Originally Posted by LTT777
Not to be too much of an optimist but is it possible that FT was just clamoring to get the bonuses, T$s, medals, etc accumulated entirely before they allow one cash out per player?
This thought crossed my mind as well. It could be surmised that Full Tilt is probably just getting all their ducks in a row and setting everything up for one big cashout for each U.S. player. After the 5/5 update (or lack thereof, as many have claimed) and with all the conversions they announced, the only major factors remaining seem to be:
- what to do with/how to convert FTP's
- setting up payment processor(s) with the DOJ to start paying out
- the payouts themselves
Hopefully the next update will cover the FTP issue (and optimistically, a timeline for finally being able to cashout).
Originally Posted by LTT777
Obviously it is taking too long and obviously if that was the case they could have easily just explained that rather than keeping their silence, but the fact that money is going into accounts at least has me thinking that it could be the case.
Also true, unfortunately. Some forthrightness on their behalf would be nice and put us at ease. I think we'll see some big steps being taken in the next couple weeks though, just a hunch.