Originally Posted by Eysel
I saw a set for $30 at a store on Alderbridge in Richmond. I think it was called Xpress or something,
do u mean excess cargo??
I used to live on E58 @ Knight St, if you are heading down towards the knight st bridge do you make a left or right on Marine? Is this place near the Super Store?
it is right by the plaza by the bridge with fabricland, visions, bunsmaster, and some appliance place...so if u head down argyle towards marine...go all the way to the end and u see the plaza....make a right and then ur immediate left....so that u dont enter the plaza but the street beside it...i cant remember the name of the place and i am not even sure if it is still in business...last time i was there was like maybe 2 yrs ago...they bought up the entire inventory of dufferins when it went outta business and they had a large selection of poker chips in different qualities...i remember u could even buy them separately on a per chip basis...