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The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012]

01-27-2012 , 09:38 PM
A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Wednesday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer" . The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down: "Why not on Wednesday?" The voice from in the well shouts back: "Because on Wednesday, it's your day in the well."

Not going to lay down any ground rules right now. There will be a line drawn somewhere when it comes to my private life; I'm just not sure where it will be yet.

I never have been a great poker player and hardly play at all these days, so don't expect too much enlightening stuff in that regard, unless you want to know what it was like being a huge bonus whore a few years ago.

Hopefully this will be at least mildly interesting!
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:39 PM
I'm in London right now for an affiliate conference, so the answers might be a little slow until I return Monday night.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:40 PM
lifetime graph?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:45 PM
Since you have obviously been around for a long time, what do you personally expect to happen to (Internet) Poker in the medium future?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:50 PM
best thread/worst thread?
most suprising thing you have seen a site do?
Which scandal tops it for you?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:50 PM
What work do you do outside of 2+2?

I know you mainly do advertising/affiliate work here, does that carry to what you do offsite as well?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:53 PM
how many 5 yo's

how many man to kill a lion in a fight, no weapons in a closed space like a basket field.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:57 PM
You mean you actually play poker? I thought you just mod and post alot on this forum.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Perfection
lifetime graph?
LOL. I wouldn't have a hope of producing one for you. Pretty sure that it would show me as an overall loser, but a winner with bonuses/rakeback.

Originally Posted by Fergastra
Since you have obviously been around for a long time, what do you personally expect to happen to (Internet) Poker in the medium future?
Wow. So many variables, this is a very tough one.

I think there are two elements to this - legislative future, and the future of the games themselves.

It looks more and more like some kind of positive legislation will eventually happen in the US. But how that will look remains to be seen - will states be going their own way, or will the entire US be able to play on sites? Will the rest of the world be able to play? And then there's the trend we've seen of individual countries isolating themselves, like France and Italy. I don't think that will necessarily spread everywhere, but I'm sure there will be more countries that go their own way.

The games themselves are a concern, of course. It's a very interesting time in online poker, with most networks finding their own ways to try to tweak the poker ecosystem in favour of the recreational player and/or the networks themselves. Most sites have moved to contributed rewards, and then you have other steps like Essence at OnGame, iPoker taking action against sites with too many withdrawing players, Everleaf capping weekly winnings, and Bodog with anonymous tables. I'm sure these changes are far from over, and time will tell which of these ideas work best, or if the real winning ideas are yet to come.

I think professional players these days need to be able to adapt more than ever before. I believe online poker will be just fine for years to come, but it could become more and more difficult to grind out big earnings as an online professional.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:08 PM
how are you able to be everywhere at once?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:11 PM
Ball park figure on bans given (perma and/or temp)?
Do u have many days where you just want to scream at posters who continually post drivel (like this)?

Congrats on 30k. Your posts are always good to read, informative and often funny in a non-offensive way, unusual on the forum.

Last edited by Alferg; 01-27-2012 at 10:12 PM. Reason: info
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:16 PM
What site do you play on the most? I know before Black Friday I've seen you make comments from time to time basically saying "why would you play on Stars or FTP when there are soft Euro sites?"
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:17 PM
what was it like being a huge bonus whore a few years ago.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:25 PM
What is the longest period of time that you have gone without being on the internet in the last 6 years?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by TheRaiderr
best thread/worst thread?
most suprising thing you have seen a site do?
Which scandal tops it for you?
pokersite enforcement poles

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition

Doyle's booting US players when leaving Tribeca only to end up on another US-friendly network.

Cereus AINEC, especially given the way it was handled afterwards and the ensuing aftermath.

Originally Posted by Invertible
What work do you do outside of 2+2?

I know you mainly do advertising/affiliate work here, does that carry to what you do offsite as well?
None. I was a part-owner of an ATM/POS terminal operator until early last year, when my partner bought me out (not for all that much - we were a small company in a competitive market), and I couldn't be happier having done so. My wife is a teacher, so my work for 2+2 gives me the flexibility to be the "kid shuttle". I'm also very involved volunteering in school PACs (Parent Advisory Councils).

Originally Posted by CrazyNL
how many 5 yo's

how many man to kill a lion in a fight, no weapons in a closed space like a basket field.
No way I'm knocking a bunch of 5-year olds unconscious.

But I guess that's a cop-out, so I'll assume it's life-and-death. I'd have to think 20+ if it weren't for the training clause. I'm going with 10.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
You mean you actually play poker? I thought you just mod and post alot on this forum.
Heh, well, not all that far from the truth.

I got into these forums after buying a 2+2 book, which led me to start playing online back in 2006. I quickly learned the ins and outs of all the different bonuses back then, and worked the system well playing fixed limit. This was a great way to clear kickback bonuses, as I found it wasn't all that hard to move up to 3/6 on the softer sites and clear bonuses quickly. I probably didn't get much better than breakeven before moving up to the next stake. Back then I was winning PokerSavvy points races, where I would clear 10-15 kickbacks in a month, probably making $2-4,000/month, part-time. Sites like Paradise and Tribeca were great back then for the super-soft players, and Cryptologic had awesome monthly bonuses.

As the kickbacks ran out (as I had cleared most of the good ones), games got tougher, and rake got harder to beat, I switched to NL. I got hooked into FT's Iron Man program and was mostly playing there, but again very much part-time. More recently, I've taken up PLO - I was playing at Stars in November/December, and haven't played at all this month. Maybe I'll start in on a different site in February or March, IDK.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:33 PM
Oh cool, subscribed
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:39 PM
Most infraction points given in one day?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
how are you able to be everywhere at once?

Originally Posted by Alferg
Ball park figure on bans given (perma and/or temp)?
Do u have many days where you just want to scream at posters who continually post drivel (like this)?

Congrats on 30k. Your posts are always good to read, informative and often funny in a non-offensive way, unusual on the forum.
Wow, that's a tough one. I'm going with about 1,000, maybe 1,500 permabans, the vast majority for spamming. Tempbans, no idea, but they're almost all self-requested. I bet the number of non-requested temp-bans might only be 20 or 30.

Yes, and sometimes I let that come out in excessive sarcasm.


Originally Posted by Maso777
What site do you play on the most? I know before Black Friday I've seen you make comments from time to time basically saying "why would you play on Stars or FTP when there are soft Euro sites?"
Haha, and then I went and played on FT myself. But Iron Man actually was pretty decent if you played just enough and no more.

Before that, probably OnGame (Tower) and Microgaming (Eurolinx) were getting most of my play. If I start playing a little more, I'll have some fun expirmenting with some different sites again - I miss that.

Originally Posted by novahunterpa
what was it like being a huge bonus whore a few years ago.
Awesome. It was pretty easy money, and playing on a variety of sites kept it interesting. Also, having some simple goals (clear site A, clear site B, etc.) kept me on task.

Originally Posted by gambit8888
What is the longest period of time that you have gone without being on the internet in the last 6 years?
Hahaha, good one. Pathetically little time, as having wonderfully flexible work has meant having to be flexible and do a certain amount of work pretty much wherever I am. With my wife being a teacher, she gets a lot of holidays, and it would be difficult to be away for as much as 8-10 weeks/year without taking some work with me. Also, the Internet is part of my leisure time, and my volunteer activities.

So, I'd have to say probably no more than a couple of days, especially if you include email. Although if you're only counting Internet browsing, the answer probably isn't much different.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by LamboMurc12
Most infraction points given in one day?
Hmm, not too sure. Excepting those times when I've given someone a random number like 242355681 points that expire in 1 hour as a joke, most of the infractions I give are 0 or 10 points, and most days I give out none or maybe 1-2. There's probably been a day or two when I've given 100 or more, but not often. Really not something I keep track of.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 10:52 PM
cool, I've always liked your posts

how much time do you spend on 2p2 on average daily and how much money did you lose in opportunity cost due to that ?

do you think your life would have been / would be better without the 2p2 modding ? do you have plans to quit ?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:09 PM

enjoyed having you patrol the MP. thanks for all your work in there. i am sure enough regs in there dont tell you mods enough.

have a good one
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jkarioun
cool, I've always liked your posts

how much time do you spend on 2p2 on average daily and how much money did you lose in opportunity cost due to that ?

do you think your life would have been / would be better without the 2p2 modding ? do you have plans to quit ?
So hard to guess the average time, as I'm often multi-tasking. If I were to sit and do nothing but read and post the same amount all in one session, probably no more than a couple of hours a day. But the way I do it, I'm on and off all day long.

Opportunity cost, not too much IMO. The first year or two when I was on here I spent less time and it was at least partially benefiting my poker playing. Now, some of it goes hand-in-hand with my work here. The time I spend on here for fun, I'd just be doing something else I enjoy.

Hard to be certain, but I'm really happy with what I'm doing now, and it seems unlikely I'd be working in the gaming industry if not for my modding here. I never realized how miserable my business was making me at times. I could go for weeks with no major problems, but when something came up, it had to be dealt with immediately (merchants aren't happy when their debit terminals stop working), and since we were a small company, it was always on me. Nothing more aggravating than being in Disneyland and trying to solve someone's issue on the cell phone when you don't have much control over what the useless companies you use to provide support keep ****ing up. Working when I'm away is so much easier now - just about anything can at the very least wait a few hours when it needs to.

There are some things I envy about the 9-to-5 work life - nothing like finishing work, coming home, and not thinking about it again until the next morning. Going away and never doing any work. But at the same time, I'd find it very hard to give up the flexible schedule I have. And 2 or 3 weeks of holidays every year would really, really suck.

Originally Posted by Zima421

enjoyed having you patrol the MP. thanks for all your work in there. i am sure enough regs in there dont tell you mods enough.

have a good one
TY sir.
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:13 PM
I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:17 PM
Do you have a theory as to why Microbob attracts the ire of the weirdest of the weird zoo posters?

Are there any Star Wars gimmicks that are not you?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:21 PM
Are you an employee of 2+2 or are you an independent business/company?
The Well: Bobo Fett (Post 30 K) [Jan 2012] Quote
