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Victory Poker Warning Victory Poker Warning

02-28-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Raise4fun
Karma bring a two plus two admin in here and ask if what good2cu has done was wrong.
Karma is not saying that what the pros are doing is wrong! Online poker should be legal, regulated, and transparent! But..........

With the current laws and regulatory environment does it not seem a little insane to advertise this method of deposit?
02-28-2010 , 02:10 PM
If we and 2+2 were so concerned about that why does no one have a trouble with the thread in this very own forum named Person to person transfers. This could also be one form of deposit in a indirect way and there have been thousands of transaction completed as a result of that thread.. I feel that this method and what good2cu has done is ok being that we are in this regulatory environment in the US and our government has unfairly did this to us. I really believe good2cu has no bad intention they just want to get this poker skin off the ground.

Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Karma is not saying that what the pros are doing is wrong! Online poker should be legal, regulated, and transparent! But..........

With the current laws and regulatory environment does it not seem a little insane to advertise this method of deposit?
02-28-2010 , 02:56 PM
02-28-2010 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
LOL, you're a nut
02-28-2010 , 06:51 PM
I just found this thread about UB. I was totally unaware of this as I do not play there.

Not to highjack this thread but I did not know this information.

Poker sites cannot be scrutinized enough.

03-01-2010 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by Raise4fun
If we and 2+2 were so concerned about that why does no one have a trouble with the thread in this very own forum named Person to person transfers. This could also be one form of deposit in a indirect way and there have been thousands of transaction completed as a result of that thread.. I feel that this method and what good2cu has done is ok being that we are in this regulatory environment in the US and our government has unfairly did this to us. I really believe good2cu has no bad intention they just want to get this poker skin off the ground.
I have concerns about that too and have voiced them.

I don't think his intention is bad at all, just poorly thought out.
03-01-2010 , 07:32 AM
My god this thread is absurd. This **** should've been locked before it got to 100 posts as OP is obviously a paranoid idiot drawing insane conclusions from flimsy evidence.

For the record, I have never played at Victory and most likely never will. I have no opinion on VP one way or the other, but this thread seems a lot like slander imo.
03-01-2010 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by karmabling
I just found this thread about UB. I was totally unaware of this as I do not play there.

Not to highjack this thread but I did not know this information.

Poker sites cannot be scrutinized enough.

What's wrong with you? You didn't know about that? Makes me wonder why you're creating this thread...
03-01-2010 , 09:57 AM
BTW Victory poker doesn't have a Check cash out option
03-01-2010 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by no eff eks
My god this thread is absurd. This **** should've been locked before it got to 100 posts as OP is obviously a paranoid idiot drawing insane conclusions from flimsy evidence.

For the record, I have never played at Victory and most likely never will. I have no opinion on VP one way or the other, but this thread seems a lot like slander imo.
03-01-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by karmabling
I just found this thread about UB. I was totally unaware of this as I do not play there.

Not to highjack this thread but I did not know this information.

Poker sites cannot be scrutinized enough.

Being unaware of the MASSIVE UB/AP cheating scandal when trying to play internet detective wrt some rando skin doesn't really help your case as just some random player's advocate. Seems more and more like you've got an axe to grind.
03-01-2010 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Being unaware of the MASSIVE UB/AP cheating scandal when trying to play internet detective wrt some rando skin doesn't really help your case as just some random player's advocate. Seems more and more like you've got an axe to grind.
LOL! you are an angry little guy! Do you all really think Karma is UB/AP management! He said he was unaware of the most recent AP news. Why would we shut this thread down, its awesome!

This thread is either a massive conspiracy or a result of google searches. Your call

PS -

PS2 - Mods, can we move this thread to NVG?
03-01-2010 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Being unaware of the MASSIVE UB/AP cheating scandal when trying to play internet detective wrt some rando skin doesn't really help your case as just some random player's advocate. Seems more and more like you've got an axe to grind.
I was aware of the first AP/UB scandal but not aware of the second part that I linked to in an earlier post.

No axe to grind for the zillionth time.

03-01-2010 , 04:43 PM
Having an axe to grind would be good as the aletrnative is that you are simply ******ed.
03-01-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel

PS2 - Mods, can we move this thread to NVG?
Good idea.

Does NVG stand for Not Very Good ??
03-01-2010 , 05:50 PM
This is a joke. Now this guy is trolling.

Originally Posted by nick_van_exel

PS2 - Mods, can we move this thread to NVG?
03-01-2010 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Having an axe to grind would be good as the aletrnative is that you are simply ******ed.

You have done nothing but toss ad hom bombs and basically derail this thread at every junction. Did you pass the bar exam? What attempt are you on now? Explains the hate


ps. nick van exel's youtube vid is great..did you watch it?
03-02-2010 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
OMG IM CALLING ED! OR CHRISTIAN! Let's get the skin off the ground!

Free Hat First Deposit Bonus!

But make em get like 1000 FPPS first, that in rake at 7/ a hand will def make profit margins! wooo
03-02-2010 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by karmabling
You have done nothing but toss ad hom bombs and basically derail this thread at every junction.
You are too stupid to have any kind of discourse with so really what else can I do?

Did you pass the bar exam? What attempt are you on now? Explains the hate
Attempt zero. I have never had any need to attempt the bar. As usual you are just shooting off your mouth making ******ed statements with no idea of what you are talking about.
03-02-2010 , 01:54 PM
IMO, online poker sites are not trustworthy in general. As an amateur player, I like that Karma is willing to question things. But he gets ridiculous many times. For example, what's that "his name was mentioned in DEA document..."? That doesn't mean much! I understand the point he's trying to make, but it's silly to sell it that way.

Karma expresses two somewhat legitimate concerns. One is unflattering business history, another is certain personal associations. They're both in need of some clarification/context. That's it though. Karma's concerns merit some clarification/context on the part of VP management, but they don't make grounds for (inflammatory) accusations..
03-02-2010 , 03:08 PM
Not accusations, and I do not think he accused Mr. Fleyshman or Mr. Robl of anything, he simply put the facts out there that the site looks shady. He mentioned that it is sketchy for a pro to be advertising p2p transfers over 2p2 (whew that was a doozy) but he did not accuse him of money laundering, lol.

Moreover, Mr. Fleyshman, can you please come back to this thread and tell us why there is such high rake at VP? That is the most unsettling part about your poker site to me - wrapped in with your past business dealings, it appears dishonest and untrustworthy. I think we deserve an explanation for that at least.
03-02-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Sippin Coughy
Not accusations, and I do not think he accused Mr. Fleyshman or Mr. Robl of anything, he simply put the facts out there that the site looks shady.
Are you reading the same topic the rest of us are reading? OP has made a series of completely unfounded accusations some of which were fairly ******ed and he has taken the liberty of interpreting and paraphrasing what other sources report in such a way that the only explanation is that he has personal issues or that he was dropped on his head a few times as an infant.

He mentioned that it is sketchy for a pro to be advertising p2p transfers over 2p2 (whew that was a doozy) but he did not accuse him of money laundering, lol.
Actually he did accuse them of money laundering -- demonstrating a complete lack of understanding about that topic but more importantly why is it sketchy for a pro to offer transfers? You want to promote traffic to a site and one of the biggest barriers to a player trying a new site is the difficulties of transferring money to the site. Offering a solution seems like a fairly obvious strategic move if your goal is to increase player traffic.

Moreover, Mr. Fleyshman, can you please come back to this thread and tell us why there is such high rake at VP? That is the most unsettling part about your poker site to me - wrapped in with your past business dealings, it appears dishonest and untrustworthy. I think we deserve an explanation for that at least.
If the rake is high don't play there. Do you call Prada up and ask them why they charge so much more than Walmart? Having high rake seems like a strategy that is likely going to lose them rake-conscious players but maybe their strategy is to go after a demographic that doesn't care about rake. I have no idea but at the same time I also don't care -- the only people who should care are the investors. People are free to run their business however they see fit if you find the rake high don't play there.
03-02-2010 , 03:33 PM
i posted in the other thread, victory doesn't like the high rake. other skins on the network want the rake high, supposedly to fund some secret cashout method that can't be mentioned on 2+2 because it's illegal in america.

victory is going to give its players extra RB to help offset the high rake.
03-02-2010 , 05:22 PM
Haven't read this whole thread, but I will say that I know Andrew Robl and he is widely regarded as a stand-up guy. I think that's worth something. Beyond that, of course everyone should do what they want with regards to where they play.

There is always risk involved.
03-02-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
i posted in the other thread, victory doesn't like the high rake. other skins on the network want the rake high, supposedly to fund some secret cashout method that can't be mentioned on 2+2 because it's illegal in america.

victory is going to give its players extra RB to help offset the high rake.
I spoke to the network support and its not just victory but minted, cellsino, p4e and pretty much all skins will have some form of rebate to reduce rake on euro tables, so to say other skins don't like is a pretty low way of trying to make out victory is better than the other skins. Btw your the same augie who got screwed over the TDP fiasco and now your back on a network you said you would never come back to..??
