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Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Waiting x months for money from Paynorake

10-08-2012 , 12:26 PM
now it does not work anymore
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-08-2012 , 03:08 PM
theres now a new software update, you have to make this than the cashier works...
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-09-2012 , 04:07 AM
has someone won the lottery of withdrawals?
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-09-2012 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by danalol
has someone won the lottery of withdrawals?
From Chico cashier , today :

Dear xxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for contacting us again.

JIH unconditionally guarantee past and future lottery winning payouts.

We are working as fast as possible and next round of lottery payments should start next week becuse as you know , here is very hot and this week we are disability to assure somebody who will draw the winners of our great lottery.

Frequency of payments winners of our lottery will be eventually regulated according to our expectations.

Then we kindly request to let us work and the results will be visible for everyone. Next week 6 winners guaranteed .

Dont forget your payout request. More requests , better chance to win our lottery. Good luck .

Payments Department
The Chico Poker Network
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-09-2012 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by bond james bond
becuse as you know , here is very hot and this week we are disability to assure somebody who will draw the winners of our great lottery.

Frequency of payments winners of our lottery will be eventually regulated according to our expectations.

Payments Department
The Chico Poker Network
Damn, google translate is getting worse and worse.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-09-2012 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by bond james bond
From Chico cashier , today :

Dear xxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for contacting us again.

JIH unconditionally guarantee past and future lottery winning payouts.

We are working as fast as possible and next round of lottery payments should start next week becuse as you know , here is very hot and this week we are disability to assure somebody who will draw the winners of our great lottery.

Frequency of payments winners of our lottery will be eventually regulated according to our expectations.

Then we kindly request to let us work and the results will be visible for everyone. Next week 6 winners guaranteed .

Dont forget your payout request. More requests , better chance to win our lottery. Good luck .

Payments Department
The Chico Poker Network
we are the fruit
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-10-2012 , 03:44 AM
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-10-2012 , 07:32 AM
Been a long time and unfortunately already think that they will pay us. EVEN pay now, no one believes them and nobody will no longer bind to deposit, ie THEY ARE DEAD''''. And because I know it, you are likely to lie while you can and then close.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-11-2012 , 02:49 PM
Hi everybody,

Firts of all sorry of my english, im not perfect in this language.
Im one of thoose victim, who has more thousend dollars at paynorake.
As I noticed the payouts frequenty slowed down, ie this week there was no payout.

In my opinion if we dont do anything, we will never get our money, becouse thoose few deposit is not enought for paying us, as we see. (max 1-5 payouts a week, and i guess there are 10-20 payout request a week from us)
Its more then one month and they payed from june8 - 15, ridiculous. If they want to pay us, they have to take money from other source then deposits.

In my opinion we have to organise us, and send to chicho the same letter: If they continue the standard answers without giving us specific deadline about payments, we well make mass letters to moneybookers, neteller etc about this problem. I think this is the only way to pressurize them to pay.

I havent send this letter to them yet, it could be only efficient, if all of us doing this. If they do the same standard answers, all of us will write to moneybookers, neteller etc, and we will reach to close that site at least.

This effort couldnt be successful alone. A write this to this forum to gather parners, and discuss this idea. If we are enougth to start this activity, and you agree with me, we well do this.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-11-2012 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by zoli1984
Hi everybody,

Firts of all sorry of my english, im not perfect in this language.
Im one of thoose victim, who has more thousend dollars at paynorake.
As I noticed the payouts frequenty slowed down, ie this week there was no payout.

In my opinion if we dont do anything, we will never get our money, becouse thoose few deposit is not enought for paying us, as we see. (max 1-5 payouts a week, and i guess there are 10-20 payout request a week from us)
Its more then one month and they payed from june8 - 15, ridiculous. If they want to pay us, they have to take money from other source then deposits.

In my opinion we have to organise us, and send to chicho the same letter: If they continue the standard answers without giving us specific deadline about payments, we well make mass letters to moneybookers, neteller etc about this problem. I think this is the only way to pressurize them to pay.

I havent send this letter to them yet, it could be only efficient, if all of us doing this. If they do the same standard answers, all of us will write to moneybookers, neteller etc, and we will reach to close that site at least.

This effort couldnt be successful alone. A write this to this forum to gather parners, and discuss this idea. If we are enougth to start this activity, and you agree with me, we well do this.
Hi Zo !

My english is also not best , but everybody can understand what I wanted to say 2 months ago !!! And , does anybody do anything ??? NO . For most of this hypocrats , most importent was coment my english . Almost everybody hoping , they will be paid and for other people , WHO CARE !

Only people who speaking '' google translater '' english , are ready to do some action , and risk to forget their money . WRONG ADDRESS , ZO .

Sorry !

Maybe is too late .
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-11-2012 , 03:24 PM
Maybe too late, but everything is better then just waiting. Just gather us, and invite more and more people to this discussion. This is the only way to get our money to undestand with them that we are not afraid of make everithing to close them, if they continue this manner.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-11-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by zoli1984
Maybe too late, but everything is better then just waiting. Just gather us, and invite more and more people to this discussion. This is the only way to get our money to undestand with them that we are not afraid of make everithing to close them, if they continue this manner.
Hello zoli1984. Many stupid people here. They will never be paid. These people do nothing. These people pick on poor English speakers. Seek help elsewhere. These here are doomed to forever waiting. Their stupidity is big nonsense.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 12:25 AM
Lol, wow, very angry people. Ok, I give, lets get 'em. What's the first thing we do to get our money, and more importantly my money. I'm in, what do we need to do. You have my undivided attention. What is the first step that I need to take to help the cause?
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Daig
Lol, wow, very angry people. Ok, I give, lets get 'em. What's the first thing we do to get our money, and more importantly my money. I'm in, what do we need to do. You have my undivided attention. What is the first step that I need to take to help the cause?
Pretty much this.

There are a number of people who like to post in here again and again in terribly broken English about how Paynorake are terrible, aren't paying out, etc., etc. This isn't news to anybody, and the reason you're getting called out for it is because not only are your posts difficult to read, they aren't saying anything new or interesting. If all you have to say is that Paynorake is scum for the 20th time and to call people stupid, it's probably not worth going to Google Translate - just don't bother posting. But if you have constructive suggestions of what to do, go ahead and post them. Saying that no one wants to do anything, while not doing anything yourself, is rather silly.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Pretty much this.

There are a number of people who like to post in here again and again in terribly broken English about how Paynorake are terrible, aren't paying out, etc., etc. This isn't news to anybody, and the reason you're getting called out for it is because not only are your posts difficult to read, they aren't saying anything new or interesting. If all you have to say is that Paynorake is scum for the 20th time and to call people stupid, it's probably not worth going to Google Translate - just don't bother posting. But if you have constructive suggestions of what to do, go ahead and post them. Saying that no one wants to do anything, while not doing anything yourself, is rather silly.
Dido, brother
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 01:21 AM
My plan consist of 3 steps:

1. Gather people, and gather week points of paynorake (moneybookers, neteller, webpages which advertising them, etc.)

2. Every people who are in this idea send the same letter to paynorake and chicho (letter will contains week points of paynorake, we will construct in in this forum, and everybody send it in same time, to understands them its an organised activity)

3. If we wont get normal answer to our letter we must admint ourself that we will never get our money, and write letters to paynorake week points. At this step we wont get our money, our only goal is to close that site.

Please start 1. step:
If you agree with me please write to this forum: "ultimatum mail: im in", if you against this idea write "ultimatum mail: im NOT in" to help me count how many we are. During this time we could gather week points of paynorake also.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 01:45 AM
Sigh, for the millioninth time, the issue is NOT WITH PAYNORAKE, but the whole Chico/Action poker network. If anyone ever spent the time to actually read through the WHOLE thread they would realize this.

All of us have sent letters/email to our poker skins and the Chico/Action cashier, and I know that I have indicated that I am aware that many people like me are waiting for their money. I am sure that I propose it in a manner that is a little less 'threatening' than some, but I am sure that I have gotten my point across.

I just wrote a message to Money Bookers for their opinion on this matter, and whether or not they would or could do anything. I will let everyone here know if I hear anything substancial.

It has been proven that writing letters is not working to speed things up, the only thing that I would suggest is getting those that are playing there now to threatin to quit playing, but then the Chico network will just go broke, and we won't have a chance in hell of seeing our money.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 02:21 AM
does anyone know the following about chicopokernetwork?

1. Who owns the company ?

2. Who are they licensed by ?

3. What country are they located in ? and what area?

I cannot find a website or any info on them online ?


Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Daig
Sigh, for the millioninth time, the issue is NOT WITH PAYNORAKE, but the whole Chico/Action poker network. If anyone ever spent the time to actually read through the WHOLE thread they would realize this.


Also think this thread should be closed and a new one opened - "CHICOPOKERNETWORK"
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 03:14 AM
Hi all. Answers to some of the questions stated before:

Someone already tried writing to Skrill, Skrill replied that business practices of their clients (Chico) do not consern them and they will continue processing payments.


We only know the name of the company and e-mail. They can probably give you some physical address too but I bet if you show up there you won't find those guys (and excecutives) sitting at their computers there. So everything indicates that those are well prepared for this and will stay hidden for the times when shyte really hits the fan (bankrupcy).

So our possibilities are virtually non-existant, unfortunately. We can't get those guys, sue them, kick their asses, make them take responsibility.

Some of the people of modest intelligence on this forum and in our Skype group refuse to cope with this sad truth and accuse me (and other sensible people) of being passive, being on Chico's side etc. They want to kill the messenger. They have lot's of ideas to make things better (as we all want to), but none of them has any chance of being effective. Some nutcase proposed we contact Norwegian Police (although Chico is licenced at Seyshelles and Curacoa).

What I'm saying that those are hard times for us and things are looking grim. If anyone has any CONSTRUCTIVE ideas to better our chances they are very welcome to express them, but shouting out moronic ideas and accusations will not help anyone, just piss everyone of in this already frustrating situation.

A little idea from myself: first we would need a reputable person (maybe someone of 2+2 employees) to coordinate this effort. Under his coordination we should raise some funds (voluntary payments) to hire a professional to track those guys down. Real people, real names etc. We can't do anything untill we face real people and financial entities, not some vague name on a website. Sounds a bit off too but I don't see any other possibilities for us to get this going.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 03:27 AM
i just want to know there location because i want to look up law firms in there area and get the ball rolling for legal action i have money on the gear poker skin -

been waiting over 4months like everyone,

Now are CHICOPOKERNETWORK licensed by -

^^ If you notice on that website they say -

Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by jakedamus
i just want to know there location because i want to look up law firms in there area and get the ball rolling for legal action i have money on the gear poker skin -

been waiting over 4months like everyone,

Now are CHICOPOKERNETWORK licensed by -

^^ If you notice on that website they say -

On website they say that they are "licensed in Curaçao", no word of specific licencer tho. Took a look at and alos No mention of Paynorake or Chico. It could be they are not licenced at all. After all, they are a rogue site.

I like the idea of changing thread title, plus it would be great if Mods could make it a Sticky.

For example "Warning! Chico network (Paynorake, ActionPoker, Gearpoker, etc) to be considered Rogue." Something that can be seen easily.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by jakedamus
does anyone know the following about chicopokernetwork?

1. Who owns the company ?

2. Who are they licensed by ?

3. What country are they located in ? and what area?

I cannot find a website or any info on them online ?



This link was posted in the skype group. dont know if it really is the julian company who "bought" chico...
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 09:36 AM
If that's indeed the right Julian Holdings we have something to start from.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
10-12-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by jakedamus
does anyone know the following about chicopokernetwork?

1. Who owns the company ?

2. Who are they licensed by ?

3. What country are they located in ? and what area?

I cannot find a website or any info on them online ?


1. Julian International Holdings Ltd.
2. Curacao exact grantor of license is unknown
3. Seychelles

Maybe this company provide JIH with license:

C.I.L. Curaçao Interactive Licensing N.V.
a limited liability company organized and existing in Curaçao, registered in the
Commercial Register of Curaçao no. 87909,
(further referred to as “CIL”)
hereby represented by its Managing Director
Ms. Gisèle Marie Sjak Shie,
residing in Curaçao,
Hereby states and certifies:
THAT CIL is holder of Master Gaming License #5536 /JAZ issued by the Governor
General in Curacao;
Hereby further states and certifies:
THAT CIL pursuant to mentioned Master Gaming License is duly authorized to
issue, at its discretion, SUBLICENSES that legitimize sub-licensees to perform
internet gaming operations in Curaçao, as determined by and under the conditions
set by CIL,
Hereby further states and certifies:
THAT Gamesys N.V. a limited liability company organized and existing in Curaçao,
registered in the Commercial register of Curaçao no. 96060, has been granted a
sublicense by CIL pursuant to Master Gaming License #5536/JAZ.
Hereby further states and certifies:
THAT pursuant to the sublicense granted to Gamesys N.V., it is authorized to do
business in Curaçao, providing internet gaming services and products.
Hereby further states and certifies:
THAT the sublicense granted to Gamesys N.V. is valid and operational and has not
been revoked or cancelled as at this date.
Signed in Curaçao,
June 7, 2011

As you can see only the Government of Coracao can provide company with master license.
Curacao-egaming has master license too and provide other company with secondary license.
I think we should write or call to the Government of Curacao to find out who with master license provide secondary license to JIH or maybe JIH secured master license???.
Sorry, my English is not native therefore I can't fluent speak over the phone.
Waiting x months for money from Paynorake Quote
