's simple.

You can try to convince me and the world that in-person WU deposits and random prepay cards are easy, but they aren't even close to being as simple and anonymous as echecks. A donk isnt going to consistently embarrass himself by going to a WU place once a week and deposit money. And most are too lazy to seek out these all-mighty prepay cards that have a chance of working on your site.
thought visa/mc worked on sportsbooks?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by PLOlover
thought visa/mc worked on sportsbooks?
Very very very very few visa/mc cards work to deposit.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 11:24 AM
Sorry one last part to my rant:

Stop relying on people on this forum to figure out solutions to your traffic problems. You ahve done this for years now and everything that has been suggested/implemented has done nothing for your traffic. It's like going to random people on the street and asking them suggestions for poker strategy. Just look at the data, seriously.

Literally, stop everything you guys are doing with improvements and make finding an echeck solution you're one and only priority. Here's an idea how to get this going: take the $40,000/month you guys are throwing away in the tourny addons/bonuses (they are going to diddly to the traffic, ldo), and offer a bounty to your management/ people in the gambling business. The bounty being whoever finds a way for you guys to successfully implement echecks gets this 40k/month for as long as that method works. I can assure you this will do exponentially more to your traffic problem than what you have been doing for the past couple years.

Last edited by doublebluff; 08-28-2008 at 11:30 AM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
