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Wort making player notes on Party? Wort making player notes on Party?

04-08-2008 , 05:57 PM
So yeah, I've been playing the micro STT SNG's over at Party Poker for the last couple of days and discovered the player notes function. Pretty cool. I like what this guy has done with it and might adapt his system.

Thing is, on the micro tables, there must be a turnover of thousands and thousands of players. Is it worth it to start making notes at this level, or does it only start paying off at higher levels, where there are bound to be fewer people and more regulars?
Wort making player notes on Party? Quote
04-08-2008 , 06:54 PM
You should always takes notes on players, not only for future reference but also to help you play against them as you are playing. I find this helps me concentrate more on the tables as I'm playing and reminds me of which player is which... Yes I'm a bit dense.

You'll also be surprised of how many people you will come across in future times... I've often found a note on someone that I played a few months prior and have been able to play them appropriately from the get go.

Just as guide for taking notes; look out for how people play certain hands and if they are playing them in an unorthodox manner. For example, most players don't tend to lead out into the pre-flop raiser with a set, if they do that's something to take note of. Conversely if a player leads weakly and folds a lot to re-raise, I would note that.

Things that I generally don't note are if a player is loose or tight, or if they raise pre-flop alot... Basically anything that my Poker Tracker stats will tell me. If you haven't got that I would highly recommend that you start using it too.
Wort making player notes on Party? Quote
04-08-2008 , 09:14 PM
No. Play more tables if you need something to do with the extra time.
Wort making player notes on Party? Quote
04-08-2008 , 10:04 PM
The notes system on Party is so bad I don't use it when I play SNGs. You have to Right Click > Scroll > Left Click, then a little note window pops up which you later have to close. I don't have time for all that when 12-tabling. On Stars you double click their avatar and on FTP you just hover over the player's name. Much easier.
Wort making player notes on Party? Quote
