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WSEX Official Thread: April - July (14 of 15) WSEX Official Thread: April - July (14 of 15)

04-02-2008 , 06:28 PM
A tourney at 04:30 ET would attract almost nobody.
04-03-2008 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Warteen
A tourney at 04:30 ET would attract almost nobody.
So nobody is playing online poker at 10:30 CET?

Wrong, there are tens of thousands of people playing the Euro networks, and there's always that other continent I believe they call Asia where it would also be midday / afternoon.

Online poker means catering to a potential world market not just catering for the US.

Whenever I pop in (I'm not playing there now but I would start again in an instant if I actually saw any meaningful changes) there's always a good spread of players from all nations primarily USA/Canada and Europe but also Australia, China, South Africa etc. etc.

Maybe Fred would be prepared to list the percentage of players from each country / continent?

If WPEX wants to be mostly US facing then thats fine, just say the word and I won't waste my time checking in now and again to see how things are going.

Last edited by Banzai; 04-03-2008 at 03:21 AM. Reason: Still can't decide how you spell Australia, it looks wrong to me.
04-03-2008 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Banzai
...there are tens of thousands of people playing the Euro networks, and there's always that other continent I believe they call Asia where it would also be midday / afternoon.

Online poker means catering to a potential world market not just catering for the US.

If WPEX wants to be mostly US facing then thats fine,
Its more a function of the site being run by a sportsbook which is US facing.

It is doubtful that many of those who are playing at 10:30 CET having any action on the NCAA games this weekend.
04-04-2008 , 01:50 AM
I was disappointed to hear that they dropped the rake requirement for the VIPS. Is it $50 now? I think if anything it should be going the other way, forcing people to play more on the site. Maybe a 3 tiered approach would be best... tuesday $50 thur $100 and fri $300 or something. or even having one to require so much sports or casino action.
04-04-2008 , 03:03 PM
I understand what your saying jfk, but why is the GM always so quiet when this gets mentioned.

Americans are not the be-all and end-all of anything, and unless I'm mistaken the site is called WORLD Poker Exchange not USPEX.

The non-US territories are the potential growth areas for the game, so why the fascination with looking over your shoulder at "the good old days before the ban"? Start looking forward to the future.

If I'm honest, I guess I want Fred to answer the following question:

"What is your reason for creating a low / zero rake poker site and if you want it to flourish, why?"

What are the real business plans or ideas, short-medium and long term targets etc. etc. for the WPEX low/zero rake poker model?
04-04-2008 , 03:45 PM
Okay, my withdrawal problems appear to be over. Fred was very helpful via PMs and the FedEx has been received. It was unfortunate that it took so long, but once again WSEX delivers in the end.
04-04-2008 , 04:49 PM
I think you will see some major changes in the tournaments and promotions in the coming weeks, scheduling included.

We also plan on allowing accounts denominated in currencies other than US Dollars in the very near future. Once that is in place we will be taking a closer look at our European prime time offerings.

04-04-2008 , 06:02 PM
very happy with how things have been going lately, thanks fred
04-04-2008 , 06:07 PM
I did a search, but didn't come up with anything. I figured I'd try here before starting a new thread, but has anyone used MyPayCall? I've been thinking about moving some of my play back to WPEX and this looked like a good way to get some money on the site. But, I'm hesitant to be the guinea pig.

04-06-2008 , 12:16 AM
Stop being rigged
04-06-2008 , 12:29 AM
i dont find it to be rigged
04-06-2008 , 12:59 AM
I say if cheating isn't occurring at WSEX, the sky isn't blue.
I'm not talking about collusion...talking about players knowing other players' hole cards and the flop. It seem obvious to me.

The ideal situation for a cheater would be when they know they have the winning hand even though their opponent has a strong hand preflop (like AA or KK).

There have been WAY too many instances where a player RERAISES before the flop with a terrible hand like 5,8 versus a player with QQ,KK or AA pocket pair and ends up winning the hand.
04-06-2008 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by ProfoundlyGenius
I say if cheating isn't occurring at WSEX, the sky isn't blue.
I'm not talking about collusion...talking about players knowing other players' hole cards and the flop. It seem obvious to me.

The ideal situation for a cheater would be when they know they have the winning hand even though their opponent has a strong hand preflop (like AA or KK).

There have been WAY too many instances where a player RERAISES before the flop with a terrible hand like 5,8 versus a player with QQ,KK or AA pocket pair and ends up winning the hand.
yes, somethings does seem very fishy at the higher limits.Im not saying they can see hole cards. I just have a good feeling that the bots are back. It's so stupid playing these superagrressive bots who would 3Bet u with Q7 etc and cracking you tilts the crap out of me.i dont have 100% prove they're bots, but i played with bots before, and some of these players reminds me of the bots from last spring before they got busted.As for the whole card theory, its possible, due to the fact that wsex software aint the best, with their many bugs from before. etc skip blinds. Also, another hint they're bots is that they buy in for 2x the regular buyin. I think they're buying in for the 2x buying so they cant bust easily and dont have to manually reload.Food for thought.As far as wsex security detecting bots, I wouldnt hold it pass them to spot a bot. The reason the bots got cleaned out because me and another 2+2 ratted them out.Big mistake because they were so profitatable after figuring them out Headsup. Now the bots seems to play better HU.I hope im wrong, but wsex is just the perfect site for the breeding ground of bots.

Last edited by DitMeMay; 04-06-2008 at 01:28 AM.
04-06-2008 , 01:44 AM
I think it's cheating and not bots, because although bots may play aggressively, they wouldn't know when to play aggressively selectively (when opponent has A) without seeing hole cards OR seeing the flop.

There is zero doubt that hacking is possible. Absolute poker admitted their site was hacked by a player who could see hole cards.

The good news is that evidence is easily documented....simply press the printscreen button to save the monitor image and then CTRL-V to paste into word.

If WSEX is allowing cheaters or unable to block them, and if they don't admit it, they are playing on very shaky ground should a genius decide to sue them and represent him/herself in court.
04-06-2008 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by ProfoundlyGenius
I say if cheating isn't occurring at WSEX, the sky isn't blue.
I'm not talking about collusion...talking about players knowing other players' hole cards and the flop. It seem obvious to me.

The ideal situation for a cheater would be when they know they have the winning hand even though their opponent has a strong hand preflop (like AA or KK).

There have been WAY too many instances where a player RERAISES before the flop with a terrible hand like 5,8 versus a player with QQ,KK or AA pocket pair and ends up winning the hand.
I am one of the few regulars at 5/10 and 10/20 there. I'm still winning. I see no signs of someone being able to see my hole cards.

Sounds like sour grapes to me.

R.e. the Absolute scandal: someone didn't 'hack' their software to see hole cards, that was an insider with access to a super-user account that could see hole cards. Big difference.

Bots, on the other hand, I think will continue to be a problem at all online sites, including WPEX, basically forever. I wouldn't be surprised if some have found their way back into the games at WPEX.
04-06-2008 , 03:48 PM
Please PM me the screen names of any players you may suspect are bots and we will investigate.

04-06-2008 , 04:30 PM
Actually a spokesman for the company apparantely admitted it was someone hacking into their system(an employee, but hacking nonethless, NOT a superuser account):

"...was an employee of who hacked the system to show that it could be done, said a spokesman for the company, who spoke with on condition of anonymity."

"“This is literally a geek trying to prove to senior management that they were wrong and he took it too far,” he said. "

As for WSEX...I'm sorry you don't feel that cheating is occurring...that means that you may fall victim to it sooner or later...
04-06-2008 , 05:28 PM
fred heres a great post about bots on wsex.
this player is right that these bots never seem to play more then 1 table

[QUOTE=JAP;3207742]Hi there,

I'm a mid stakes player 20-40 to 50-100 mainly...

I played a lot vs the bots on WPX...

Now i've come across two players that I feel pretty sure are bots.
I cant explain all reasons but since its just a feeling and recollection of the other bots playing styles;

They both play exactly the same
I never see them playing more than one table
If a table breaks and another game starts, they will just stay put, and if i post they will play.
Also if i ask them something in the chat (i.e Are you there?) when I'm sitting out HU they will respond but after like 20mins although we just played a hand.

I'm pretty sure I'll get ridiculed for this post but i would like to get some serious advice before I report them...


Also if this is the wrong place to get feedback on this, i'm sorry... I Figured since it is shorthanded midstakes I could get some advice about playing style i should look for.[/QUOTE]

04-06-2008 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by ProfoundlyGenius
Actually a spokesman for the company apparantely admitted it was someone hacking into their system(an employee, but hacking nonethless, NOT a superuser account):

"...was an employee of who hacked the system to show that it could be done, said a spokesman for the company, who spoke with on condition of anonymity."

"“This is literally a geek trying to prove to senior management that they were wrong and he took it too far,” he said. "

As for WSEX...I'm sorry you don't feel that cheating is occurring...that means that you may fall victim to it sooner or later...
AP 'admitted' it was a hacker because that still sounded better than the truth, which was that a company insider had access to an old software development account (#363) that allowed all hole cards to be seen. Search for the AP Scandal threads here, they will shine a lot more accurate info on this situation than any msn blurb will.
04-06-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by ProfoundlyGenius
Actually a spokesman for the company apparantely admitted it was someone hacking into their system(an employee, but hacking nonethless, NOT a superuser account):

"...was an employee of who hacked the system to show that it could be done, said a spokesman for the company, who spoke with on condition of anonymity."

"“This is literally a geek trying to prove to senior management that they were wrong and he took it too far,” he said. "

As for WSEX...I'm sorry you don't feel that cheating is occurring...that means that you may fall victim to it sooner or later...
Yeah, the 'employee hacker' story was what Absolute floated, but that is not the consensus real story. If you search this forum you can find some very interesting, detailed sleuthing that led to a different story.

I will keep an eye out for cheating, as always. But I am very skeptical of your claim until you provide more evidence.

If you are serious, then you should contact the WSEX GM with the names of the suspected cheaters, of course.
04-06-2008 , 07:18 PM
hey guys, watch out for guys that never leaves tables that breaks.sitting at empty tables all day, and autoplay when u post blinds and join them gonna try the bb skip trick headsup against them to see if they respond.If not, ill just play the SB against them
04-06-2008 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by SteveL91
has anyone used MyPayCall?
I couldn't find my ATM card (which has always worked fine at WSEX and no where else) the other day so I deposited $105 using MyPayCall without any problems. After the deposit being recognized by MyPayCall it took about ten minutes to show up in the WSEX cashier. I don't think I got charged the 5% fee for using it (hence why I deposited $105), but you very well may.


oh, and as for the "bot" questions. I for the most part always feel comfortable on WSEX in this regard. I seem to win until I blow my bankroll on black jack. I say I am comfortable for "the most part" because I am a bit skeptical about that SillySal character that got her funds snatched up by FullTilt. She admitted to being a regular at WSEX where I've lost to her on a few occasions. I only openly mention the name because she made the matter public herself. There was a lot of sketchy debate going on regarding SillySal and her potential bothood but it is rather a lot too read. Any opinion on her play at WSEX Fred?

Well I'm off to smoke some opium. Later.

Last edited by RainDog; 04-06-2008 at 08:36 PM.
04-06-2008 , 09:04 PM
is wpx down for anyone else? not letting me login, but i see players at tables
04-06-2008 , 09:14 PM
lol. sexypokerbabe. i pretty sure its a bot. omfg i think the bot's master is reading this thread. After making my post about bots. This is the 1st time i see it sitting out or buy-in in for normal buying. lmfao.
04-06-2008 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by ACynicalOptimist
is wpx down for anyone else? not letting me login, but i see players at tables
I was playing with no problem, but then it wouldn't let me rebuy. They must be having server issues somewhere along the line.
