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Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen

05-12-2011 , 10:43 PM
At this point in time, it seems there are major issues concerning Online Security, Never underestimate Technology when money is Involved.
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05-13-2011 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by sdrf
Ok so now I'm confused.

Got your warning email a few days ago. Didn't worry too much since I knew I had used a different password. Using mail. There's a few poker spam mails in my filter but not any more than in April and March.

BUT today I went to your site for the first time and despite your email saying you had changed the password my computer automatically logged me in.

I have NOT changed my password and have not logged in using the new password you sent. My computer can log me in with what must be my old password.

I can watch videos, visit MY TFPT and at the top right it says my username with the logout button next to it.

Is there an explanation for this?
Honestly, no.

Please email me directly at I'd very much like to get to the bottom of this.
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05-13-2011 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Knytestorme
only if you push it....push it real good
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05-13-2011 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Damn it, got it mixed with

"Can't you hear the music's pumpin' hard like I wish you would?"

Well played sir, I can't even blame it on a mondegreen
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05-13-2011 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by sdrf
Ok so now I'm confused.

Got your warning email a few days ago. Didn't worry too much since I knew I had used a different password. Using mail. There's a few poker spam mails in my filter but not any more than in April and March.

BUT today I went to your site for the first time and despite your email saying you had changed the password my computer automatically logged me in.

I have NOT changed my password and have not logged in using the new password you sent. My computer can log me in with what must be my old password.

I can watch videos, visit MY TFPT and at the top right it says my username with the logout button next to it.

Is there an explanation for this?
Clear cookies.
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05-13-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by sdrf
Ok so now I'm confused.

Got your warning email a few days ago. Didn't worry too much since I knew I had used a different password. Using mail. There's a few poker spam mails in my filter but not any more than in April and March.

BUT today I went to your site for the first time and despite your email saying you had changed the password my computer automatically logged me in.

I have NOT changed my password and have not logged in using the new password you sent. My computer can log me in with what must be my old password.

I can watch videos, visit MY TFPT and at the top right it says my username with the logout button next to it.

Is there an explanation for this?
Have you tried logging out and using your old password? Did it work?
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05-13-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by CRjeff218
Honestly, no.

Please email me directly at I'd very much like to get to the bottom of this.
If it helps, when I move from one PC and IP address to another (work > home > work) and then point my browser to I still appear as 'logged in' from my last session and I can even post in the forums - but when I click on 'media' to check out a video I'm insta-logged out and have to re-enter my username and password. So your video vault may be safer than your forum.
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05-13-2011 , 12:46 PM
CR associated email is not getting these emails.

Email associated with PTR is being bombed, cant remember if I've used this with any other poker related things.
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05-13-2011 , 01:57 PM
Incidentally, why don't you guys have "CardRunners" in your web page titles? Keepass (and I assume other password managers) can auto-populate passwords based on the page title but it's annoying to have to do it manually for CardRunners since you just have generic stuff like "Poker Training, Poker Videos" in your titles.
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05-13-2011 , 02:52 PM
When do we hear from PTR? It's been a few days now.
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05-13-2011 , 04:02 PM
Just wanted to report my information. I received a whole load of gambler x emails on one email account, which is the account I signed up to PTR with. On my other email, which is the one I used for Cardrunners (and therefore obv the one I got the Cardrunners warning email on) I did not receive any spam at all.
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05-13-2011 , 04:43 PM
i'm in the same boat as arti. I have an email address used for PTR and Stars and have gotten a bunch of Gambler emails.

My email for CR, FTP gets NO Gambler emails.
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05-13-2011 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Foxtorpedo
CR associated email is not getting these emails.
Email associated with PTR is being bombed, cant remember if I've used this with any other poker related things.
Same here.
Email associated with PTR was also used for some poker accounts, and gets Gambler xxx spam.
Email associated with CR (Stoxpoker) seems to be OK.
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05-13-2011 , 07:16 PM
FWIW, I have PTR and no Gambler related SPAM. I do get TONS of SPAM on my public Poker Forum/Other Forum/Contest sign-up/Other public random sign-up email (which includes the PTR account). Just signing up for many random poker forums subjects you to unwanted spam. Luckily, Yahoo has done a great job in locating almost all of the spam in my SPAM BOX so it is easily disposed of with one click, and doesnt get too many regular mail in the Spam Box.

I am lucky, in that from the start, I had 5 or more seperate email addresses that I used for specific purposes: Random public junk, Banking email, Poker Room email, Web site business email, Other business email, etc.

I would suggest most of you start to segregate your email in this way. You will find the public email addresses get a ton of spam, but that the email homes you use for only business related items get almost zero spam, especially the banking specific email.
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05-14-2011 , 09:06 AM
Received this email from PTR:

Dear Valued Member,

We have reason to believe that has been targeted as part of a recent attack on poker websites. For your security we want to bring this matter to your attention. We have addressed the issue and are actively improving security on our servers to prevent future intrusions.

As a result of this malicious activity, user information for a minority of users may have been compromised. No credit card information is at risk as we use, a secure third party payment processor, to handle all of our member's credit card transactions.

PTR takes your security and privacy very seriously. Although passwords are encrypted, we highly recommend you change your password on your next visit to The password can be changed on your "My PTR" page.

We deeply regret this has taken place and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We will continue to work diligently to protect your personal information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

The PTR Team
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05-15-2011 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Mainfield
Received this email from PTR:

Dear Valued Member,

We have reason to believe that has been targeted as part of a recent attack on poker websites. For your security we want to bring this matter to your attention. We have addressed the issue and are actively improving security on our servers to prevent future intrusions.

As a result of this malicious activity, user information for a minority of users may have been compromised. No credit card information is at risk as we use, a secure third party payment processor, to handle all of our member's credit card transactions.

PTR takes your security and privacy very seriously. Although passwords are encrypted, we highly recommend you change your password on your next visit to The password can be changed on your "My PTR" page.

We deeply regret this has taken place and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We will continue to work diligently to protect your personal information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

The PTR Team
Received the same in the one email attached to them.

No spam email since Thursday.

Last edited by FutureInsights; 05-15-2011 at 04:26 AM. Reason: spammers quit, blocked or shut down.
Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen Quote
05-15-2011 , 11:28 AM
Is there any reason to believe unique passwords are possibly in danger? Every password I use for an email or online poker account is not used anywhere else(and unique). Should I still change them?

In other words, any possibility actual pokersites (or email providers if we want to go really crazy) are affected?
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05-15-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Is there any reason to believe unique passwords are possibly in danger? Every password I use for an email or online poker account is not used anywhere else(and unique). Should I still change them?

In other words, any possibility actual pokersites (or email providers if we want to go really crazy) are affected?
Except for the email accounts (I used the same passwords for email - since one account is 8 years old, others range from 5 years on up), most of my other accounts (including the 2p2 one), used different and stored in custom configuration done manually in Firefox (hack THAT).

HOWEVER, I still reset important passwords elsewhere. I have complicated, tend to throw away passwords (started doing this when I deleted my stored passwords when not configured specially in Firefox, and had to reset all passwords).

So, email accounts reset, facebook reset, etc (anything that can be linked to that email address). It doesn't hurt to reset them occasionally. And to make it REAL fun - sometimes delete all your user names and passwords - then start over. I actually have a separate account on the computer, and that also stores user names, passwords (that one needs to be updated also).

Then learn to copy and paste missing encrypted storage. If you learn all this schitz, then you become much greater at protecting yourself.

Or get KeePass (I'm thinking about it). My sis, however - doesn't see the need for all I do re security (for the longest time - she refused to get firewall, AV for her Comcast connected computer - what can I say?)
Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen Quote
05-17-2011 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by sdrf
Ok so now I'm confused.

Got your warning email a few days ago. Didn't worry too much since I knew I had used a different password. Using mail. There's a few poker spam mails in my filter but not any more than in April and March.

BUT today I went to your site for the first time and despite your email saying you had changed the password my computer automatically logged me in.

I have NOT changed my password and have not logged in using the new password you sent. My computer can log me in with what must be my old password.

I can watch videos, visit MY TFPT and at the top right it says my username with the logout button next to it.

Is there an explanation for this?
Ha, I'm a winner.

Just got an explanation from Cardrunners that my account and 23 others out of 100.000+ for some reason had been missed.

How come I'm never singled out when there's a prize.
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05-24-2011 , 03:33 PM
Got this email from FlopTurnRiver this past weekend:

Date: Fri, May 20, 2011 at 6:22 AM
Subject: Attention: Please Update Your FTR Password

It is suspected that FTR may have been attacked within the past week along with some other poker forums. Although there is no real sensitive information attached to your FTR account, we urge that you change your passwords as soon as you can. Also, we suggest that your FTR password should not be the same as any poker site, especially if your screen name is the same as your FTR account.

To change your password, please click 'Profile' along the top of this page and then click 'Edit Email & Password' along the left margin.

We have been working on patching up this vulnerability so it will not happen again.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the thread in our feedback forum - or reply to this e-mail.

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05-24-2011 , 03:48 PM
Looks like the Gambler _____ emails are coming through again. They stopped for over a week, now hitting my spam filter again
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05-24-2011 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
Looks like the Gambler _____ emails are coming through again. They stopped for over a week, now hitting my spam filter again
Only had one, and it was with the throw away yahoo account. The other account was blank - wonder where they got the email from this time?
Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen Quote
05-24-2011 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by FutureInsights
Only had one, and it was with the throw away yahoo account. The other account was blank - wonder where they got the email from this time?
I got 6 today in my PTR email. They're the same type of emails, they don't even make you want to buy anything. At least offer Viagra or something hehe:

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Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen Quote
05-26-2011 , 06:49 PM
9 or so more emails over the last few days from Gambler ____, whats the story with this now? Has CR stopped giving info on this situation?
Warning: Cardrunners Customer Info Stolen Quote
05-27-2011 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
9 or so more emails over the last few days from Gambler ____, whats the story with this now? Has CR stopped giving info on this situation?
Once spammers have the email address, its toast. Now, on one of my addresses, this is the only spam I ever get. Also, its useful to have Yahoo.

They also sell these, so don't be surprised when you start winning the Nigerian Lottery.
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