I'm not sure if anybody here plays there anymore but here is what happened to me, its not a big sum of money but its more about the principle on how they treat customers. This would never have happened in a classy site like starts where the customer service actually works.
this may be a small incident and a honest mistake but as a long time customer and a big raker back in the day (2010-2014 I raked 2-5k every month) i felt i had been wronged here and i wanted you guys to know and stay on top of things.
I have been in a day job last 2 years and i have also been doing studies on the side, so my grinding has been on a bit of a hold. Recently i resigned from my day job and though i might start grinding again. I deposited some and played for 2 weeks raking around 200€ worth a day. Then there was some update on the WH software and after that i couldnt get it to work, every time i logged in the software crashed and i had to reboot. I tried re-installing the software and flash player and everything i could think of. At the time i had a small bonus worth of 200€ on the account i was going to clear. I couldnt get the software to work so i started playing on stars instead. Yesterday i remembered the bonus and checked that it was going to expire 10.3.2017 as i logged in with a laptop i had borrowed from a friend i managed to get in, so i talked a while with a chat represantive about whether he knew anything about the problems i had been having. He told me that nothing seemed wrong on their end and i just concurred that maybe it was because i was running a windows 7 still and perhaps i should update it to 10. Really doesnt matter that much.
The real problem was that when i asked him whether there was any chance to get more time to clear the bonus he responded that he would extend the time with 2 years, which seemed weird to me. I tried to confirm whether this was the case and he said that the bonus would expire 2019-12-31 23:59:59
So I thanked him and played a nice session of 6 hours. Today when i log in and are about to start to play i check my bonuses to see how much of the bonus i managed to clear yesterday. And there on the bonus page it says that my bonus is expired and nothing is cleared out of it. So i go again on the chat to confirm whether the bonus is active or not. And here is the conversation i had with the agent:
Charisth (The agent is listening)
Charisth: Hi, you’re speaking to Charisth. How may I help you?
Miska Lahti: hello
Miska Lahti: i was talking with a agent yesterday about getting more time to my Bonus since it was about to expire
Miska Lahti: he promised me 2 years more to clear it
Miska Lahti: but now it has been removed from my account
Miska Lahti: i did play a fair amount yesterday because of the bonus
Miska Lahti: and id like to know if i have the bonus or not
Charisth: Let me check that for you.
Can you please verify your username, date of birth, and email address?
Miska Lahti:
Charisth: Thanks. Please give me few minutes to check your account.
Miska Lahti: take your time
Charisth: Sorry to keep you waiting and thanks for your patience. I’m still checking and it’ll take a couple more minutes. Are you okay to continue holding?
Miska Lahti: its ok
Charisth: Thanks for waiting.
Charisth: I can't see any active bonus on your account though.
Miska Lahti: yeah i know, the bonus expired yesterday but yesterday when i talked with a chat agent he said that he would increase the time
Charisth: I'm sorry but I can't see any previous contact with agent that promised to extend the time of the expiration of the bonus.
Miska Lahti: how is that possible
Miska Lahti: i just yesterday talked with agent around this time
Miska Lahti: only reason i played here for 6h yesterday was that i was promised more time with the bonus
Charisth: Do you remember his name?
Miska Lahti: maybe Gia
Miska Lahti: someting with a G
Charisth: Oh you mean Gio. i can see it here, but I can't see it was promised that he will extend the expiration date of the bonus you've got.
Miska Lahti: he promised me that he would expend the bonus until 2019
Charisth: Give me few minutes to further check on that.
Miska Lahti: ok
Miska Lahti: no rush
Miska Lahti: dont you have like chat logs or smt you can see the conversation we had yesterday?
Charisth: Sorry to keep you waiting and thanks for your patience. I’m still checking and it’ll take a couple more minutes. Are you okay to continue holding?
Miska Lahti: its fine, ill wait
Charisth: Thanks for waiting.
Charisth: Is with regards to 200€ bonus you received for 20000 wh points?
Miska Lahti: yes
Charisth: As you were advised, the bonus you're referring to will end on 2019-12-31 23:59:59
Miska Lahti: it doesnt show on my bonuses
Charisth: Let me double check your account, Miska.
Charisth: Give me few minutes please.
Miska Lahti: ok
Charisth: Thanks for waiting, Miska. But as cheked, your bonuses already expired.
Miska Lahti: so i dont have the extra time or not?
Miska Lahti: i was promised it yesterday and now you tell i dont have the time?
Charisth: I'm sorry but Gio checked he bonus in mistake. Note that Bonus you received is valid for 45 days from issuing day.
Charisth: you can check it here
Miska Lahti: so i dont have the bonus?
Charisth: i'm sorry but we can't extend the expiration date of bonuses and also we don't have the option to do that.
Miska Lahti: so why was i told otherwise yesterday
Miska Lahti: i know its not your fault
Miska Lahti: but i did play for 6 hours here yesterday because i was promised time to clear the bonus
Miska Lahti: i was going to play here a lot now but if i dont have the bonus im not going to
Miska Lahti: i have been a active player here for 6 years or so
Miska Lahti: if it was a mistake and you cant do anything about it i understand but i will make a note of this in the poker community and avoid this place in the future
Miska Lahti: if i cant trust what the chat agents tell me
Charisth: We apologise for the confusion made Miska. I appreciate you being loyal to our site but that is the bonus works. And that is clearly stated on the terms and conditions.
Miska Lahti: i dont even care that much about the bonus
Charisth: Good thing that you contacted us at least we have that corrected now.
Miska Lahti: its more that if i cant trust the chat agents i cant be playing here anymore
Charisth: I'm really sorry Miska for what happened but I regret but can't reinstated the bonus too. Moving forward, we suggest to double check the terms and conditions of the bonus to avoid confusion.
Miska Lahti: yeah its not your fault
Miska Lahti: is there a chance we could come up with some sort of deal?
Miska Lahti: maybe i deposit some more and you can come up with some bonus?
Miska Lahti: i dont want to make a big deal out of this but i feel that i have been wronged here
Miska Lahti: if you cant do anything, i understand
Miska Lahti: but it will mean that i wont play here anymore and will tell this story in 2+2 for others to be aware that the chat agents arent to be trusted
Miska Lahti: this would have been a whole different thing if yesterday i had been told that the there is no way to extend the bonus
Charisth: I'm sorry Miska for the inconvenience caused but will stick on the terms and conditions of the bonus.
Charisth: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Miska Lahti: if thats the way you want to play it then no
Miska Lahti: im sorry for troubling you
Miska Lahti: i wont be playing here anymore if there is nothing that can be done
Miska Lahti: ive raked here tens of thousands over the years, but i guess it means nothing
Miska Lahti: and i know you are not responsible but i would like an olive branch to be extended
Miska Lahti: but once again its not you who is the problem
Charisth: I'm sorry but I checked and we don't have any free bonus available that we can offer as of this moment for you.
Miska Lahti: yeah i understand
Miska Lahti: ill go play somewhere else
Miska Lahti: if you ever come up with a deal, let me know i might be willing to come back in case of some arrangement
Miska Lahti: but for now im out of here since i dont think im appreciated here, and i dont appreciate being lied to
Charisth: I'm sorry Miska, but we will respect your decision for this matter but I regret but that is how bonus works. We don't have the option to credit it back.
Miska Lahti: yeah its not really about the bonus
Miska Lahti: its more that im being lied here
Miska Lahti: but its not you, im sure a agent will call me again in a few months when i move my action to other sites and maybe he/she will be more willing to deal with me than you
Miska Lahti: i can rake 25k wh points in a week, so 200€ doesnt mean that much to me
Miska Lahti: its more about the principle
Miska Lahti: your name is charisth ?
Miska Lahti: i will be able to tell story accurately
Miska Lahti: and the guy i talked yesterday was GIO`?
Miska Lahti: Gio ?
Miska Lahti: i will make a copy of this chat log so i can show it to my colleagues
It is very weird that first she confirms that yeah the bonus is indeed valid until 2019-12-31 23:59:59 and then 5s later she says there is nothing she can do and that the thing yesterday was a mistake, up until now i didnt even truly care about the issue, i dont want to make a big deal out of 200€ but now i feel im being lied and i cant trust the agents anymore. I could have deposited more and perhaps we could have come to an agreement since i feel i have been wronged here, but now only this she says that she is sorry and could she help me with something else. Im sure she is not at fault and she must operate under the rules they have but im just raising a issue to you guys be aware. Long story short, stay on pokerstars and other sites where the chat persons speak good english and are aware of what is going on. The funny thing is that they personally called me to play there once again and promised me the Bonus and everything, and suddenly there is nothing they can do, 200€ doesnt mean anything but it just shows with how they treated me that being a loyal customer for years doesnt mean anything and you can be lied to your face just to get you off the chat.
i know its a big deal out of nothing but im just venting here and to remind you that the chat agents dont truly care about the customers and the company at all. Guess i wouldnt either if would be payed some 4€/h they must receive...