Originally Posted by Jeff W
They had an informant to give them details of payment processing for those sites. Otherwise, they'd have taken down big sportsbooks that accept U.S. wagers since sports betting is an even easier target.
Agreed. Basically without the informant they lucked into catching they would still be looking at a 5+ year investigation with NO results.
I do agree that there is obviously risk in playing on any site. Nobody can deny that. I've said it numerous times though, each player has to way the risk vs. reward and make a decision that suits them.
For me, I'm going to continue to play on the smaller sites for a lot of reasons. I don't think they are going to be indicted anytime soon(although I realize this is a possibility).
I personally think the DOJ would have indicted them at the same time to create bigger headlines and to completely try to crush Online Poker in the US. As it is they didn't. IMO, this means they do not have the evidence to indict any other site, ATM. I also think its possible the DOJ may not want to indict any further sites until the outcome of these indictments are clear and hopefully our efforts in contacting politicians will also contribute to this until we see regulation.
I do not earn a living playing Online Poker. I do make a little extra money which is very nice and allows me to do some things I may not otherwise be able to do. In the end though, if I lost the money I ALREADY had on these sites, its not going to ruin me or even cause me financial hardship.
Again, this is just my personal opinion and a look into why I made the decision.
I do agree that US citizens should spend PLENTY of time doing everything they can to try to get regulation though. But to say that nobody should play online is wrong IMO. If its wrong for you, I understand but don't expect everyone to share those feelings.
One last thing,
how is this different then the old school rounders getting busted and their funds taken by the Gov. in underground games years ago? Did Doyle Brunson and most others simply stop playing? Some did and obviously, others didn't!